organelle contact sites

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To maintain cellular homeostasis and to coordinate the proper response to a specific stimulus, information must be integrated throughout the cell in a well-organized network, in which organelles are the crucial nodes and membrane contact sites are the main edges. Membrane contact sites are the cellular subdomains where two or more organelles come into close apposition and interact with each other. Even though many inter-organelle contacts have been identified, most of them are still not fully characterized, therefore their study is an appealing and expanding field of research. Thanks to significant technological progress, many tools are now available or are in rapid development, making it difficult to choose which one is the most suitable for answering a specific biological question. Here we distinguish two different experimental approaches for studying inter-organelle contact sites. The first one aims to morphologically characterize the sites of membrane contact and to identify the molecular players involved, relying mainly on the application of biochemical and electron microscopy (EM)-related methods. The second approach aims to understand the functional importance of a specific contact, focusing on spatio-temporal details. For this purpose, proximity-driven fluorescent probes are the experimental tools of choice, since they allow the monitoring and quantification of membrane contact sites and their dynamics in living cells under different cellular conditions or upon different stimuli. In this review, we focus on these tools with the purpose of highlighting their great versatility and how they can be applied in the study of membrane contacts. We will extensively describe all the different types of proximity-driven fluorescent tools, discussing their benefits and drawbacks, ultimately providing some suggestions to choose and apply the appropriate methods on a case-to-case basis and to obtain the best experimental outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that undergo cycles of fission and fusion at a unified platform defined by endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondria membrane contact sites (MCSs). These MCSs or nodes co-localize fission and fusion machinery. We set out to identify how ER-associated mitochondrial nodes can regulate both fission and fusion machinery assembly. We have used a promiscuous biotin ligase linked to the fusion machinery, Mfn1, and proteomics to identify an ER membrane protein, ABHD16A, as a major regulator of node formation. In the absence of ABHD16A, fission and fusion machineries fail to recruit to ER-associated mitochondrial nodes, and fission and fusion rates are significantly reduced. ABHD16A contains an acyltransferase motif and an α/β hydrolase domain, and point mutations in critical residues of these regions fail to rescue the formation of ER-associated mitochondrial hot spots. These data suggest a mechanism whereby ABHD16A functions by altering phospholipid composition at ER-mitochondria MCSs. Our data present the first example of an ER membrane protein that regulates the recruitment of both fission and fusion machineries to mitochondria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autophagosomes are unique organelles that form de novo as double-membrane vesicles engulfing cytosolic material for destruction. Their biogenesis involves membrane transformations of distinctly shaped intermediates whose ultrastructure is poorly understood. Here, we combine cell biology, correlative cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), and extensive data analysis to reveal the step-by-step structural progression of autophagosome biogenesis at high resolution directly within yeast cells. The analysis uncovers an unexpectedly thin intermembrane distance that is dilated at the phagophore rim. Mapping of individual autophagic structures onto a timeline based on geometric features reveals a dynamical change of membrane shape and curvature in growing phagophores. Moreover, our tomograms show the organelle interactome of growing autophagosomes, highlighting a polar organization of contact sites between the phagophore and organelles, such as the vacuole and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Collectively, these findings have important implications for the contribution of different membrane sources during autophagy and for the forces shaping and driving phagophores toward closure without a templating cargo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of organelle contact sites has received a great impulse due to increased interest in the understanding of their involvement in many disease conditions. Split-GFP-based contact sites (SPLICS) reporters emerged as essential tools to easily detect changes in a wide range of organelle contact sites in cultured cells and in vivo, e.g., in zebrafish larvae. We report here on the generation of a new vector library of SPLICS cloned into a piggyBac system for stable and inducible expression of the reporters in a cell line of interest to overcome any potential weakness due to variable protein expression in transient transfection studies. Stable HeLa cell lines expressing SPLICS between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria (MT), the ER and plasma membrane (PM), peroxisomes (PO) and ER, and PO and MT, were generated and tested for their ability to express the reporters upon treatment with doxycycline. Moreover, to take advantage of these cellular models, we decided to follow the behavior of different membrane contact sites upon modulating cholesterol traffic. Interestingly, we found that the acute pharmacological inhibition of the intracellular cholesterol transporter 1 (NPC1) differently affects membrane contact sites, highlighting the importance of different interfaces for cholesterol sensing and distribution within the cell.