pathology image

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in foundation models have revolutionized model development in digital pathology, reducing dependence on extensive manual annotations required by traditional methods. The ability of foundation models to generalize well with few-shot learning addresses critical barriers in adapting models to diverse medical imaging tasks. This work presents the Granular Box Prompt Segment Anything Model (GB-SAM), an improved version of the Segment Anything Model (SAM) fine-tuned using granular box prompts with limited training data. The GB-SAM aims to reduce the dependency on expert pathologist annotators by enhancing the efficiency of the automated annotation process. Granular box prompts are small box regions derived from ground truth masks, conceived to replace the conventional approach of using a single large box covering the entire H&E-stained image patch. This method allows a localized and detailed analysis of gland morphology, enhancing the segmentation accuracy of individual glands and reducing the ambiguity that larger boxes might introduce in morphologically complex regions. We compared the performance of our GB-SAM model against U-Net trained on different sizes of the CRAG dataset. We evaluated the models across histopathological datasets, including CRAG, GlaS, and Camelyon16. GB-SAM consistently outperformed U-Net, with reduced training data, showing less segmentation performance degradation. Specifically, on the CRAG dataset, GB-SAM achieved a Dice coefficient of 0.885 compared to U-Net\'s 0.857 when trained on 25% of the data. Additionally, GB-SAM demonstrated segmentation stability on the CRAG testing dataset and superior generalization across unseen datasets, including challenging lymph node segmentation in Camelyon16, which achieved a Dice coefficient of 0.740 versus U-Net\'s 0.491. Furthermore, compared to SAM-Path and Med-SAM, GB-SAM showed competitive performance. GB-SAM achieved a Dice score of 0.900 on the CRAG dataset, while SAM-Path achieved 0.884. On the GlaS dataset, Med-SAM reported a Dice score of 0.956, whereas GB-SAM achieved 0.885 with significantly less training data. These results highlight GB-SAM\'s advanced segmentation capabilities and reduced dependency on large datasets, indicating its potential for practical deployment in digital pathology, particularly in settings with limited annotated datasets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to develop a deep learning (DL) model for predicting the recurrence risk of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) based on its histopathological features. Clinicopathological data and whole slide images from 164 LUAD cases were collected and used to train DL models with an ImageNet pre-trained efficientnet-b2 architecture, densenet201, and resnet152. The models were trained to classify each image patch into high-risk or low-risk groups, and the case-level result was determined by multiple instance learning with final FC layer\'s features from a model from all patches. Analysis of the clinicopathological and genetic characteristics of the model-based risk group was performed. For predicting recurrence, the model had an area under the curve score of 0.763 with 0.750, 0.633 and 0.680 of sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy in the test set, respectively. High-risk cases for recurrence predicted by the model (HR group) were significantly associated with shorter recurrence-free survival and a higher stage (both, p < 0.001). The HR group was associated with specific histopathological features such as poorly differentiated components, complex glandular pattern components, tumor spread through air spaces, and a higher grade. In the HR group, pleural invasion, necrosis, and lymphatic invasion were more frequent, and the size of the invasion was larger (all, p < 0.001). Several genetic mutations, including TP53 (p = 0.007) mutations, were more frequently found in the HR group. The results of stages I-II were similar to those of the general cohort. DL-based model can predict the recurrence risk of LUAD and identify the presence of the TP53 gene mutation by analyzing histopathologic features.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A large global health issue is cancer, wherein early diagnosis and treatment have proven to be life-saving. This holds true for oral cancer, thus emphasizing the significance of timely intervention. Deep learning techniques have gained traction in early cancer detection, exhibiting promising outcomes in accurate diagnosis. However, collecting a substantial amount of training data poses a challenge for deep learning models in cancer diagnosis. To address this limitation, this study proposes an oral cancer diagnosis approach based on a few-shot learning framework that circumvents the need for extensive training data. Specifically, a prototypical network is employed to construct a diagnostic model, wherein two feature extractors are utilized to extract prototypical features and query features respectively, departing from the conventional use of a single feature extraction function in prototypical networks. Moreover, a customized loss function is designed for the proposed method. Rigorous experimentation using a histopathological image