parvalbumin interneuron

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dystonia is thought to arise from abnormalities in the motor loop of the basal ganglia; however, there is an ongoing debate regarding cerebellar involvement. We adopted an established cerebellar dystonia mouse model by injecting ouabain to examine the contribution of the cerebellum. Initially, we examined whether the entopeduncular nucleus (EPN), substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), globus pallidus externus (GPe) and striatal neurons were activated in the model. Next, we examined whether administration of a dopamine D1 receptor agonist and dopamine D2 receptor antagonist or selective ablation of striatal parvalbumin (PV, encoded by Pvalb)-expressing interneurons could modulate the involuntary movements of the mice. The cerebellar dystonia mice had a higher number of cells positive for c-fos (encoded by Fos) in the EPN, SNr and GPe, as well as a higher positive ratio of c-fos in striatal PV interneurons, than those in control mice. Furthermore, systemic administration of combined D1 receptor agonist and D2 receptor antagonist and selective ablation of striatal PV interneurons relieved the involuntary movements of the mice. Abnormalities in the motor loop of the basal ganglia could be crucially involved in cerebellar dystonia, and modulating PV interneurons might provide a novel treatment strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Impaired extinction of fear memory is one of the most common symptoms in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with limited therapeutic strategies due to the poor understanding of its underlying neural substrates. In this study, functional screening is performed and identified hyperactivity in the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD) during fear extinction. Furthermore, the encoding patterns of the hyperactivated MD is investigated during persistent fear responses using multiple machine learning algorithms. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is also identified as a functional downstream region of the MD that mediates the extinction of fear memory. The thalamocortical circuit is comprehensively analyzed and found that the MD-ACC parvalbumin interneurons circuit is preferentially enhanced in PTSD mice, disrupting the local excitatory and inhibitory balance. It is found that decreased phosphorylation of the Kv3.2 channel contributed to the hyperactivated MD, primarily to the malfunctioning thalamocortical circuit. Using a lipid nanoparticle-based RNA therapy strategy, channelopathy is corrected via a methoxylated siRNA targeting the protein phosphatase 6 catalytic subunit and restored fear memory extinction in PTSD mice. These findings highlight the function of the thalamocortical circuit in PTSD-related impaired extinction of fear memory and provide therapeutic insights into Kv3.2-targeted RNA therapy for PTSD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate the effect of perineuronal net (PNN) and neurocan (NCAN) on spinal inhibitory parvalbumin interneuron (PV-IN), and the mechanism of electroacupuncture (EA) in promoting spinal cord injury (SCI) repair through neurocan in PNN.
    A mouse model of SCI was established. Sham-operated mice or SCI model mice were treated with chondroitin sulfate ABC (ChABC) enzyme or control vehicle for 2 weeks (i.e., sham+veh group, sham+ChABC group, SCI+veh group, and SCI+ChABC group, respectively), and then spinal cord tissues were taken from the T10 lesion epicenter for RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). MSigDB Hallmark and C5 databases for functional analysis, analysis strategies such as differential expression gene analysis (DEG), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA), and protein-protein interaction (PPI). According to the results of RNA-seq analysis, the expression of NCAN was knocked down or overexpressed by virus intervention, or/and EA intervention. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunofluorescence, western blot, electrophysiological, and behavioral tests were performed.
    After the successful establishment of SCI model, the motor dysfunction of lower limbs, and the expression of PNN core glycan protein at the epicenter of SCI were reduced. RNA-seq and PCR showed that PNN core proteoglycans except NCAN showed the same expression trend in normal and injured spinal cord treated with ChABC. KEGG and GSEA showed that PNN is mainly associated with inhibitory GABA neuronal function in injured spinal cord tissue, and PPI showed that NCAN in PNN can be associated with inhibitory neuronal function through parvalbumin (PV). Calcium imaging showed that local parvalbumin interneuron (PV-IN) activity decreased after PNN destruction, whether due to ChABC treatment or surgical bruising of the spinal cord. Overexpression of neurocan in injured spinal cord can enhance local PV-IN activity. PCR and western blot suggested that overexpression or knockdown of neurocan could up-regulate or down-regulate the expression of GAD. At the same time, the activity of PV-IN in the primary motor cortex (M1) and the primary sensory cortex of lower (S1HL) extremity changed synchronously. In addition, overexpression of neurocan improved the electrical activity of the lower limb and promoted functional repair of the paralyzed hind limb. EA intervention reversed the down-regulation of neurocan, enhanced the expression of PNN in the lesioned area, M1 and S1HL.
