online testing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our aims were: (1) to characterize gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) and transgender (TG) populations using internet-based self-sampling services in the TESTATE project or attending community-based STI/HIV voluntary counselling and testing (CBVCT) services as alternative strategies to formal HIV testing within the Spanish national health system, and (2) to identify factors associated with repeat use of the same screening strategy from November 2018 to December 2021. Demographic, health, and behavioral characteristics of users using complementary strategies were analyzed. We developed a cross-sectional study, with descriptive analysis, HIV cascade, and a multivariate logistic model to identify factors associated with participants\' repeated use of the same screening strategy. We included 9939 users, of whom 94.1% were GBMSM (n = 9348) and 5.9% TG (n = 580), with a high representation of migrants. Reactive results were 3.4% (n = 340), with 3.0% in GBMSM (n = 277/9348) and 10.7% in TG (n = 63/591). 73.8% (n = 251) were confirmed HIV positive and 76.7% (n = 194) were linked to health services. Users repeated the online screening strategy more than CBVCT (44.3% vs. 31.8%), but TG population used face-to-face community services more (8.4% vs. 0.6%). Factors influencing the repetition of the online self-sampling strategy included older age, non-migrant status, and recent HIV testing. In the CBVCT strategy, factors included older age, TG identity, non-migrant status, condom use during the last sexual encounter, and recent HIV testing. In conclusion, both CBVCT and online-requested self-sampling at home are important alternatives to the health system for the provision of HIV testing to GBMSM and TG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A major limitation in Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) research is the lack of the ability to measure cognitive performance at scale-robustly, remotely, and frequently. Currently, there are no established online digital platforms validated against plasma biomarkers of AD.
    METHODS: We used a novel web-based platform that assessed different cognitive functions in AD patients (N = 46) and elderly controls (N = 53) who were also evaluated for plasma biomarkers (amyloid beta 42/40 ratio, phosphorylated tau ([p-tau]181, glial fibrillary acidic protein, neurofilament light chain). Their cognitive performance was compared to a second, larger group of elderly controls (N = 352).
    RESULTS: Patients with AD were significantly impaired across all digital cognitive tests, with performance correlating with plasma biomarker levels, particularly p-tau181. The combination of p-tau181 and the single best-performing digital test achieved high accuracy in group classification.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings show how online testing can now be deployed in patients with AD to measure cognitive function effectively and related to blood biomarkers of the disease.
    UNASSIGNED: This is the first study comparing online digital testing to plasma biomarkers.Alzheimer\'s disease patients and two independent cohorts of elderly controls were assessed.Cognitive performance correlated with plasma biomarkers, particularly phosphorylated tau (p-tau)181.Glial fibrillary acidic protein and neurofilament light chain, and less so the amyloid beta 42/40 ratio, were also associated with performance.The best cognitive metric performed at par to p-tau181 in group classification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human social life requires an understanding of the mental states of one\'s social partners. Two people who look at the same objects often experience them differently, as a twinkling light or a planet, a 6 or a 9, and a random cat or Cleo, their pet. Indeed, a primary purpose of communication is to share distinctive experiences of objects or events. Here, we test whether toddlers (14-15 months) are sensitive to another agent\'s distinctive experiences of pictures when determining the goal underlying the agent\'s actions in a minimally social context. We conducted nine experiments. Across seven of these experiments (n = 206), toddlers viewed either videotaped or live events in which an actor, whose perspective differed from their own, reached (i) for pictures of human faces that were upright or inverted or (ii) for pictures that depicted a rabbit or a duck at different orientations. Then either the actor or the toddler moved to a new location that aligned their perspectives, and the actor alternately reached to each of the two pictures. By comparing toddlers\' looking to the latter reaches, we tested whether their goal attributions accorded with the actor\'s experience of the pictured objects, with their own experience of the pictured objects, or with no consistency. In no experiment did toddlers encode the actor\'s goal in accord with his experiences of the pictures. In contrast, in a similar experiment that manipulated the visibility of a picture rather than the experience that it elicited, toddlers (n = 32) correctly expected the actor\'s action to depend on what was visible and occluded to him, rather than to themselves. In a verbal version of the tasks, older children (n = 35) correctly inferred the actor\'s goal in both cases. These findings provide further evidence for a dissociation between two kinds of mental state reasoning: When toddlers view an actor\'s object-directed action under minimally social conditions, they take account of the actor\'s visual access to the object but not the actor\'s distinctive experience of the object.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    BACKGROUND: In Ontario, Canada we developed and implemented an online screening algorithm for the distribution of HIV self-tests, known as GetaKit. During the COVID pandemic, we adapted the GetaKit algorithm to screen for COVID based on population and infection data and distributed COVID rt-LAMP self-tests (using the Lucira Check-It®) to eligible participants.
