olfactory tubercle

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gestational exposure to valproic acid (VPA) is a valid rodent model of human autism spectrum disorder (ASD). VPA treatment is known to bring about specific behavioral deficits of sociability, matching similar alterations in human autism. Previous quantitative morphometric studies from our laboratory showed a marked reduction and defasciculation of the mesotelencephalic dopaminergic pathway of VPA treated mice, along with a decrease in tissue dopamine in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), but not in the caudatoputamen (CPu). In the present study, the correlative distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase positive (TH+) putative axon terminals, presynaptic to the target neurons containing calretinin (CR) or calbindin (CB), was assessed using double fluorescent immunocytochemistry and confocal laser microscopy in two dopamine recipient forebrain regions, NAc and olfactory tubercle (OT) of neonatal mice (mothers injected with VPA on ED13.5, pups investigated on PD7). Representative image stacks were volumetrically analyzed for spatial proximity and abundance of presynaptic (TH+) and postsynaptic (CR+, CB+) structures with the help of an Imaris (Bitplane) software. In VPA mice, TH/CR juxtapositions were reduced in the NAc, whereas the TH/CB juxtapositions were impoverished in OT. Volume ratios of CR+ and CB+ elements remained unchanged in NAc, whereas that of CB+ was markedly reduced in OT; here the abundance of TH+ axons was also diminished. CR and CB were found to partially colocalize with TH in the VTA and SN. In VPA exposed mice, the abundance of CR+ (but not CB+) perikarya increased both in VTA and SN, however, this upregulation was not mirrored by an increase of the number of CR+/TH+ double labeled cells. The observed reduction of total CB (but not of CB+ perikarya) in the OT of VPA exposed animals signifies a diminished probability of synaptic contacts with afferent TH+ axons, presumably by reducing the available synaptic surface. Altered dopaminergic input to ventrobasal forebrain targets during late embryonic development will likely perturb the development and consolidation of neural and synaptic architecture, resulting in lasting changes of the neuronal patterning (detected here as reduced synaptic input to dopaminoceptive interneurons) in ventrobasal forebrain regions specifically involved in motivation and reward.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olfactory dysfunctions decrease daily quality of life (QOL) in part by reducing the pleasure of eating. Olfaction plays an essential role in flavor sensation and palatability. The decreased QOL due to olfactory dysfunction is speculated to result from abnormal neural activities in the olfactory and limbic areas of the brain, as well as peripheral odorant receptor dysfunctions. However, the specific underlying neurobiological mechanisms remain unclear. As the olfactory tubercle (OT) is one of the brain\'s regions with high expression of endogenous opioids, we hypothesize that the mechanism underlying the decrease in QOL due to olfactory dysfunction involves the reduction of neural activity in the OT and subsequent endogenous opioid release in specialized subregions. In this review, we provide an overview and recent updates on the OT, the endogenous opioid system, and the pleasure systems in the brain and then discuss our hypothesis. To facilitate the effective treatment of olfactory dysfunctions and decreased QOL, elucidation of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the pleasure of eating through flavor sensation is crucial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory tubercle (OT) is a unique part of the olfactory cortex of the mammal brain in that it is also a component of the ventral striatum. It is crucially involved in motivational behaviors, particularly in adaptive olfactory learning. This review introduces the basic properties of the OT, its synaptic connectivity with other brain areas, and the plasticity of the connectivity associated with learning behavior. The adaptive properties of olfactory behavior are discussed further based on the characteristics of OT neuronal circuits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory tubercle (TUB), also called the tubular striatum, receives direct input from the olfactory bulb and, along with the nucleus accumbens, is one of the two principal components of the ventral striatum. As a key component of the reward system, the ventral striatum is involved in feeding behavior, but the vast majority of research on this structure has focused on the nucleus accumbens, leaving the TUB\'s role in feeding behavior understudied. Given the importance of olfaction in food seeking and consumption, olfactory input to the striatum should be an important contributor to motivated feeding behavior. Yet the TUB is vastly understudied in humans, with very little understanding of its structural organization and connectivity. In this study, we analyzed macrostructural variations between the TUB and the whole brain and explored the relationship between