perinatal loss

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Poor parental mental health in the perinatal period has detrimental impacts on the lives and relationships of parents and their babies. Parents whose babies are born premature and/or sick and require neonatal care or those who experience perinatal loss are at increased risk of adverse mental health outcomes. In 2021 a North-West charity received funding to offer psychological support to service users of infants admitted to neonatal care or those who had experienced perinatal loss, named the Family Well-being Service (FWS). The FWS offered three different types of support - ad hoc support at the neonatal units or specialist clinics; one-to-one person-centred therapy; or group counselling. Here we report the qualitative findings from an independent evaluation of the FWS.
    METHODS: Thirty-seven interviews took place online or over the phone with 16 service users (of whom two took part in a follow-up interview), eight FWS providers and 11 healthcare professionals. Interviews were coded and analysed using thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: The analysis revealed two themes. \'Creating time and space for support\' detailed the informational, contextual, and relational basis of the service. This theme describes the importance of tailoring communications and having a flexible and proactive approach to service user engagement. Service users valued being listened to without judgement and having the space to discuss their own needs with a therapist who was independent of healthcare. Communication, access, and service delivery barriers are also highlighted. The second theme - \'making a difference\' - describes the cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal benefits for service users. These included service users being provided with tools for positive coping, and how the support had led to enhanced well-being, improved relationships, and confidence in returning to work.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings complement and extend the existing literature by offering new insights into therapeutic support for service users experiencing adverse neonatal experiences or perinatal loss. Key mechanisms of effective support, irrespective of whether it is provided on a one-to-one or group basis were identified. These mechanisms include clear information, flexibility (in access or delivery), being independent of statutory provision, focused on individual needs, active listening, the use of therapeutic tools, and positive relationships with the therapist. Further opportunities to engage with those less willing to take up mental health support should be developed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Perinatal loss is a tremendous loss for many and can have consequences that affect physical and mental health. This topic has been substantially examined among women; however, men\'s experiences with perinatal loss have lacked attention. Many men report significant grief, self-blame, stigma, loss of self-identity, lack of recognition of their loss, marginalization, and gendered expectations that negate their grieving process. This places men at risk for complicated or disenfranchised grief. Most studies examining perinatal loss have been conducted in countries outside of the United States and outside of the discipline of nursing. As nurses are concerned about holistic care of men and women, the findings resulting from studies with women and other cultural perspectives may not be generalizable to men in the United States. Purpose: The purpose of this integrative review was to examine the current state of science regarding men\'s experiences with perinatal loss, what is known about this loss within the nursing discipline, to identify gaps in nursing knowledge, and to expose areas for further research. Method: Online databases including CINAHL, PubMed, and Scopus were used to perform the initial search. The search terms included \"men,\" \"perinatal loss,\" \"miscarriage,\" \"stillbirth,\" and \"grief.\" Results: Themes were identified through a review of the literature that included that men experienced a loss of the role of fatherhood and identity. Additionally, men reported expectations about socially and gender-specific behavior that influenced their expressions of grief and their coping process. Finally, the lack of recognition of their loss as fathers in perinatal loss resulted in the marginalization and the use of avoidance and distraction to cope with the loss, as well as risks to the health of the partnered relationship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research exploring fathers\' experiences of using bereavement photography after perinatal loss is lacking. Using continuing bonds theory, this study aims to investigate fathers\'experiences of bereavement photography and predictors of posttraumatic growth (PTG). Mixed methodology was employed with participants (n = 29). A hierarchical regression showed that there were no significant associations between continuing bonds and PTG, but time since death predicted PTG in bereaved fathers. Further, a t test indicated that there was no significant difference in PTG for mothers and fathers. A thematic analysis was conducted on the qualitative data from an open-ended survey question (n = 23) and semi-structured interviews (n = 3) with fathers. The qualitative analysis of fathers\' responses showed themes relating to bonding/connection, capturing memories, recommendations to receive photography help with grieving, validation, memory-making and continuing bonds, and engagement with photos. Fathers valued bereavement photographs as it enabled them to integrate grief over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The number of women who present this perineal loss is high. Identifying the existing knowledge about the women\'s experiences and perceptions of pregnancy loss is essential to understand the impact of the phenomenon on women. This identification is also crucial to adapt and improve the healthcare provided.
    UNASSIGNED: A systematic literature review, meta-synthesis, of qualitative studies will be developed with the goal of obtaining a comprehensive understanding of mothers\' perception of pregnancy loss and identifying their specific support needs.
