peripheral nerves

  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An intratissual electrical stimulation, accompanied by irritation of their central neurons, is used to recover the function of damaged peripheral nerves. Treatment results exceeded those with the use of cutaneous electrical stimulation, which is confirmed by comparative results of trial animal experiments. The time and quality of peripheral nerves\' function recovery in comparison of intratissual and cutaneous electrical stimulation methods remain unknown.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the time and quality of peripheral nerves\' functions recovery after their suturing and conducting two different methods of electrical stimulation, namely intratissual and cutaneous, in projection of central neurons of damaged spinal nerves in the postoperative period.
    METHODS: The basic technical parameters of the method of peripheral nerves\' functions recovery in the postoperative period were ptacticed. Postoperative rehabilitation treatment was performed in 77 patients with traumatic peripheral nerves\' injuries at the level of the forearm: in 42 with intratissual electrical stimulation, in 35 - using cutaneous one with similar characteristics of electrical current and concomitant pharmacological therapy. The follow-up duration was 2 years.
    RESULTS: A significant (in 4-6 times) reduction in time of treatment and a greater improvement in qualitative indicators when using intratissual electrical stimulation compared to the use of cutaneous stimulation were obtained. The effectiveness of the restorative therapy was dependent on the number of procedures, and a complete recovery of the damaged peripheral nerves\' functions was observed after three courses of intratissual electrical stimulation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The time and degree of recovery of peripheral nerves\' functions depends on the functional activity of their central neurons at the level of the spinal cord. The activation of these neurons by low-frequency electrical current allows to activate their trophic function. Thus, the cutaneous electrical stimulation does not cause the necessary level of irritation of the neurons due to the fact that the skin is a barrier to electrical current, which reduces its impact in 200-500 times. The intratissual electrical stimulation allows to solve the problem by supplying the needle-electrode much closer to the «target». The proposed method of intratissual electrical stimulation has shown its advantage over cutaneous electrical stimulation, significantly reducing the duration of the restorative treatment and increasing its qualitative indicators.
    Для восстановления функции поврежденных периферических нервов используют метод внутритканевой электростимуляции, сопровождающийся раздражением их центральных нейронов. Результаты лечения превзошли таковые при использовании накожной электростимуляции, что подтверждено сравнительными результатами предварительных экспериментов на животных. Остаются неизвестными скорость и качество восстановления функции периферических нервов при сравнении методов внутритканевой и накожной электростимуляции.
    UNASSIGNED: Оценить скорость и качество восстановления функций периферических нервов после их сшивания и проведения в послеоперационном периоде двух разных методов электростимуляции — внутритканевой и накожной в проекции центральных нейронов поврежденных нервов позвоночника.
    UNASSIGNED: Отработаны основные технические параметры метода восстановления функций периферических нервов в послеоперационном периоде. Проведено послеоперационное восстановительное лечение у 77 пациентов с травматическими повреждениями периферических нервов на уровне предплечья: у 42 с использованием внутритканевой электростимуляции, у 35 — накожной при аналогичных характеристиках электрического тока и сопутствующей медикаментозной терапии. Продолжительность наблюдения составила 2 года.
    UNASSIGNED: При использовании внутритканевой электростимуляции получено существенное (в 4—6 раз) сокращение сроков лечения и более значительное улучшение качественных показателей по сравнению с использованием накожной стимуляции. Эффективность восстановительной терапии зависела от количества процедур, и полное восстановление функций поврежденных периферических нервов отмечалось после проведения трех курсов внутритканевой электростимуляции.
