nonequilibrium thermodynamics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolution requires selection. Molecular/chemical/preDarwinian evolution is no exception. One molecule must be selected over another for molecular evolution to occur and advance. Evolution, however, has no goal. The laws of physics have no utilitarian desire, intent or proficiency. Laws and constraints are blind to \"usefulness.\" How then were potential multi-step processes anticipated, valued and pursued by inanimate nature? Can orchestration of formal systems be physico-chemically spontaneous? The purely physico-dynamic self-ordering of Chaos Theory and irreversible non-equilibrium thermodynamic \"engines of disequilibria conversion\" achieve neither orchestration nor formal organization. Natural selection is a passive and after-the-fact-of-life selection. Darwinian selection reduces to the differential survival and reproduction of the fittest already-living organisms. In the case of abiogenesis, selection had to be 1) Active, 2) Pre-Function, and 3) Efficacious. Selection had to take place at the molecular level prior to the existence of non-trivial functional processes. It could not have been passive or secondary. What naturalistic mechanisms might have been at play?






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Classical thermodynamics has been a great achievement in dealing with systems that are in equilibrium or near equilibrium. As an emerging field, nonequilibrium thermodynamics provides a general framework for understanding the nonequilibrium processes, particularly in small systems that are typically far-from-equilibrium and are dominated by thermal or quantum fluctuations. Cavity optomechanical systems hold great promise among the various experimental platforms for studying nonequilibrium thermodynamics owing to their high controllability, excellent mechanical performance, and ability to operate deep in the quantum regime. Here, we present an overview of the recent advances in nonequilibrium thermodynamics with cavity optomechanical systems. The experimental results in entropy production assessment, fluctuation theorems, heat transfer, and heat engines are highlighted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three approaches for determining the thermodynamic stability of irreversible processes are described in generalized formulations. The simplest is the Gibbs-Duhem theory, specialized to irreversible trajectories, which uses the concept of virtual displacement in the reverse direction. Its only drawback is that even a trajectory leading to an explosion is identified as a thermodynamically stable motion. In the second approach, we use a thermodynamic Lyapunov function and its time rate from the Lyapunov thermodynamic stability theory (LTS, previously known as CTTSIP). In doing so, we demonstrate that the second differential of entropy, a frequently used Lyapunov function, is useful only for investigating the stability of equilibrium states. Nonequilibrium steady states do not qualify. Without using explicit perturbation coordinates, we further identify asymptotic thermodynamic stability and thermodynamic stability under constantly acting disturbances of unperturbed trajectories as well as of nonequilibrium steady states. The third approach is also based on the Lyapunov function from LTS, but here we additionally use the rates of perturbation coordinates, based on the Gibbs relations and without using their explicit expressions, to identify not only asymptotic thermodynamic stability but also thermodynamic stability under constantly acting disturbances. Only those trajectories leading to an infinite rate of entropy production (unstable states) are excluded from this conclusion. Finally, we use these findings to formulate the Fourth Law of thermodynamics based on the thermodynamic stability. It is a comprehensive statement covering all nonequilibrium trajectories, close to as well as far from equilibrium. Unlike previous suggested \"fourth laws\", this one meets the same level of generality that is associated with the original zeroth to third laws. The above is illustrated using the Schlögl reaction with its multiple steady states in certain regions of operation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work, satellite data from the Clouds and Earth\'s Radiant Energy System (CERES) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments are analyzed to determine how the global absorbed sunlight and global entropy production rates have changed from 2002 to 2023. The data is used to test hypotheses derived from the Maximum Power Principle (MPP) and Maximum Entropy Production Principle (MEP) about the evolution of Earth\'s surface and atmosphere. The results indicate that both the rate of absorbed sunlight and global entropy production have increased over the last 20 years, which is consistent with the predictions of both hypotheses. Given the acceptance of the MPP or MEP, some peripheral extensions and nuances are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent developments in single-cell sequencing technology enable the acquisition of entire transcriptome data. Understanding the underlying mechanism and identifying the driving force of transcriptional regulation governing cell function directly from these data remains challenging. This study reconstructs a continuous vector field of the cell cycle based on discrete single-cell RNA velocity to quantify the single-cell global nonequilibrium dynamic landscape-flux. It reveals that large fluctuations disrupt the global landscape and genetic perturbations alter landscape-flux, thus identifying key genes in maintaining cell cycle dynamics and predicting associated functional effects. Additionally, it quantifies the fundamental energy cost of the cell cycle initiation and unveils that sustaining the cell cycle requires curl flux and dissipation to maintain the oscillatory phase coherence. This study enables the inference of the cell cycle gene regulatory networks directly from the single-cell transcriptomic data, including the feedback mechanisms and interaction intensity. This provides a golden opportunity to experimentally verify the landscape-flux theory and also obtain its associated quantifications. It also offers a unique framework for combining the landscape-flux theory and single-cell high-through sequencing experiments for understanding the underlying