normative data

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Corsi Block Tapping Test, or Corsi Span (CS), is a widely used task to measure visuospatial short-term and working memory. The same setup can be used to administer the Corsi SupraSpan Learning (CSSL) and Recall (CSSR), tests assessing visuospatial long-term memory. While the CS has relatively recent normative data, those of the CSSL are outdated For CSSR, no normative data are available. Given this critical lack, our study aimed to provide updated norms for CS, CSSL, and specifically for the recall delayed phase (CSSR).
    METHODS: A sample of 340 healthy participants, aged between 20 and 89, took part in the study. Norms were developed using a regression approach and defined using rank equivalent scores and percentiles.
    RESULTS: Age and education influenced Corsi\'s Span, while SupraSpan Learning and Recall were influenced by age, education, and span. The comparison with previous norms for Span and SupraSpan Learning shows a high level of agreement.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides integrated norms to evaluate visuospatial memory in all aspects of immediate recall, long-term learning and delayed recall. Its use is needed to assess specific neuropsychological deficits, dissociate visuospatial versus verbal memory deficits and allow the evaluation of memory in patients with limited verbal abilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Semantic and phonemic verbal fluency tests are widely used neuropsychological assessments of executive functions and language skills and are easy to administer. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of age, education, and gender on semantic and phonemic verbal fluency tests and to establish normative data for Turkish adults aged between 18 and 86 years. The results revealed significant main effects of age and education on all subscores of verbal fluency tests. Furthermore, an interaction effect between age and education was observed on semantic fluency and letter K fluency scores. While no significant differences were found among the 18-29, 30-39, and 40-49 age groups in any of the subscores, performance on the tests decreased with increasing age. Significant differences were observed among all education groups in all subscores. No main or interaction effects of gender were found on any subscore. These normative data could prove useful in clinical and research settings for the assessment of cognitive impairment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Linguistic deficits are common across neurological and neurodegenerative disorders. Currently there are limited neuropsychological norms available for Spanish-speaking adults residing in the U.S.
    UNASSIGNED: To generate norms for two verbal fluency tests and the Boston Naming Test (BNT) in a Spanish-speaking population in the U.S., with adjustments for demographic and cultural variables.
    UNASSIGNED: The sample consisted of 245 adults from the U.S. Participants completed phonological and semantic verbal fluency tests and the BNT. A standardized two-step statistical procedure was used.
    UNASSIGNED: For the phoneme F, interactions between Spanish proficiency, age, and education arose. Better performance on phonemes A, S, and M was related to education. Spanish proficiency, acculturation, and time in the U.S. were associated with the phonemes S, A, P, M, and R. An age by education interaction was found for phonemes M and R. The FAS and PMR triads were related to age, sex, time in U.S., and Spanish proficiency. For the semantic verbal fluency tests, an interaction between education and Spanish proficiency arose. For the BNT, test scores were related to education, and significant interactions were also found based on education\'s interaction with Spanish proficiency and acculturation.
    UNASSIGNED: This study highlights the importance of accounting for sociodemographic and acculturative factors when developing normative data for verbal fluency tests and the BNT for dominant Spanish-speaking adults in the U.S. These sociodemographically-adjusted norms will help improve accuracy of diagnosis and interpretation of linguistic test performance in Spanish speakers living in the U.S.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Idioms differ from other forms of figurative language because of their dimensions of subjective frequency, ambiguity (possibility of having a literal interpretation), and decomposability (possibility of the idiom\'s words to assist in its figurative interpretation). This study focuses on the Greek language and aims at providing the first corpus of 400 Greek idioms rated for their dimensions by 113 native Greek students, aged 19 to 39 years. The study aimed at (1) rating all idioms for their degree of subjective frequency, ambiguity, and decomposability, and (2) investigating the relationships between these dimensions. Three different assessments were conducted, during which the participants were asked to evaluate the degree of idioms\' subjective frequency, ambiguity, and decomposability. The idioms were selected from a dictionary of Greek idioms titled \"Dictionary of Idioms in Modern Greek\" (Vlaxopoulos, 2007). This study resulted in the first database of Greek idioms assessed for their dimensions. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (two-way mixed, absolute agreement) demonstrated high internal consistency in the ratings given for each dimension, for the same idiom, by the different individual raters. Correlational analyses showed that subjective frequency was positively moderately correlated with decomposability, and positively weakly correlated with ambiguity, while decomposability was positively moderately correlated with ambiguity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a valuable tool for detecting cognitive impairment, widely used in many countries. However, there is still a lack of large sample normative data and whose cut-off values for detecting cognitive impairment is considerable controversy.
