
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Calcifying odontogenic cyst, also known as Gorlin cyst is a rare benign cystic lesion primarily found in the jawbones, accounting less than 1% of odontogenic cysts. It can be associated with odontogenic tumors such as odontomas. We report a rare case of COC associated with complex odontoma in a young patient and discuss its clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment options. An 18-year-old female patient presented with a painless radiopaque lesion of the right mandibular bone at Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery department. Radiographs revealed irregular tooth-like structures in the canine-premolar area. The lesion was surgically removed, and histopathology confirmed COC with a complex odontoma. As of the World Health Organization\'s 2022 definition, COC is a developmental odontogenic cyst characterized by calcified ghost cells. It typically affects individuals during their second and third decades of life, with no gender preference, almost equally in the maxilla and the mandible. The main treatment is total enucleation, with a generally favorable prognosis. Histopathology is essential for diagnosis due to its mimicry of other jaw conditions. Long-term follow-up is needed to prevent recurrences.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Delayed eruption of permanent teeth during the replacement period is relatively common in clinical practice; however, impaction of the mandibular first molar is rare. There are various causes of delayed eruption of permanent teeth such as odontogenic cysts and tumors. This article describes the management of two odontogenic tumors that caused the delayed eruption of the mandibular first molar. In Case 1, an eight-year-old boy was diagnosed with an unerupted right mandibular first and second molar that had an odontogenic tumor around them. Radiographic examination revealed well-defined unilocular radiolucency with impacted first and second molars and scattered radiographic opaque images at the right mandibular. The lesion was completely curettaged with extraction of the second molar, and the first molar was fenestrated. Pathological microscopic examination provided the diagnosis as an ameloblastic fibro-odontoma. In Case 2, an 11-year-old boy was diagnosed with an unerupted right mandibular first molar that had an odontogenic tumor around it. Radiographic examination revealed well-defined unilocular radiolucency with an impacted first molar and scattered radiographic opaque images at the right mandibular The lesion was completely curretaged, and the first molar was fenestrated. Pathological microscopic examination provided the diagnosis of odontoma. Among these two cases, the preserved first molar erupted at each regular position. We demonstrated that even if an odontogenic tumor is present along with an impacted molar, removal of the tumor can result in the eruption of the impacted tooth.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Odontomas are benign tumors characterized by slow and limited growth with a rare recurrence. Odontomas are generally detected by radiographic findings in the radiopaque stage, where calcification of the tissues is observed. This article seeks to report the recurrence of a radiologically diagnosed odontoma to show the importance of radiographic controls after enucleation as a diagnostic and follow-up method. Case report: A female patient, 9 years old, attended dental care in 2020 due to malpositioned teeth. In the intraoral clinical examination, she presented stage II mixed dentition with crowding. A radiographic exam showed no associated lesions. The patient reported a history of odontoma removal and a supernumerary tooth in sextant II in 2016. Subsequently, she was referred to orthodontics, where permanent dentition with moderate anterior crowding in the maxilla and mandible was observed. The radiographic examination showed a radiopaque area compatible with odontoma, palatal to teeth 12 and 13. Conclusions: Although recurrence is rare, complete removal in the case of an odontoma is critical. This study demonstrates the importance of performing radiographic controls 5 years after enucleation of an odontoma, considering the stages of evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Odontomas are among the most common odontogenic tumors and are generally considered as hamartomatous odontogenic lesions. These tumors can be histopathologically divided into complex odontomas and compound odontomas based on their composition. Odontomas show a slow growing behavior and typically lack characteristic symptoms. The standard surgical treatment for large odontogenic tumors is a mandibular (continuity) resection followed by primary or secondary plastic reconstruction.