    UNASSIGNED: Скорость и степень восстановления функций периферических нервов зависит от функциональной активности их центральных нейронов на уровне спинного мозга. Возбуждение этих нейронов низкочастотным электрическим током позволяет активизировать их трофическую функцию. При этом накожная электростимуляция не вызывает необходимого уровня раздражения нейронов вследствие того, что кожа является барьером для электрического тока и уменьшает силу его воздействия в 200—500 раз. Внутритканевая электростимуляция позволяет решить проблему за счет подведения иглы-электрода значительно ближе к «мишени» воздействия. Предлагаемый метод внутритканевой электростимуляции показал свое преимущество перед накожной электростимуляцией, в значительной степени сократив сроки восстановительного лечения и повысив его качественные показатели.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The peripheral nervous system consists of ganglia, nerve trunks, plexuses, and nerve endings, that transmit afferent and efferent information. Regeneration after a peripheral nerve damage is sluggish and imperfect. Peripheral nerve injury frequently causes partial or complete loss of motor and sensory function, physical impairment, and neuropathic pain, all of which have a negative impact on patients\' quality of life. Because the mechanism of peripheral nerve injury and healing is still unclear, the therapeutic efficacy is limited. As peripheral nerve injury research has processed, an increasing number of studies have revealed that biological scaffolds work in tandem with progenitor cells to repair peripheral nerve injury. Here, we fabricated collagen chitosan nerve conduit bioscaffolds together with collagen and then filled neuroepithelial stem cells (NESCs). Scanning electron microscopy showed that the NESCs grew well on the scaffold surface. Compared to the control group, the NESCs group contained more cells with bigger diameters and myelinated structures around the axons. Our findings indicated that a combination of chitosan-collagen bioscaffold and neural stem cell transplantation can facilitate the functional restoration of peripheral nerve tissue, with promising future applications and research implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral neuropathies of the foot and ankle can be challenging to diagnose clinically due to concomitant traumatic and nontraumatic or degenerative orthopedic conditions. Although clinical history, physical examination, and electrodiagnostic testing comprised of nerve conduction velocities and electromyography are used primarily for the identification and classification of peripheral nerve disorders, MR neurography (MRN) can be used to visualize the peripheral nerves as well as the skeletal muscles of the foot and ankle for primary neurogenic pathology and skeletal muscle denervation effect. Proper knowledge of the anatomy and pathophysiology of peripheral nerves is important for an MRN interpretation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is responsible for maintaining brain homeostasis through nutrient delivery and waste removal for the central nervous system (CNS). Here, we demonstrate extensive CSF flow throughout the peripheral nervous system (PNS) by tracing distribution of multimodal 1.9-nanometer gold nanoparticles, roughly the size of CSF circulating proteins, infused within the lateral cerebral ventricle (a primary site of CSF production). CSF-infused 1.9-nanometer gold transitions from CNS to PNS at root attachment/transition zones and distributes through the perineurium and endoneurium, with ultimate delivery to axoplasm of distal peripheral nerves. Larger 15-nanometer gold fails to transit from CNS to PNS and instead forms \"dye-cuffs,\" as predicted by current dogma of CSF restriction within CNS, identifying size limitations in central to peripheral flow. Intravenous 1.9-nanometer gold is unable to cross the blood-brain/nerve barrier. Our findings suggest that CSF plays a consistent role in maintaining homeostasis throughout the nervous system with implications for CNS and PNS therapy and neural drug delivery.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Objective: To explore the potential evidence of active peripheral nerve necrosis when n-hexane produces toxic effects on peripheral nerves. Methods: In May 2023, 36 SPF grade SD male rats with a body weight of 200-220 g were divided into 4 groups with 9 rats in each group and given normal saline and different doses of n-hexane (168, 675, 2 700 mg/kg) by gavage for 6 consecutive weeks (5 days/week). Three rats in each group were killed at the 2nd, 4th and 6th week, respectively. The spinal cord to sciatic nerve tissue was broken and the supernatant was extracted for SDS-PAGE protein isolation. The expression level of Sarm1 protein was analyzed with the β-Actin color strip of internal reference protein by Western blot. The expression of Sarm1 protein was analyzed by the gray ratio of the two. At the 6th week, the sciatic nerve sections of the each group were observed by light microscope and electron microscope. Results: The number of axons was obviously reduced by light microscopy. According to electron microscope, myelin lesions were mainly local disintegration, deformation, and different thickness. The deformation of axonal surface became smaller. The axons in the nerve bundle membrane showed degeneration and reduction. The gray ratio of Sarm1 protein and internal reference protein bands in each group had no significant change at the second week of exposure, and the ratio of SARM1 protein to internal reference protein bands was 1.47 in the high dose group at the fourth week, and 1.51 and 1.89 in the middle and high dose group at the sixth week, respectively. Conclusion: Waller\'s degeneration was observed in sciatic neuropathologic manifestations of n-hexane-poisoned rats, and the expression level of Sarm1 protein increased.
