
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The palette of mineralized tissues in fish is wide, and this is particularly apparent in fish dentin. While the teeth of all vertebrates except fish contain a single dentinal tissue type, called orthodentin, dentin in the teeth of fish can be one of several different tissue types. The most common dentin type in fish is orthodentin. Orthodentin is characterized by several key structural features that are fundamentally different from those of bone and from those of osteodentin. Osteodentin, the second-most common dentin type in fish (based on the tiny fraction of fish species out of ∼30,000 extant fish species in which tooth structure was so far studied), is found in most Selachians (sharks and rays) as well as in several teleost species, and is structurally different from orthodentin. Here we examine the hypothesis that osteodentin is similar to anosteocytic bone tissue in terms of its micro- and nano-structure. We use Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB/SEM), as well as several other high-resolution imaging techniques, to characterize the 3D architecture of the three main components of osteodentin (denteons, inter-denteonal matrix, and the transition zone between them). We show that the matrix of osteodentin, although acellular, is extremely similar to mammalian osteonal bone matrix, both in general morphology and in the three-dimensional nano-arrangement of its mineralized collagen fibrils. We also document the presence of a complex network of nano-channels, similar to such networks recently described in bone. Finally, we document the presence of strings of hyper-mineralized small \'pearls\' which surround the denteonal canals, and characterize their structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Apigenin, a natural product belonging to the flavone class, affects various cell physiologies, such as cell signaling, inflammation, proliferation, migration, and protease production. In this study, apigenin was applied to mouse molar pulp after mechanically pulpal exposure to examine the detailed function of apigenin in regulating pulpal inflammation and tertiary dentin formation. In vitro cell cultivation using human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) and in vivo mice model experiments were employed to examine the effect of apigenin in the pulp and dentin regeneration. In vitro cultivation of hDPSCs with apigenin treatment upregulated bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)- and osteogenesis-related signaling molecules such as BMP2, BMP4, BMP7, bone sialoprotein (BSP), runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2), and osteocalcin (OCN) after 14 days. After apigenin local delivery in the mice pulpal cavity, histology and cellular physiology, such as the modulation of inflammation and differentiation, were examined using histology and immunostainings. Apigenin-treated specimens showed period-altered immunolocalization patterns of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, myeloperoxidase (MPO), NESTIN, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 at 3 and 5 days. Moreover, the apigenin-treated group showed a facilitated dentin-bridge formation with few irregular tubules after 42 days from pulpal cavity preparation. Micro-CT images confirmed obvious dentin-bridge structures in the apigenin-treated specimens compared with the control. Apigenin facilitated the reparative dentin formation through the modulation of inflammation and the activation of signaling regulations. Therefore, apigenin would be a potential therapeutic agent for regenerating dentin in exposed pulp caused by dental caries and traumatic injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The teeth of actinopterygian fish, like those of mammals, consist of a thin outer hyper-mineralized layer (enamel or enameloid) that surrounds a core of dentin. While all mammalian species have a single type of dentin (called orthodentin), various dentin types have been reported in the teeth of actinopterygian fish. The most common type of actinopterygian fish dentin is orthodentin. However, the second most common type of actinopterygian fish dentin, called osteodentin, found in several teleost species and in many Selachians, is structurally radically different from orthodentin. Osteodentin, comprising denteons and inter-denteonal matrix, is characterized by an appearance that is similar to mammalian osteonal bone, however, it lacks cells and a lacuno-canalicular system. The current consensus is that although osteodentin is morphologically different from orthodentin, it is a true dentinal material, the product of odontoblast cells. We present the results of a study of osteodentin found in the teeth of the Atlantic wolffish, Anarhichas lupus. Using a variety of microscopy techniques, high-resolution microCT scans, and micro-indentation we describe the three-dimensional structure of both its components (denteons and inter-denteonal matrix), as well as their mineral density distribution and mechanical properties, at several length-scales. We show that wolffish osteodentin is remarkably similar to the anosteocytic bone of the swords of several swordfish species. We also describe the three-dimensional network of canals found in mature osteodentin. The high density of these canals in a metabolically inactive, acellular tissue casts doubt upon the accepted paradigm, that the canals house a vascular network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tusk fracture in elephants is a common incident often resulting in pulp exposure and pulpitis. Extensive lavage, endodontic therapy, direct pulp capping, or extraction are treatment options. In this report, the successful management of a broken tusk of a juvenile male Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) including morphological analysis of the tusk tip 2 years after surgery are presented. Treatment was carried out under barn conditions and included antimicrobial photodynamic therapy and partial pulpotomy with direct pulp capping. Immediate pain relief was reached. The fractured tusk was preserved and continued to grow. The therapeutic filling material remained intact for over 1 year but was absent 2 years after treatment. The former pulp cavity of the tusk tip was filled with reparative dentin, osteodentin, and bone, but the seal between these hard tissues and pulp chamber dentin was incomplete. Radiographs obtained 3 years after treatment showed no differences in pulp shape, pulp width, and secondary dentin formation between the treated right and the healthy left tusk. It can be concluded that in case of an emergency, the endodontic therapy of a broken elephant tusk can be attempted under improvised conditions with adequate success. Photodynamic therapy might contribute to prevent infection and inflammation of the pulp. The decision tree published by Steenkamp (2019) provides a valuable tool to make quick decisions regarding a suitable therapy of broken tusks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the treatment of bone defects using undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vivo. Recently, dental pulp has been proposed as a promising source of pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which can be used in various clinical applications. Dentin is the hard tissue that makes up teeth, and has the same composition and strength as bone. However, unlike bone, dentin is usually not remodeled under physiological conditions. Here, we generated odontoblast-like cells from mouse dental pulp stem cells and combined them with honeycomb tricalcium phosphate (TCP) with a 300 μm hole to create bone-like tissue under the skin of mice. The bone-like hard tissue produced in this study was different from bone tissue, i.e., was not resorbed by osteoclasts and was less easily absorbed than the bone tissue. It has been suggested that hard tissue-forming cells induced from dental pulp do not have the ability to induce osteoclast differentiation. Therefore, the newly created bone-like hard tissue has high potential for absorption-resistant hard tissue repair and regeneration procedures.