
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antarctica has traditionally been viewed as a relatively isolated ecosystem. Although still considered pristine, it is increasingly also being affected by microplastic pollution. Reported high sea floor concentrations raise concern that these ecosystems might act as major sink for microplastic pollution. This is significant as species in those remote ecosystems are likely more sensitive to rapid environmental change due to a high level of specialization, and lower tolerance levels. Microplastic ingestion in fish has barely been assessed in high latitude environments. Here we aimed to provide baseline data for the eastern Weddell Sea, which is particularly remote, and suggested for an area of conservation. By analyzing gastrointestinal tracts of 40 specimens from five species, we report an overall microplastic incidence rate of 0.23. This is lower than recent studies have found for other species in the Southern Ocean, and below global means. The highest incidence rate was detected in L. squamifrons (0.67), followed by P. evansii (0.29). The most common polymer was polyethylene recovered as 8 particles (42.1 %) from one specimen, while from the remaining 11 microplastics polyester was most common (36.8 %). This study shows that even in a remote region of the Antarctic Ocean with almost no vessel traffic, fisheries or touristic activity, bathydemersal and bathypelagic fish exhibit microplastic particles in their gastrointestinal tract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Though Paleozoic ray-finned fishes are considered to be morphologically conservative, we report a novel mode of fang accommodation (i.e., the fitting of fangs inside the jaw) in the Permian actinopterygian †Brazilichthys macrognathus, whereby the teeth of the lower jaw insert into fenestrae of the upper jaw. To better understand how fishes have accommodated lower jaw fangs through geologic time, we synthesize the multitude of ways living and extinct osteichthyans have housed large mandibular dentition. While the precise structure of fang accommodation seen in †Brazilichthys has not been reported in any other osteichthyans, alternate strategies of upper jaw fenestration to fit mandibular fangs are present in some extant ray-finned fishes-the needlejaws Acestrorhynchus and the gars of the genus Lepisosteus. Notably, out of our survey, only the two aforementioned neopterygians bear upper jaw fenestration for the accommodation of mandibular fangs. We implicate the kinetic jaws of neopterygians in this trend, whereby large mandibular fangs are more easily fit between the multitude of upper jaw and palatal bones. The restricted space available in early osteichthyan jaws may have led to a proliferation of novel ways to accommodate large dentition. We recommend a greater survey of Paleozoic actinopterygian jaw morphology, in light of these results and other recent reevaluations of jaw structure in early fossil ray-fins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ichthyofauna of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts off the American continent is very rich. Consequently, a high biodiversity of nematodes parasitizing these vertebrates is also expected. Currently, data on nematode parasites of marine fish off the Americas are fragmented. A review of all adult nematode species reported parasitizing marine fish from off the American continent is herein presented, as well as comments on their patterns of diversity, life cycles and advances in the taxonomic and phylogenetic knowledge. A total of 209 valid species, 19 species inquirendae and 6 dubious records have been recorded, the majority from the fish taxa Eupercaria and Perciformes. The families Sciaenidae, Serranidae and Lutjanidae, as well as the tropical and temperate Atlantic waters, exhibited the highest records of parasitic nematodes. The Cucullanidae, Philometridae and Cystidicolidae were the most speciose families of nematodes, which may be related to technological advances and relatively recent efforts of taxonomists, resulting in description of new taxa and the resolution of taxonomic problems. Numerous taxonomic questions still need resolution and, even though genetic data have been important for this process, the database is very scarce. This is the first review on all currently known nematode species parasitizing marine fish off the Americas and may serve as an important basis of reference for future approaches on these organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A crucial evolutionary change in vertebrate history was the Palaeozoic (Devonian 419-359 million years ago) water-to-land transition, allowed by key morphological and physiological modifications including the acquisition of lungs. Nonetheless, the origin and early evolution of vertebrate lungs remain highly controversial, particularly whether the ancestral state was paired or unpaired. Due to the rarity of fossil soft tissue preservation, lung evolution can only be traced based on the extant phylogenetic bracket. Here we investigate, for the first time, lung morphology in extensive developmental series of key living lunged osteichthyans using synchrotron x-ray microtomography and histology. Our results shed light on the primitive state of vertebrate lungs as unpaired, evolving to be truly paired in the lineage towards the tetrapods. The water-to-land transition confronted profound physiological challenges and paired lungs were decisive for increasing the surface area and the pulmonary compliance and volume, especially during the air-breathing on land.
