oviposition preference

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Invasive Anoplophora glabripennis recently became established in Japan and has caused heavy damage to several street-tree species. Overseas, A. glabripennis infests trees of the genera Acer and Populus as common host plants, and Malus, Pyrus, and Prunus (Rosaceae), including apple, pear, and plum trees; it therefore poses a potential risk to the production of economically valuable fruits in Japan. Fruit farms in areas already invaded by A. glabripennis are now threatened with tree infestation. We aimed to determine the potential damage to major fruit species in Japan. In the laboratory, we determined if the adult beetle is attracted to the odor of each of these tree species\' branches; two confirmed host plant species and five Rosaceae fruit species, as well as its feeding preferences among branches of one host plant and the five fruit trees and its oviposition preferences among them. Among the fruit species, cherry branch had the highest rate of odor orientation by males. The feeding-preference assay showed that, besides the host plant, Japanese pear was the most consumed among the fruit trees. The potential risk of A. glabripennis laying eggs on fruit-tree branches was high for Japanese pear and above zero for plum, apple, and cherry branches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The litchi fruit borer Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley is a major destructive pest of litchi and longan plants in China, India and South East Asia. Given its strong olfactory-based oviposition behaviour, interfering with the chemical communication between this insect pest and its host plant may serve as a potential control strategy. However, the chemical compounds associated with its egg-laying behaviour remain poorly understood.
    RESULTS: In this study, we investigated the olfactory preference of female C. sinensis for oviposition on intact mature fruits of the Feizixiao (FZX) and Guiwei (GW) varieties. Results showed that female C. sinensis preferred to lay eggs on FZX compared with GW fruits, and this preference was olfactory-induced. In addition, we identified differences in the chemical composition of the volatile blend and proportions between FZX and GW fruits, with terpenes being the main volatile components contributing to this divergence. Compounds that induced electrophysiological activity in female borers were subsequently screened from FZX. d-Limonene exhibited the strongest oviposition attraction among four candidates. Furthermore, this compound served as a volatile olfactory cue for recognition and orientation in female C. sinensis.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study provide a deeper understanding of the olfactory preferences of female C. sinensis for oviposition on specific litchi varieties. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \"oviposition preference-offspring performance\" hypothesis proposes that females lay their eggs in habitats that maximize the fitness of their offspring. The aim of this study was to assess the oviposition site selection by Aedes aegypti females and the success of their larvae in habitats with different detritus accumulation times, under conditions representative of the natural spatial variability of detritus quality and quantity in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Two experiments were performed, one assessing oviposition site selection and the other analyzing developmental success. In both experiments, two levels of detritus accumulation time were compared, one with short-time detritus accumulation (2 weeks), and the other with long-time detritus accumulation (8 weeks). Naturally fallen detritus was used in both experiments, collected in ten sites across the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. In the oviposition experiment, two contiguous ovitraps corresponding to each accumulation time were placed at each of the ten sites and the number of eggs received for each accumulation time was compared. In the development experiment, always 19 larvae were raised in containers of both accumulation times and overall performance was compared using an integrated index that considers survival, development time and female size. A large variability in the amount of detritus collected at the different sites was observed. The number of eggs was significantly higher in the long-time than in the short-time detritus accumulation containers, and approximately proportional to the amount of detritus in each ovitrap. The performance was not affected by the detritus accumulation time, but a better performance was detected in containers that received a higher amount of organic detritus, regardless of the accumulation time. Leaves were on average the most abundant type of detritus, with an average of 53 % of the total detritus collected. The amount of leaves added 2 weeks before hatching showed a positive effect on larval performance. Our results do not support the \"oviposition preference-offspring performance\" hypothesis, since Ae. aegypti females laid eggs in containers where larvae did not show a better performance. Moreover, at larval densities related to the number of eggs actually laid in each of the