peptide quantitation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) methods for the detection of insulin and other similar peptide hormones in equine plasma relied on the use of antibody affinity extraction. As a result, these methods were not suitable for routine high-throughput analysis. A solid-phase extraction (SPE) method incorporating size exclusion as well as reversed-phase interactions allows the selective extraction of peptide hormones such as adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), insulin and their synthetic analogues from equine plasma with approximately 80% extraction efficiencies. This extraction was combined with on-column derivatisation with acetic anhydride, followed by tryptic digestion and analysis by micro-LC/MSMS for high-sensitivity peptide hormone detection. The analysis of tryptic peptides provides greater sensitivity and more robust chromatography compared with the analysis of intact insulin and ACTH. For quantitative analysis, isotopically labelled internal standards of target peptides can be prepared in the laboratory through the use of deuterated acetic anhydride. The utility of the method was assessed for the analysis of ACTH and insulin in samples from horses suffering from pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mass spectrometric analysis of peptides enables the assignment of their exact mass and confirmation of all or a significant portion of the peptide\'s amino acid sequence. LC-MS/MS analysis has proven invaluable in peptidomics research and can identify new biomarkers and assign their circulatory concentrations to aid research into disease processes. However, due to the high background plasma protein content, which masks the presence of the naturally low abundance circulatory peptidome, extraction of peptides from plasma prior to mass spectrometric analysis is therefore crucial. Organic solvents efficiently precipitate these high molecular weight plasma proteins while leaving small molecular weight peptides in solution, providing a rapid and effective technique for separating peptides from the contaminating plasma proteins. A secondary cleanup step involving solid phase extraction is required to remove lipids and highly hydrophobic contaminants before LC-MS/MS analysis. The method described within this chapter is effective at enriching circulatory plasma peptides prior to LC-MS/MS analysis and has been used in multiple peptidomic studies to improve peptide detection and quantification. Peptides studied using this methodology include insulin, C-peptide, glucagon, PYY, GIP, and a number of other challenging gut peptide hormones. Quantitative analyses of peptides using the described method showed good correlation with existing immunoassays.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present study, a method for quantitation of the pharmaceutical peptide oxytocin (OT) and its diselenide-containing analogue (SeOT) in human plasma was developed using gradient elution LC-ICP-MS/MS. Plasma samples were precipitated with acetonitrile containing 1.0% TFA in a volume ratio of 1+3 (sample+precipitation agent) before analysis. Post-column isotope dilution analysis (IDA) was applied for quantitation and was compared with external calibration. Both calibration methods appeared to be fit for purpose regarding figures of merit including linearity, precision, LOD, LOQ and recovery. Analysis of OT and SeOT showed that selenium-based analysis is considerably more sensitive and selective compared to the sulfur-based analysis. Despite the relatively simpler setup of external calibration, IDA can be advantageous because it compensates for instrument drift and changes in organic solvent concentration. The method was applied for a stability study showing the degradation of OT and SeOT in plasma. The degradation of SeOT was faster than the degradation of OT in plasma. Thus, possible stability effects should be considered before replacing a disulfide bridge with a diselenide bridge or introducing a diselenide label in a potential drug.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crustacean hyperglycemic hormones (CHHs) are a family of neuropeptides that were discovered in multiple tissues in crustaceans, but the function of most isoforms remains unclear. Functional discovery often requires comprehensive qualitative profiling and quantitative analysis. The conventional enzymatic digestion method has several limitations, such as missing post-translational modification (PTM) information, homology interference, and incomplete sequence coverage. Herein, by using a targeted top-down method, facilitated by higher sensitivity instruments and hybrid fragmentation modes, we achieved the characterization of two CHH isoforms from the sinus glands (SG-CHH) and the pericardial organs (PO-CHH) from the Atlantic blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, with improved sequence coverage compared to earlier studies. In this study, both label-free and isotopic labeling approaches were adopted to monitor the response of CHHs and CHH precursor-related peptide (CPRP) under low pH stress. The identical trends of CPRP and CHH expression indicated that CPRP could serve as an ideal probe in tracking the CHH expression level changes, which would greatly simplify the quantitative analysis of large peptides. Furthermore, the distinct patterns of changes in the expression of CHHs in the SG and the PO suggested their tissue-specific functions in the regulation of low pH stress. Ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) was also employed in this study to provide conformation analysis of both CHHs and CPRPs from different tissues.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The translational product of protein-coding genes undergoes extensive posttranslational modifications. The modifications ensure an increased molecular and functional diversity at protein- and peptide-level. Prohormones are small pro-proteins that are expressed in many cell types, for instance endocrine cells, immune cells, myocytes and neurons. Here they mature to bioactive peptides (cytokines, hormones, growth factors, and neurotransmitters) that are released from the cells in an often regulated manner. The posttranslational processing of prohormones is cell-specific, however, and may vary during evolution and disease. Therefore, it is often inadequate to measure just a single peptide fragment as marker of endocrine, immune, and neuronal functions. In order to meet this challenge, we developed years back a simple \"processing-independent analysis\" (PIA) for accurate quantification of the total pro-protein product - irrespective of the degree and nature of the posttranslational processing. This review provides an overview of the PIA principle and describes examples of PIA results in different peptide systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein quantitation by mass spectrometry has always been a resourceful technique