online behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Online psychological surveys allow for swift data collection among college students, thus providing a foundation for psychological interventions, particularly during emergent public health events. However, the association between online survey completion behaviors and offline psychological symptoms has yet to be explored.
    UNASSIGNED: A large-scale web-based survey was conducted from December 31, 2022, to January 7, 2023, involving 22,624 participants. Psychological symptoms were assessed using standardized measures, while the time taken to complete the survey and the time of completion were recorded by the online survey platform.
    UNASSIGNED: As the time duration increased, the prevalence of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and PTSD also increased significantly (P for trend < 0.001). The highest odds ratios were observed in the longer duration group. Only a longer duration was significantly associated with PTSD. The time period for completing the questionnaire from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. was found to be significantly linked with anxiety symptoms and depression symptoms. Conversely, completing the questionnaire at other times was specifically associated with anxiety symptoms and insomnia symptoms. The prolonged duration needed to complete the questionnaire was more closely related to the comorbidity of anxiety, depression, and insomnia than to the comorbidity of those symptoms with PTSD. When questionnaires were completed during other times, specifically referring to the late-night and early morning hours, individuals were more likely to exhibit comorbid symptoms of insomnia.
    UNASSIGNED: The study identified the specific associations between time durations, time points for completing online survey, and psychological symptoms/comorbidity among college students. Further exploration of their causal relationships and the underlying mechanisms is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: People as individual consumers are regularly targeted in sustainability campaigns or communications with the hope of enhancing sustainable behavior at an individual level, with subsequent sustainability transformation at a larger societal scale. However, psychological motivation is complex and campaigns need to be based on an understanding for what individual, and contextual, factors support or hinder sustainable behavioral choices.
    UNASSIGNED: In a discrete choice experiment, participants made hypothetical online purchases in each of three rooms designed to evoke associations to hedonic, gain, and normative goal frames. Participants were shown a campaign message intended to prime sustainable textile consumption prior to the purchase. For each product (t-shirt or bananas) hedonic (comfort/look), gain (price), and normative (organic/ fairtrade) attributes were varied in an online choice experiment.
    UNASSIGNED: Preferences for the normative attribute of t-shirts increased in the normative room compared to the room with gain associations. No effect of the rooms with hedonic or gain priming was observed on the choice.
    UNASSIGNED: The study supports the hypothesis that the physical room can enhance goal frame activation and behavioral choice but concludes that such priming effect is sensitive to specificity of the prime.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This research investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental well-being and sleep quality of students in higher vocational colleges in Sichuan, China, identifying key factors influencing their psychological health during this period.
    UNASSIGNED: Between January and February 2022, a comprehensive survey was conducted among students from several higher vocational colleges in Sichuan, utilizing a randomized selection approach to involve 3,300 participants. Data were collected through direct interviews executed by skilled interviewers.
    UNASSIGNED: Out of 3,049 valid responses, a significant number reported experiencing symptoms of poor mental health, anxiety, depression, and insomnia, with prevalence rates of 21.2%, 9.7%, 14.1%, and 81.9%, respectively. Factors contributing positively to mental health and sleep included a higher family economic status, reduced stress from the pandemic, and decreased online activity. Conversely, lack of physical activity post-pandemic, disruptions to education and employment, and deteriorating relationships emerged as negative influencers. Interestingly, a lack of pre-pandemic mental health knowledge acted as a protective factor against insomnia.
    UNASSIGNED: The ongoing management of COVID-19 has notably influenced the psychological and sleep health of vocational college students, driven by economic, emotional, lifestyle, and educational factors. The findings underscore the necessity for targeted interventions to address these challenges effectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study utilizes data, spanning 2016-2021, from the Belgian Ageing Studies and presents a typology of older internet users based on nine internet activities. Two-step Cluster Analysis and Latent Class Analysis revealed three groups: (1) \"Basic users\" primarily engage in information search and mailing, (2) \"Allrounders\" participate in nearly all internet activities and (3) \"Selective users\" are intermediary, predominantly using the internet for information search, mailing, e-banking and communication with (grand)children. These clusters varied in sociodemographic characteristics, with \"Allrounders\" being younger, more educated, wealthier and predominantly male, compared to \"Selective users\" and \"Basic users,\" respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A great deal of empirical research has examined who falls for misinformation and why. Here, we introduce a formal game-theoretic model of engagement with news stories that captures the strategic interplay between (mis)information consumers and producers. A key insight from the model is that observed patterns of engagement do not necessarily reflect the preferences of consumers. This is because producers seeking to promote misinformation can use strategies that lead moderately inattentive readers to engage more with false stories than true ones-even when readers prefer more accurate over less accurate information. We then empirically test people\'s preferences for accuracy in the news. In three studies, we find that people strongly prefer to click and share news they perceive as more accurate-both in a general population sample, and in a sample of users recruited through Twitter who had actually shared links to misinformation sites online. Despite this preference for accurate news-and consistent with the predictions of our model-we find markedly different engagement patterns for articles from misinformation versus mainstream news sites. Using 1,000 headlines from 20 misinformation and 20 mainstream news sites, we compare Facebook engagement data with 20,000 accuracy ratings collected in a survey experiment. Engagement with a headline is negatively correlated with perceived accuracy