
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tarnished plant bug (TPB, Lygus lineolaris) remains a major pest for a variety of crops. Frequent sprays on row crops, especially cotton, prompted resistance development in field populations. To maintain chemical control as an effective tool against the pest, knowledge of global gene regulations is desirable for better understanding and managing the resistance. Novel microarray expressions of 6688 genes showed 685 significantly upregulated and 1382 significantly downregulated genes in oxamyl-selected TPBs (Vyd1515FF[R]) from a cotton field. Among the 685 upregulated genes (participated in 470 pathways), 176 genes code 30 different enzymes, and 7 of the 30 participate in 24 metabolic pathways. Six important detoxification pathways were controlled by 20 genes, coding 11 esterases, two P450s, two oxidases, and three pathway-associated enzymes (synthases, reductase, and dehydrogenase). Functional analyses showed substantially enhanced biological processes and molecular functions, with hydrolase activity as the most upregulated molecular function (controlled by 166 genes). Eleven esterases belong to the acting on ester bond subclass of the 166 hydrolases. Surprisingly, only one GST showed significant upregulation, but it was not involved in any detoxification pathway. Therefore, this research reports a set of 20 genes coding 6 enzyme classes to detoxify a carbamate insecticide oxamyl in Vyd1515FF. Together with three previous reports, we have obtained the best knowledge of resistance mechanisms to all four conventional insecticide classes in the economically important crop pest. This valuable finding will greatly facilitate the development of molecular tools to monitor and manage the resistance and to minimize risk to environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meloidogyne enterolobii is a highly aggressive quarantine pathogen which threatens the multibillion-dollar tobacco industry and is not manageable with the currently available management methods in tobacco. There is currently no known host plant resistance in tobacco and previous studies have shown that the lower level of the currently recommended rate of non-fumigant nematicides does not provide satisfactory management of M. enterolobii. The current study was conducted with the hypothesis that M. enterolobii can be better managed using a single soil application of the maximum allowed rate of non-fumigant nematicides. Treatments involved three non-fumigant chemical nematicides (oxamyl, fluopyram, and fluensulfone), a biological nematicide derived from Burkholderia, and a non-treated control. Fluensulfone significantly suppressed the nematode reproduction relative to the control, the suppression being 71% for eggs and 86% for the second stage juveniles (J2). Fluopyram also suppressed nematode reproduction, although this was statistically insignificant, with the suppression being 26% and 37% for eggs and J2, respectively. Oxamyl significantly suppressed J2 (80%), but not eggs (50%) in relation to the control. The most significant reduction of disease severity was achieved by the application of fluensulfone (64%), followed by oxamyl (54%) and fluopyram (48%). Except for fluensulfone, which significantly reduced the root biomass, none of the nematicides significantly impacted root and shoot biomass. The biological nematicide did not significantly affect nematode reproduction, pathogenicity, or disease severity. The results from the current study suggest that while the non-fumigant nematicides provided a good level of the nematode suppression, more research is needed to improve the efficacy of non-fumigant nematicides through employing better application methods or finding better chemistries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Micro-Multiple Reflection ATR (CMRATR) spectroscopy is a technique, using specialized equipment, which allows the enhanced sensitivity of multiple reflection ATR analysis of small amounts of liquids in a confined area hitherto reserved for single reflection equipment. This technique has demonstrated a high level of sensitivity, especially when used in conjunction with an evaporative technique. In this work, the technique will be used with a miniature CMRATR accessory, which has the added advantage of compatibility with the smallest current FTIR spectrometers, to analyze pesticides. The results presented here indicate that the CMRATR/evaporative technique can serve as both qualitative and quantitative support to the existing standard methodology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study assessed the removal of fenamiphos, imidacloprid, and oxamyl pesticides from water using algal Nannochloropsis oculata biomass. Several factors, such as algal biomass concentration, incubation time, and pesticide concentration, were studied for their impact on pesticide removal. Analysis and quantification of pesticides by rapid HPLC have been developed and validated. The optimum conditions were obtained at 15 min, 50 mg/L of pesticide concentration, and 4,500 mg/L of the algal biomass with 92.24% and 90.43% removal for fenamiphos and imidacloprid, respectively. While optimum parameters of 10 min incubation, 250 mg/L of pesticide concentration, and 2,750 mg/L of the algal biomass exhibited 67.34% removal for oxamyl. N. oculata, marine microalgae, successively removed different concentrations of the tested pesticides from water, and the algal biomass showed a potential reduction of pesticides in polluted water samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In accordance with Article 43 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, the European Commission requested EFSA to perform a risk assessment of the existing maximum residues levels (MRLs) for oxamyl considering the new toxicological reference values. Additionally, if needed to ensure adequate consumer protection, lower limits of quantification (LOQs) than those currently established in the legislation should be proposed. EFSA performed various consumer exposure calculation scenarios, considering the risk assessment values as available for the existing uses of oxamyl and the lowering of LOQs for several plant and animal commodities as suggested by the European Union Reference Laboratories for Pesticide Residues (EURLs). Based on the results of the consumer exposure assessment calculated considering the risk assessment values for crops with authorised oxamyl uses and the existing EU MRLs at the LOQ for remaining commodities (scenario 1), chronic consumer intake concerns were identified for 34 diets. Acute exposure concerns were identified for a wide range of crops, including crops with currently authorised oxamyl uses: bananas, potatoes, melons, cucumbers, carrots, watermelons, tomatoes, courgettes, parsnips, salsifies and aubergines/eggplants. Under exposure calculation