nutritional symbiosis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The common bed bug, Cimex lectularius, is a hemipteran insect that feeds only on blood, and whose bites cause public health issues. Due to globalization and resistance to insecticides, this pest has undergone a significant and global resurgence in recent decades. Blood is an unbalanced diet, lacking notably sufficient B vitamins. Like all strict hematophagous arthropods, bed bugs host a nutritional symbiont supplying B vitamins. In C. lectularius, this nutritional symbiont is the intracellular bacterium Wolbachia (wCle). It is located in specific symbiotic organs, the bacteriomes, as well as in ovaries. Experimental depletion of wCle has been shown to result in longer nymphal development and lower fecundity. These phenotypes were rescued by B vitamin supplementation. Understanding the interaction between wCle and the bed bug may help to develop new pest control methods targeting the disruption of this symbiotic interaction. The objective of this work was thus to quantify accurately the density of wCle over the life cycle of the host and to describe potential associated morphological changes in the bacteriome. We also sought to determine the impact of sex, feeding status, and aging on the bacterial population dynamics. We showed that the relative quantity of wCle continuously increases during bed bug development, while the relative size of the bacteriome remains stable. We also showed that adult females harbor more wCle than males and that wCle relative quantity decreases slightly in adults with age, except in weekly-fed males. These results are discussed in the context of bed bug ecology and will help to define critical points of the symbiotic interaction during the bed bug life cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sap-feeding insects often maintain two or more nutritional endosymbionts that act in concert to produce compounds essential for insect survival. Many mealybugs have endosymbionts in a nested configuration: one or two bacterial species reside within the cytoplasm of another bacterium, and together, these bacteria have genomes that encode interdependent sets of genes needed to produce key nutritional molecules. Here, we show that the mealybug Pseudococcus viburni has three endosymbionts, one of which contributes only two unique genes that produce the host nutrition-related molecule chorismate. All three bacterial endosymbionts have tiny genomes, suggesting that they have been coevolving inside their insect host for millions of years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The obligate mutualistic basidiomycete fungus, Leucocoprinus gongylophorus, mediates nutrition of leaf-cutting ants with carbons from vegetal matter. In addition, diazotrophic Enterobacteriales in the fungus garden and intestinal Rhizobiales supposedly mediate assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen, and Entomoplasmatales in the genus Mesoplasma, as well as other yet unidentified strains, supposedly mediate ant assimilation of other compounds from vegetal matter, such as citrate, fructose, and amino acids. Together, these nutritional partners would support the production of high yields of leafcutter biomass. In the present investigation, we propose that three phylogenetically distinct and culturable diazotrophs in the genera Ralstonia, Methylobacterium, and Pseudomonas integrate this symbiotic nutrition network, facilitating ant nutrition on nitrogen. Strains in these genera were often isolated and directly sequenced in 16S rRNA libraries from the ant abdomen, together with the nondiazotrophs Acinetobacter and Brachybacterium. These five isolates were underrepresented in libraries, suggesting that none of them is dominant in vivo. Libraries have been dominated by four uncultured Rhizobiales strains in the genera Liberibacter, Terasakiella, and Bartonella and, only in Acromyrmex ants, by the Entomoplasmatales in the genus Mesoplasma. Acromyrmex also presented small amounts of two other uncultured Entomoplasmatales strains, Entomoplasma and Spiroplasma. The absence of Entomoplasmatales in Atta workers implicates that the association with these bacteria is not mandatory for ant biomass production. Most of the strains that we detected in South American ants were genetically similar with strains previously described in association with leafcutters from Central and North America, indicating wide geographic dispersion, and suggesting fixed ecological services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sap-sucking hemipterans host specialized, heritable microorganisms that supplement their diet with essential nutrients. These microbes show unusual features that provide a unique perspective on the coevolution of host-symbiont systems but are still poorly