parent-nurse relationship

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the experiences of partnership nursing among nurses when caring for children and young people with long-term conditions, and their families.
    BACKGROUND: Partnership nursing is promoted as a positive model of care among paediatric nurses, where shared roles and decision-making, parental participation, mutual trust and respect, communication and negotiation are valued to create positive care experiences and enhance patient outcomes. Little is known about how nurses use partnership with both the patient and the parents in this triad to deliver partnership nursing.
    METHODS: A qualitative systematic review followed Joanna Briggs Institute meta-aggregation approach and has been reported according to PRISMA guidelines.
    METHODS: A comprehensive systematic search was conducted in seven electronic databases. Studies were assessed according to a pre-determined inclusion criteria. Qualitative findings with illustrative participant quotes were extracted from included studies and grouped into categories to inform overall synthesised findings. Methodological quality assessment was conducted.
    RESULTS: A total of 5837 publications were screened, and 41 qualitative studies were included. Three overarching synthesised findings were identified: (1) Using education to promote feelings of safety and support, (2) Partnering to develop a strong therapeutic relationship and (3) Optimising communication underpinned by shared decision-making principles to deliver individualised care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses demonstrated successful partnership in their practice, but focused on developing dyadic nurse-parent and dyadic nurse-child partnerships. Future practice development that creates a three-way triadic partnership may aid therapeutic relationships and shared decision-making.
    CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians can reflect on how dyadic partnerships (focusing on the child or the parent) may exclude opportunities for coherent care. Further exploration in practice, policy and research as to how nurses determine child competency and child and parent level of engagement in triadic partnership may improve the potential of meaningful shared decision-making.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to explore parent-nurse pain management communication during a child\'s discharge process following pediatric outpatient surgery.
    METHODS: Thirty-two clinical encounters at discharge between parents (N = 40) and nurses (N = 25) at BC Children\'s Hospital were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Content analysis was applied on the audio recordings and corresponding transcripts using MAXQDA qualitative research software and Microsoft Excel.
    RESULTS: Overall, nurses delivered pain management instructions at an average sixth grade readability level and frequently used communication elements of reassurance, optimism, and question-asking. Less consistent communication elements included open-ended questions, interruptions, and promotion of parental decision-making. Parents most frequently asked one to five questions, with pain medication being the most inquired topic.
    CONCLUSIONS: Several strengths of the nurse communication approach were identified, and parent questions highlighted a need for greater understanding around pain medication.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings will help guide effective pain management communication and care for young patients and their families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore how parents of children with long-term conditions experience partnership in paediatric and neonatal nursing care and to identify existing partnership barriers and facilitators.
    BACKGROUND: Parent-nurse partnership is fundamental to paediatric and neonatal nursing. Partnership is characterised by five attributes: parental participation, negotiation, mutual trust and respect, shared roles and decision-making, and communication. Little is known about the parental experiences of partnership nursing specific to children living with a long-term condition.
    METHODS: A qualitative meta-aggregation review following Joanna Briggs Institute meta-aggregation approach.
    METHODS: A comprehensive search was conducted in six electronic databases. Studies were assessed according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Qualitative findings with illustrative quotes from included studies were extracted and grouped into categories which informed the synthesised findings. This review has been reported according to the PRISMA guidelines.
    RESULTS: A total of 4,404 studies were screened, 162 full-text studies were assessed against the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and a total of six studies were included. The meta-aggregation developed three overarching synthesised findings which were as follows: (a) empowering parents to become involved, (b) effective communication to recognise mutual expertise and (c) collaborative nurse-family relationships.
    CONCLUSIONS: Parents valued collaboration where both parents and nurses are recognised equally for their skills and expertise. A power struggle existed between parents and nurses when expertise was not recognised. Parents appreciated nurses who empowered them to develop new skills and knowledge in the care of their own child.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses need to recognise the skills and knowledge that parents have surrounding the care requirements of their own children. Collaboration and negotiation are key to successful partnership between nurses and parents. Nurses need to frequently reflect on how they are successfully partnering with both parents and children and ensure all parties in the nurse/parent/child triad feel supported and empowered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore how parents and nurses experience partnership in neonatal intensive care units and to identify existing barriers and facilitators to a successful partnership.
    BACKGROUND: Family-centred care is recommended as a frame of reference for treatment and care in neonatal intensive care units. A key element in family-centred care is partnership. Such partnerships are characterised by complex interpersonal relationships and interactions between nurses and parents/families. Partnerships therefore appear to present a significant challenge.
    METHODS: A qualitative review and meta-synthesis.
    METHODS: Comprehensive searching in ten databases: CINAHL, PubMed (MEDLINE), EMBASE, PsycINFO, Scopus and SweMed+, OpenGrey, MedNar, Google Scholar and ProQuest Dissertations & Thesis Global. A total of 1,644 studies (after removal of duplicates) were critically assessed, and 21 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. A meta-aggregation was used to synthesise the findings from the studies and was methodically quality assessed with QUARI/SUMARI and PRISMA.
    RESULTS: Through a meta-aggregative approach, two synthesised findings were developed: (a) co-creation of mutual knowledge and (b) developing competencies and negotiating roles. The first synthesis embraced the categories: being respected and listened to, trust and sharing knowledge, and the second synthesis embraced the categories: space to learn with guidance, encouraging and enabling, being in control. In constructing the categories, findings were identified as characteristics, barriers and facilitators to application.
    CONCLUSIONS: A successful relationship between parents and nurses can be achieved through co-creation of mutual knowledge and development of competencies and negotiation of roles. Neonatal intensive care unit nurses are in a position where they exercise power, but they can change the culture if they are aware of what seems to facilitate or create a barrier to a partnership with parents.
    CONCLUSIONS: This new evidence may inform a change in policies and guidelines which could be integrated into nurses\' clinical practice in neonatal intensive care units.





