parent-child interaction therapy

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    To the best of the authors\' knowledge, this article is the first of its kind in Albania and neighboring countries to investigate the transformative synergistic intervention approach through cognitive behavioral therapy, parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT), and heavy metal detoxification on a child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and comorbid oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and dyslexia. The limited mental health awareness in Albania, particularly regarding PCIT and similar treatments, highlights the importance of the applicability and adaptability of such interventions. This study suggests that the rapid management of comorbidities in ADHD, such as ODD and dyslexia, is better achieved by a combined intervention approach and by investigating the biological aspects. Further research with a large sample size is needed to assess the long-term sustainability and scalability of such an approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Young children are particularly vulnerable to traumatic events and the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms, including comorbid disruptive behaviors. Fortunately, several evidence-based interventions have been shown to be effective at decreasing both posttraumatic stress symptoms and disruptive behaviors in young children. This paper provides an overview of three such interventions-Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). An illustrative case study is used to compare how each intervention addresses disruptive behaviors, with a focus on theoretical underpinnings, model similarities, and model differences. The models each have empirical evidence for the treatment of disruptive behavior in young children, and therefore, may be appropriate for treating children with a history of trauma exposure and comorbid disruptive behaviors. Child, caregiver, and environmental factors are essential to consider when identifying an evidence-based intervention for this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidence-based practice (EBP) for young children with challenging behaviors. PCIT has been adapted to treat varying presentations and culturally diverse families. Although efforts have been made to disseminate PCIT into community settings, which often serve clinically complex, socio-culturally diverse, and marginalized communities, barriers to disseminating adapted models remain. An alternative strategy to understanding how to increase access to appropriately adapted PCIT is to learn from community clinicians\' practice-based adaptations to meet their clients\' diverse needs related to clinical presentation, culture, and language. This mixed-method study investigated community clinician adaptations of PCIT. Clinicians (N = 314) were recruited via PCIT listservs to complete a survey collecting background information, and adaptations to PCIT. Most clinicians had a master\'s degree (72.1%), were licensed (74.2%), and were PCIT-certified (70.7%). Qualitative interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of 23 community clinicians, who were 39% Spanish-speaking, were 30% Latinx, and 30% reported serving a ≥50% Latinx clientele. Clinicians reported engaging in adaptations aimed at augmenting PCIT more extensively than adaptations involving removing core components. Themes from qualitative interviews converged with quantitative findings, with clinicians most frequently describing augmenting adaptations, and highlighted reasons for adapting PCIT. Clinicians primarily augmented treatment to address clients\' clinical presentations. Clinicians rarely adapted treatment specifically for culture, but when mentioned, clinicians discussed tailoring idioms and phrases to match clients\' culture for Spanish-speaking clients. Implications for training PCIT clinicians in intervention adaptations will be discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and aims: Although adjustment of the environment is recommended as a support strategy in evidence-based interventions for children with autism, the impact of doing so (and the how and why) is not well understood. One essential environmental factor to consider when providing supports for preschool-aged autistic children is the play setting, specifically, the materials available in the child\'s play context. The aim of this study was to compare engagement states and number of utterances produced by preschool-aged autistic children within symbolic vs. gross motor play settings. Examining the relationship between gross motor play settings and children\'s social engagement and spoken language use is particularly important to explore for autistic children given differences in their sensory processing, motor skill development, and choice of and interaction with toys relative to neurotypical peers. Methods: Seventy autistic children aged 25-57 months were videotaped during natural play interactions with a parent. Children\'s social engagement and number of spoken utterances were examined in five minutes each of play with symbolic toys and play with gross motor toys. Continuous time-tagged video coding of the child-caregiver engagement states was conducted, and the child\'s frequency of spoken language was identified using language sample analysis. The specific variables examined were; (a) engagement with caregiver, (b) engagement with objects only, (c) unengaged (no evident engagement with objects or people), and (d) total number of spoken utterances. The