
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Describe why this review is timely and relevant.Undescended testis, or cryptorchidism, is a common diagnosis encountered by pediatricians that requires timely collaboration with pediatric surgical specialists to optimize outcomes for these patients. As this topic continues to be heavily researched, it is imperative to understand current recommendations and emerging management options including new surgical techniques, as well as common pitfalls in care highlighted in the literature.
    RESULTS: Describe the main themes in the literature covered by the article.This review primarily examines current practice in management including delays in surgical referral, with unnecessary imaging being a key factor that delays time to surgery. This review briefly discusses the diagnosis of undescended testis and the various surgical techniques used including the more recently proposed laparoscopic staged traction orchiopexy (Shehata technique). The ineffectiveness of hormonal therapy is also addressed.
    CONCLUSIONS: describe the implications of the findings for clinical practice or research.This review emphasizes prompt evaluation and diagnosis of undescended testis to facilitate appropriately timed surgical intervention, which plays a major role in outcomes for these patients. Identifying patients at risk of delayed referral is an area of focus for improvement, along with better resource utilization with fewer imaging. Familiarization of surgical options can also facilitate better patient education and provider understanding of risks/benefits.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute scrotum in a child is common, and the main underlying conditions are torsion of intrascrotal appendages, epididymitis, testicular torsion and idiopathic scrotal edema. The main diagnostic aim is to confirm or rule out testicular torsion, since this may lead to irreversible ischemia within hours. The diagnostics can be difficult, especially in prepubertal boys, but consist of a thorough history and clinical examination, the use of a clinical prediction score, and sometimes ultrasound with doppler. However, none of these tools can with completely accuracy rule out a testicular torsion, and uncertainty should prompt an acute scrotal exploration. The treatment of a testicular torsion is detorsion and bilateral orchidopexy, or unilateral orchidectomy in case of a completely necrotic testicle. Treatment of the other underlying conditions is often only symptomatic, and follow-up is often not required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Treatment of high cryptorchidism can be challenging, often with frustrating results. We report 25 years of experience in the treatment of the cryptorchidism with very short spermatic vessels using an original two-stage orchiopexy that preserves the spermatic vessels.
    METHODS: We reviewed the clinical charts of children affected by cryptorchidism with very short spermatic vessels treated through our original surgical approach in tree Institutes of Pediatric Surgery. The first stage of the procedure started with an inguinal incision and a standard orchiopexy with a deep mobilization in the retroperitoneum to straighten the spermatic vessels that are entirely preserved. After realizing intraoperatively that such maximal retroperitoneal mobilization cannot ensure a satisfactory scrotal position of the testis, the spermatic cord is wrapped in a thin sheet of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) shaped as a conduit. The testis is fixed to the bottom of the scrotum which remains invaginated due to the tension. [Fig. A - scheme of the operation]. This first stage can also be performed in laparoscopy, with a video-assisted positioning of the PTFE conduit [Fig. B - laparoscopic view with vessels and vas respectively marked by black and white arrows]. The second surgical stage is scheduled after 6-12 months to remove the PTFE conduit.
    RESULTS: A group of 100 children affected by cryptorchidism and very short spermatic vessels (9 bilateral, 86 intra-abdominal, 23 \"peeping\" at the internal ring) for a total of 109 testes underwent surgery with a two-stage procedure. From the first to the second stage, a progressive lowering of each testis towards the scrotum was observed. During the second stage, after removal of the PTFE sheet, the preserved cord was loose in the inguinal canal and all the testes were located in the scrotum: 68 testes were found correctly located with no further care needed, while 41 were still in a high scrotal position. However, the latter were easily detached from the scrotal bottom and re-fixed in a more satisfactory location. At 1-9 years follow-up all the testes but one (99%) were in the correct scrotal position with stable or increased testicular volume [Fig. C], while 1 testis vanished. No complications were observed all along the follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: This long term 25-year review indicates that our original surgical technique guarantees a high rate of success with neither evident contraindications nor drawbacks for patients affected by undescended testes with spermatic vessels so short to be untreatable through a standard orchiopexy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    PMDS (persistent Müllerian duct syndrome) is a rare disorder of sex development characterised by the presence of Müllerian duct remnants in a phenotypically male individual with a 46XY karyotype. Radiological investigations play a crucial role in diagnosing and characterising this condition. Ultrasound and MRI are the modalities of choice. They help to non-invasively localise the gonads and Müllerian duct derivatives. Broadly, PMDS has two anatomical variants: male type and female type. The case report presented here does not fit into these classically described variants and can be called a variant of the female type. There is a risk of infertility and malignant transformation of undescended testis and Müllerian duct derivatives in cases of PMDS. Hence, management is focused on preventing these risks. Surgical intervention involves orchidopexy, removal of Müllerian duct derivatives and inguinal hernia repair.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the level of information of pediatricians about the diagnosis and management of cryptorchidism.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted using a form via the \"Google Forms\" platform. The study population included pediatricians and pediatric residents associated with the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics. Seven hundred twenty-eight responses were recorded and analyzed using IBM SPSS v21.