    METHODS: A 22-year-old male presented to the Department of maxillofacial surgery with an increasing feeling of pressure in the left mandible. An orthopantomogram revealed a large complex odontoma rg 038. Instead of mandible continuity resection an alternative minimally invasive technique/approach (intraoral) with a trapezoidal bone flap for the enucleation of an odontoma of the mandibular angle with subsequent flap reimplantation and osteosynthesis was performed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Surgical enucleation of large mandibular odontoma with a continuity resection through an extraoral approach represents the surgical standard treatment of this entity. The present case report describes an alternative minimally invasive technique/approach. This technique may reduce surgical risks of the continuity resection through an extraoral approach (nerve damage, scarring) and can improve the long-term stability of the mandible by bone preservation.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    The objective of this article is to report the clinical case and 4-year follow-up of a 5-year-old child with multiple dental anomalies, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and use of combined pediatric surgery and orthodontic approaches. A 5-year-old boy, accompanied by his mother, sought dental care for dental caries and tooth pain. Clinical and radiographic examinations revealed active caries, a supernumerary primary tooth in the region of the mandibular right second premolar, and severe ankylosis of the primary mandibular right second molar. The treatment plan involved extraction of the supernumerary tooth as well as sectioning and extraction of the ankylosed molar. When the patient was 6 years old, the permanent mandibular right first molar showed signs of an altered eruptive process, and orthodontic treatment was initiated. A unilateral band-and-loop space maintainer with coil springs designed to move the permanent first molar was placed on the primary first molar. A new panoramic radiograph, obtained when the patient was aged 7 years, suggested the presence of an odontoma in the apical region of the primary maxillary right canine. Surgical removal and histopathologic examination of the lesion confirmed that it was a developing odontoma. After surgery, due to occlusal anomalies that included transverse maxillary deficiency, deep overbite, and midline deviation, the patient underwent rapid maxillary expansion therapy with a Haas-type appliance. When the patient was 8 years old, orthodontic treatment continued with a removable palatal Hawley expander and a orthodontic mandibular lingual arch. Currently, at the age of 9 years, the child is still undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment after surgical exposure of the impacted permanent maxillary right canine and bonding of an orthodontic attachment to enable traction. A multidisciplinary approach to the management of dental anomalies promotes a favorable prognosis and ensures comprehensive treatment of young patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Odontomas are the most common tooth-like hamartomatous odontogenic tumours, which are usually asymptomatic and found on routine radiographs. Odontomas are commonly classified into two types: complex and compound odontomas. The most common consequences of odontoma are tooth impaction and/or delayed tooth eruption. The present report describes a unique case of multiple complex odontoma in the anterior maxillary region in a 12-year-old young patient, which is a rare occurrence. The uniqueness of this case report is in the location, number, and complexity of the complex tumours. Early diagnosis, proper treatment planning, appropriate management, and regular follow-ups of these odontomas helped in complete removal and prevented recurrence even after 12 months of follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Odontoma is the most common odontogenic tumour derived from both epithelial and mesenchymal components of the tooth-forming apparatus. It is commonly diagnosed in the second and third decades of life when a radiograph is taken for some other purpose, as most cases are asymptomatic. This case involves a young boy, with the chief complaint of pain and swelling in the lower left back region. An intraoral examination revealed a carious and hypoplastic left permanent mandibular first molar. Although the molar was suspected as the source of his symptoms, radiographic imaging revealed multiple odontomas and missing second and third molar tooth buds. This case highlights the pathological effects of odontomas on surrounding teeth, including the malformation of the first molar and aplasia of the second and third molars. The sole management depends on the early diagnosis, histopathological examination to rule out malignancy and conservative surgical excision of these tissues.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Odontomas, often found adjacent to impacted teeth, are tumors of abnormal tissue morphology arising from the tooth germ and are usually asymptomatic. They are often found by accident on X-ray images, and the eruption of permanent teeth is often caused by odontomas. In most cases, the tooth is extracted with the permanent tooth or orthodontic treatment is performed after extraction. However, the criteria are not clear. We encountered two cases of dental eruption in which permanent teeth, which originally seemed to be suitable for orthodontic treatment, spontaneously erupted after odontoma removal. It is necessary to examine the indications and timing of tooth extraction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Odontome gelten zusammen mit den Amelo- blastomen als die häufigsten odontogenen Tumoren. Sie entstehen während der embryo- nalen Zahnkeimentwicklung durch fehlerhaft differenziertes Keimgewebe und werden daher auch als Hamartome bezeichnet. Somit sind sie also strenggenommen keine klassischen Neoplasien.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Odontogenic tumors (OTs) are distinct conditions that develop in the jawbones, exhibiting diverse histopathological features and variable clinical behaviors. Unfortunately, the literature on this subject in Saudi Arabia remains sparse, indicating a pressing need for more comprehensive data concerning the frequency, demographics, treatment modalities, and outcomes of OTs.
    OBJECTIVE: The study aims to evaluate the frequency, demographic features, treatment, and outcomes of OTs across three tertiary medical centers.
    METHODS: OT cases were identified in King Abdulaziz Medical City (KAMC), King Fahad Medical City (KFMC), and Prince Sultan Military Medical City (PSMMC) from January 2010 to December 2021.
    RESULTS: Ninety-two OT cases were identified from the anatomical pathology laboratories of three tertiary hospitals. KFMC contributed the highest number of cases (43.5%), followed by KAMC (30.4%) and PSMMC (26.1%). The median age of OT patients was 29 years (range: 5-83), with males representing more than half of the patients (56.5%). The mandible was the most frequent site of OT occurrence (72.5%), with ameloblastoma being the predominant OT (63.0%), followed by odontoma (19.5%). Among the treatment modalities, bone resection was employed the most (51.0%), followed by enucleation (25.6%). Notably, 11.5% of OT cases with available follow-up data exhibited recurrence, with ameloblastoma accounting for eight recurrent cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although OTs are relatively common in the jaws, they are rare in anatomical pathology laboratories and the general population. This study contributes valuable insights into the epidemiology characteristics, treatment trends, and recurrence rates of OTs in Saudi Arabia.





