
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gasotransmitter hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is thought to be involved in the post-translational modification of cysteine residues to produce reactive persulfides. A persulfide-specific chemoselective proteomics approach with mammalian cells has identified a broad range of zinc finger (ZF) proteins as targets of persulfidation. Parallel studies with isolated ZFs show that persulfidation is mediated by ZnII, O2, and H2S, with intermediates involving oxygen- and sulfur-based radicals detected by mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopies. A small molecule ZnII complex exhibits analogous reactivity with H2S and O2, giving a persulfidated product. These data show that ZnII is not just a biological structural element, but also plays a critical role in mediating H2S-dependent persulfidation. ZF persulfidation appears to be a general post-translational modification and a possible conduit for H2S signaling. This work has implications for our understanding of H2S-mediated signaling and the regulation of ZFs in cellular physiology and development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    YCA1, the only metacaspase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, plays important roles in the regulation of chronological lifespan, apoptosis, and cytokinesis. YCA1 has protein hydrolase activity and functions by cleaving itself and target proteins. However, there are few reports about the regulation of YCA1 activity. In this study, we observed that reactive sulfane sulfur (RSS) can inhibit the activity of YCA1. In vitro experiments demonstrated that RSS reacted with the Cys276 of YCA1, the residue central to its protein hydrolase activity, to form a persulfidation modification (protein-SSH). This modification inhibited both its self-cleavage and the cleavage of its substrate protein, BIR1. To investigate further, we constructed a low-endogenous-RSS mutant of S. cerevisiae, BY4742 Δcys3, in which the RSS-producing enzyme cystathionine-γ-lyase (CYS3) was knocked out. The activity of YCA1 was significantly increased by the deletion of CYS3. Moreover, increased YCA1 activity led to reduced chronological lifespan (CLS) and CLS-driven apoptosis. This study unveils the first endogenous factor that regulates YCA1 activity, introduces a novel mechanism of how yeast cells regulate chronological lifespan, and broadens our understanding of the multifaceted roles played by RSS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cysteine desulfhydrase catalyses the generation of the signaling molecule hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in plants. In this study, we found that H2S can inhibit tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit ripening and SlWRKY6 undergoes differential protein persulfidation in SlLCD1-overexpressing leaves. Then, further study indicated that SlWRKY6 could be persulfidated by H2S at Cys396. By construction of slwrky6 mutants and SlWRKY6-OE lines, we found that SlWRKY6 positively regulates leaf senescence and fruit ripening by activating the transcription of ripening-related genes STAYGREEN 1 (SlSGR1) and Senescence-Associated Gene 12 (SlSAG12). In addition, SlWRKY6 interacted with kinase SlMAPK4 and was phosphorylated at Ser33. Dual-luciferase transient expression assays and electrophoretic mobility shift assays indicated that SlWRKY6 persulfidation attenuated its transcriptional regulation of target genes SlSGR1 and SlSAG12, whereas SlWRKY6 phosphorylation by SlMAPK4 activated the transcription of target genes to promote fruit ripening. Moreover, we provided evidence that SlWRKY6 persulfidation attenuated its SlMAPK4-mediated phosphorylation to inhibit tomato fruit ripening. By transient expression of SlWRKY6, SlWRKY6C396A, SlWRKY6S33A, and SlWRKY6S33D in slwrky6 fruits, we found that SlWRKY6 persulfidation attenuated the expression of SlSGR1 and SlSAG12 thereby delaying tomato fruit ripening, while SlWRKY6 phosphorylation increased the expression of target genes. As tomato fruits ripened, endogenous H2S production decreased, while SlMAPK4 expression increased. Therefore, our findings reveal a model in which SlWRKY6 persulfidation due to higher endogenous H2S levels in un-ripened fruit inhibits its ability to activate SlSGR1 and SlSAG12 expression, while SlWRKY6 phosphorylation by SlMAPK4 activates its transcriptional activity, thereby promoting tomato fruit ripening.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary mitochondrial diseases (PMD) are amongst the most common inborn errors of metabolism causing fatal outcomes within the first decade of life. With marked heterogeneity in both inheritance patterns and physiological manifestations, these conditions present distinct challenges for targeted drug therapy, where effective therapeutic countermeasures remain elusive within the clinic. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-based therapeutics may offer a new option for patient treatment, having been proposed as a conserved mitochondrial substrate and post-translational regulator across species, displaying therapeutic effects in age-related mitochondrial dysfunction and neurodegenerative models of mitochondrial disease. H2S can stimulate mitochondrial respiration at sites downstream of common PMD-defective subunits, augmenting energy production, mitochondrial function and reducing cell death. Here, we highlight the primary signalling mechanisms of H2S in mitochondria relevant for PMD and outline key cytoprotective proteins/pathways amenable to post-translational restoration via H2S-mediated persulfidation. The mechanisms proposed here, combined with the advent of potent mitochondria-targeted sulfide delivery molecules, could provide a framework for H2S as a countermeasure for PMD disease progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic condition where the person is born with an extra chromosome 21. DS is associated with accelerated aging; people with DS are prone to age-related neurological conditions including an early-onset Alzheimer\'s disease. Using the Dp(17)3Yey/ + mice, which overexpresses a portion of mouse chromosome 17, which encodes for the transsulfuration enzyme cystathionine β-synthase (CBS), we investigated the functional role of the CBS/hydrogen sulfide (H2S) pathway in the pathogenesis of neurobehavioral dysfunction in DS. The data demonstrate that CBS is higher in the brain of the DS mice than in the brain of wild-type mice, with primary localization in astrocytes. DS mice exhibited impaired recognition memory and spatial learning, loss of synaptosomal function, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and autophagy. Treatment of mice with aminooxyacetate, a prototypical CBS inhibitor, improved neurobehavioral function, reduced the degree of reactive gliosis in the DS brain, increased the ability of the synaptosomes to generate ATP, and reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress. H2S levels in the brain of DS mice were higher than in wild-type mice, but, unexpectedly, protein persulfidation was decreased. Many of the above alterations were