understood. Here, we combine microscopy with high-throughput sequencing to revisit 80-year-old reports on the diversity of symbiont transmission modes in a broadly distributed planthopper family, Dictyopharidae. We show that in seven species examined, the ancestral nutritional symbionts Sulcia and Vidania producing essential amino acids are complemented by co-primary symbionts, either Arsenophonus or Sodalis, acquired several times independently by different host lineages and contributing to the biosynthesis of B vitamins. These symbionts reside within separate bacteriomes within the abdominal cavity, although in females Vidania also occupies bacteriocytes in the rectal organ. Notably, the symbionts are transovarially transmitted from mothers to offspring in two alternative ways. In most examined species, all nutritional symbionts simultaneously infect the posterior end of the full-grown oocytes and next gather in their perivitelline space. In contrast, in other species, Sodalis colonizes the cytoplasm of the anterior pole of young oocytes, forming a cluster separate from the \"symbiont ball\" formed by late-invading Sulcia and Vidania. Our results show how newly arriving microbes may utilize different strategies to establish long-term heritable symbiosis. IMPORTANCE Sup-sucking hemipterans host ancient heritable microorganisms that supplement their unbalanced diet with essential nutrients and have repeatedly been complemented or replaced by other microorganisms. These symbionts need to be reliably transmitted to subsequent generations through the reproductive system, and often they end up using the same route as the most ancient ones. We show for the first time that in a single family of planthoppers, the complementing symbionts that have established infections independently utilize different transmission strategies, one of them novel, with the transmission of different microbes separated spatially and temporally. These data show how newly arriving microbes may utilize different strategies to establish long-term heritable symbioses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Symbiosis with vitamin-provisioning microbes is essential for the nutrition of animals with some specialized feeding habits. While coevolution favors the interdependence between symbiotic partners, their associations are not necessarily stable: Recently acquired symbionts can replace ancestral symbionts. In this study, we demonstrate successful replacement by Francisella-like endosymbionts (-LE), a group of B-vitamin-provisioning endosymbionts, across tick communities driven by horizontal transfers. Using a broad collection of Francisella-LE-infected tick species, we determined the diversity of Francisella-LE haplotypes through a multi-locus strain typing approach and further characterized their phylogenetic relationships and their association with biological traits of their tick hosts. The patterns observed showed that Francisella-LE commonly transfer through similar ecological networks and geographic distributions shared among different tick species and, in certain cases, through preferential shuffling across congeneric tick species. Altogether, these findings reveal the importance of geographic, ecological, and phylogenetic proximity in shaping the replacement pattern in which new nutritional symbioses are initiated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The lucinid clam Loripes orbiculatus lives in a nutritional symbiosis with sulphur-oxidizing bacteria housed in its gills. Although our understanding of the lucinid endosymbiont physiology and metabolism has made significant progress, relatively little is known about how the host regulates the symbiosis at the genetic and molecular levels. We generated transcriptomes from four L. orbiculatus organs (gills, foot, visceral mass, and mantle) for differential expression analyses, to better understand this clam\'s physiological adaptations to a chemosymbiotic lifestyle, and how it regulates nutritional and immune interactions with its symbionts.
    RESULTS: The transcriptome profile of the symbiont-housing gill suggests the regulation of apoptosis and innate immunity are important processes in this organ. We also identified many transcripts encoding ion transporters from the solute carrier family that possibly allow metabolite exchange between host and symbiont. Despite the clam holobiont\'s clear reliance on chemosynthesis, the clam\'s visceral mass, which contains the digestive tract, is characterised by enzymes involved in digestion, carbohydrate recognition and metabolism, suggesting that L. orbiculatus has a mixotrophic diet. The foot transcriptome is dominated by the biosynthesis of glycoproteins for the construction of mucus tubes, and receptors that mediate the detection of chemical cues in the environment.
