oromandibular dystonia

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Movement disorders of the stomatognathic system include oromandibular dystonia (OMD), oral dyskinesia, sleep/awake bruxism, functional (psychogenic) stomatognathic movement disorders (FSMDs), tremors, and hemimasticatory spasm (HMS). Most patients first consult dentists or oral surgeons. The differential diagnoses of these involuntary movements require both neurological and dental knowledge and experience, and some of these movement disorders are likely to be diagnosed as bruxism or temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) by dental professionals. However, excepting movement disorder specialists, neurologists may find it difficult to differentially diagnose these disorders. Patients may visit numerous medical and dental specialties for several years until a diagnosis is made. Therefore, movement disorders of the oral region may represent a blind spot between dentistry and medicine.The present narrative review aimed to describe the clinical characteristics and differential diagnoses of some movement disorders, as well as the problems bridging dentistry and medicine. Movement disorders have the following characteristic clinical features: OMD - task specificity, sensory tricks and the morning benefit; FSMDs - inconsistent and incongruous symptoms, spreading to multiple sites and the lack of sensory tricks; and HMS - the paroxysmal contraction of unilateral jaw-closing muscles, the persistence of symptoms during sleep and the loss of a silent period. A careful differential diagnosis is essential for the adequate and effective treatment of each involuntary movement. Refining the latest definition of bruxism may be necessary to prevent the misdiagnosis of involuntary movements as bruxism.Both dental and medical professionals should take an interest in the movement disorders of the stomatognathic system, and these disorders should be diagnosed and treated by a multidisciplinary team.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Peripherally induced movement disorders (PIMD) are hyperkinetic movement disorders that can occur after injury to a part of the body. This study aimed to identify PIMD in the stomatognathic system following dental or oral surgical procedures.
    METHODS: A total of 229 patients with PIMD (144 women and 85 men; mean age: 53.4 years) triggered by oral surgical or dental interventions were evaluated retrospectively.
    RESULTS: The average latency between the procedures and onset of PIMD was 14.3 days. Oral surgery (40.2%), including tooth extraction, trauma treatment, and other surgical procedures, was the most frequent trigger of PIMD. This was followed by general dental treatment, including periodontal, endodontic, and restorative procedures (36.7%), prosthetic treatment (19.7%), and orthodontic treatment (3.5%). PIMD consisted of oromandibular dystonia (73.8%), functional (psychogenic) movement disorders (11.4%), orolingual dyskinesia (7.9%), and hemimasticatory spasms (5.7%).
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that even minor alterations in normal anatomy or physiology after dental procedures may result in PIMD in predisposing patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Dental professionals should be aware that although infrequently, PIMD can develop after various dental treatments. If such symptoms precipitate, the attending physician should properly explain them to the patient and provide appropriate treatment or consultation with a movement disorder specialist.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Meige syndrome (MS) is a cranial dystonia that involves blepharospasm and oromandibular dystonia. It can also evolve to include other adjacent muscle groups in the cervical region. It typically presents in middle-aged females, and while the disorder is relatively uncommon, its exact prevalence varies. Diagnosis is typically made with a thorough history and physical and workup to rule out other causes. Treatment options include medical management with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonists, dopamine antagonists, and anticholinergics for short-term management. Long-term treatment options are Botox and deep brain stimulation. This case report presents a 56-year-old female with a complex presentation of MS; the patient\'s symptoms progressed from isolated blepharospasms to involve orofacial and cervical musculature. A distinctive aspect of this case was the simultaneous presence of upper motor neuron (UMN) signs in the patient alongside acute to subacute compression fractures of the superior endplate of C7 and T3, as revealed by cervical spine imaging. Treatment with clonazepam led to significant symptomatic improvement, highlighting the importance of a multimodal approach in managing MS. This case underscores the need for careful clinical evaluation, collaboration with movement disorder specialists, and ongoing research efforts to enhance understanding and treatment of MS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A neurological condition called dystonia results in abnormal, uncontrollable postures or movements because of sporadic or continuous muscular spasms. Several varieties of dystonia can impact people of all ages, leading to severe impairment and a decreased standard of living. The discovery of genes causing variations of single or mixed dystonia has improved our understanding of the disease\'s etiology. Genetic dystonias are linked to several genes, including pathogenic variations of VPS16, TOR1A, THAP1, GNAL, and ANO3. Diagnosis of dystonia is primarily based on clinical symptoms, which can be challenging due to overlapping symptoms with other neurological conditions, such as Parkinson\'s disease. This review aims to summarize recent advances in the genetic origins and management of focal dystonia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Detailed information about the epidemiological and phenomenological differences among the aetiological subtypes of oromandibular dystonia (OMD) is lacking. Moreover, the OMD tendency to spread to other body sites has never been investigated.
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the main demographic and clinical features of OMD in different aetiological groups and assess the risk of spread.
    METHODS: We retrospectively analysed data from patients contained in the Italian Dystonia Registry. The risk of spread was assessed by Kaplan Meyer curves and Cox regression analysis.
    RESULTS: The study included 273 patients (175 women) aged 55.7 years (SD 12.7) at OMD onset. Female predominance was observed. Idiopathic dystonia was diagnosed in 241 patients, acquired dystonia in 22. In 50/273 patients, dystonia started in the oromandibular region (focal OMD onset); in 96/273 patients the onset involved the oromandibular region and a neighbouring body site (segmental/multifocal OMD onset); and in 127/273 patients OMD was a site of spread from another body region. Sensory trick (ST) and positive family history predominated in the idiopathic group. No dystonia spread was detected in the acquired group, whereas spread mostly occurred within the first five years of history in 34% of the focal OMD onset idiopathic patients. Cox regression analysis revealed ST as a significant predictor of spread (HR, 12.1; 95% CI, 2.5 - 18.8; P = 0.002).