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organelles cooperate with each other to regulate vital cellular homoeostatic functions. This occurs through the formation of close connections through membrane contact sites. Mitochondria-Endoplasmic-Reticulum (ER) contact sites (MERCS) are one of such contact sites that regulate numerous biological processes by controlling calcium and metabolic homeostasis. However, the extent to which contact sites shape cellular biology and the underlying mechanisms remain to be fully elucidated. A number of biochemical and imaging approaches have been established to address these questions, resulting in the identification of a number of molecular tethers between mitochondria and the ER. Among these techniques, fluorescence-based imaging is widely used, including analysing signal overlap between two organelles and more selective techniques such as in-situ proximity ligation assay (PLA). While these two techniques allow the detection of endogenous proteins, preventing some problems associated with techniques relying on overexpression (FRET, split fluorescence probes), they come with their own issues. In addition, proper image analysis is required to minimise potential artefacts associated with these methods. In this review, we discuss the protocols and outline the limitations of fluorescence-based approaches used to assess MERCs using endogenous proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cholesterol is an essential component of eukaryotic cellular membranes. Information about its subcellular localization and transport pathways inside cells are key for the understanding and treatment of cholesterol-related diseases. In this review we give an overview over the most commonly used methods that contributed to our current understanding of subcellular cholesterol localization and transport routes. First, we discuss methods that provide insights into cholesterol metabolism based on readouts of downstream effects such as esterification. Subsequently, we focus on the use of cholesterol-binding molecules as probes that facilitate visualization and quantification of sterols inside of cells. Finally, we explore different analogues of cholesterol which, when taken up by living cells, are integrated and transported in a similar fashion as endogenous sterols. Taken together, we highlight the challenges and advantages of each method such that researchers studying aspects of cholesterol transport may choose the most pertinent approach for their problem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last decades, membrane contact sites (MCSs) have been the object of intense investigation in different fields of cell physiology and pathology and their importance for the correct functioning of the cell is now widely recognized. MCS between any known intercellular organelles, including endoplasmic reticulum (ER), mitochondria, Golgi, endosomes, peroxisomes, lysosomes, lipid droplets, and the plasma membrane (PM), have been largely documented and in some cases the molecules responsible for the tethering also identified. They represent specific membrane hubs where a tightly coordinated exchange of ions, lipids, nutrients, and factors required to maintain proper cellular homeostasis takes place. Their delicate, dynamic, and sometimes elusive nature prevented and/or delayed the development of tools to easily image interorganelle proximity under physiological conditions and in living organisms. Nowadays, this aspect received great momentum due to the finding that MCSs\' dysregulation is involved in several pathological conditions. We have recently developed modular, split-GFP-based contact site sensors (SPLICS) engineered to fluoresce when homo- and heterotypic juxtapositions between ER and mitochondria occur over a range of specific distances. Here we describe in detail, by highlighting strengths and weaknesses, the use and the application of these novel genetically encoded SPLICS sensors and how to properly quantify short- and long-range ER-mitochondria interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has become apparent that our textbook illustration of singular isolated organelles is obsolete. In reality, organelles form complex cooperative networks involving various types of organelles. Light microscopic and ultrastructural studies have revealed that mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) contact sites (MERCSs) are abundant in various tissues and cell types. Indeed, MERCSs have been proposed to play critical roles in various biochemical and signaling functions such as Ca2+ homeostasis, lipid transfer, and regulation of organelle dynamics. While numerous proteins involved in these MERCS-dependent functions have been reported, how they coordinate and cooperate with each other has not yet been elucidated. In this review, we summarize the functions of mammalian proteins that localize at MERCSs and regulate their formation. We also discuss potential roles of the MERCS proteins in regulating multiple organelle contacts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last decades, the communication between the Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria has obtained great attention: mitochondria-associated membranes (MAMs), which represent the contact sites between the two organelles, have indeed emerged as central hub involved in different fundamental cell processes, such as calcium signalling, apoptosis, autophagy and lipid biosynthesis. Consistently, dysregulation of ER-mitochondria crosstalk has been associated with different pathological conditions, ranging from diabetes to cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. In this review, we will try to summarize the current knowledge on MAMs\' structure and functions in health and their relevance for human diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that continuously grow, divide, and fuse. The division of mitochondria is crucial for human health. During mitochondrial division, the mechano-guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) dynamin-related protein (Drp1) severs mitochondria at endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondria contact sites, where peripheral ER tubules interact with mitochondria. Here, we report that Drp1 directly shapes peripheral ER tubules in human and mouse cells. This ER-shaping activity is independent of GTP hydrolysis and located in a highly conserved peptide of 18 amino acids (termed D-octadecapeptide), which is predicted to form an amphipathic α helix. Synthetic D-octadecapeptide tubulates liposomes in vitro and the ER in cells. ER tubules formed by Drp1 promote mitochondrial division by facilitating ER-mitochondria interactions. Thus, Drp1 functions as a two-in-one protein during mitochondrial division, with ER tubulation and mechano-GTPase activities.