TUB structural pathways and feeding behavior, using body mass index (BMI) as a proxy in females and males. We identified a unique structural covariance between the TUB and the periaqueductal gray (PAG), which has recently been implicated in the suppression of feeding. We further show that the integrity of the white matter tract between the two regions is negatively correlated with BMI. Our findings highlight a potential role for the TUB-PAG pathway in the regulation of feeding behavior in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to experimental and clinical studies, status epilepticus (SE) causes neurodegenerative morphological changes not only in the hippocampus and other limbic structures, it also affects the thalamus and the neocortex. In addition, several studies reported atrophy, metabolic changes, and neuronal degeneration in the dorsal striatum. The literature lacks studies investigating potential neuronal damage in the ventral component of the striatopallidal complex (ventral striatum [VS] and ventral pallidum) in SE experimentations. To better understand the development of neuronal damage in the striatopallidal complex associated with SE, the detected neuronal degeneration in the compartments of the VS, namely, the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the olfactory tubercle (OT), was analyzed. The experiments were performed on Wistar rats at age of 25-day-old pups and 3-month-old adult animals. Lithium-pilocarpine model of SE was used. Lithium chloride (3 mmol/kg, ip) was injected 24 h before administering pilocarpine (40 mg/kg, ip). This presented study demonstrates the variability of post SE neuronal damage in 25-day-old pups in comparison with 3-month-old adult rats. The NAc exhibited small to moderate number of Fluoro-Jade B (FJB)-positive neurons detected 4 and 8 h post SE intervals. The number of degenerated neurons in the shell subdivision of the NAc significantly increased at survival interval of 12 h after the SE. FJB-positive neurons were evidently more prominent occupying the whole anteroposterior and mediolateral extent of the nucleus at longer survival intervals of 24 and 48 h after the SE. This was also the case in the bordering vicinity between the shell and the core compartments but with clusters of degenerating cells. The severity of damage of the shell subdivision of the NAc reached its peak at an interval of 24 h post SE. Isolated FJB-positive neurons were detected in the ventral peripheral part of the core compartment. Degenerated neurons persisted in the shell subdivision of the NAc 1 week after SE. However, the quantity of cell damage had significantly reduced in comparison with the aforementioned shorter intervals. The third layer of the OT exhibited more degenerated neurons than the second layer. The FJB-positive cells in the young animals were higher than in the adult animals. The morphology of those cells was identical in the two age groups except in the OT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hedonic perception deeply changes with aging, significantly impacting health and quality of life in elderly. In young adult mice, an odor hedonic signature is represented along the antero-posterior axis of olfactory bulb, and transferred to the olfactory tubercle and ventral tegmental area, promoting approach behavior. Here, we show that while the perception of unattractive odorants was unchanged in older mice (22 months), the appreciation of some but not all attractive odorants declined. Neural activity in the olfactory bulb and tubercle of older mice was consistently altered when attraction to pleasant odorants was impaired while maintained when the odorants kept their attractivity. Finally, in a self-stimulation paradigm, optogenetic stimulation of the olfactory bulb remained rewarding in older mice even without ventral tegmental area\'s response to the stimulation. Aging degrades behavioral and neural responses to some pleasant odorants but rewarding properties of olfactory bulb stimulation persisted, providing new insights into developing novel olfactory training strategies to elicit motivation even when the dopaminergic system is altered as observed in normal and/or neurodegenerative aging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since 2002, when we published our article about the anterior perforated substance (APS), the knowledge about the region has grown enormously.
    To make a better description of the anatomy of the zone with new dissection material added to the previous, to sustain the anatomical analysis of the MRI employing the SPACE sequence, interacting with our imagenology colleagues. Especially, we aim to identify and topographically localize by MRI the principal structures in APS-substantia innominata (SI).
    The presentation follows various steps: (1) location and boundaries of the zone and its neighboring areas; (2) schematic description of the region with simple outlines; (3) cursory revision of the SI and its three systems; (4) serial images of the dissections of the zone and its vessels, illustrated and completed when possible, by MRI images of a voluntary experimental subject (ES).