    CONCLUSIONS: This large study provides novel information about the clinical phenomenology of idiopathic and acquired OMD. We pointed out a possible role of oestrogens in favouring dystonia development. Moreover, we described for the first time the association between ST and dystonia spread, revealing possible common pathophysiological mechanisms. Our findings may be suggested as a referral point for future pathophysiological and therapeutic studies on OMD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mucolipidosis type IV (MLIV) is a rare, progressive lysosomal storage disorder characterized by severe intellectual disability, delayed motor milestones and ophthalmologic abnormalities. MLIV is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the MCOLN1 gene, encoding mucolipin-1 which is responsible for maintaining lysosomal function.
    OBJECTIVE: Here, we report a family of four Iranian siblings with cognitive decline, progressive visual and pyramidal disturbances, and abnormal movements manifested by severe oromandibular dystonia and parkinsonism. MRI scans of the brain demonstrated signal abnormalities in the white matter and thinning of the corpus callosum.
    CONCLUSIONS: Whole-exome sequencing identified a novel homozygous variant, c.362C > T:p. Thr121Met in the MCOLN1 gene consistent with a diagnosis of MLIV. The presentation of MLIV may overlap with a variety of other neurological diseases, and genetic analysis is an important strategy to clarify the diagnosis. This is an important point that clinicians should be familiar with. The novel variant c.362C > T:p. Thr121Met herein described may be related to a comparatively older age at onset. Our study also expands the clinical spectrum of MLIV associated with the MCOLN1 variants and introduces a novel likely pathogenic variant for testing in MLIV cases that remain unresolved.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Marchiafava-Bignami disease is a rare disorder characterized by demyelination and necrosis of the central nervous system. Dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by sustained or intermittent muscle contractions. Herein, we present the case of a patient with Marchiafava-Bignami disease who developed acute oromandibular dystonia after receiving a very low dose of olanzapine. He was a 60-year-old Japanese man who was diagnosed with demyelinating lesions in the corpus callosum associated with Marchiafava-Bignami disease. At one point, he became agitated at night and was administered olanzapine 2.5 mg, resulting in the onset of oromandibular dystonia; however, the symptoms disappeared upon discontinuation of the drug. Primary dystonia is believed to arise solely from abnormal basal ganglia function in the absence of apparent morphological changes, according to the traditional view. However, recent studies suggest the involvement of lesions beyond the basal ganglia and organic factors, including ultrastructural changes. Rare side effects that develop following small doses of olanzapine indicate that demyelinating lesions of the corpus callosum may be partially responsible for oromandibular dystonia. This case report supports previous reports that the corpus callosum is involved in dystonia and provides insights into the pathophysiology underlying oromandibular dystonia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 35-year-old male patient, a farmer by occupation, presented with a complaint of deviation of the angle of the mouth towards the right side while speaking. A cerebrovascular event was suspected in this patient. He had a history of exposure to propane and cypermethrin while spraying insecticide in his field. He has a history of chronic exposure to these compounds. Intermediate syndrome (IMS) also known as type II syndrome was diagnosed in this patient with the help of neuroimaging. On evaluation, the patient was found to be having oromandibular dystonia, which is an extrapyramidal symptom of type II syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Focal task-specific dystonia is a form of isolated focal dystonia that occurs during the performance of a specific skilled motor task. The occurrence of oromandibular dystonia (OMD) specifically in association with the recitation of Quranic verses have been rarely reported in the literature, in non-native Arabic-speaking patients. This case series describe a rare type of focal task-specific dystonia that occurs exclusively by reciting Quran in native Arabic-speaking patients, which has never been reported, to the best of our knowledge.
    In this case series, we identified five patients with new-onset OMD that was exclusively induced by reciting Quran. Cases were evaluated in our Movement Disorders outpatient clinic at Ibn Sina hospital; the main tertiary neurology center in Kuwait, between 2015 and 2023.
    Five cases (3 males, 2 females) were identified in this study. Mean age of onset of the symptoms was 52.3 ± 4.1 years, while the median duration of the symptoms prior to diagnosis was 3 years. All patients were native Arab-speaking, with no previous history of other types of dystonia. No identifiable risk factors could be obtained including exposure to dopamine blocking agents or antipsychotics, or history of oral or dental surgery. Patients underwent a full clinical, laboratory, and radiological evaluation. All patients had OMD dystonia in varying forms and severity, while two patients had additional spasmodic dysphonia/ blepharospasm on progressive recitation. Most patients had minimal improvement with combination of oral medications and speech therapy. Four patients received botulinum toxin injections with better results.
    The mental and physical stress in attempting to recite the Quranic verses could have contributed to the development of OMD. Moreover, the increased demand on the muscles of the jaw, lips, and tongue during recitation can trigger the dystonic symptoms.
    OMD exclusively during Quran recitation is a rare phenomenon, and expands the spectrum of task-specific focal dystonia described in the literature. It was found to be distressing to the patients and a challenge to treat. Prompt recognition could minimize unnecessary testing and procedures, and facilitate earlier treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports





