nucleotide diversity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present study, we have characterized the complete chloroplast (Cp) genome of Meconopsis torquata Prain (family Papaveraceae), revealing the plastome size of 153,290 bp, and a GC content of 38.72 %. The cp genome features the typical circular quadripartite structure found in flowering plants, including a pair of inverted repeat regions (25,816 bp), isolated by a small single-copy region (17,740 bp) and a large single-copy (83,918 bp). Genome annotation revealed 132 genes: 87 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNAs and eight rRNAs. This comparative study demonstrated that the genome structure, gene number and GC ratio are consistent with several other cp genomes of Meconopsis and Papaver genera. A total of 120 SSRs were detected in the plastome, the majority (111) of which were mononucleotide repeats. Among the longer repeats, palindromic sequences were most common, followed by forward, reverse, and complement repeats. The whole genome alignment revealed the conserved nature of the inverted repeat region over single-copy zones. Nucleotide diversity unveiled hypervariable sites (ycf1, rps16, accD, atpB and psbD) in both the small and large single-copy regions, which could be useful for designing molecular markers for taxonomic identification. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a close alliance of M. torquata with other Meconopsis species, such as M. pinnatifolia and M. paniculata, with strong bootstrap support. Molecular dating suggests that M. torquata originated during the Tortonian age of the Miocene epoch of the Cenozoic era. These findings provide valuable insights for biological research, especially in understanding the genetic and evolutionary divergence within the Papaveraceae family.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mangrove sediments host a diverse array of microbial populations and are characterized by high heterogeneity along their vertical depths. However, the genetic diversity within these populations is largely unknown, hindering our understanding of their adaptive evolution across the sediment depths. To elucidate their genetic diversity, we utilized metagenome sequencing to identify 16 high-frequency microbial populations comprised of two archaea and 14 bacteria from mangrove sediment cores (0-100 cm, with 10 depths) in Qi\'ao Island, China. Our analysis of the genome-wide genetic variation revealed extensive nucleotide diversity in the microbial populations. The genes involved in the transport and the energy metabolism displayed a high nucleotide diversity (HND; 0.0045-0.0195; an indicator of shared minor alleles with the microbial populations). By tracking the processes of homologous recombination, we found that each microbial population was subjected to different purification selection levels at different depths (44.12% genes). This selection resulted in significant differences in synonymous/non-synonymous mutation ratio between 0-20 and 20-100 cm layers, indicating the adaptive evolutionary process of microbial populations. Furthermore, our assessment of differentiation in the allele frequencies between these two layers showed that the functional genes involved in the metabolic processes of amino acids or cofactors were highly differential in more than half of them. Together, we showed that the nucleotide diversity of microbial populations was shaped by homologous recombination and gene-specific selection, finally resulting in the stratified differentiation occurring between 0-20 and 20-100 cm. These results enhance our cognition of the microbial adaptation mechanisms to vertical environmental changes during the sedimentation process of coastal blue carbon ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Members of the Curcuma genus, a crop in the Zingiberaceae, are widely utilized rhizomatous herbs globally. There are two distinct species, C. comosa Roxb. and C. latifolia Roscoe, referred to the same vernacular name \"Wan Chak Motluk\" in Thai. C. comosa holds economic importance and is extensively used as a Thai traditional medicine due to its phytoestrogenic properties. However, its morphology closely resembles that of C. latifolia, which contains zederone, a compound known for its hepatotoxic effects. They are often confused, which may affect the quality, efficacy and safety of the derived herbal materials. Thus, DNA markers were developed for discriminating C. comosa from C. latifolia. This study focused on analyzing core DNA barcode regions, including rbcL, matK, psbA-trnH spacer and ITS2, of the authentic C. comosa and C. latifolia species. As a result, no variable nucleotides in core DNA barcode regions were observed. The complete chloroplast (cp) genome was introduced to differentiate between the two species. The comparison revealed that the cp genomes of C. comosa and C. latifolia were 162,272 and 162,289 bp, respectively, with a total of 133 identified genes. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that C. comosa and C. latifolia exhibited a very close relationship with other Curcuma species. The cp genome of C. comosa and C. latifolia were identified for the first time, providing valuable insights for species identification and evolutionary research within the Zingiberaceae family.