    CONCLUSIONS: The transcriptome profiles of gills, mantle, foot and visceral mass provide insights into the molecular basis underlying the functional specialisation of bivalve organs adapted to a chemosymbiotic lifestyle.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some animal groups associate with the same vertically transmitted microbial symbionts over extended periods of evolutionary time, punctuated by occasional symbiont switches to different microbial taxa. Here we test the oft-repeated suggestion that symbiont switches are linked with host diet changes, focusing on hemipteran insects of the suborder Auchenorrhyncha. These insects include the only animals that feed on plant xylem sap through the life cycle, as well as taxa that feed on phloem sap and plant parenchyma cells. Ancestral state reconstruction provides strong statistical support for a xylem feeding auchenorrhynchan ancestor bearing the dual symbiosis with the primary symbiont Sulcia (Bacteroidetes) and companion symbiont \'β-Sym\' (β-proteobacteria). We identified seven dietary transitions from xylem feeding (six to phloem feeding, one to parenchyma feeding), but no reversions to xylem feeding; five evolutionary losses of Sulcia, including replacements by yeast symbionts, exclusively in phloem/parenchyma-feeding lineages; and 14-15 losses of β-Sym, including nine transitions to a different bacterial companion symbiont. Our analysis indicates that, although companion symbiont switching is not associated with shifts in host diet, Sulcia is probably required for xylem-feeding. Furthermore, the ancestral auchenorrhynchan bearing Sulcia and β-Sym probably represents the sole evolutionary origin of xylem feeding in the animal kingdom.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant sap-feeding insects (Hemiptera) rely on bacterial symbionts for nutrition absent in their diets. These bacteria experience extreme genome reduction and require genetic resources from their hosts, particularly for basic cellular processes other than nutrition synthesis. The host-derived mechanisms that complete these processes have remained poorly understood. It is also unclear how hosts meet the distinct needs of multiple bacterial partners with differentially degraded genomes. To address these questions, we investigated the cell-specific gene-expression patterns in the symbiotic organs of the aster leafhopper (ALF), Macrosteles quadrilineatus (Cicadellidae). ALF harbors two intracellular symbionts that have two of the smallest known bacterial genomes: Nasuia (112 kb) and Sulcia (190 kb). Symbionts are segregated into distinct host cell types (bacteriocytes) and vary widely in their basic cellular capabilities. ALF differentially expresses thousands of genes between the bacteriocyte types to meet the functional needs of each symbiont, including the provisioning of metabolites and support of cellular processes. For example, the host highly expresses genes in the bacteriocytes that likely complement gene losses in nucleic acid synthesis, DNA repair mechanisms, transcription, and translation. Such genes are required to function in the bacterial cytosol. Many host genes comprising these support mechanisms are derived from the evolution of novel functional traits via horizontally transferred genes, reassigned mitochondrial support genes, and gene duplications with bacteriocyte-specific expression. Comparison across other hemipteran lineages reveals that hosts generally support the incomplete symbiont cellular processes, but the origins of these support mechanisms are generally specific to the host-symbiont system.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many insect species maintain mutualistic relationships with endosymbiotic bacteria. In contrast to their free-living relatives, horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has traditionally been considered rare in long-term endosymbionts. Nevertheless, meta-omics exploration of certain symbiotic models has unveiled an increasing number of bacteria-bacteria and bacteria-host genetic transfers. The abundance and function of transferred loci suggest that HGT might play a major role in the evolution of the corresponding consortia, enhancing their adaptive value or buffering detrimental effects derived from the reductive evolution of endosymbionts\' genomes. Here, we comprehensively review the HGT cases recorded to date in insect-bacteria mutualistic consortia, and discuss their impact on the evolutionary success of these associations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Supplementation of nutrients by symbionts enables consumers to thrive on resources that might otherwise be insufficient to meet nutritional demands. Such nutritional subsidies by intracellular symbionts have been well studied; however, supplementation of de novo synthesized nutrients to hosts by extracellular gut symbionts is poorly documented, especially for generalists with relatively undifferentiated intestinal tracts. Although gut symbionts facilitate degradation of resources that would otherwise remain inaccessible to the host, such digestive actions alone cannot make up for dietary insufficiencies of macronutrients such as essential amino acids (EAA). Documenting whether gut symbionts also function as partners for symbiotic EAA supplementation is important because the question of how some detritivores are able to subsist on nutritionally insufficient diets has remained unresolved. To answer this poorly understood nutritional aspect of symbiont-host interactions, we studied the enchytraeid worm, a bulk soil feeder that thrives in Arctic peatlands. In a combined field and laboratory study, we employed stable isotope fingerprinting of amino acids to identify the biosynthetic origins of amino acids to bacteria, fungi and plants in enchytraeids. Enchytraeids collected from Arctic peatlands derived more than 80% of their EAA from bacteria. In a controlled feeding study with the enchytraeid Enchytraeus crypticus, EAA derived almost exclusively from gut bacteria when the worms fed on higher fibre diets, whereas most of the enchytraeids\' EAA derived from dietary sources when fed on lower fibre diets. Our gene sequencing results of gut microbiota showed that the worms harbour several taxa in their gut lumen absent from their diets and substrates. Almost all gut taxa are candidates for EAA supplementation because almost all belong to clades capable of biosynthesizing EAA. Our study provides the first evidence of extensive symbiotic supplementation of EAA by microbial gut symbionts and demonstrates that symbiotic bacteria in the gut lumen appear to function as partners both for symbiotic EAA supplementation and for digestion of insoluble plant fibres.





