parameter extraction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to establish an effective modeling technique for simulating the performance of photovoltaic modules by calculating their electrical parameters based on the two-diode model. The suggested methodology involves reducing the scope of the study from seven unknown parameters to only three, and that without resorting to any approximations. The first four parameters are calculated analytically based on the data representing the crucial positions on the current-voltage graph and using a new expression of the fill-factor derived from the two-diode equivalent circuit. The remaining parameters are established numerically based on a simple iterative technique adaptable with two sites of data availability. The photovoltaic modeling begins by utilizing the values of key-points. Subsequently, to ensure the proposed approach\'s adaptability to various scenarios of available information about PV generators, it is invested and applied for an optimization process. The accuracy is evaluated for diverse types of photovoltaic modules, and the results are weighed against widely reviewed numerical methods and evolutionary optimization algorithms in the literature. As a result, the new method demonstrates superior performance, yielding the smallest values for the utilized statistical indicators and reducing compilation time. These findings underscore its flexibility and high efficiency in simulating photovoltaic devices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents a complete electromechanical (EM) model of piezoelectric transducers (PTs) independent of high or low coupling assumptions, vibration conditions, and geometry. The PT\'s spring stiffness is modeled as part of the domain coupling transformer, and the piezoelectric EM coupling coefficient is modeled explicitly as a split inductor transformer. This separates the coupling coefficient from the coefficient used for conversion between mechanical and electrical domains, providing a more insightful understanding of the energy transfers occurring within a PT and allowing for analysis not previously possible. This also illustrates the role the PT\'s spring plays in EM energy conversion. The model is analyzed and discussed from a circuits and energy harvesting perspective. Coupling between domains and how loading affects coupled energy are examined. Moreover, simple methods for experimentally extracting model parameters, including the coupling coefficient, are provided to empower engineers to quickly and easily integrate PTs in SPICE simulations for the rapid and improved development of PT interface circuits. The model and parameter extractions are validated by comparing them to the measured response of a physical cantilever-style PT excited by regular and irregular vibrations. In most cases, less than a 5-10% error between measured and simulated responses is observed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracting moso bamboo parameters from single-source point cloud data has limitations. In this article, a new approach for extracting moso bamboo parameters using airborne laser scanning (ALS) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) point cloud data is proposed. Using the field-surveyed coordinates of plot corner points and the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm, the ALS and TLS point clouds were aligned. Considering the difference in point distribution of ALS, TLS, and the merged point cloud, individual bamboo plants were segmented from the ALS point cloud using the point cloud segmentation (PCS) algorithm, and individual bamboo plants were segmented from the TLS and the merged point cloud using the comparative shortest-path (CSP) method. The cylinder fitting method was used to estimate the diameter at breast height (DBH) of the segmented bamboo plants. The accuracy was calculated by comparing the bamboo parameter values extracted by the above methods with reference data in three sample plots. The comparison results showed that by using the merged data, the detection rate of moso bamboo plants could reach up to 97.30%; the R2 of the estimated bamboo height was increased to above 0.96, and the root mean square error (RMSE) decreased from 1.14 m at most to a range of 0.35-0.48 m, while the R2 of the DBH fit was increased to a range of 0.97-0.99, and the RMSE decreased from 0.004 m at most to a range of 0.001-0.003 m. The accuracy of moso bamboo parameter extraction was significantly improved by using the merged point cloud data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents a novel approach for parameters estimation of photovoltaic cells/modules using a recent optimization algorithm called quadratic interpolation optimization algorithm (QIOA). The proposed formula is dependent on variable voltage resistances (VVR) implementation of the series and shunt resistances. The variable resistances reduced from the effect of the electric field on the semiconductor conductivity should be included to get more accurate representation. Minimizing the mean root square error (MRSE) between the measured (I-V) dataset and the extracted (V-I) curve from the proposed electrical model is the main goal of the current optimization problem. The unknown parameters of the proposed PV models under the considered operating conditions are identified and optimally extracted using the proposed QIOA. Two distinct PV types are employed with normal and low radiation conditions. The VVR TDM is proposed for (R.T.C. France) silicon PV operating at normal radiation, and eleven unknown parameters are optimized. Additionally, twelve unknown parameters are optimized for a Q6-1380 multi-crystalline silicon (MCS) (area 7.7 cm2) operating under low radiation. The efficacy of the QIOA is demonstrated through comparison with four established optimizers: Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA), and Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA). The proposed QIO method achieves the lowest absolute current error values in both cases, highlighting its superiority and efficiency in extracting optimal parameters for both Single-Crystalline Silicon (SCS) and MCS cells under varying irradiance levels. Furthermore, simulation results emphasize the effectiveness of QIO compared to other algorithms in terms of convergence speed and robustness, making it a promising tool for accurate and efficient PV parameter