
  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Carpometacarpal (CMC) osteoarthritis (OA) of the thumb is a painful condition that affects over 15% of individuals above the age of 30 and up to 30% of post-menopausal women. Dry needling (DN) has been found to reduce pain and disability in a variety of neuromusculoskeletal conditions; however, DN in the management of CMC OA has not been well studied.
    METHODS: Consecutive patients with clinical and radiographic evidence of CMC OA were treated with DN. The primary outcome measure was pain using the Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) at 12 weeks. Secondary outcome measures were the Upper Extremity Functional Index (UEFI-20) and the Global Rating of Change (GROC) scale. Outcome measures were collected at baseline, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks.
    RESULTS: Nine patients were treated for six sessions of periosteal DN over 3 weeks. Compared to baseline, statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvements were observed in thumb pain (NPRS mean difference: 2.6; p = 0.029) and function (UEFI-20 mean difference: 21.3; p = 0.012) at 12 weeks.
    CONCLUSIONS: Statistically significant and clinically meaningful within-group improvements in thumb pain and function were observed at 12 weeks following six sessions of periosteal DN treatment. DN may be a useful intervention in the management of patients with CMC OA of the thumb.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conventional chondrosarcoma of the chest wall is rare, accounting for 15% of cases. Our purpose was to document clinicopathological, imaging and outcome results from a novel set of chest wall chondrosarcomas, and to analyze for IDH mutations and novel molecular alterations. Gross and microscopic pathology, imaging and clinical charts were reviewed. Targeted next-generation sequencing was performed to identify somatic mutations and copy number alterations. The cohort consisted of 27 patients: 16 men and 11 women (mean age 51 years; range 23-76). Palpable mass was the most common presentation. Five were discovered incidentally. Among 20 tumors with complete imaging, 15 arose from a rib and 5 from the sternum. Seven rib tumors were central/intramedullary, 5 were periosteal, 2 were secondary peripheral chondrosarcomas, and one was indeterminate. Among sternal tumors, 4 were central/intramedullary and one was periosteal. Half the periosteal tumors arose from the costochondral junctional cartilage (CCJ). Periosteal chondrosarcomas were sometimes mistaken for extraskeletal masses on initial clinical or radiological examinations. Fifty-nine percent of all tumors were grade 1 and 41% were grade 2. None were dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas. Heterozygous IDH1 mutation was detected in one tumor and heterozygous RAD50 mutation in another. Local recurrence(s) happened in 41% and metastasis in 41%. Grade had strong association with local recurrence (25% grade 1 vs. 64% grade 2 [P = .0447]), metastatic recurrence (19% grade 1 vs. 73% grade 2 [P = .0058]), and survival. Although chest wall chondrosarcomas share morphologic and molecular features with other chondrosarcomas, there is a much higher incidence of periosteal chondrosarcomas. IDH mutant tumors are uncommon. Early diagnosis and margin-negative resection is treatment of choice since chondrosarcomas are chemo- and radioresistant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A fundamental question in bone biology concerns the contributions of skeletal stem/progenitor cells (SSCs) in the bone marrow versus the periosteum to bone repair. We found that SSCs in adult bone marrow can be identified based on Leprcre and Adiponectin-cre/creER expression while SSCs in adult periosteum can be identified based on Gli1creERT2 expression. Under steady-state conditions, new bone arose primarily from bone marrow SSCs. After bone injuries, both SSC populations began proliferating but made very different contributions to bone repair. Drill injuries were primarily repaired by LepR+/Adiponectin+ bone marrow SSCs. Conversely, bicortical fractures were primarily repaired by Gli1+ periosteal SSCs, though LepR+/Adiponectin+ bone marrow cells transiently formed trabecular bone at the fracture site. Gli1+ periosteal cells also regenerated LepR+ bone marrow stromal cells that expressed hematopoietic niche factors at fracture sites. Different bone injuries are thus repaired by different SSCs, with periosteal cells regenerating bone and marrow stroma after non-stabilized fractures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Periosteal chondrosarcomas are among the rarest types of chondrosarcomas dealt with in few small series of cases. In this study, we aimed to present our experience with this chondrosarcoma, seek for prognostic factors for OS and DFS and survey the status of IDH1 and IDH2.