    Neurocan in PNN can regulate the activity of PV-IN, and EA can promote functional recovery of mice with SCI by upregulating neurocan expression in PNN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hyperexcitability of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) has been implicated in the development of chronic pain. As one of the key causes of ACC hyperexcitation, disinhibition of the ACC may be closely related to the dysfunction of inhibitory parvalbumin (PV)-expressing interneurons (PV-INs). However, the molecular mechanism underlying the ACC PV-INs injury remains unclear. The present study demonstrates that spared sciatic nerve injury (SNI) induces an imbalance in the excitation and inhibition (E/I) of the ACC. To test whether tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) upregulation in the ACC after SNI activates necroptosis and participates in PV-INs damage, we performed a differential analysis of transcriptome sequencing using data from neuropathic pain models and found that the expression of genes key to the TNF-α-necroptosis pathway were upregulated. TNF-α immunoreactivity (IR) signals in the ACCs of SNI rats were co-located with p-RIP3- and PV-IR, or p-MLKL- and PV-IR signals. We then systematically detected the expression and cell localization of necroptosis-related proteins, including kinase RIP1, RIP3, MLKL, and their phosphorylated states, in the ACC of SNI rats. Except for RIP1 and MLKL, the levels of these proteins were significantly elevated in the contralateral ACC and mainly expressed in PV-INs. Blocking the ACC TNF-α-necroptosis pathway by microinjecting TNF-α neutralizing antibody or using an siRNA knockdown to block expression of MLKL in the ACC alleviated SNI-induced pain hypersensitivity and inhibited the upregulation of TNF-α and p-MLKL. Targeting TNF-α-triggered necroptosis within ACC PV-INs may help to correct PV-INs injury and E/I imbalance in the ACC in neuropathic pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heterozygous mutations in the dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1a (Dyrk1a) gene define a syndromic form of autism spectrum disorder. The synaptic and circuit mechanisms mediating DYRK1A functions in social cognition are unclear. Here, we identify a social experience-sensitive mechanism in hippocampal mossy fiber-parvalbumin interneuron (PV IN) synapses by which DYRK1A recruits feedforward inhibition of CA3 and CA2 to promote social recognition. We employ genetic epistasis logic to identify a cytoskeletal protein, ABLIM3, as a synaptic substrate of DYRK1A. We demonstrate that Ablim3 downregulation in dentate granule cells of adult heterozygous Dyrk1a mice is sufficient to restore PV IN-mediated inhibition of CA3 and CA2 and social recognition. Acute chemogenetic activation of PV INs in CA3/CA2 of adult heterozygous Dyrk1a mice also rescued social recognition. Together, these findings illustrate how targeting DYRK1A synaptic and circuit substrates as \"enhancers of DYRK1A function\" harbors the potential to reverse Dyrk1a haploinsufficiency-associated circuit and cognition impairments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parvalbumin interneurons belong to the major types of GABAergic interneurons. Although the distribution and pathological alterations of parvalbumin interneuron somata have been widely studied, the distribution and vulnerability of the neurites and fibers extending from parvalbumin interneurons have not been detailly interrogated. Through the Cre recombinase-reporter system, we visualized parvalbumin-positive fibers and thoroughly investigated their spatial distribution in the mouse brain. We found that parvalbumin fibers are widely distributed in the brain with specific morphological characteristics in different regions, among which the cortex and thalamus exhibited the most intense parvalbumin signals. In regions such as the striatum and optic tract, even long-range thick parvalbumin projections were detected. Furthermore, in mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy and Parkinson\'s disease, parvalbumin fibers suffered both massive and subtle morphological alterations. Our study provides an overview of parvalbumin fibers in the brain and emphasizes the potential pathological implications of parvalbumin fiber alterations.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Parvalbumin (PV) interneurons are inhibitory fast-spiking cells with essential roles in directing the flow of information through cortical circuits. These neurons set the balance between excitation and inhibition, control rhythmic activity, and have been linked to disorders including autism spectrum and schizophrenia. PV interneurons differ between cortical layers in their morphology, circuitry, and function, but how their electrophysiological properties vary has received little attention. Here we investigate responses of PV interneurons in different layers of primary somatosensory barrel cortex (BC) to different excitatory inputs. With the genetically-encoded hybrid voltage sensor, hVOS, we recorded voltage changes simultaneously in many L2/3 and L4 PV interneurons to stimulation in either L2/3 or L4. Decay-times were consistent across L2/3 and L4. Amplitude, half-width, and rise-time were greater for PV interneurons residing in L2/3 compared to L4. Stimulation in L2/3 elicited responses in both L2/3 and L4 with longer latency compared to stimulation in L4. These differences in latency between layers could influence their windows for temporal integration. Thus PV interneurons in different cortical layers of BC show differences in response properties with potential roles in cortical computations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytoplasmic dynein is an important intracellular motor protein that plays an important role in neuronal growth, axonal polarity formation, dendritic differentiation, and dendritic spine