more pronounced in the female DS mice. There was a significant dysregulation of metabolism in the brain of DS mice, which affected amino acid, carbohydrate, lipid, endocannabinoid, and nucleotide metabolites; some of these alterations were reversed by treatment of the mice with the CBS inhibitor. Thus, the CBS/H2S pathway contributes to the pathogenesis of neurological dysfunction in DS in the current animal model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atmospheric stressors include a variety of pollutant gases such as CO2, nitrous oxide (NOx), and sulfurous compounds which could have a natural origin or be generated by uncontrolled human activity. Nevertheless, other atmospheric elements including high and low temperatures, ozone (O3), UV-B radiation, or acid rain among others can affect, at different levels, a large number of plant species, particularly those of agronomic interest. Paradoxically, both nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), until recently were considered toxic since they are part of the polluting gases; however, at present, these molecules are part of the mechanism of response to multiple stresses since they exert signaling functions which usually have an associated stimulation of the enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems. At present, these gasotransmitters are considered essential components of the defense against a wide range of environmental stresses including atmospheric ones. This review aims to provide an updated vision of the endogenous metabolism of NO and H2S in plant cells and to deepen how the exogenous application of these compounds can contribute to crop resilience, particularly, against atmospheric stressors stimulating antioxidant systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) is one of the enzymes of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle and is the key enzyme that breaks down H2O2 with the aid of ascorbate as an electron source. APX is present in all photosynthetic eukaryotes from algae to higher plants and, at the cellular level, it is localized in all subcellular compartments where H2O2 is generated, including the apoplast, cytosol, plastids, mitochondria, and peroxisomes, either in soluble form or attached to the organelle membranes. APX activity can be modulated by various post-translational modifications including tyrosine nitration, S-nitrosation, persulfidation, and S-sulfenylation. This allows the connection of H2O2 metabolism with other relevant signaling molecules such as NO and H2S, thus building a complex coordination system. In both climacteric and non-climacteric fruits, APX plays a key role during the ripening process and during post-harvest, since it participates in the regulation of both H2O2 and ascorbate levels affecting fruit quality. Currently, the exogenous application of molecules such as NO, H2S, H2O2, and, more recently, melatonin is seen as a new alternative to maintain and extend the shelf life and quality of fruits because they can modulate APX activity as well as other antioxidant systems. Therefore, these molecules are being considered as new biotechnological tools to improve crop quality in the horticultural industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rewiring the transsulfuration pathway is recognized as a rapid adaptive metabolic response to environmental conditions in cancer cells to support their increased cysteine demand and to produce Reactive Sulfur Species (RSS) including hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and cysteine persulfide. This can directly (via RSS) or indirectly (by supplying Cys) trigger chemical or enzyme catalyzed persulfidation on critical protein cysteine residues to protect them from oxidative damage and to orchestrate protein functions, and thereby contribute to cancer cell plasticity. In this review key aspects of persulfide-mediated biological processes are highlighted and critically discussed in relation to cancer cell survival, bioenergetics, proliferation as well as in tumor angiogenesis, adaptation to hypoxia and oxidative stress, and regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Growing evidence suggests that exposure of plants to unfavorable environments leads to the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). H2S interacts with the ROS-mediated oxidative stress response network at multiple levels. Therefore, it is essential to elucidate the mechanisms by which H2S and ROS interact. The molecular mechanism of action by H2S relies on the post-translational modification of the cysteine sulfur group (-SH), known as persulfidation. H2S cannot react directly with -SH, but it can react with oxidized cysteine residues, and this oxidation process is induced by H2O2. Evidently, ROS is involved in the signaling pathway of H2S and plays a significant role. In this review, we summarize the role of H2S-mediated post-translational modification mechanisms in oxidative stress responses. Moreover, the mechanism of interaction between H2S and ROS in the regulation of redox reactions is focused upon, and the positive cooperative role of H2S and ROS is elucidated. Subsequently, based on the existing evidence and clues, we propose some potential problems and new clues to be explored, which are crucial for the development of the crosstalk mechanism of H2S and ROS in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as an urgency for health and a social emergency. Today around 39 % of people is overweight, of these over 13 % is obese. It is well-consolidated that the adipose cells are deputy to lipid storage under caloric excess; however, despite the classical idea that adipose tissue has exclusively a passive function, now it is known to be deeply involved in the regulation of systemic metabolism in physiological as well as under obesogenic conditions, with consequences on cardiovascular health. Beside two traditional types of adipose cells (white and brown), recently the beige one has been highlighted as the consequence of the healthy remodeling of white adipocytes, confirming their metabolic adaptability. In this direction, pharmacological, nutraceutical and nutrient-based approaches are addressed to positively influence inflammation and metabolism, thus contributing to reduce the obese-associated cardiovascular risk. In this scenario, hydrogen sulfide emerges as a new mediator that may regulate crucial targets involved in the regulation of metabolism. The current evidence demonstrates that hydrogen sulfide may induce peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPARγ), a crucial mediator of adipogenesis, inhibit the phosphorylation of perlipin-1 (plin-1), a protein implicated in the lipolysis, and finally promote browning process, through the release of irisin from skeletal muscle. The results summarized in this review suggest an important role of hydrogen sulfide in the regulation of metabolism and in the prevention/treatment of obese-associated cardiovascular diseases and propose new insight on the putative mechanisms underlying the release of hydrogen sulfide or its biosynthesis, delineating a further exciting field of application.