    UNASSIGNED: The assessment conducted in this study utilizes the MoCA scale, specifically employing the Mandarin-8.1 version. This study recruited a total of 3,097 healthy adults aged over 20 years. We performed multiple linear regression analysis, incorporating age, gender, and education level as predictor variables, to examine their associations with the MoCA total score and subdomain scores. Subsequently, we established normative values stratified by age and education level. Finally, we included 242 patients with vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) and 137 controls with normal cognition, and determined the optimal cut-off value of VCI through ROC curves.
    UNASSIGNED: The participants in this study exhibit a balanced gender distribution, with an average age of 54.46 years (SD = 14.38) and an average education period of 9.49 years (SD = 4.61). The study population demonstrates an average MoCA score of 23.25 points (SD = 4.82). The multiple linear regression analysis indicates that MoCA total score is influenced by age and education level, collectively accounting for 46.8% of the total variance. Higher age and lower education level are correlated with lower MoCA total scores. A score of 22 is the optimal cut-off value for diagnosing vascular cognitive impairment (VCI).
    UNASSIGNED: This study offered normative MoCA values specific to the Chinese adults. Furthermore, this study indicated that a score of 26 may not represent the most optimal cut-off value for VCI. And for detecting VCI, a score of 22 may be a better cut-off value.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) is a computerized cognitive test system used extensively with military service members. The aim of this study was to develop a nationally representative normative dataset of Army National Guard (ARNG) personnel and to explore potential relationships between ANAM performances and select military service, demographic, and health factors.
    METHODS: ANAM performance data were collected using standardized procedures from a representative sample of ARNG service members in six U.S. states. Normative performance values, stratified by age, sex, and military occupational category, were calculated for each ANAM subtest and descriptive measures were computed, along with base rates of below-average performance. The effect of demographic (e.g., age, sex, education, race) and military service and health factors (e.g., deployment, job category, history of head injury) was examined.
    RESULTS: Data from 1,436 ARNG service members (14.3% female) were analyzed, and normative values calculated. Overall, differences in ANAM performance based on demographic, military service, and health factors were small. A total of 8.9% of the sample had scores on two or more subtests that were ≥ 1.3 SD below the mean; this dropped to 1.9% using a more stringent cut point (≥2 SD below the mean).
    CONCLUSIONS: The ANAM normative data reported herein ensure that healthcare providers and researchers have access to reference data that more accurately reflect the larger population of ARNG service members. These data support the assessment and management of ARNG service members\' health, as well as future ANAM research involving ARNG service members.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Knee degenerative processes, such as osteoarthritis, are disabling. An early intervention is generally more effective making important a timely diagnosis. A pre-diagnosis tool could be the thermal camera that allows the detection of joint inflammation. Consequently, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the literature and propose a thermal attention threshold for infrared thermography data in people with knee osteoarthritis.
    METHODS: four electronic databases were searched with specific keywords until the 25th of March 2024. Only original articles about joint inflammation due to osteoarthritis evaluated through digital infrared thermal images were included. A quality assessment analysis was performed. The attention threshold was extracted through the median of the extracted data. The findings were narratively discussed.
    RESULTS: A total of 9 studies have been included after the eligibility criteria selection. The studies presented some differences in terms of acquisition protocol, thermal imaging camera, data extrapolation, and analysis. Despite these differences, the studies presented similar thermal data.