    RESULTS: 55 periosteal chondrosarcomas were retrospectively identified. Median age was 37 years, there was a male predominance (62%). The great majority of cases involved the metaphysis of long bones of the extremities. The median size of the tumors was 7.5 cm. Thirty patients underwent to subtotal surgical resection, 22 to tangential resection and the remaining 3 to amputation. The margins, reported in 54 cases, were wide/radical in 38 patients (70.4%), marginal in 9 (16.7%) and intralesional in 7 (12.9%). Histologically, 23 (42%) were grade 1; 27 (49%), grade 2; 3 (5%), grade 3 and 2 (4%) were dedifferentiated. A third of cases in which mutational analysis was feasible harbored heterozygous mutations in codon 132 of IDH1. Fifty-four cases were included for follow-up (median, 137 months). Four patients had local recurrences and six patients developed metastasis to the lungs. All patients that developed metastasis died of disease, two died of unrelated causes and 46 were alive without disease. OS and DFS was not found to be statistically associated with clinical and pathological parameters considered.
    CONCLUSIONS: periosteal chondrosarcomas exhibit a low-grade behavior that can be adequately treated with marginal excisions. Clinical and morphologic parameters do not seem to predict their outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regenerating large bone defects requires a multifaceted approach combining optimal scaffold designs with appropriate growth factor delivery. Supraphysiological doses of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (rhBMP2), typically used for the regeneration of large bone defects clinically in conjunction with an acellular collagen sponge (ACS), have resulted in many complications. In this study, we develop a hydroxyapatite/collagen I (HA/Col) scaffold to improve the mechanical properties of the HA scaffolds, while maintaining open connected porosity. Varying rhBMP2 dosages were then delivered from a collagenous periosteal membrane and paired with HA or HA/Col scaffolds to treat critical-sized (15 mm) diaphyseal radial defect in New Zealand white rabbits. The groups examined were ACS +76 μg rhBMP2 (clinically used INFUSE dosage), HA +76 μg rhBMP2, HA +15 μg rhBMP2, HA/Col +15 μg rhBMP2, and HA/Col +15 μg rhBMP2 + bone marrow-derived stromal cells (bMSCs). After 8 weeks of implantation, all regenerated bones were evaluated using microcomputed tomography, histology, histomorphometry, and torsional testing. It was observed that the bone volume regenerated in the HA/Col +15 μg rhBMP2 group was significantly higher than that in the groups with 76 μg rhBMP2. The same scaffold and growth factor combination resulted in the highest bone mineral density of the regenerated bone, and the most bone apposition on the scaffold surface. Both the HA and HA/Col scaffolds paired with 15 μg rhBMP2 had sustained ingrowth of the mineralization front after 2 weeks compared to the groups with 76 μg rhBMP2, which had far greater mineralization in the first 2 weeks after implantation. Complete bridging of the defect site and no significant difference in torsional strength, stiffness, or angle at failure were observed across all groups. No benefit of additional bMSC seeding was observed on any of the quantified metrics, while bone-implant apposition was reduced in the cell-seeded group. This study demonstrated that the controlled spatial delivery of rhBMP2 at the periosteum at significantly lower doses can be used as a strategy to improve bone regeneration around space maintaining scaffolds. Tweet Inside-out or outside-in: growth factors delivered from the outside of porous mineral-collagen scaffolds, maintain strength and regrow bone better in a rabbit study. Twitter handle for senior author (@Guda_Lab) and sponsoring institution (@UTSA) Impact Statement This study provides insights on bone regeneration in the presence of spatially controlled delivery of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (rhBMP2) from porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds coated with collagen I films. Using critical-sized defects created in the radial diaphysis of skeletally mature New Zealand White rabbits, microcomputed tomography and histomorphometry indicated significantly higher bone regeneration, bone mineral density, and bone-implant contact, as well as sustained regeneration over longer durations with lower dosage of rhBMP2 delivered periosteally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chondrosarcomas are heterogeneous matrix-producing cartilaginous neoplasms with variable clinical behavior. Subtypes include conventional (75%), dedifferentiated (10%), clear cell (2%), mesenchymal (2%), and periosteal chondrosarcoma (<1%). Tumor location and primary vs secondary also play a role. In conventional chondrosarcoma, histologic grading (I, II, and III) remains the gold standard for predicting recurrence and metastases. Due to the locally aggressive but overall nonmetastatic behavior, grade I chondrosarcomas (primary and secondary) of long and short tubular bones have been reclassified as atypical cartilaginous tumor. In this review, the pathologic features of malignant cartilage tumors are discussed with updates on recent genetic findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Following mechanical loading, osteoblasts may arise via activation, differentiation, or proliferation to form bone. Our objective was to ablate proliferating osteoblast lineage cells in order to investigate the importance of these cells as a source for loading-induced bone formation. We utilized 3.6Col1a1-tk mice in which replicating osteoblast lineage cells can be ablated in an inducible manner using ganciclovir (GCV). Male and female mice were aged to 5- and 12-months and subjected to 5 days of tibial compression. \"Experimental\" mice were tk-positive, treated with GCV; \"control\" mice were either tk-negative treated with GCV, or tk-positive treated with PBS. We confirmed that experimental mice had a decrease in tk-positive cells that arose from proliferation. Next, we assessed bone formation after loading to low (7N) and high (11N) forces and observed that periosteal bone formation rate in experimental mice was reduced by approximately 70% for both forces. Remarkably, woven bone formation induced by high-force loading was blocked in experimental mice. Loading-induced lamellar bone formation was diminished but not prevented in experimental mice. We conclude that osteoblast proliferation induced by mechanical loading is a critical source of bone forming osteoblasts for maximal lamellar formation and is essential for woven bone formation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Epinephrine auto-injectors are expected to deliver the drug intramuscularly.
    OBJECTIVE: To study whether injection through clothing influences the frequency of subcutaneous and intraosseous/periosteal deposition of epinephrine.
    METHODS: Skin to muscle and skin to bone distances were measured for 303 children and adolescents and 99 adults. Distance was determined by ultrasound, with high or low pressure on the ultrasound probe. The risk/percentage of subcutaneous and intraosseous/periosteal injections was calculated using the lower and upper limits for the authority-approved length of EAI needles as provided by two high pressure EAI manufacturers and one low pressure EAI manufacturer. The addition winter clothing on the delivery of epinephrine was illustrated by comparing drug delivery fissue depth with no clothes. Furthermore, the riof non-intramuscular delivery for the shortest and longest approved needle length was calculated.
    RESULTS: When using EpipenJr® in children < 15 kg the risk of intraosseous/periostal injection was reduced from 1% and 59% for the shortest and longest approved needle length to 0 and 15% with winter clothes. The Auvi-Q® 0.1 mg had no risk of intraosseous/periosteal injection. However, the subcutaneous deposition risk increased from 94% and 28% to 100% and 99% with winter clothes. The risk of subcutaneous injection using EpipenJr® in the youngest children increased from 13% and 0% to 81% and 1% with winter clothes, and with Epipen® in adults from 45% and 17% to 60% and 38%. Emerade®, had a risk of subcutaneous injection in adults increasing from 14% and 10% to 28% and 21% adding winter clothes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The risk of intraosseous/periosteal injections decreases and the risk of subcutaneous injection increases when injecting through winter clothes for all EAIs.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multifocal, extraosseous, and surface aneurysmal bone cysts are rare variants of the primary lesions. The clinicopathological features are similar, and the optimal treatment is surgical. Although local recurrences may occur, the prognosis is excellent. This review article introduces the readers to a rare diagnosis which they may have been previously unfamiliar with, presents the clinicopathological and imaging features of these rare aneurysmal bone cyst variants, and discusses their diagnosis and treatment. The clinicians who treat patients with aneurysmal bone cysts should be familiar with these uncommon entities and their differential diagnosis.