mechanisms of the cell cycle and can be extended to other nonequilibrium biological processes, such as differentiation development and disease pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We examine the coordinated behavior of thousands of genes in cell fate transitions through genome expression as an integrated dynamical system using the concepts of self-organized criticality and coherent stochastic behavior. To quantify the effects of the collective behavior of genes, we adopted the flux balance approach and developed it in a new tool termed expression flux analysis (EFA). Here we describe this tool and demonstrate how its application to specific experimental genome-wide expression data provides new insights into the dynamics of the cell-fate transitions. Particularly, we show that in cell fate change, specific stochastic perturbations can spread over the entire system to guide distinct cell fate transitions through switching cyclic flux flow in the genome engine. Utilization of EFA enables us to elucidate a unified genomic mechanism for when and how cell-fate change occurs through critical transitions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Omicron BA.2.75 may become the next globally dominant strain of COVID-19 in 2022. The BA.2.75 sub-variant has acquired more mutations (9) in spike protein and other genes of SARS-CoV-2 than any other variant. Thus, its chemical composition and thermodynamic properties have changed compared with earlier variants. In this paper, the Gibbs energy of the binding and antigen-receptor binding rate was reported for the BA.2.75 variant. Gibbs energy of the binding of the Omicron BA.2.75 variant is more negative than that of the competing variants BA.2 and BA.5.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new mathematical model of supercooled melt crystallization based on the variational principles of thermodynamics has been developed. The model takes into account the crystal formation and diffusion growth regularities, as well as the diffusionless crystal growth with the deviation from the local equilibrium at the surface. The model also takes into account the growing crystals mutual influence on the components concentration in the melt. The calculations for the supercooled eutectic melt Fe83B17showed that the nucleation and growth of the phases Fe and Fe2B with a metastable phase Fe3B occur in the melt. The local equilibrium on the surface of the growing Fe3B crystals with the melt probably does not maintained. The regularities of the nucleation and mutual influence of the growing crystals of the phases are studied. The nucleation and growth rate of the Fe3B nuclei differs from the growth of Fe and Fe2B nuclei due to the diffusionless capture of boron atoms by the growing Fe3B crystals surface. The model will help to calculate the melt cooling technology mode for producing amorphous ribbons on a copper rotating drum. The calculation made it possible to analyze changes in the temperature and the crystallization degree in the various ribbon layers. The calculation results have been verified experimentally by x-ray diffraction and calorimetric studies of the obtained ribbons. The correspondence of the calculation and the experimental results confirms the effectiveness developed methodology for studying the regularities of crystal growth in supercooled melts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonequilibrium interfacial thermodynamics has important implications for crucial biological, physical, and industrial-scale transport processes. Here, we discuss a theory of local equilibrium for multiphase multicomponent interfaces that builds upon the \"sharp\" interface concept first introduced by Gibbs, allowing for a description of nonequilibrium interfacial processes such as those arising in evaporation, condensation, adsorption, etc. By requiring that the thermodynamics be insensitive to the precise location of the dividing surface, one can identify conditions for local equilibrium and develop methods for measuring the values of intensive variables at the interface. We then use extensive, high-precision nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) simulations to verify the theory and establish the validity of the local equilibrium hypothesis. In particular, we demonstrate that equilibrium equations of state are also valid out of equilibrium, and can be used to determine interfacial temperature and chemical potential(s) that are consistent with nonequilibrium generalizations of the Clapeyron and Gibbs adsorption equations. We also show, for example, that, far from equilibrium, temperature or chemical potential differences need not be uniform across an interface and may instead exhibit pronounced discontinuities. However, even in these circumstances, we demonstrate that the local equilibrium hypothesis and its implications remain valid. These results provide a thermodynamic foundation and computational tools for studying or revisiting a wide variety of interfacial transport phenomena.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This communication addresses the question of the far-from-equilibrium growth of spherulites with different growing modes. The growth occurs in defects containing and condensed matter addressing environments of (bio)polymeric and biominerals involving outcomes. It turns out that it is possible to anticipate that, according to our considerations, there is a chance of spherulites\' emergence prior to a pure diffusion-controlled (poly)crystal growth. Specifically, we have shown that the emergence factors of the two different evolution types of spherulitic growth modes, namely, diffusion-controlled growth and mass convection-controlled growth, appear. As named by us, the unimodal crystalline Mullins-Sekerka type mode of growth, characteristic of local curvatures\' presence, seems to be more entropy-productive in its emerging (structural) nature than the so-named bimodal or Goldenfeld type mode of growth. In the latter, the local curvatures do not play any crucial roles. In turn, a liaison of amorphous and crystalline phases makes the system far better compromised to the thermodynamic-kinetic conditions it actually, and concurrently, follows. The dimensionless character of the modeling suggests that the system does not directly depend upon experimental details, manifesting somehow its quasi-universal, i.e., scaling addressing character.