    CONCLUSIONS: A knee thermography of or above 31.3 °C could indicate osteoarthritis, highlighting the necessity of further, more specific, and accurate analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The values of a field are reflected in the science it publishes. The goal of this study was to present a historical analysis of the extent to which the field of clinical neuropsychology publishes journals with titles that address culture in the context of brain function and behavior between 2010 and 2020.
    UNASSIGNED: Titles from articles published in 13 neuropsychology journals from 2010-2020 were collected and coded with regard to culture and multicultural content. The aims of the study were to (1) determine how often cultural or multicultural topics were represented in journal titles, (2) determine if cultural or multicultural content in neuropsychology journal publication titles increased over time, and (3) to explore other neuropsychological content that was most and least likely to appear in publications pertaining to culture or multicultural issues.
    UNASSIGNED: Results indicated that titles for publications in clinical neuropsychology journals with content relevant to cultural or multicultural neuropsychology represented 1.1% to 13.4% of titles across the 13 journals. The number of cultural/multicultural titles increased over time. The number of cultural/multicultural titles per journal was not significantly correlated with the journal impact factor. Normative data were addressed significantly more often in cultural/multicultural titles versus non-cultural/multicultural titles, whereas psychiatric issues were addressed significantly less often.
    UNASSIGNED: There are many actions that clinical neuropsychologists can take to increase the field\'s attention to the effects of culture on brain function and behavior. It is vital to update our data from 2021 to the present, given the substantial increase in awareness of social justice issues that occurred since 2020.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Initial surge of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in neonates increases free and total triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4) in 24-36 hours following birth, and the effect then gradually wanes off. As somatic and intellectual development is dependent on normal thyroid function especially in infancy, normative data in these children may be of immense value to diagnose hypothyroidism in this subset of infants. Comprehensive normative values of thyroid function parameters in preterm neonates are scarcely available. The objective of this study was to determine the normative value of thyroid function parameters in preterm neonates.
    UNASSIGNED: Preterm neonates (n = 102) born at 34 and 35 weeks of gestation of euthyroid mothers from an iodine-sufficient population were evaluated for T3, T4, free thyroxine (FT4) and TSH during 3-7 days after birth and again after 1 month. The expected date of delivery (EDD) and Ballard score were used to identify the duration of gestation.
    UNASSIGNED: The mean gestational age was 34.7 ± 0.41 weeks. The mean (± SD) for T3 (ng/dl), T4 (μg/dl), FT4 (ng/ml) and TSH (μIU/ml) on days 3-7 following birth was as follows: 156 ± 44.6, 12.8 ± 3.7, 1.50 ± 0.54 and 7.13 ± 6.04, respectively. Around 4 weeks of age, values changed to 104 ± 38.4, 12.1 ± 4.02, 1.46 ± 0.42 and 3.25 ± 2.85, respectively. All parameters changed significantly around 4 weeks, except FT4. None of the parameters were correlated with gestational age or body weight at birth. Normative values for each parameter in percentiles were generated.
    UNASSIGNED: This study generated the normative values of the thyroid function test during the first week and after around 4 weeks of life for premature neonates (born at 34-35 weeks).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Weak posture is a widely recognized problem affecting individuals of all ages, that can lead to back pain, which is a significant socio-economic burden in civil societies. Posture assessment enables the early detection of postural deficiencies, thus enabling proactive interventions. Therefore, it is an important tool for promoting public health, not only in childhood and adolescence. This article provides posture data of 1,149 subjects aged 10 to 69 years measured by stereophotogrammetry. In addition to subject anthropometrics, raw sagittal posture parameters as well as calculated flèche cervicale (FC), flèche lombaire (FL), and kyphosis index (KI) and the respective values normalized to the trunk height (FC%, FL%, KI%) are provided. Further, based on the measurements and a visual inspection, biomedical experts made a classification of the presence of hyperkyphosis of the thoracic spine or hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine. In a second step, these assessments were algorithmically checked for label quality due to possible errors of the raters. Critical cases were reassessed by experts. In addition to the original ratings, these corrected labels are also reported. The data offers potential for data driven objective posture assessment and the development of diagnostic supportive machine learning applications.