development among others. The intermediate chain of dynein, encoded by Dync1i1, plays a vital role in the dynein complex. Therefore, we assessed the behavioral and related neuronal activities in mice with dync1i1 gene knockout. Neuronal activities in primary somatosensory cortex were recorded by in vivo electrophysiology and manipulated by optogenetic and chemogenetics. Nociception of mechanical, thermal, and cold pain in Dync1i1-/- mice were impaired. The activities of parvalbumin (PV) interneurons and gamma oscillation in primary somatosensory were also impaired when exposed to mechanical nociceptive stimulation. This neuronal dysfunction was rescued by optogenetic activation of PV neurons in Dync1i1-/- mice, and mimicked by suppressing PV neurons using chemogenetics in WT mice. Impaired pain sensations in Dync1i1-/- mice were correlated with impaired gamma oscillations due to a loss of interneurons, especially the PV type. This genotype-driven approach revealed an association between impaired pain sensation and cytoplasmic dynein complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the early stages of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), the accumulation of the peptide amyloid-β (Aβ) damages synapses and disrupts neuronal activity, leading to the disruption of neuronal oscillations associated with cognition. This is thought to be largely due to impairments in CNS synaptic inhibition, particularly via parvalbumin (PV)-expressing interneurons that are essential for generating several key oscillations. Research in this field has largely been conducted in mouse models that over-express humanised, mutated forms of AD-associated genes that produce exaggerated pathology. This has prompted the development and use of knock-in mouse lines that express these genes at an endogenous level, such as the AppNL-G-F/NL-G-F mouse model used in the present study. These mice appear to model the early stages of Aβ-induced network impairments, yet an in-depth characterisation of these impairments in currently lacking. Therefore, using 16 month-old AppNL-G-F/NL-G-F mice, we analysed neuronal oscillations found in the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) during awake behaviour, rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM (NREM) sleep to assess the extent of network dysfunction. No alterations to gamma oscillations were found to occur in the hippocampus or mPFC during either awake behaviour, REM or NREM sleep. However, during NREM sleep an increase in the power of mPFC spindles and decrease in the power of hippocampal sharp-wave ripples was identified. The latter was accompanied by an increase in the synchronisation of PV-expressing interneuron activity, as measured using two-photon Ca2+ imaging, as well as a decrease in PV-expressing interneuron density. Furthermore, although changes were detected in local network function of mPFC and hippocampus, long-range communication between these regions appeared intact. Altogether, our results suggest that these NREM sleep-specific impairments represent the early stages of circuit breakdown in response to amyloidopathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A key mode of neuronal communication between distant brain regions is through excitatory synaptic transmission mediated by long-range glutamatergic projections emitted from principal neurons. The long-range glutamatergic projection normally forms numerous en passant excitatory synapses onto both principal neurons and interneurons along its path. Under physiological conditions, the monosynaptic excitatory drive onto postsynaptic principal neurons outweighs disynaptic feedforward inhibition, with the net effect of depolarizing principal neurons. In contrast with this conventional doctrine, here we report that a glutamatergic projection from the hypothalamic supramammillary nucleus (SuM) largely evades postsynaptic pyramidal neurons (PNs), but preferentially target interneurons in the hippocampal CA3 region to predominantly provide feedforward inhibition. Using viral-based retrograde and anterograde tracing and ChannelRhodopsin2 (ChR2)-assisted patch-clamp recording in mice of either sex, we show that SuM projects sparsely to CA3 and provides minimal excitation onto CA3 PNs. Surprisingly, despite its sparse innervation, the SuM input inhibits all CA3 PNs along the transverse axis. Further, we find that SuM provides strong monosynaptic excitation onto CA3 parvalbumin-expressing interneurons evenly along the transverse axis, which likely mediates the SuM-driven feedforward inhibition. Together, our results demonstrate that a novel long-range glutamatergic pathway largely evades principal neurons, but rather preferentially innervates interneurons in a distant brain region to suppress principal neuron activity. Moreover, our findings reveal a new means by which SuM regulates hippocampal activity through SuM-to-CA3 circuit, independent of the previously focused projections from SuM to CA2 or dentate gyrus.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The dominant mode of neuronal communication between brain regions is the excitatory synaptic transmission mediated by long-range glutamatergic projections, which form en passant excitatory synapses onto both pyramidal neurons and interneurons along its path. Under normal conditions, the excitation onto postsynaptic neurons outweighs feedforward inhibition, with the net effect of depolarization. In contrast with this conventional doctrine, here we report that a glutamatergic input from hypothalamic supramammillary nucleus (SuM) largely evades PNs but selectively targets interneurons to almost exclusively provide disynaptic feedforward inhibition onto hippocampal CA3 PNs. Thus, our findings reveal a novel subcortical-hippocampal circuit that enables SuM to regulate hippocampal activity via SuM-CA3 circuit, independent of its projections to CA2 or dentate gyrus.