scenario 3, which considered lowering of all MRLs to the lowest analytically achievable limits of quantification, EFSA concludes that chronic consumer exposure concerns can still not be excluded. Similarly, acute consumer exposure concerns were identified for 16 commodities, including crops with known authorised uses: potatoes, melons, watermelons and tomatoes, even though for these crops a lower LOQ as proposed by the EURLs were considered. Further refinements of the calculated exposure at the current stage were not possible by EFSA, but EFSA identified a list of commodities for which a lower LOQ than routinely achievable is expected to significantly reduce the consumer exposure and for which a risk management decision is required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of three currently available non-fumigant chemical nematicides (oxamyl, fluopyram, and fluensulfone) and a biological nematicide derived from Burkholderia against Meloidogyne enterolobii on tobacco in a growth room environment. The non-fumigant chemical nematicides greatly suppressed nematode egg production compared to the untreated control, the suppression being 99.9% for fluensulfone and oxamyl, and 93% for fluopyram. Similarly, oxamyl-, fluensulfone-, and fluopyram-treated pots, respectively, had 99%, 98%, and 94% less J2/100 cm3 of soil than those in the control. The biological nematicide did not have a significant effect on nematode egg production and the soil abundance of J2. The root biomass of tobacco was significantly reduced by the application of fluensulfone, while the effects of oxamyl, fluopyram, and Burkholderia metabolites were not significant compared to the untreated control. Results from this study suggest that non-fumigant nematicides have a potential to serve as an alternative to fumigant nematicides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxamyl, a carbamate insecticide, is mainly used to control nematodes in the agricultural field. Although oxamyl is a widely used insecticide that is associated with ecological concerns, limited studies have examined the toxic effects of oxamyl on the developmental stage and the underlying mechanisms. In this study, the developmental toxicity of oxamyl was demonstrated using zebrafish, which is a representative model as it is associated with rapid embryogenesis and a toxic response similar to that of other vertebrates. The morphological alteration of zebrafish larvae was analyzed to confirm the sub-lethal toxicity of oxamyl. Analysis of transgenic zebrafish (olig2:dsRED and flk1:eGFP line) and mRNA levels of genes associated with individual organ development revealed that oxamyl exerted toxic effects on the development of neuron, notochord, and vascular system. Next, the adverse effect of oxamyl on the mitochondrial electron transport chain was examined. Treatment with oxamyl altered the PI3K/Akt signaling and p38 Mapk signaling pathways in zebrafish. Thus, this study elucidated the mechanisms underlying the developmental toxicity of oxamyl and provided information on the parameters to assess the developmental toxicity of other environmental contaminants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxamyl is a highly toxic carbamate molecule with toxicological risk from contamination, used as an insecticide, nematicide, and acaricide on many field crops, vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals. Suspected poisoned animals and baits were collected between January 2018 and August 2021 from Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna regions and analyzed at the chemical toxicology laboratory of the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna, located in Brescia. The analyses were carried out by an ion trap GC-MS system in 2467 suspected samples and showed the presence of oxamyl in 67 of these. In this study, we analyzed 47 (out of 67) positive baits: the provinces in which more cases have been recorded are Mantua, Ferrara, and Cremona, which overall had 72% of positivity. The nature of the analyzed samples was mostly corn (55.3%), followed by bird carcasses (19.1%), apples (14.8%), meatballs (2.1%), bread (2.1%), and other (8.5%). The use of oxamyl to produce poisoned baits is constantly increasing, proving that it must be considered as a public health risk for the possible consequences on target and non-target organisms, including humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Southern root-knot nematode (SRKN, Meloidogyne incognita) is a major pest of sweet potato, and nematicides are needed to manage this nematode. The objectives of this study were to assess the efficacy of fluazaindolizine, a new non-fumigant nematicide, in comparison with the fumigant nematicide 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) and non-fumigant nematicides fluopyram and oxamyl for (1) SRKN management, (2) impacts on free-living nematodes, and (3) sweet potato yield in field trials. Among all nematicides, 1,3-D at 84 kg/ha most consistently (2 of 3 years) managed SRKN soil populations and improved yield. Fluazaindolizine at 2.24 kg/ha and fluazindolizine at 1.12 kg/ha plus oxamyl at 2.14 kg/ha managed SRKN populations and improved yield in 1 of 3 years, whereas fluazaindolizine alone at 1.12 kg/ha only decreased SRKN populations. Fluopyram at 238 g/ha did not affect SRKN or yield. Nematicide application also had non-target effects on free-living nematodes with 1,3-D reducing abundances relative to untreated most frequently (2018 and 2020), but other nematicides also reducing free-living nematode abundances in 2020. In summary, 1,3-D is the most consistent option for SRKN control on sweet potato, but fluazaindolizine, oxamyl or combinations of the two products can also be effective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conclusions of the EFSA following the peer review of the initial risk assessments carried out by the competent authorities of the rapporteur Member State, Italy, and co-rapporteur Member State, France, for the pesticide active substance oxamyl and the assessment of applications for maximum residue levels (MRLs) are reported. The context of the peer review was that required by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 844/2012, as amended by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2018/1659. The conclusions were reached on the basis of the evaluation of the representative uses of oxamyl as a nematicide on potato and tobacco (field use), on tomato (permanent greenhouse), on cucurbits (edible and inedible peel), pepper, aubergine and plants nurseries of the above-mentioned crops on soil bed preparation (permanent greenhouse). The reliable end points, appropriate for use in regulatory risk assessment and the proposed MRLs, are presented. Missing information identified as being required by the regulatory framework is listed. Concerns are identified.