estimation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The parameter extraction process for PV models poses a complex nonlinear and multi-model optimization challenge. Accurately estimating these parameters is crucial for optimizing the efficiency of PV systems. To address this, the paper introduces the Adaptive Rao Dichotomy Method (ARDM) which leverages the adaptive characteristics of the Rao algorithm and the Dichotomy Technique. ARDM is compared with the several recent optimization techniques, including the tuna swarm optimizer, African vulture\'s optimizer, and teaching-learning-based optimizer. Statistical analyses and experimental results demonstrate the ARDM\'s superior performance in the parameter extraction for the various PV models, such as RTC France and PWP 201 polycrystalline, utilizing manufacturer-provided datasheets. Comparisons with competing techniques further underscore ARDM dominance. Simulation results highlight ARDM quick processing time, steady convergence, and consistently high accuracy in delivering optimal solutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growing demand for solar energy conversion underscores the need for precise parameter extraction methods in photovoltaic (PV) plants. This study focuses on enhancing accuracy in PV system parameter extraction, essential for optimizing PV models under diverse environmental conditions. Utilizing primary PV models (single diode, double diode, and three diode) and PV module models, the research emphasizes the importance of accurate parameter identification. In response to the limitations of existing metaheuristic algorithms, the study introduces the enhanced prairie dog optimizer (En-PDO). This novel algorithm integrates the strengths of the prairie dog optimizer (PDO) with random learning and logarithmic spiral search mechanisms. Evaluation against the PDO, and a comprehensive comparison with eighteen recent algorithms, spanning diverse optimization techniques, highlight En-PDO\'s exceptional performance across different solar cell models and CEC2020 functions. Application of En-PDO to single diode, double diode, three diode, and PV module models, using experimental datasets (R.T.C. France silicon and Photowatt-PWP201 solar cells) and CEC2020 test functions, demonstrates its consistent superiority. En-PDO achieves competitive or superior root mean square error values, showcasing its efficacy in accurately modeling the behavior of diverse solar cells and performing optimally on CEC2020 test functions. These findings position En-PDO as a robust and reliable approach for precise parameter estimation in solar cell models, emphasizing its potential and advancements compared to existing algorithms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate estimation of photovoltaic (PV) panels\' temperature is crucial for an accurate assessment for both the electrical and thermal aspects and performances. In this study we propose an advanced simulation approach linking a double-diode (DD) electrical model using the Artificial hummingbird algorithm; for parameter extraction; and a two-dimensional finite-difference-based thermal model. The electrical-sub model is firstly validated in comparison to experimental data figuring in literature using three types of PV technologies, with a relative error of about 2%. Then, the coupled model is validated using in-situ experimental setup consisting of the usage of thin-film PV technology, temperature sensors, weather station and an infrared camera. The results from both simulations and experiments exhibit strong alignment with a relative error of not higher than 2%; mainly due to the used material calibration uncertainties and external perturbations. This holistic model can be indeed further optimized, still, it has a potential to advance the development in the research area of PV systems.Future efforts could involve additional experimentation to validate the model for different seasons of the year.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review presents a concise overview of RF (radio frequency) power transistor behavior models, which is crucial for optimizing RF performance in high-frequency applications like wireless communication, radar, and satellites. The paper highlights the significance of accurate modeling in understanding transistor behavior and traces the evolution of behavior modeling techniques. Different behavior modeling strategies, such as LUT (look-up table) based models, polynomial equation-based models, and machine learning based models, are discussed along with their unique characteristics and modeling challenges. The review explores the difference between behavior models and the conventional empirical or physics-based modeling approaches, addressing the challenges of the accurate characterization of transistors at high frequencies and power levels. This paper concludes with an outlook of emerging trends, such as physical models combined with behavior models, shaping the future of RF power transistor modeling for more efficient communication systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The carnivorous plant algorithm (CPA), which was recently proposed for solving optimization problems, is a population-based optimization algorithm inspired by plants. In this study, the exploitation phase of the CPA was improved with the teaching factor strategy in order to achieve a balance between the exploration and exploitation capabilities of CPA, minimize getting stuck in local minima, and produce more stable results. The improved CPA is called the I-CPA. To test the performance of the proposed I-CPA, it was applied to CEC2017 functions. In addition, the proposed I-CPA was applied to the problem of identifying the optimum parameter values of various solar photovoltaic modules, which is one of the real-world optimization problems. According to the experimental results, the best value of the root mean square error (RMSE) ratio between the standard data and simulation data was obtained with the I-CPA method. The Friedman mean rank statistical analyses were also performed for both problems. As a result of the analyses, it was observed that the I-CPA produced statistically significant results compared to some classical and modern metaheuristics. Thus, it can be said that the proposed I-CPA achieves successful and competitive results in identifying the parameters of solar photovoltaic modules.