in protein discovery, and more recently it has leveraged the advent of clinical proteomics. A single mass spectrometry analysis experiment provides identification and quantitation of proteins as well as information on posttranslational modifications landscape. By contrast, protein array technologies are restricted to quantitation of targeted proteins and their modifications. Currently, there are an overwhelming number of quantitative mass spectrometry methods for protein and peptide quantitation. The aim here is to provide an overview of the most common mass spectrometry methods and algorithms used in quantitative proteomics and discuss the computational aspects to obtain reliable quantitative measures of proteins, peptides and their posttranslational modifications. The development of a pipeline using commercial or freely available software is one of the main challenges in data analysis of many experimental projects. Recent developments of R statistical programming language make it attractive to fully develop pipelines for quantitative proteomics. We discuss concepts of quantitative proteomics that together with current R packages can be used to build highly customizable pipelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peptides represent a promising modality for the design of novel therapeutics that can potentially modulate traditionally non-druggable targets. Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are two large families that are being explored extensively as drug delivery vehicles, imaging reagents, or therapeutic treatments for various diseases. Many CPPs and AMPs are cationic among which a significant portion is extremely basic and hydrophilic (e.g., nona-arginine). Despite their attractive therapeutic potential, it remains challenging to directly analyze and quantify these super cationic peptides from biological matrices due to their poor chromatographic behavior and MS response. Herein, we describe a generic method that combines solid phase extraction and LC-MS/MS for analysis of these peptides. As demonstrated, using a dozen strongly basic peptides, low μM concentration of perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA) in the mobile phase enabled excellent compound chromatographic retention, thus avoiding co-elution with solvent front ion suppressants. PFPeA also had a charge reduction effect that allowed the selection of parent/ion fragment pairs in the higher m/z region to further reduce potential low molecular weight interferences. When the method was coupled to the optimized sample extraction process, we routinely achieved low digit ng/ml sensitivity for peptides in plasma/tissue. The method allowed an efficient evaluation of plasma stability of CPPs/AMPs without fluorescence derivatization or other tagging methods. Importantly, using the widely studied HIV-TAT CPP as an example, the method enabled us to directly assess its pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution in preclinical animal models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When quantifying endogenous plasma proteins for fundamental and biomedical research - as well as for clinical applications - precise, reproducible, and robust assays are required. Targeted detection of peptides in a bottom-up strategy is the most common and precise mass spectrometry-based quantitation approach when combined with the use of stable isotope-labeled peptides. However, when measuring protein in plasma, the unknown endogenous levels prevent the implementation of the best calibration strategies, since no blank matrix is available. Consequently, several alternative calibration strategies are employed by different laboratories. In this study, these methods were compared to a new approach using two different stable isotope-labeled standard (SIS) peptide isotopologues for each endogenous peptide to be quantified, enabling an external calibration curve as well as the quality control samples to be prepared in pooled human plasma without interference from endogenous peptides. This strategy improves the analytical performance of the assay and enables the accuracy of the assay to be monitored, which can also facilitate method development and validation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microfluidic liquid chromatography coupled to a nanoelectrospray source ion trap mass spectrometry was used for the absolute and simultaneous quantitation of C3f and the V65 vitronectin fragment in serum. The method was first carefully optimized and then validated in serum biological matrix. Stable isotopes for the two biomarkers of interest were used as stable isotope labeled peptide standards. A weighted 1/x2 quadratic regression for C3f and a weighted 1/x quadratic regression for the V65 vitronectin peptide were selected for calibration curves. Trueness (with a relative bias <10%), precision (repeatability and intermediate precision <15%) and accuracy (risk <15%) of the method were successfully demonstrated. The linearity of results was validated in the concentration range of 2.5-200ng/mL for C3f and 2.5-100ng/mL for the V65 vitronectin fragment. Serum samples (n=147) classified in 7 groups [(healthy volunteers, OA with 5 grades of severity and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients] were analyzed with our new quantitative method. Our data confirm that C3f and the V65 vitronectin fragment are biomarkers of OA severity, but also that C3f fragment is further related to OA severity whereas the V65 vitronectin fragment is more related to early OA detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data-independent acquisition (DIA) approaches, such as SWATH® -MS, are showing great potential to reliably quantify significant numbers of peptides and proteins in an unbiased manner. These developments have enhanced interest in developing a single DIA method that integrates qualitative and quantitative analysis, eliminating the need of a prebuilt library of peptide spectra, which are created through data-dependent acquisition methods or from public repositories. Here, we introduce a new DIA approach, referred to as \"SWATH-ID,\" which was developed to allow peptide identification as well as quantitation. The SWATH-ID method is composed of small Q1 windows, achieving better selectivity and thus significantly improving high-confidence peptide extractions from data files. Furthermore, the SWATH-ID approach transmits precursor ions without fragmentation as well as their fragments within the same SWATH acquisition period. This provides a single scan that includes all precursor ions within the isolation window as well as a record of all of their fragment ions, substantially negating the need for a survey scan. In this way all precursors present in a small Q1 window are associated with their fragment ions, improving the identification specificity and providing a more comprehensive and in-depth view of protein and peptide species in complex samples.