relationship between play setting (symbolic vs gross motor) and child language and engagement state variables was examined with linear mixed effects modelling. Results: Significant main effects were revealed for the interaction between play setting and autistic children\'s engagement. Young autistic children were more likely to engage with caregivers in play environments with gross motor toys (moderate effect) and also were more likely to have periods of unengaged time (not overtly directing their attention to objects or people; small effect) in this setting. Further, when in a setting with symbolic toys, autistic children were more likely to spend their time focusing attention solely on objects (large effect). No interaction was found between play setting and total number of utterances spoken by autistic children. Conclusions and implications: This study confirmed the importance of continued research focused on understanding the relationship between children\'s play settings and their social engagement and language use. Although preliminary, findings support the idea that there is an interaction between preschool-aged autistic children\'s social engagement and their play settings. Further, our results suggest that there can be value in clinicians differentiating children\'s play settings (i.e., gross motor vs symbolic) when assessing and supporting social engagement capacities of young autistic children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While externalizing behaviors are common among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), there is a shortage of specialist community-based clinicians to provide treatment. Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), an intervention designed to reduce child disruptive behaviors, may be effective for families of children with ASD but has rarely been studied outside of university-based research settings. We examined the effectiveness of PCIT delivered for children with (N = 109) and without (N = 2,324) ASD/developmental delays (DD) across community-based agencies in Oregon. Findings revealed significant reductions in disruptive behavior and positive changes in the parent-child relationship in both groups. These findings support PCIT as an efficacious intervention for children with ASD/DD and demonstrate PCIT\'s promise in community-based agencies with non-specialized clinicians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although live coaching using behavioral principles is a powerful mechanism of change in behavioral parent training (BPT), little research has examined the coaching process. We used a cross-sectional sample of coaches with different levels of training in the evidence-based behavioral parent training model parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT) to begin to understand how training impacts coaching techniques. Forty-six coaches including PCIT lay helpers, therapists, within-agency and global/regional trainers, provided a sample of coaching in response to a standardized parent-child interaction. Level of training was significantly and positively associated with coaching verbalizations (r(44) = .80, p < .001). Training level was also associated with effective coaching strategies such that as training increased, coaches used more strategies related to positive treatment outcomes for families. Results suggest that coaches with less training may benefit from additional education around certain types of responsive coaching strategies. Findings raise important questions about how \"adequate\" and \"optimal\" coaching might be defined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is one of the strongest evidence-based treatments available for young children and their families. Research has supported the use of PCIT for children with a history of trauma; however, the treatment does not directly address trauma in the child. PCIT is a dyadic treatment; yet, the impact of the carer\'s trauma on the carer-child relationship is not assessed or incorporated into treatment. For these reasons, therapists, families, agencies, and funders tend to view PCIT as a trauma treatment with skepticism. PCIT therapists who currently address trauma within the intervention do so without a standardized approach. Trauma-Directed Interaction (TDI) is an adaptation developed to directly address these concerns. TDI maintains the key elements and theoretical underpinnings of PCIT while adding sessions to cover psychoeducation about trauma, carer response to a child\'s trauma reactions (SAFE skills), and coping skills to aid both the child and the carer to manage trauma activators (COPE skills). The TDI module creates a consistent strategy for PCIT therapists to address trauma, thus allowing research and replication which will advance the dual fields of PCIT and family trauma. The theoretical conceptualization of TDI is presented along with next steps in its evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an effective parent training approach for a commonly occurring and disabling condition, namely conduct problems in young children. Yet, despite ongoing efforts to train clinicians in PCIT, the intervention is not widely available in New Zealand and Australia.
    We undertook a cross-sectional online survey of clinicians in New Zealand and Australia who had completed at least the 40-h initial PCIT training, to understand the barriers they encountered in their implementation efforts, and the extent to which attitudes toward time-out influenced implementation. The overall response rate was 47.5% (NZ: 60%; Australia: 31.4%).