    METHODS: GetaKit/COVID was a prospective observational study that occurred over a 7-month period from September 2021 to April 2022. All potential participants completed an online registration and risk assessment, including demographic information, COVID symptoms and risk factors, and vaccination status. Bivariate comparisons were performed for three outcomes: results reporting status, vaccination status, and COVID diagnosis status. Data were analysed using Chi-Square for categorial covariates and Independent Samples T-Test and Mann-Whitney U test for continuous covariates. Bivariate logistic regression models were applied to examine associations between the covariates and outcomes.
    RESULTS: During the study period, we distributed 6469 COVID self-tests to 4160 eligible participants; 46% identified as Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour (BIPOC). Nearly 70% of participants reported their COVID self-test results; 304 of which were positive. Overall, 91% also reported being vaccinated against COVID. Statistical analysis found living with five or fewer people, having tested for COVID previously, and being fully vaccinated were positive factors in results reporting. For COVID vaccination, people from large urban centers, who identified their ethnicity as white, and who reported previous COVID testing were more likely to be fully vaccinated. Finally, being identified as a contact of someone who had tested positive for COVID and the presence of COVID-related symptoms were found to be positive factors in diagnosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: While most participants who accessed this service were vaccinated against COVID and the majority of diagnoses were identified in participants who had symptoms of, or an exposure to, COVID, our program was able to appropriately link participants to recommended follow-up based on reported risks and results. These findings highlight the utility of online screening algorithms to provide health services, particularly for persons with historical barriers to healthcare access, such as BIPOC or lower-income groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Online methods allow testing of larger, more diverse populations, with much less effort than in-lab testing. However, many psychophysical measurements, including visual crowding, require accurate eye fixation, which is classically achieved by testing only experienced observers who have learned to fixate reliably, or by using a gaze tracker to restrict testing to moments when fixation is accurate. Alas, both approaches are impractical online as online observers tend to be inexperienced, and online gaze tracking, using the built-in webcam, has a low precision (±4 deg). EasyEyes open-source software reliably measures peripheral thresholds online with accurate fixation achieved in a novel way, without gaze tracking. It tells observers to use the cursor to track a moving crosshair. At a random time during successful tracking, a brief target is presented in the periphery. The observer responds by identifying the target. To evaluate EasyEyes fixation accuracy and thresholds, we tested 12 naive observers in three ways in a counterbalanced order: first, in the laboratory, using gaze-contingent stimulus presentation; second, in the laboratory, using EasyEyes while independently monitoring gaze using EyeLink 1000; third, online at home, using EasyEyes. We find that crowding thresholds are consistent and individual differences are conserved. The small root mean square (RMS) fixation error (0.6 deg) during target presentation eliminates the need for gaze tracking. Thus, this method enables fixation-dependent measurements online, for easy testing of larger and more diverse populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Does knowledge of other people\'s minds grow from concrete experience to abstract concepts? Cognitive scientists have hypothesized that infants\' first-person experience, acting on their own goals, leads them to understand others\' actions and goals. Indeed, classic developmental research suggests that before infants reach for objects, they do not see others\' reaches as goal-directed. In five experiments (N = 117), we test an alternative hypothesis: Young infants view reaching as undertaken for a purpose but are open-minded about the specific goals that reaching actions are aimed to achieve. We first show that 3-month-old infants, who cannot reach for objects, lack the expectation that observed acts of reaching will be directed to objects rather than to places. Infants at the same age learned rapidly, however, that a specific agent\'s reaching action was directed either to an object or to a place, after seeing the agent reach for the same object regardless of where it was, or to the same place regardless of what was there. In a further experiment, 3-month-old infants did not demonstrate such inferences when they observed an actor engaging in passive movements. Thus, before infants have learned to reach and manipulate objects themselves, they infer that reaching actions are goal-directed, and they are open to learning that the goal of an action is either an object or a place. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: In the present experiments, 3-month-old prereaching infants learned to attribute either object goals or place goals to other people\'s reaching actions. Prereaching infants view agents\' actions as goal-directed, but do not expect these acts to be directed to specific objects, rather than to specific places. Prereaching infants are open-minded about the specific goal states that reaching actions aim to achieve.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A growing literature is demonstrating a link between working memory (WM) and speech-in-noise (SiN) perception. However, the nature of this correlation and which components of WM might underlie it, are being debated. We investigated how SiN reception links with auditory sensory memory (aSM) - the low-level processes that support the short-term maintenance of temporally unfolding sounds. A large sample of old (N = 199, 60-79 yo) and young (N = 149, 20-35 yo) participants was recruited online and performed a coordinate response measure-based speech-in-babble task that taps listeners\' ability to track a speech target in background noise. We used two tasks to investigate implicit and explicit aSM. Both were based on tone patterns overlapping in processing time scales with speech (presentation rate of tones 20 Hz; of patterns 2 Hz). We hypothesised that a link between SiN and aSM may be particularly apparent in older listeners due to age-related reduction in both SiN reception and aSM. We confirmed impaired SiN reception in the older cohort and demonstrated reduced aSM performance in those listeners. However, SiN and aSM did not share variability. Across the two age groups, SiN performance was predicted by a binaural processing test and age. The results suggest that previously observed links between WM and SiN may relate to the executive components and other cognitive demands of the used tasks. This finding helps to constrain the search for the perceptual and cognitive factors that explain individual variability in SiN performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper aims to compare a new webcam-based eye-tracking system, integrated into the Labvanced platform for online experiments, to a \"gold standard\" lab-based eye tracker (EyeLink 1000 - SR Research). Specifically, we simultaneously recorded data with both eye trackers in five different tasks, analyzing their real-time performance. These tasks were a subset of a standardized test battery for eye trackers, including a Large Grid task, Smooth Pursuit eye movements, viewing natural images, and two Head Movements tasks (roll, yaw). The results show that the webcam-based system achieved an overall accuracy of 1.4°, and a precision of 1.1° (standard deviation (SD) across subjects), an error of about 0.5° larger than the EyeLink system. Interestingly, both accuracy (1.3°) and precision (0.9°) were slightly better for centrally presented targets, the region of interest in many psychophysical experiments. Remarkably, the correlation of raw gaze samples between the EyeLink and webcam-based was at about 90% for the Large Grid task and about 80% for Free View and Smooth Pursuit. Overall, these results put the performance of the webcam-based system roughly on par with mobile eye-tracking devices (Ehinger et al. PeerJ, 7, e7086, 2019; Tonsen et al., 2020) and demonstrate substantial improvement compared to existing webcam eye-tracking solutions (Papoutsaki et al., 2017).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The auditory system is unique among sensory systems in its ability to phase lock to and precisely follow very fast cycle-by-cycle fluctuations in the phase of sound-driven cochlear vibrations. Yet, the perceptual role of this temporal fine structure (TFS) code is debated. This fundamental gap is attributable to our inability to experimentally manipulate TFS cues without altering other perceptually relevant cues. Here, we circumnavigated this limitation by leveraging individual differences across 200 participants to systematically compare variations in TFS sensitivity to performance in a range of speech perception tasks. TFS sensitivity was assessed through detection of interaural time/phase differences, while speech perception was evaluated by word identification under noise interference. Results suggest that greater TFS sensitivity is not associated with greater masking release from fundamental-frequency or spatial cues, but appears to contribute to resilience against the effects of reverberation. We also found that greater TFS sensitivity is associated with faster response times, indicating reduced listening effort. These findings highlight the perceptual significance of TFS coding for everyday hearing.