    UNASSIGNED: This review will consider qualitative investigations that study the perceptions or experiences of adult women who have suffered prenatal loss. All studies published in English, Spanish or Portuguese between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2022 will be considered. This systematic review will follow the Joanna Briggs Institute statement for systematic reviews of qualitative design. The Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Scopus, CINAHL®, MEDLINE® and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDRS) databases will be utilized for research. Data extraction will be performed in-peers by the researchers, using the Joanna Briggs Institute model. Finally, the available data will be analysed using a meta-aggregation approach.
    UNASSIGNED: A better understanding of this phenomenon will be useful, identifying, on the one hand, the support needs of women who have suffered fetal loss and, on the other hand, also identifying the support and interventions that can be implemented by health professionals.
    UNASSIGNED: PROSPERO® (CRD42023407314).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Perinatal palliative care (PPC) is a rapidly growing and essential reproductive health care option for pregnant persons with a diagnosed life-limiting fetal condition who continue their pregnancy. The provision of PPC is within the scope of basic midwifery competencies, and midwives are well-positioned to make unique and valuable contributions to interprofessional PPC teams. However, little is known about midwives\' past or current involvement in PPC in the United States.
    METHODS: This scoping review of the literature investigated what is known about the role of midwives in PPC in the United States. Multiple databases of published literature were used for this review: PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science, ProQuest, Google Scholar, and relevant citations from identified studies. All types of English language publications addressing midwives\' involvement in PPC in the United States were included, without any limitations on publication date.
    RESULTS: The role and contributions of midwives in PPC is not well represented in existing literature. Of the 259 results identified, 7 publications met criteria for inclusion. These included 5 case reports, one quantitative research article, and one conference abstract. Midwives are involved in PPC through the provision of direct clinical care (including antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum, neonatal, bereavement, postmortem, and follow-up care) and care planning and coordination as part of an interprofessional team.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite midwives being uniquely positioned to provide holistic, family-centered, and person-centered care in situations of pregnancy with life-limiting fetal conditions, there is limited literature about their involvement in PPC in the United States. PPC should be incorporated into midwifery education and training programs. Midwives should play a central role in shaping future research and policies to ensure the accessibility and quality of PPC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Bereaved mothers describe positive experiences donating breast milk and negative experiences when not informed of opportunities to donate. Predictors of whether mothers donate milk are unknown, impairing efforts to optimize support in completing donation. Objective: To define circumstances associated with completing mother\'s milk (MM) donation during bereavement. Methods: A retrospective cohort study included dyads of bereaved mothers and their deceased children if a child\'s death occurred on-site at a quaternary care children\'s hospital during 2016-2020, the child had documentation of MM availability, and age at death <24 months. The primary outcome was the completion of MM donation to the milk bank. Multivariate logistic regression measured associations between clinical variables and odds of completion. Results: Of 124 deceased children with documented MM exposure, 34 mothers (28%) of 35 of those children completed MM donation, donating a mean of 13.7 liters (SD 16.8). The child\'s race/ethnicity documented in the medical record was White for 25 (71%), Black/African American (AA) for 1 (3%), Asian for 1 (3%), and Hispanic/Latino for 8 (23%). Referenced to mothers of White children, being a mother of an AA [OR 0.05 (95% CI: 0.01-0.43)] or Asian [0.08 (0.01-0.75)] child was associated with lower odds of donation. Referenced to mothers delivering full term (≥37 weeks\'), mothers delivering <34 weeks showed higher odds [5.0 (1.5-17.5)] of donation. Conclusion: Relatively few bereaved mothers of children with indicators of MM exposure completed donation. The results suggest an opportunity to ensure bereaved mothers are uniformly informed and supported in donating.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Perinatal loss is a traumatic event associated with a high risk of parents experiencing negative psychological outcomes. Despite most parents being in regular contact with midwives and nurses during the perinatal period, there is a lack of evidence which hampers these professionals from using effective psychosocial interventions with parents.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to synthesise the existing evidence on the types of psychosocial interventions delivered by midwives/nurses for parents with perinatal bereavement, their impacts on bereaved parents\' mental health and the experiences of midwives and nurses in delivering psychosocial interventions for parents experiencing perinatal loss.
    METHODS: An integrative review of the literature.
    METHODS: Whittemore and Knafl\'s five-stage integrative review framework guided this review. A systematic literature search of the Medline, PsycINFO, Embase, CINAHL and ASSIA, Cochrane Library and ProQuest databases was conducted from inception to January 2023, with no language or geographical limiters set due to the paucity of research published in this subject area. Two researchers independently screened and reviewed each study\'s data extraction and methodological quality using the Joanna Briggs Institute and Mixed Method Appraisal Tool. Results were analysed and synthesised using narrative synthesis.