dataset demonstrates the superior performance of our proposed approach over comparison methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comprehensively analyzing the corresponding regions in the images of serial slices stained using different methods is a common but important operation in pathological diagnosis. To help increase the efficiency of the analysis, various image registration methods are proposed to match the corresponding regions in different images, but their performance is highly influenced by the rotations, deformations, and variations of staining between the serial pathology images. In this work, we propose an orientation-free ring feature descriptor with stain-variability normalization for pathology image matching. Specifically, we normalize image staining to similar levels to minimize the impact of staining differences on pathology image matching. To overcome the rotation and deformation issues, we propose a rotation-invariance orientation-free ring feature descriptor that generates novel adaptive bins from ring features to build feature vectors. We measure the Euclidean distance of the feature vectors to evaluate keypoint similarity to achieve pathology image matching. A total of 46 pairs of clinical pathology images in hematoxylin-eosin and immunohistochemistry straining to verify the performance of our method. Experimental results indicate that our method meets the pathology image matching accuracy requirements (error ¡ 300μm), especially competent for large-angle rotation cases common in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in genomic technologies have enabled the development of abundant mouse models of human disease, requiring accurate phenotyping to elucidate the consequences of genetic manipulation. Anatomic pathology, an important component of the mouse phenotyping pipeline, is ideally performed by human or veterinary pathologists; however, due to insufficient numbers of pathologists qualified to assess these mouse models morphologically, research scientists may perform \"do-it-yourself\" pathology, resulting in diagnostic error. In the biomedical literature, pathology data is commonly presented as images of tissue sections, stained with either hematoxylin and eosin or antibodies via immunohistochemistry, accompanied by a figure legend. Data presented in such images and figure legends may contain inaccuracies. Furthermore, there is limited guidance for non-pathologist research scientists concerning the elements required in an ideal pathology image and figure legend in a research publication. In this overview, the components of an ideal pathology image and figure legend are outlined and comprise image quality, image composition, and image interpretation. Background knowledge is important for producing accurate pathology images and critically assessing these images in the literature. This foundational knowledge includes understanding relevant human and mouse anatomy and histology and, for cancer researchers, an understanding of human and mouse tumor classification and morphology, mouse stain background lesions, and tissue processing artifacts. Accurate interpretation of immunohistochemistry is also vitally important and is detailed with emphasis on the requirement for tissue controls and the distribution, intensity, and intracellular location of staining. Common pitfalls in immunohistochemistry interpretation are outlined, and a checklist of questions is provided by which any pathology image may be critically examined. Collaboration with pathologist colleagues is encouraged. This overview aims to equip researchers to critically assess the quality and accuracy of pathology images in the literature to improve the reliability and reproducibility of published pathology data. © 2023 The Authors. Current Protocols published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is a powerful approach in tackling domain discrepancies and reducing the burden of laborious and error-prone pixel-level annotations for instance segmentation. However, the domain adaptation strategies utilized in previous instance segmentation models pool all the labeled/detected instances together to train the instance-level GAN discriminator, which neglects the differences among multiple instance categories. Such pooling prevents UDA instance segmentation models from learning categorical correspondence between source and target domains for accurate instance classification; METHODS: To tackle this challenge, we propose an Instance Segmentation CycleGAN (ISC-GAN) algorithm for UDA multiclass-instance segmentation. We conduct extensive experiments on the multiclass nuclei recognition task to transfer knowledge from hematoxylin and eosin to immunohistochemistry stained pathology images. Specifically, we fuse CycleGAN with Mask R-CNN to learn categorical correspondence with image-level domain adaptation and virtual supervision. Moreover, we utilize Curriculum Learning to separate the learning process into two steps: (1) learning segmentation only on labeled source data, and (2) learning target domain segmentation with paired virtual labels generated by ISC-GAN. The performance was further improved through experiments with other strategies, including Shared Weights, Knowledge Distillation, and Expanded Source Data.