for misinformation sites, but positively correlated with perceived accuracy for mainstream sites. Taken together, these theoretical and empirical results suggest that consumer preferences cannot be straightforwardly inferred from empirical patterns of engagement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A consequence of the proliferation of online communication is the concerning presence of antisocial behavior observed in virtual spaces. Research suggests the cognitive component of empathy is hindered by features of electronic communication which facilitates antisocial behaviors online. Investigations into how features of online communication inhibit cognitive empathy are lacking, and findings on moral disengagement and antisocial behavior have yet to be integrated with studies on cognitive empathy and electronic communication. The current study explores these relationships. One hundred and three undergraduate students completed several measures including the Online Moral Disengagement Scale, Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy, and Online Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior Scale. Results showed a positive correlation between compulsive internet use and online moral disengagement, as well as a negative correlation between cognitive empathy and moral disengagement online. It was hypothesized that online moral disengagement would mediate the relation between cognitive empathy and antisocial behavior online but this mediation was not supported. However, a moderated relationship was revealed between cognitive empathy and moral justification, by liberalism. This moderation can be explored further and built upon by future research to deepen our understanding of how political ideology relates to virtual behavior. Furthermore, the findings concerning components of empathy and moral disengagement, and their role within the perpetration of antisocial conduct online, can inform future research as well as interventions focused on fostering prosocial behavior online and curbing cyberaggression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using the Health Belief Model (HBM), this study analyzed tweets related to COVID-19 published by national health departments of the United States, the South Korea, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and India to explore their differences in (1) the health measures against COVID-19, (2) the health promotion strategies, (3) the social media engagements that those measures and strategies have triggered.
    We conducted a content analysis with 1,200 randomly selected COVID-19-related tweets from six national health departments\' Twitter accounts from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020. We coded the six HBM constructs and 21 sub-themes of the HBM constructs for each tweet.
    Results showed that all six HBM constructs were used in the full sample. The most commonly used HBM construct was cues to action, followed by susceptibility, benefits, self-efficacy, severity, and barriers. All the HBM constructs were positively related to Twitter engagement variables except barriers. Further analysis illustrated that people from the six countries responded differently to the HBM constructs and the HBM sub-themes. Twitter users in Germany, India, the U.S., and Japan positively reacted to the clear directions of \"what to do against COVID-19\" (cues to action), while Twitter users in the U.S. and Japan were also eager to know the justifications for such directions (benefits); people in South Korea and the U.K. were mainly seeking a diagnosis of the severity and susceptibility of COVID-19, instead of health measures, of COVID-19 in the year 2020.
    This study showed the use of HBM constructs is generally effective in inducing Twitter engagement. The further comparison illustrated a homogenization in the promotion strategies that the health departments implemented and the health measures they promoted, yet responses to such promotions varied across nations. This study broadened the scope of HBM applications from predicting health behaviors in surveys to guiding the design of health promotion messages online.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research suggests various associations of smartphone use with a range of physical, psychological, and performance dimensions. Here, we test one sec, a self-nudging app that is installed by the user in order to reduce the mindless use of selected target apps on the smartphone. When users attempt to open a target app of their choice, one sec interferes with a pop-up, which combines a deliberation message, friction by a short waiting time, and the option to dismiss opening the target app. In a field-experiment, we collected behavioral user data from 280 participants over 6 wk, and conducted two surveys before and after the intervention span. one sec reduced the usage of target apps in two ways. First, on average 36% of the times participants attempted opening a target app, they closed that app again after one sec interfered. Second, over the course of 6 wk, users attempted to open target apps 37% less than in the first week. In sum, one sec decreased users\' actual opening of target apps by 57% after six consecutive weeks. Afterward, participants also reported spending less time with their apps and indicated increased satisfaction with their consumption. To disentangle one sec\'s effects, we tested its three psychological features in a preregistered online experiment (N = 500) that measured the consumption of real and viral social media video clips. We found that providing the additional option to dismiss the consumption attempt had the strongest effect. While the friction by time delay also reduced consumption instances, the deliberation message was not effective.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The need for affect (NFA), which refers to the motivation to approach or avoid emotion-inducing situations, is a valuable indicator of mental health monitoring and intervention, as well as many other applications. Traditionally, NFA has been measured using self-reports, which is not applicable in today\'s online scenarios due to its shortcomings in fast, large-scale assessments. This study proposed an automatic and non-invasive method for recognizing NFA based on social media behavioral data. The NFA questionnaire scores of 934 participants and their social media data were acquired. Then we run machine learning algorithms to train predictive models, which can be used to automatically identify NFA degrees of online users. The results showed that Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) performed best among several algorithms. The Pearson correlation coefficients between predicted scores and NFA questionnaire scores achieved 0.25 (NFA avoidance), 0.31 (NFA approach) and 0.34 (NFA total), and the split-half reliabilities were 0.66-0.70. Our research demonstrated that adolescents\' NFA can be identified based on their social media behaviors, and opened a novel way of non-intrusively perceiving users\' NFA which can be used for mental health monitoring and other situations that require large-scale NFA measurements.