    With this method, we could expose most of the structures of the region anatomically and imagenologically.
    The zone can be approached for dissection with magnification and the habitual microsurgical instruments with satisfactory results. We think that fibers in this region should be followed by other anatomical methods in addition to tractography. The principal structures of ventral striopallidum and extended amygdala (EA) can be identified with the SPACE sequence. The amygdala and the basal ganglion of Meynert (BGM) are easily confused because of their similar signal. Anatomical clues can orient the clinician about the different clusters of the BGM in MRI.
    The dissection requires a previous knowledge of the zone and a good amount of patience. The APS is a little space where concentrate essential vessels for the telencephalon, \"en passage\" or perforating, and neural structures of relevant functional import. From anatomical and MRI points of view, both neural and vascular structures follow a harmonious and topographically describable plan. The SPACE MRI sequence has proved to be a useful tool for identifying different structures in this area as the striatopallidal and EA. Anatomical knowledge of the fibers helps in the search of clusters of the basal ganglion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ventral striatum is a reward center implicated in the pathophysiology of depression. It contains islands of Calleja, clusters of dopamine D3 receptor-expressing granule cells, predominantly in the olfactory tubercle (OT). These OT D3 neurons regulate self-grooming, a repetitive behavior manifested in affective disorders. Here we show that chronic restraint stress (CRS) induces robust depression-like behaviors in mice and decreases excitability of OT D3 neurons. Ablation or inhibition of these neurons leads to depression-like behaviors, whereas their activation ameliorates CRS-induced depression-like behaviors. Moreover, activation of OT D3 neurons has a rewarding effect, which diminishes when grooming is blocked. Finally, we propose a model that explains how OT D3 neurons may influence dopamine release via synaptic connections with OT spiny projection neurons (SPNs) that project to midbrain dopamine neurons. Our study reveals a crucial role of OT D3 neurons in bidirectionally mediating depression-like behaviors, suggesting a potential therapeutic target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory tubercle (OT), which is a component of the olfactory cortex and ventral striatum, has functional domains that play a role in odor-guided motivated behaviors. Learning odor-guided attractive and aversive behavior activates the anteromedial (am) and lateral (l) domains of the OT, respectively. However, the mechanism driving learning-dependent activation of specific OT domains remains unknown. We hypothesized that the neuronal connectivity of OT domains is plastically altered through olfactory experience. To examine the plastic potential of synaptic connections to OT domains, we optogenetically stimulated intracortical inputs from the piriform cortex or sensory inputs from the olfactory bulb to the OT in mice in association with a food reward for attractive learning and electrical foot shock for aversive learning. For both intracortical and sensory connections, axon boutons that terminated in the OT domains were larger in the amOT than in the lOT for mice exhibiting attractive learning and larger in the lOT than in the amOT for mice exhibiting aversive learning. These results indicate that both intracortical and sensory connections to the OT domains have learning-dependent plastic potential, suggesting that this plasticity underlies learning-dependent activation of specific OT domains and the acquisition of appropriate motivated behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory centres are the evolutionary oldest and most conservative area of the telencephalon. Olfactory deficiencies are involved in a large spectrum of neurologic disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. The growing interest in human olfaction has been also been driven by COVID-19-induced transitional anosmia. Nevertheless, recent data on the human olfactory centres concerning normal histology and morphogenesis are rare. Published data in the field are mainly restricted to classic studies with non-uniform nomenclature and varied definitions of certain olfactory areas. While the olfactory system in model animals (rats, mice, and more rarely non-human primates) has been extensively investigated, the developmental timetable of olfactory centres in both human prenatal and postnatal ontogeny are poorly understood and unsystemised, which complicates the process of analysing human material, including medical researches. The main purpose of this review is to provide and discuss relevant morphological data on the normal ontogeny of the human olfactory centres, with a focus on the timetable of maturation and developmental cytoarchitecture, and with special reference to the definitions and terminology of certain olfactory areas.