accumulation times, it is expected that the performance would be even worse in the most selected containers, due to the density-dependent effects of crowding. Since the results obtained reflect the natural heterogeneity of the environmental conditions in the region studied, they might be a fairly good indicator of what occurs in natural larval habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), is a polyphagous pest native to the Americas. It first invaded Japan in July 2019, and the most damaged crop in this region to date has been maize. To determine pest control strategies, the range of crops potentially damaged by S. frugiperda in Japan should be identified. In this study, the effects of 8 major crops in Japan-forage maize Zea mays subsp. mays, sugarcane Saccharum officinarum, forage and edible rice Oryza sativa subsp. japonica, soybean Glycine max, eggplant Solanum melongena, green bell pepper Capsicum annuum var. grossum, sweet potato Ipomoea batatas, and taro Colocasia esculenta-on the development of S. frugiperda were analyzed by feeding leaves of domestic cultivars during larval stage. Spodoptera frugiperda developed from hatching to adulthood and laid eggs in all 7 treatments, except for taro. However, among them, only soybean showed comparable developmental suitability to maize. Therefore, its oviposition preference for maize and soybean was examined using further nonchoice and choice tests. In the nonchoice test, the number of egg masses oviposited for 3 days on soybean plants was significantly less than that on test containers, while that on maize was comparable to that on containers. These findings can explain partly why major damage has been limited to maize in Japan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ochlerotatus togoi is a salt-tolerant euryhaline mosquito that lays its eggs in rock pools. Although it is a pest that can transmit flaviviruses and filarial worms to humans, ecological studies have not been previously conducted because of its limited habitat. However, rising sea levels have created a more favorable environment for Oc. togoi, increasing the risk of Oc. togoi-borne diseases. We examined the oviposition and growth rates of Oc. togoi at 0-35 psu to obtain ecological data. It exhibited the highest oviposition preference at 0 psu; however, the hatching rate was highest at 10 psu, the pupation rate was highest at 25 psu, and the emergence rate was highest at 5 psu. Oc. togoi showed the highest rate of growth into adults at 25 psu. The results were assessed using Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H tests (post hoc test: Bonferroni), and a regression equation was generated for the incidence of adult Oc. togoi based on the change in salinity (y = -14.318 + 9.821x; y = adult incidence rate; x = salinity). The oviposition habits and developmental conditions of Oc. togoi were confirmed, and the incidence of Oc. togoi based on changes in sea level and ocean salinity was predicted. The results of this study will be useful for controlling salt-tolerant vectors and responding to vector-borne diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some predators prefer to settle on leaf patches with microstructures (e.g., trichomes and domatia), leaving traces on the patches. Herbivorous arthropods, in turn, select leaf patches in response to these traces left by predators. It remains unclear whether traces of predators on leaf patches affect the distribution of herbivorous prey within plants through plant microstructure. Therefore, we examined the distribution of herbivorous mite (Tetranychus urticae) and predatory mite (Phytoseiulus persimilis) by investigating their oviposition pattern. We used a kidney bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris) with two expanded primary leaves and the first trifoliate leaf, focusing on leaf trichomes as the microstructure. The density of trichomes was higher on the first trifoliate leaf than on the primary leaves and on the abaxial surface of the leaves than on the adaxial surface. Adult female P. persimilis laid more eggs on the first trifoliate leaf to the primary leaves. Although adult female T. urticae preferred to oviposit on the abaxial surface of primary leaves, previous exposure of plants to predators diminished this preference. The altered egg distribution would be a response to the traces of P. persimilis rather than eggs of P. persimilis. Our findings indicate that T. urticae reproduces on leaf patches with traces of predators without altering their oviposition preference. Given that the presence of predator traces is known to reduce the reproduction of T. urticae, it may have a substantial effect on the population of T. urticae in the next generations on kidney bean plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The major insect pest of soft and stone fruits, the spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, has evolved a greater preference for laying eggs on ripe fruits over fermented ones. In a recent study, Cavey et al. found that higher responsiveness to low sugar concentrations has had an important role in this evolutionary shift in egg-laying behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The insect olfaction plays crucial roles in many important