    Responses suggested that participants generally viewed PCIT as both acceptable and effective. Australian participants reported seeing significantly more clients for PCIT per week than those in NZ (Medians 0 and 2, respectively; χ2(1) = 14.08, p < 0.001) and tended to view PCIT as more effective in treating disruptive and oppositional behaviour (95% CI: -0.70, -0.13, p = 0.005). Participants currently seeing PCIT clients described it as more enjoyable to implement than those not using PCIT (95% CI: -0.85, -0.10, p = 0.01). Thirty-eight percent of participants indicated that they adapt or tailor the standardised protocol, primarily by adding in content relating to emotion regulation, and removing content relating to time-out. Participants generally felt that they had fewer skills, less knowledge, and less confidence relating to the Parent-Directed Interaction phase of PCIT (which involves time-out), compared with the Child-Directed Interaction phase.
    While we had hypothesised that time-out represented an intra-intervention component that detracted from implementation success, results suggested that clinician concern over the use of time-out was present but not prominent. Rather, the lack of access to suitable equipment (i.e., one-way mirror and ear-piece) and difficulties associated with clients attending clinic-based sessions were barriers most commonly reported by clinicians. We suggest that future research might consider whether and how PCIT might be \"re-implemented\" by already-trained clinicians, moving beyond simply training more clinicians in the approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sustainment of evidence-based practices is necessary to ensure their public health impact. The current study examined predictors of sustainment of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) within a large-scale system-driven implementation effort in Los Angeles County. Data were drawn from PCIT training data and county administrative claims between January 2013 and March 2018. Participants included 241 therapists from 61 programs. Two sustainment outcomes were examined at the therapist- and program-levels: 1) PCIT claim volume and 2) PCIT claim discontinuation (discontinuation of claims during study period; survival time of claiming in months). Predictors included therapist- and program-level caseload, training, and workforce characteristics. On average, therapists and programs continued claiming to PCIT for 17.7 and 32.3 months, respectively. Across the sustainment outcomes, there were both shared and unshared significant predictors. For therapists, case-mix fit (higher proportions of young child clients with externalizing disorders) and participation in additional PCIT training activities significantly predicted claims volume. Furthermore, additional training activity participation was associated with lower likelihood of therapist PCIT claim discontinuation in the follow-up period. Programs with therapists eligible to be internal trainers were significantly less likely to discontinue PCIT claiming. Findings suggest that PCIT sustainment may be facilitated by implementation strategies including targeted outreach to ensure eligible families in therapist caseloads, facilitating therapist engagement in advanced trainings, and building internal infrastructure through train-the-trainer programs.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has been widely recognized that access to mental health treatment is imperative to address current and long-term stressors for children and parents during COVID-19. Internet-delivered Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (iPCIT, previously referred to as I-PCIT) is a strong model for remote service delivery during social distancing restrictions due to its empirical base. However, this treatment modality was not widely implemented before COVID-19, likely due to barriers to providing telehealth services. This mixed methods study conducted a follow-up survey to gather therapist experiences (N = 223) in delivering iPCIT during COVID-19, including qualitative data on the benefits and challenges to delivering iPCIT. The vast majority of therapists (82%) indicated that they transitioned to deliver PCIT via telehealth in response to COVID-19. PCIT caseloads decreased slightly from the first survey to the COVID-19 follow-up survey, but the racial and ethnic composition of caseloads were not significantly different between the two surveys. Of the 183 therapists who transitioned to deliver PCIT via telehealth, 82% expressed interest in continuing to provide iPCIT following the COVID-19 pandemic. Reported benefits of iPCIT included decreased barriers to access and the ability to practice skills within the naturalistic home environment. Challenges to iPCIT were primarily issues with technology as well as other logistical barriers, which could limit engagement for some families. Findings from this study may be beneficial in improving future implementation of iPCIT during and post-COVID-19.