    目的: 探讨正己烷对大鼠周围神经产生的毒性作用对周围神经主动坏死现象的产生提供潜在证据。 方法: 于2023年5月,选择体重为200~220 g的36只SPF级SD雄性大鼠,随机分成4组,每组9只,对照组、低、中、高剂量组分别予生理盐水、不同剂量正己烷(168、675、2 700 mg/kg)连续6周(5 d/周)灌胃。各组分别于第2、4、6周处死3只大鼠,取大鼠脊髓至坐骨神经组织,破碎、离心并取上清液进行聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)分离蛋白,用Western blot法检测Toll白介素受体基序蛋白1(Sarm1)蛋白表达水平,并与内参蛋白β-Actin显色条带进行灰度分析,以二者灰度比值分析Sarm1蛋白表达情况。第6周各组大鼠坐骨神经光镜、电镜切片进行观察。 结果: 光镜示轴突数量明显减少;电镜示髓鞘病变主要为局部崩解、变形、厚薄不一,轴突腔面变形变小,神经束膜内轴突呈退行、减少表现,高剂量部分轴索呈华勒氏退行性病理表现。各组大鼠染毒Sarm1与内参蛋白显色条带灰度比值第2周无明显变化,第4周高剂量组为1.47,第6周中剂量组和高剂量组分别为1.51、1.89,均为明显表达。 结论: 正己烷中毒大鼠的坐骨神经病理表现中观察到华勒氏退行性病变现象,同时Sarm1蛋白表达水平上升。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dorsal root ganglia (DRG), housing primary sensory neurons, transmit somatosensory and visceral afferent inputs to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. They play a pivotal role in both physiological and pathological states, including neuropathic and visceral pain. In vivo calcium imaging of DRG enables real-time observation of calcium transients in single units or neuron ensembles. Accumulating evidence indicates that DRG neuronal activities induced by somatic stimulation significantly affect autonomic and visceral functions. While lumbar DRG calcium imaging has been extensively studied, thoracic segment DRG calcium imaging has been less explored due to surgical exposure and stereotaxic fixation challenges. Here, we utilized in vivo calcium imaging at the thoracic1 dorsal root ganglion (T1-DRG) to investigate changes in neuronal activity resulting from somatic stimulations of the forelimb. This approach is crucial for understanding the somato-cardiac reflex triggered by peripheral nerve stimulations (PENS), such as acupuncture. Notably, synchronization of cardiac function was observed and measured by electrocardiogram (ECG), with T-DRG neuronal activities, potentially establishing a novel paradigm for somato-visceral reflex in the thoracic segments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Upper extremity amputation can lead to significant functional morbidity. The main goals after amputation are to minimize pain and maintain or improve functional status while optimizing the quality of life. Postamputation pain is common and can be addressed with regenerative peripheral nerve interface surgery or targeted muscle reinnervation surgery. Both modalities are effective in treating residual limb pain and phantom limb pain, as well as improving prosthetic use. Differences in surgical technique between the 2 approaches need to be weighed when deciding what strategy may be most appropriate for the patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral nerve surgeries for compressive neuropathy in the upper extremity are generally successful. However, cases that either fail or have complications requiring revision surgery are challenging. During revision consideration, surgeons should perform a comprehensive preoperative workup to understand the etiology of the patient\'s symptoms and categorize symptoms as persistent, recurrent, or new in relation to the index procedure. Revision surgery often requires an open, extensile approach with additional procedures to optimize outcomes. Even with proper workup and treatment, clinical outcomes of revision surgeries are inferior compared to primary surgeries and patients should be well informed prior to undergoing such procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Implantable devices interfacing with peripheral nerves exhibit limited longevity and resolution. Poor nerve-electrode interface quality, invasive surgical placement and development of foreign body reaction combine to limit research and clinical application of these devices. Here, we develop cuff implants with a conformable design that achieve high-quality and stable interfacing with nerves in chronic implantation scenarios. When implanted in sensorimotor nerves of the arm in awake rats for 21 days, the devices record nerve action potentials with fascicle-specific resolution and extract from these the conduction velocity and direction of propagation. The cuffs exhibit high biocompatibility, producing lower levels of fibrotic scarring than clinically equivalent PDMS silicone cuffs. In addition to recording nerve activity, the devices are able to modulate nerve activity at sub-nerve resolution to produce a wide range of paw movements. When used in a partial nerve ligation rodent model, the cuffs identify and characterise changes in nerve C fibre activity associated with the development of neuropathic pain in freely-moving animals. The developed implantable devices represent a platform enabling new forms of fine nerve signal sensing and modulation, with applications in physiology research and closed-loop therapeutics.