behaviors, in which ORs are key determinants for signal transduction and the olfactory specificity. Spodoptera litura is a typical polyphagous pest, possessing a large repertoire of ORs tuning to broad range of plant odorants. However, the specific functions of those ORs remain mostly unknown. In this study, we functionally characterized one S. litura OR (OR51) that was highly expressed in the adult antennae. First, by using Xenopus oocyte expression and two-electrode voltage clamp recording system (XOE-TEVC), OR51 was found to be strongly and specifically responsive to vanillin (a volatile of S. litura host plants) among 77 tested odorants. Second, electroantennogram (EAG) and Y-tube behavioral experiment showed that vanillin elicited significant EAG response and attraction behavior especially of female adults. This female attraction was further confirmed by the oviposition experiment, in which the soybean plants treated with vanillin were significantly preferred by females for egg-laying. Third, 3D structural modelling and molecular docking were conducted to explore the interaction between OR51 and vanillin, which showed a high affinity (-4.46 kcal/mol) and three residues (Gln163, Phe164 and Ala305) forming hydrogen bonds with vanillin, supporting the specific binding of OR51 to vanillin. In addition, OR51 and its homologs from other seven noctuid species shared high amino acid identities (78-97%) and the same three hydrogen bond forming residues, suggesting a conserved function of the OR in these insects. Taken together, our study provides some new insights into the olfactory mechanisms of host plant finding and suggests potential applications of vanillin in S. litura control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Osthole, the dominant bioactive constituent in the Cnidium monnieri, has shown acute pesticidal activities. However, its detailed toxicity, antifeedant, and oviposition preference effects against agricultural pests have not been fully understood, limiting its practical use. This study aimed to investigate the contact toxicity, antifeedant activity, and oviposition preference of osthole against three agricultural pests (Tetranychus urticae, Myzus persicae, and Bactrocera dorsalis). Our results showed that the Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cusson (CMC) has a high osthole content of 11.4 mg/g. Osthole exhibited a higher level of acute toxicity against the T. urticae to four other coumarins found in CMC. It showed significant pesticidal activity against T. urticae and M. persicae first-instar nymphs and adults in a dose-dependent manner but not against B. dorsalis adults. Osthole exposure reduced the fecundity and prolonged the developmental time of the T. urticae and M. persicae. Leaf choice bioassays revealed potent antifeedant activity in the T. urticae and M. persicae. Furthermore, the female B. dorsalis showed a distinct preference for laying eggs in mango juice with 0.02 mg/mL osthole at 48 h, a preference that persisted at 96 h. These results provide valuable insights into the toxicity, repellent activity, and attractant activity of osthole, thereby providing valuable insights into its potential efficacy in pest control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insects rely on chemosensory perception, mainly olfaction, for the location of mates, food sources, and oviposition sites. Plant-released volatile compounds guide herbivorous insects to search for and locate their host plants, further helping them to identify suitable positions for oviposition. The fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (S. frugiperda) was found to invade China in 2019 and has since seriously threatened multiple crops, particularly maize and rice. However, the chemical and molecular mechanisms underlying oviposition preference in this pest are not fully understood. Here, the oviposition preference of S. frugiperda on maize and rice plants was investigated.
    GC-EAD and GC-MS/MS techniques were used to identify the antennally active volatiles from maize and rice plants. The attraction and oviposition stimulation of identified components to female adults were tested in both laboratory and field settings. The odorant receptors (ORs) on female antennae were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and their functions evaluated by RNAi. Ten and eleven compounds of maize and rice plants, respectively, were identified to possess electrophysiological activity from headspace volatiles. Among these compounds, (Z)-3-hexenyl-acetate specifically presented in maize volatiles was found to play a critical role in attracting females and stimulating oviposition compared to rice volatiles. Among the cloned ORs on the antennae of both sexes, SfruOR23 with highly female-biased expression mediated the responses of females to (Z)-3-hexenyl-acetate. Knockdown of SfruOR23 using RNAi markedly reduced the electrophysiological response of female antennae and oviposition preference to the compound.
    (Z)-3-Hexenyl-acetate is a key volatile mediating the host and oviposition preference of S. frugiperda on maize. The olfactory receptor of (Z)-3-hexenyl-acetate was identified to be SfruOR23, which is mainly expressed in the antennae of S. frugiperda.





