non-centrosomal MTOCs

非中心体 MTOC
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in the GJB2 gene account for approximately 20-50% of all non-syndromic hereditary deafness cases. The malformed organ of Corti (OC) was observed in different Cx26-null mouse models, which was mainly caused by the developmental arrest of pillar cells (PCs). However, the mechanism of developmental abnormalities in PCs caused by Cx26 deletion is still unclear. In this study, the ultrastructure of PCs at different postnatal days was observed in Cx26-null mice. Knockout of cochlear Cx26 led to the malformed assembly of non-centrosomal microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) far from the centrosome rather than near the centrosome. Additionally, the microtubule (MT) arrays emitted by abnormal non-centrosomal MTOCs were significantly reduced. In addition, we found that the protein expression of calmodulin-regulated, spectrin-associated protein2 (camsap2), a microtubule minus-end targeting protein associated with the organization of non-centrosomal MTs, was decreased in juvenile PCs in the Cx26-null group. Our results indicated that the malformation of non-centrosomal MTOCs in cochlear PCs might lead to the corresponding MTs\' failure to be captured and anchored in Cx26-null mice, which results in the deformity of OC. Additionally, this abnormal developmental process might be correlated with the reduced expression of camsap2 caused by Cx26 deletion in the early developmental stage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Differentiation of columnar epithelial cells involves a dramatic reorganization of the microtubules (MTs) and centrosomal components into an apico-basal array no longer anchored at the centrosome. Instead, the minus-ends of the MTs become anchored at apical non-centrosomal microtubule organizing centres (n-MTOCs). Formation of n-MTOCs is critical as they determine the spatial organization of MTs, which in turn influences cell shape and function. However, how they are formed is poorly understood. We have previously shown that the centrosomal anchoring protein ninein is released from the centrosome, moves in a microtubule-dependent manner and accumulates at n-MTOCs during epithelial differentiation. Here, we report using depletion and knockout (KO) approaches that ninein expression is essential for apico-basal array formation and epithelial elongation and that CLIP-170 is required for its redeployment to n-MTOCs. Functional inhibition also revealed that IQGAP1 and active Rac1 coordinate with CLIP-170 to facilitate microtubule plus-end cortical targeting and ninein redeployment. Intestinal tissue and in vitro organoids from the Clip1/Clip2 double KO mouse with deletions in the genes encoding CLIP-170 and CLIP-115, respectively, confirmed requirement of CLIP-170 for ninein recruitment to n-MTOCs, with possible compensation by other anchoring factors such as p150Glued and CAMSAP2 ensuring apico-basal microtubule formation despite loss of ninein at n-MTOCs.