    RESULTS: 728 valid responses were obtained. Of these answers, only 20.5 % answered that the physical examination was sufficient for the diagnosis, and 79.4 % responded that they requested ultrasound as the best test to aid in diagnosing cryptorchidism. When questioned about the ideal age for referring a patient with cryptorchidism, the survey recorded 56.3 % of the responses defending the correct age as six months old, 30.2 % shortly after birth, and 13.2 % at two years old. Other topics were addressed in the form, such as the frequency of evaluation of testicular position and investigation for DDS, among others. Still, the answers to these questions were compatible with current manuals and guidelines on cryptorchidism.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is evident that the understanding of the professionals consulted about the diagnosis and management of cryptorchidism needs to be updated with the current practices adopted and that pediatricians, in general, must maintain periodic programs on this subject. Therefore, this topic should be part of a continuing education program with pediatric surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acquired undescended testes were once considered a sporadic disease. In recent years, reports suggest that they are not uncommon, with an incidence rate about 3 times that of congenital undescended testes. The etiology of acquired undescended testes remains inconclusive, clinical diagnostic standards are unclear, and treatment approaches are still controversial. There is ongoing debate about the mechanism of testicular ascent. The prevailing view is that acquired undescended testes occur due to the partial absorption of the gubernaculum, which forms part of the parietal peritoneum. The residual gubernacular fibers continuously pull on the spermatic cord, preventing the spermatic cord from elongating proportionately to somatic growth, leading to a re-ascent of the testis. Acquired undescended testes may increase the risk of testicular cancer, but this is still debated. The preferred treatment method is also controversial. However, surgical fixation has an immediate effect; no studies have proven that early surgery improves fertility in patients. The etiology of acquired undescended testes is closely related to the continuous pull of the residual gubernacular fibers on the spermatic cord, which prevents the cord from extending proportionately to body growth. There are no clear diagnostic standards for acquired undescended testes yet, and spontaneous descent is possible, so testicular fixation surgery may not be the preferred treatment method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Undescended testis is the most common genital disorder identified at birth. Boys who do not have spontaneous descent of the testis at 6 months of age, adjusted for gestational age, should be referred to pediatric urology for timely orchiopexy. Retractile testes are at risk for secondary ascent of the testes and should be monitored by physical examination annually. If there is concern for ascent of the testis, pediatric urology referral is recommended. Most cases of phimosis can be managed medically with topical corticosteroids and manual retraction of the foreskin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The last decades revealed new scientific knowledge regarding the fertility and potential malignancy of undescended testis AQ2(UDT). Accordingly, many guidelines changed their recommendation concerning timing of therapy, with the goal of an earlier time of surgery.
    METHODS: We analyzed the number of new diagnosis and performed surgeries in predefined age groups provided by the obligatory annual reports of German hospitals in the reimbursement.INFO\"-tool between 2006 and 2020.
    RESULTS: Overall, 124,741 cases were analyzed. We showed a slight increase in performed surgeries in the first year by 2% per year with a main increase till 2011, a constant number of surgeries between first and 4th year and a decrease of surgeries between 5 and 14th year of living with a main decrease till 2009 by 3% per year.
    CONCLUSIONS: Even if our results illustrate an increasing adaption of the guideline\'s recommendation, there is still a significant number of patients who receive later treatment. More research about the reasons and circumstances for the latter is needed.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Traditional open orchiopexy remains the standard treatment for palpable undescended testicles (UDT). However, laparoscopic orchiopexy has recently gained attention as an alternative approach.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the outcomes of laparoscopic versus open orchiopexy for high-inguinal undescended testes.
    METHODS: A prospective randomized comparative study was conducted, involving 208 children with high inguinal undescended testes. The patients were divided into two groups: group A (104 patients) underwent laparoscopic orchiopexy and group B (104 patients) underwent open orchiopexy.
    RESULTS: There was a significant difference in the final testicular position between the two groups. The follow-up after 1 year showed that 100% of patients in group A had a lower testicular position, compared to 72.6% in group B. Laparoscopic orchiopexy demonstrated better outcomes in terms of achieving a lower testicular position.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both Laparoscopic and Open Orchiopexy are safe and effective for the treatment of high inguinal undescended testes. However, Laparoscopic Orchiopexy was superior to Open Orchiopexy because it was associated with better outcomes with regard to the final testicular position at the bottom of the scrotum or at a lower level below the mid-scrotal point.