    All life on Earth started out under water. However, around 400 million years ago some vertebrates, such as fish, started developing limbs and other characteristics that allowed them to explore life on land. One of the most pivotal features to evolve was the lungs, which gave vertebrates the ability to breathe above water. Most land-living vertebrates, including humans, have two lungs which sit on either side of their chest. The lungs extract oxygen from the atmosphere and transfer it to the bloodstream in exchange for carbon dioxide which then gets exhaled out in to the atmosphere. How this important organ first evolved is a hotly debated topic. This is largely because lung tissue does not preserve well in fossils, making it difficult to trace how the lungs of vertebrates changed over the course of evolution. To overcome this barrier, Cupello et al. compared the lungs of living species which are crucial to understand the early stages of the water-to-land transition. This included four species of lunged bony fish which breathe air at the water surface, and a four-legged salamander that lives on land. Cupello et al. used a range of techniques to examine how the lungs of the bony fish and salamander changed shape during development. The results suggested that the lungs of vertebrates started out as a single organ, which became truly paired later in evolution once vertebrates started developing limbs. This anatomical shift increased the surface area available for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide so that vertebrates could breathe more easily on land. These findings provide new insights in to how the lung evolved into the paired structure found in most vertebrates alive today. It likely that this transition allowed vertebrates to fully adapt to breathing above water, which may explain why this event only happened once over the course of evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The authors studied the morphology of the upper and lower jaws, vertebrae and dorsal-fin rays of the teleost fish Xiphias gladius to analyse the skeletal architecture and ossification pattern. The analogies and differences among these segments were investigated to identify a common morphogenetic denominator of the bone tissue osteogenesis and modeling. The large fat glands in the proximal upper jaw and their relationship to the underlying cartilage (absent in the lower jaw) suggested that there is a mechanism that explains rostral overgrowth in the Xiphiidae and Istiophoriidae families. Thus far, the compact structure of the distal rostrum has been interpreted as being the result of remodeling. Nonetheless, no evidence of cutting cones, scalloped outer border of osteons and sequence of bright-dark bands in polarized light was observed in this study, suggesting a primary osteon texture formed by compacting of collagen matrix and mineral deposition in the fat stroma lacunae of the bone, but without being oriented in layers of the collagen fibrils. A similar histology also characterizes the circular structures present in the other examined segments of the skeleton. The early phases of fibrillogenesis carried out by fibroblast-like cells occurred farther from the already-calcified bone surface inside the fat stroma lacunae. The fibrillar matrix was compacted and underwent mineral deposition near the previously calcified bone surface. This pattern of collagen matrix synthesis and calcification was different from that of mammalian osteoblasts, especially concerning the ability to build a lacuno-canalicular system among cells. Necrosis or apoptosis of the latter and refilling of the empty lacunae by mineral deposits might explain the anosteocytic bone formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most promising aquaculture species is the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) with high market value; disease control is crucial to prevent and reduce mortality and monetary losses. Microsporidia (Fungi) are a potential source of damage to bluefin tuna aquaculture. A new microsporidian species is described from farmed bluefin tunas from the Spanish Mediterranean. This new pathogen is described in a juvenile associated with a highly severe pathology of the visceral cavity. Whitish xenomas from this microsporidian species were mostly located at the caecal mass and ranged from 0.2 to 7.5 mm. Light and transmission electron microscopy of the spores revealed mature spores with an average size of 2.2 × 3.9 μm in size and a polar filament with 13-14 coils arranged in one single layer. Phylogenetic analysis clustered this species with the Glugea spp. clade. The morphological characteristics and molecular comparison confirm that this is a novel microsporidian species, Glugea thunni. The direct life-cycle and the severe pathologies observed makes this parasite a hard risk for bluefin tuna cultures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Actinopterygians (ray-finned fishes) are the most diverse group of living fishes, but have a sparse Devonian fossil record restricted to low palaeolatitudes. Here we report a new actinopterygian from the Paraná Basin of Brazil, which occupied a circumpolar position in the Palaeozoic. Available geological evidence supports a Middle Devonian or older age for this taxon, which shares features of the mandibular symphysis with the latest Devonian Tegeolepis. A phylogenetic analysis resolves these two as sister taxa. This new record expands the palaeogeographic distribution of Devonian ray-fins and suggests that gaps in their fossil record might be filled by exploring poorly sampled high-latitude localities within the Malvinokaffric Realm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interpreting fish behavior is an important component of providing veterinary care. There are over 28,000 species of fish and while only a handful are commonly encountered by exotic pet and public display veterinarians, there are still hundreds of species to consider. Three models-natural history (species typical modal action patterns), medical (disease state), and learning experience (classical and operant conditioning)-are useful for taking an actionable, holistic approach to interpreting behavior. Models help clinicians formulate appropriate differentials, ensuring they do not exclusively consider disease, particularly in unfamiliar species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Many nematode species parasitizing marine fishes were reported from Japanese waters. However, considering the wealth of fish species in this zoogeographically interesting region and the host specificity of nematodes, the number of hitherto recorded fish nematodes probably represents only a very small part of the potential Japanese fauna of these organisms. Therefore, new data are needed to recognise the species composition of these parasites in this region.