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hoya verticillata var verticillata, an epiphytic plant, is both an ornamental and a valuable medicinal plant. However, H. verticillata has a similar morphology to other species belonging to the Hoya genus, so it is challenging to distinguish the H. verticillata var verticillata, plant accurately. Alternatively, if H. verticillata var verticillata, is deformed or powdered, it is more challenging to identify. This dataset includes information on H. verticillata var verticillata, samples collected from the natural environment and four chloroplast DNA markers to support H. verticillata var verticillata, species identification. Phylogenetic analysis based on sequences of intergenic spacer regions (trnK-rps16, rps16-trnQ, psbI-atpA, and ndhC-trnV) shows that H. verticilata var verticillata, is very closely related and distributed in the same group as Hoya carnosa with a Bootstrap coefficient of 99-100 %. Four intergenic spacer region sequences, trnK-rps16, rps16-trnQ, psbI-atpA, and ndhC-trnV from the chloroplast genome are potential DNA barcoding candidates to distinguish H. verticilata var verticillata, from different species in the Hoya genus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extant Old World camels (genus Camelus) contributed to the economic and cultural exchanges between the East and West for thousands of years.1,2 Although many remains have been unearthed,3,4,5 we know neither whether the prevalent hybridization observed between extant Camelus species2,6,7 also occurred between extinct lineages and the ancestors of extant Camelus species nor why some populations became extinct while others survived. To investigate these questions, we generated paleogenomic and stable isotope data from an extinct two-humped camel species, Camelus knoblochi. We find that in the mitochondrial phylogeny, all C. knoblochi form a paraphyletic group that nests within the diversity of modern, wild two-humped camels (Camelus ferus). In contrast, they are clearly distinguished from both wild and domesticated (Camelus bactrianus) two-humped camels on the nuclear level. Moreover, the divergence pattern of the three camel species approximates a trifurcation, because the most common topology is only slightly more frequent than the two other possible topologies. This mito-nuclear phylogenetic discordance likely arose due to interspecific gene flow between all three species, suggesting that interspecific hybridization is not exclusive to modern camels but a recurrent phenomenon throughout the evolutionary history of the genus Camelus. These results suggest that the genomic complexity of Old World camels\' evolutionary history is underestimated when considering data from only modern species. Finally, we find that C. knoblochi populations began declining prior to the last glacial maximum and, by integrating palaeoecological evidence and stable isotope data, suggest that this was likely due to failure to adapt to a changing environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Thalictrum fargesii is a medicinal plant belonging to the genus Thalictrum of the Ranunculaceae family and has been used in herbal medicine in the Himalayan regions of China and India. This species is taxonomically challenging because of its morphological similarities to other species within the genus. Thus, herbal drugs from this species are frequently adulterated, substituted, or mixed with other species, thereby endangering consumer safety.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study aimed to sequence and assemble the entire chloroplast (cp) genome of T. fargesii using the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform to better understand the genomic architecture, gene composition, and phylogenetic relationships within the Thalictrum.
    UNASSIGNED: The cp genome was 155,929 bp long and contained large single-copy (85,395 bp) and small single-copy (17,576 bp) regions that were segregated by a pair of inverted repeat regions (26,479 bp) to form a quadripartite structure. The cp genome contains 133 genes, including 88 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 37 tRNA genes, and 8 rRNA genes. Additionally, this genome contains 64 codons that encode 20 amino acids, the most preferred of which are alanine and leucine. We identified 68 SSRs, 27 long repeats, and 242 high-confidence C-to-U RNA-editing sites in the cp genome. Moreover, we discovered seven divergent hotspot regions in the cp genome of T. fargesii, among which ndhD-psaC and rpl16-rps3 may be useful for developing molecular markers for identifying ethnodrug species and their contaminants. A comparative study with eight other species in the genus revealed that pafI and rps19 had highly variable sites in the cp genome of T. fargesii. Additionally, two special features, (i) the shortest length of the ycf1 gene at the IRA-SSC boundary and (ii) the distance between the rps19 fragment and trnH at the IRA-LSC junction, distinguish the cp genome of T. fargesii from those of other species within the genus. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis revealed that T. fargesii was closely related to T. tenue and T. petaloidium.