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dentin is a major component of teeth that protects dental pulp and maintains tooth health. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling is required for the formation of dentin. Mice lacking a BMP type I receptor, activin A receptor type 1 (ACVR1), in the neural crest display a deformed mandible. Acvr1 is known to be expressed in the dental mesenchyme. However, little is known about how BMP signaling mediated by ACVR1 regulates dentinogenesis. To explore the role of ACVR1 in dentin formation in molars and incisors in mice, Acvr1 was conditionally disrupted in Osterix-expressing cells (designated as cKO). We found that loss of Acvr1 in the dental mesenchyme led to dentin dysplasia in molars and osteodentin formation in incisors. Specifically, the cKO mice exhibited remarkable tooth phenotypes characterized by thinner dentin and thicker predentin, as well as compromised differentiation of odontoblasts in molars. We also found osteodentin formation in the coronal part of the cKO mandibular incisors, which was associated with a reduction in the expression of odontogenic gene Dsp and an increase in the expression of osteogenic gene Bsp, leading to an alteration of cell fate from odontoblasts to osteoblasts. In addition, the expressions of WNT antagonists, Dkk1 and Sost, were downregulated and B-catenin was up-regulated in the cKO incisors, while the expression levels were not changed in the cKO molars, compared with the corresponding controls. Our results indicate the distinct and critical roles of ACVR1 between incisors and molars, which is associated with alterations in the WNT signaling related molecules. This study demonstrates for the first time the physiological roles of ACVR1 during dentinogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Formation of highly organized dental hard tissues is a complex process involving sequential and ordered deposition of an extracellular scaffold, followed by its mineralization. Odontoblast and ameloblast differentiation involves reciprocal and sequential epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Similar to early tooth development, various Bmps are expressed during this process, although their functions have not been explored in detail. Here, we investigated the role of odontoblast-derived Bmp2 for tooth mineralization using Bmp2 conditional knockout mice. In developing molars, Bmp2LacZ reporter mice revealed restricted expression of Bmp2 in early polarized and functional odontoblasts while it was not expressed in mature odontoblasts. Loss of Bmp2 in neural crest cells, which includes all dental mesenchyme, caused a delay in dentin and enamel deposition. Immunohistochemistry for nestin and dentin sialoprotein (Dsp) revealed polarization defects in odontoblasts, indicative of a role for Bmp2 in odontoblast organization. Surprisingly, pSmad1/5/8, an indicator of Bmp signaling, was predominantly reduced in ameloblasts, with reduced expression of amelogenin ( Amlx), ameloblastin ( Ambn), and matrix metalloproteinase ( Mmp20). Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) analysis and immunohistochemistry showed that loss of Bmp2 resulted in increased expression of the Wnt antagonists dickkopf 1 ( Dkk1) in the epithelium and sclerostin ( Sost) in mesenchyme and epithelium. Odontoblasts showed reduced Wnt signaling, which is important for odontoblast differentiation, and a strong reduction in dentin sialophosphoprotein ( Dspp) but not collagen 1 a1 ( Col1a1) expression. Mature Bmp2-deficient teeth, which were obtained by transplanting tooth germs from Bmp2-deficient embryos under a kidney capsule, showed a dentinogenesis imperfecta type II-like appearance. Micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy revealed reduced dentin and enamel thickness, indistinguishable primary and secondary dentin, and deposition of ectopic osteodentin. This establishes that Bmp2 provides an early temporal, nonredundant signal for directed and organized tooth mineralization.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ameloblastic fibrodentinoma (AFD) is a debatable neoplasm with respect to its clinical, biological and histopathological diagnosis. The clinical and radiological presentation may mimic ameloblastic fibro odontoma, odontoma, ameloblastic fibroma and cemento-ossifying fibroma. We report an interesting case of AFD occurring in canine region of mandible in a one-year-old infant. From a review of English language literature, to the best of our knowledge this is the first case occurring in an infant. The purpose of this case report is to create awareness among the clinicians to make the best possible management of this controversial pathologic entity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many dental pulp stem cells are neural crest derivatives essential for lifelong maintenance of tooth functions and homeostasis as well as tooth repair. These cells may be directly implicated in the healing process or indirectly involved in cell-to-cell diffusion of paracrine messages to resident (pulpoblasts) or nonresident cells (migrating mesenchymal cells). The identity of the pulp progenitors and the mechanisms sustaining their regenerative capacity remain largely unknown. Taking advantage of the A4 cell line, a multipotent stem cell derived from the molar pulp of mouse embryo, we investigated the capacity of these pulp-derived precursors to induce in vivo the formation of a reparative dentin-like structure upon implantation within the pulp of a rodent incisor or a first maxillary molar after surgical exposure. One month after the pulp injury alone, a nonmineralized fibrous matrix filled the mesial part of the coronal pulp chamber. Upon A4 cell implantation, a mineralized osteodentin was formed in the implantation site without affecting the structure and vitality of the residual pulp in the central and distal parts of the pulp chamber. These results show that dental pulp stem cells can induce the formation of reparative dentin and therefore constitute a useful tool for pulp therapies. Finally, reparative dentin was also built up when A4 progenitors were performed by alginate beads, suggesting that alginate is a suitable carrier for cell implantation in teeth.