    RESULTS: Comparing to the baseline model or the three UDA instance detection and segmentation models, ISC-GAN illustrates the state-of-the-art performance, with 39.1% average precision and 48.7% average recall. The source codes of ISC-GAN are available at
    CONCLUSIONS: ISC-GAN adapted knowledge from hematoxylin and eosin to immunohistochemistry stained pathology images, suggesting the potential for reducing the need for large annotated pathological image datasets in deep learning and computer vision tasks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in human beings. It is highly fatal, as its early symptoms are not obvious. In clinical medicine, physicians rely on the information provided by pathology tests as an important reference for the final diagnosis of many diseases. Therefore, pathology diagnosis is known as the gold standard for disease diagnosis. However, the complexity of the information contained in pathology images and the increase in the number of patients far outpace the number of pathologists, especially for the treatment of lung cancer in less developed countries. To address this problem, we propose a plug-and-play visual activation function (AF), CroReLU, based on a priori knowledge of pathology, which makes it possible to use deep learning models for precision medicine. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to optimize deep learning models for pathology image diagnosis from the perspective of AFs. By adopting a unique crossover window design for the activation layer of the neural network, CroReLU is equipped with the ability to model spatial information and capture histological morphological features of lung cancer such as papillary, micropapillary, and tubular alveoli. To test the effectiveness of this design, 776 lung cancer pathology images were collected as experimental data. When CroReLU was inserted into the SeNet network (SeNet_CroReLU), the diagnostic accuracy reached 98.33%, which was significantly better than that of common neural network models at this stage. The generalization ability of the proposed method was validated on the LC25000 dataset with completely different data distribution and recognition tasks in the face of practical clinical needs. The experimental results show that CroReLU has the ability to recognize inter- and intra-class differences in cancer pathology images, and that the recognition accuracy exceeds the extant research work on the complex design of network layers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prognosis of patients with lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), especially early-stage LUAD, is dependent on clinicopathological features. However, its predictive utility is limited. In this study, we developed and trained a DeepRePath model based on a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) using multi-scale pathology images to predict the prognosis of patients with early-stage LUAD. DeepRePath was pre-trained with 1067 hematoxylin and eosin-stained whole-slide images of LUAD from the Cancer Genome Atlas. DeepRePath was further trained and validated using two separate CNNs and multi-scale pathology images of 393 resected lung cancer specimens from patients with stage I and II LUAD. Of the 393 patients, 95 patients developed recurrence after surgical resection. The DeepRePath model showed average area under the curve (AUC) scores of 0.77 and 0.76 in cohort I and cohort II (external validation set), respectively. Owing to low performance, DeepRePath cannot be used as an automated tool in a clinical setting. When gradient-weighted class activation mapping was used, DeepRePath indicated the association between atypical nuclei, discohesive tumor cells, and tumor necrosis in pathology images showing recurrence. Despite the limitations associated with a relatively small number of patients, the DeepRePath model based on CNNs with transfer learning could predict recurrence after the curative resection of early-stage LUAD using multi-scale pathology images.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to develop a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system for automatic classification of histopathological images of lung tissues. Two datasets (private and public datasets) were obtained and used for developing and validating CAD. The private dataset consists of 94 histopathological images that were obtained for the following five categories: normal, emphysema, atypical adenomatous hyperplasia, lepidic pattern of adenocarcinoma, and invasive adenocarcinoma. The public dataset consists of 15,000 histopathological images that were obtained for the following three categories: lung adenocarcinoma, lung squamous cell carcinoma, and benign lung tissue. These images were automatically classified using machine learning and two types of image feature extraction: conventional texture analysis (TA) and homology-based image processing (HI). Multiscale analysis was used in the image feature extraction, after which automatic classification was performed using the image features and eight machine learning algorithms. The multicategory accuracy of our CAD system was evaluated in the two datasets. In both the public and private datasets, the CAD system with HI was better than that with TA. It was possible to build an accurate CAD system for lung tissues. HI was more useful for the CAD systems than TA.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The spatial distributions of different types of cells could reveal a cancer cell\'s growth pattern, its relationships with the tumor microenvironment and the immune response of the body, all of which represent key \"hallmarks of cancer\". However, the process by which pathologists manually recognize and localize all the cells in pathology slides is extremely labor intensive and error prone.
    METHODS: In this study, we developed an automated cell type classification pipeline, ConvPath, which includes nuclei segmentation, convolutional neural network-based tumor cell, stromal cell, and lymphocyte classification, and extraction of tumor microenvironment-related features for lung cancer pathology images. To facilitate users in leveraging this pipeline for their research, all source scripts for ConvPath software are available at
    RESULTS: The overall classification accuracy was 92.9% and 90.1% in training and independent testing datasets, respectively. By identifying cells and classifying cell types, this pipeline can convert a pathology image into a \"spatial map\" of tumor, stromal and lymphocyte cells. From this spatial map, we can extract features that characterize the tumor micro-environment. Based on these features, we developed an image feature-based prognostic model and validated the model in two independent cohorts. The predicted risk group serves as an independent prognostic factor, after adjusting for clinical variables that include age, gender, smoking status, and stage.
    CONCLUSIONS: The analysis pipeline developed in this study could convert the pathology image into a \"spatial map\" of tumor cells, stromal cells and lymphocytes. This could greatly facilitate and empower comprehensive analysis of the spatial organization of cells, as well as their roles in tumor progression and metastasis.