    RESULTS: A total of 21 studies met the inclusion criteria. From these, we identified nine types of psychosocial interventions for perinatal bereavement that can be delivered by midwives and nurses. The positive impacts of midwife/nurse-led psychosocial interventions on grief, anxiety, depression posttraumatic stress disorder and other psychosocial outcomes amongst parents experiencing perinatal loss have been demonstrated. In addition, we identified the useful components of these interventions and the experiences of midwives and nurses in delivering psychosocial interventions, thereby highlighting barriers such as lack of knowledge and skills, stressful working environments and inadequate emotional support.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that midwife/nurse-led psychosocial interventions have the potential to improve grief, anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and other psychosocial outcomes for parents experiencing perinatal loss. Thus, future research should consider training, workload, time cost and emotional support for midwives/nurses when developing midwife/nurse-led psychosocial interventions for parents with perinatal loss.
    BACKGROUND: CRD42022369032.
    CONCLUSIONS: Midwife/nurse-led psychosocial interventions have the potential to improve mental health amongst parents experiencing perinatal loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to develop a preliminary theory that explores in depth into understanding the experiences of women who have suffered a spontaneous perinatal loss during any trimester of their pregnancy regarding their emotional response to this loss.
    METHODS: A grounded theory approach was used, and 25 in-depth interviews were conducted with Spanish women who suffered a spontaneous perinatal loss.
    METHODS: Theoretical sampling and constant comparative analysis were used to reach theoretical saturation. EQUATOR guidelines were followed, using the COREQ checklist.
    RESULTS: The \"Perinatal loss, a devastating cyclone,\" a situation-specific nursing theory, explains the process that a woman experiences when she loses her baby at any stage of pregnancy, drawing an analogy with tropical cyclones as natural disasters that destroy everything in their path. This situation-specific theory includes three dimensions, explaining the phases identified in the perinatal loss process (phase prior to impact [before the perinatal loss], impact phase [diagnostic moment], emergency phase [hospital care], relief or honeymoon phase [return home], disillusionment or stock-taking phase [after the first postloss days at home], reconstruction and recovery phase [grief construction process] and consequences [with an eye to the future]). Three intervention areas were described around the perinatal loss process: \"rescue area\" (partner, grandparents, and siblings of the deceased baby), \"relief area\" (healthcare professionals), and \"base camp\" (society).
    CONCLUSIONS: The situation-specific nursing theory \"Perinatal loss, a devastating cyclone\" is the final product of a grounded theory study that provided an in-depth analysis of women\'s experiences when they suffer a spontaneous perinatal loss at any point in their pregnancy.
    CONCLUSIONS: The situation-specific theory \"Perinatal loss, a devastating cyclone\" with the seven identified phases and the three areas of intervention could be used as a framework for healthcare professionals in their clinical practice as a guide to support women in this disfranchised grief.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Working alliance is a prominent non-specific factor for treatment outcomes in face-to-face and internet-based interventions. The association between working alliance and therapy outcome appears to be time- and disorder-specific, but less is known about the change of working alliance during the intervention and the impact of working alliance in grief-specific interventions. The present study examines the association between the change of working alliance and treatment outcomes in an internet-based intervention for parents who experienced pregnancy loss.
    METHODS: 228 participants received a grief intervention based on cognitive behavioral therapy with asynchronous text-based therapist feedback. Prolonged grief and related symptoms of traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, and general psychopathology were assessed with validated instruments before and after the intervention. The change of working alliance was assessed using the short version of the Working Alliance Inventory at mid-treatment (session 4) and the end of the treatment (session 10).
    RESULTS: Data for N = 146 persons was analyzed. Working alliance in total and all subscales increased significantly from sessions 4 to 10. This change in working alliance correlated significantly with a reduction in prolonged grief. Changes in subscales of working alliance also correlated with symptoms of depression and general psychopathology. Regression analysis showed that a change in working alliance predicted a reduction in prolonged grief but did not predict improvements in other grief-related symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results examine the change of working alliance during an internet-based intervention and the association with treatment outcome. A small impact of change in working alliance on treatment outcome of prolonged grief was confirmed, but not on related symptoms. Further research is needed to assess moderators of the alliance-outcome association to improve internet-based interventions.
    BACKGROUND: Not applicable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When neonatal and obstetrical complications occur, the identification and management of mood and anxiety disorders become complex with an ever-expanding array of psychiatric needs that include the management of grief- and trauma-related disorders. With high rates of maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States and laws in many states restricting reproductive health access, psychiatrists must be proficient in managing psychiatric sequelae in this context. High-risk groups for peripartum mood and anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and complicated grief include those with neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) stays and those who have experienced infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. Groups who have been historically marginalized by the medical system (e.g., Black, Indigenous, people of color) and those from LGBTQ+ communities are at similarly high risk, and more interventions are needed to support these groups. Strategies emphasizing trauma-informed care, psychotherapeutic approaches, and using patient-centered language are recommended.