    METHODS: Helminthological examinations of some marine fishes from off Japan, carried out in the years 2005-2017, revealed one new and five insufficiently known species of ascaridoid and seuratoid nematodes. These were studied with the use of light and scanning electron microscopy.
    RESULTS: All six nematode species recorded are described: Anisakidae: Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) multipapillata sp. nov. (male and females) from the intestine of Labracoglossa argenteiventris Peters (Kyphosidae) in the Sea of Japan, Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) sp. (third-stage larvae) probably from the digestive tract of Seriola dumerili (Risso) and S. rivoliana Valenciennes (both Carangidae) in the western North Pacific Ocean off Ishigaki-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Hysterothylacium simile Li et al., 2013 (males and females) from the stomach of Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) (Lateolabracidae) in the Sea of Japan, Hysterothylacium sp. 1 (female) from the pyloric caeca of Jaydia lineata (Temminck et Schlegel) (Apogonidae) in the Seto Inland Sea, Hysterothylacium sp. 2 (third- and fourth-stage larvae) from the intestine and mesentery of Etelis coruscans Valenciennes (Lutjanidae) and Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus Günther (Paralichthyidae) in the western North Pacific Ocean off Ishigaki-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture and the Seto Inland Sea, respectively; and Cucullanidae: Cucullanus sp. (female) from the intestine of Semicossyphus reticulatus (Valenciennes) (Labridae) in the Seto Inland Sea. Raphidascaris (I.) multipapillata sp. n. differs from congeners mainly in the high number (79) of pairs of caudal papillae, spicules 402 µm long and in the structure of the male and female tail tips. Hysterothylacium simile is redescribed, being recorded from off Japan for the first time.
    CONCLUSIONS: In addition to the discovery of the new nematode species R. (I.) multipapillata sp. nov. and a redescription of H. simile providing some new morphological data of this parasite, the findings of all other species represent new host and geographical records. The present study extends the knowledge of the species composition and host-parasite relationships of nematodes parasitizing marine fishes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on analysis of available genome sequences, five gene lineages of MHC class I molecules (MHC I-U, -Z, -S, -L and -P) and one gene lineage of MHC class II molecules (MHC II-D) have been identified in Osteichthyes. In the latter lineage, three MHC II molecule sublineages have been identified (MHC II-A, -B and -E). As regards MHC class I molecules in Osteichthyes, it is important to take note of the fact that the lineages U and Z in MHC I genes have been identified in almost all fish species examined so far. Phylogenetic studies into MHC II molecule genes of sublineages A and B suggest that they may be descended from the genes of the sublineage named A/B that have been identified in spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus). The sublineage E genes of MHC II molecules, which represent the group of non-polymorphic genes with poor expression in the tissues connected with the immune system, are present in primitive fish, i.e. in paddlefish, sturgeons and spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus), as well as in cyprinids (Cyprinidae), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Full elucidation of the details relating to the organisation and functioning of the particular components of the major histocompatibility complex in Osteichthyes can advance the understanding of the evolution of the MHC molecule genes and the immune mechanism.