    UNASSIGNED: Considering all these lines of evidence, our findings offer crucial molecular and evolutionary information that could play a significant role in further species identification, evolution, and phylogenetic studies on T. fargesii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic diversity refers to the variety of genetic traits within a population or a species. It is an essential aspect of both plant ecology and plant breeding because it contributes to the adaptability, survival, and resilience of populations in changing environments. This chapter outlines a pipeline for estimating genetic diversity statistics from reduced representation or whole genome sequencing data. The pipeline involves obtaining DNA sequence reads, mapping the corresponding reads to a reference genome, calling variants from the alignments, and generating an unbiased estimation of nucleotide diversity and divergence between populations. The pipeline is suitable for single-end Illumina reads and can be adjusted for paired-end reads. The resulting pipeline provides a comprehensive approach for aligning and analyzing sequencing data to estimate genetic diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Jilin clawed salamander (Onychodactylus zhangyapingi) is an endemic, endangered, and level-two protected amphibian species of China. In the context of serious threats to amphibians worldwide, conservation studies of this endangered species are urgently needed. In this study, mitogenomic conservation genetics and species distribution modeling analyses were performed for O. zhangyapingi. Sixty-three samples were collected from nine different locations, and the complete mitochondrial genome was sequenced. Population genetic analyses revealed that O. zhangyapingi exhibits only one genetic structure with extremely low nucleotide diversity. Late Pleistocene climate cooling may have led to a reduction in effective population size and extremely low mitogenomic nucleotide diversity in this salamander, and the subsequent temperature increase (~20 kya to present) provided the opportunity for rapid population growth. The continuous highly suitable region for O. zhangyapingi is only approximately 3000 km2 on the southeastern boundary of Jilin Province, China. Fortunately, there are three large forested national nature reserves within the distribution of O. zhangyapingi that can effectively protect endangered species. Our findings suggest that O. zhangyapingi is a vulnerable species with a narrow distribution and extremely low genetic diversity, and we should pay more attention to the conservation management of this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Members of the genus Clivia show considerable variation in flower pigmentation and morphology. Such variation is affected by mutations that emerge in candidate flower development genes over time. Besides population history, mutations can further illuminate the effects of demographic events in populations in addition to population genetic parameters including selection, recombination, and linkage disequilibrium (LD). The current study aimed to find sequence variants in 2 anthocyanin biosynthetic genes (DFR and bHLH) of Clivia miniata and use the data to assess population genetic factors from a random collection of orange/red- and yellow-flowered specimens. Overall, average nucleotide diversity in the 2 anthocyanin genes was moderate (π = 0.00646), whereas haplotypes differed significantly (Hd ≥ 0.9). Gene evolution was seemingly driven by mutations (CmiDFR) or recombinations (CmibHLH001). LD decayed swiftly within the analyzed gene regions and supported the feasibility of assessing trait-variant associations via the association/linkage mapping approach. In the end, most associations were found to be spurious, but 1 haplotype in CmibHLH001 showed a promising correlation to the orange/red flower phenotype in Clivia specimens. In all, the present study is the first to measure gene-level diversity in C. miniata-data that had never been reported so far. Furthermore, the study also identified allelic and haplotypic variants that may be beneficial in future association genetic studies of Clivia. Such studies, however, consider large diverse populations to control for statistical bias intrinsic to the analysis of small datasets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The HD-ZIP class I transcription factor Homeobox 1 (HvHOX1), also known as Vulgare Row-type Spike 1 (VRS1) or Six-rowed Spike 1, regulates lateral spikelet fertility in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). It was shown that HvHOX1 has a high expression only in lateral spikelets, while its paralog HvHOX2 was found to be expressed in different plant organs. Yet, the mechanistic functions of HvHOX1 and HvHOX2 during spikelet development are still fragmentary. Here, we show that compared with HvHOX1, HvHOX2 is more highly conserved across different barley genotypes and Hordeum species, hinting at a possibly vital but still unclarified biological role. Using bimolecular fluorescence complementation, DNA-binding, and transactivation assays, we validate that HvHOX1 and HvHOX2 are bona fide transcriptional activators that may potentially heterodimerize. Accordingly, both genes exhibit similar spatiotemporal expression patterns during spike development and growth, albeit their mRNA levels differ quantitatively. We show that HvHOX1 delays the lateral spikelet meristem differentiation and affects fertility by aborting the reproductive organs. Interestingly, the ancestral relationship of the two genes inferred from their co-expressed gene networks suggested that HvHOX1 and HvHOX2 might play a similar role during barley spikelet development. However, CRISPR-derived mutants of HvHOX1 and HvHOX2 demonstrated the suppressive role of HvHOX1 on lateral spikelets, while the loss of HvHOX2 does not influence spikelet development. Collectively, our study shows that through the suppression of reproductive organs, lateral spikelet fertility is regulated by HvHOX1, whereas HvHOX2 is dispensable for spikelet development in barley.





