noise impacts

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-intensity, impulsive sounds are used to locate oil and gas reserves during seismic exploration of the seafloor. The impacts of this noise pollution on the health and mortality of marine invertebrates are not well known, including the silverlip pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima), which comprises one of the world\'s last remaining significant wildstock pearl oyster fisheries, in northwestern Australia. We exposed ≈11,000 P. maxima to a four-day experimental seismic survey, plus one vessel-control day. After exposure, survival rates were monitored throughout a full two-year production cycle, and the number and quality of pearls produced at harvest were assessed. Oysters from two groups, on one sampling day, exhibited reduced survival and pearl productivity compared to controls, but 14 other groups receiving similar or higher exposure levels did not. We therefore found no conclusive evidence of an impact of the seismic source survey on oyster mortality or pearl production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soundscapes have substantially changed since the industrial revolution and in response to biodiversity loss and climate change. Human activities such as shipping, resource exploration and offshore construction alter natural ecosystems through sound, which can impact marine species in complex ways. The study of underwater sound is multi-disciplinary, spanning the fields of acoustics, physics, animal physiology and behaviour to marine ecology and conservation. These different backgrounds have led to the use of various disparate terms, metrics, and summary statistics, which can hamper comparisons between studies. Different types of equipment, analytical pathways, and reporting can lead to different results for the same sound source, with implications for impact assessments. For meaningful comparisons and derivation of appropriate thresholds, mitigation, and management approaches, it is necessary to develop common standards. This paper presents a brief overview of acoustic metrics, analysis approaches and reporting standards used in the context of long-term monitoring of soundscapes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vocalizing animals have several strategies to compensate for elevated ambient noise. These behaviours evolved under historical conditions, but compensation limits are quickly being reached in the Anthropocene. Acoustic communication is essential to male bearded seals that vocalize for courtship and defending territories. As Arctic sea ice declines, industrial activities and associated anthropogenic noise are likely to increase. Documenting how seals respond to noise and identifying naturally occurring behavioural thresholds would indicate either their resilience or vulnerability to changing soundscapes. We investigated whether male bearded seals modified call amplitudes in response to changing ambient noise levels. Vocalizing seals increased their call amplitudes until ambient noise levels reached an observable threshold, above which call source levels stopped increasing. The presence of a threshold indicates limited noise compensation for seals, which still renders them vulnerable to acoustic masking of vocal signals. This behavioural threshold and response to noise is critical for developing management plans for an industrializing Arctic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several dolphin species occur close inshore and in harbours, where underwater noise generated by pile-driving used in wharf construction may constitute an important impact. Such impacts are likely to be greatest on species such as the endangered Hector\'s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori), which has small home ranges and uses this habitat type routinely. Using automated echolocation detectors in Lyttelton Harbour (New Zealand), we studied the distribution of Hector\'s dolphins using a gradient sampling design over 92 days within which pile-driving occurred on 46 days. During piling operations, dolphin positive minutes per day decreased at the detector closest to the piling but increased at the mid-harbour detector. Finer-grained analyses showed that close to the piling operation, detections decreased with increasing sound exposure level, that longer piling events were associated with longer reductions in detections, and that effects were long-lasting - detection rates took up to 83 h to return to pre-piling levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Impact pile-driving generates loud underwater anthropogenic sounds, and is routinely conducted in harbours around the world. Surprisingly few studies of these sounds and their propagation are published in the primary literature. To partially redress this we studied pile-driving sounds in Lyttelton Harbour, New Zealand, during wharf reconstruction after earthquake damage. That Lyttelton harbour is routinely used by Hector\'s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori), an endangered species found only in New Zealand, provided further context for this study. Steel piles of 0.61 or 0.71 m diameter were driven using three different pile-drivers. Maximum calculated source SEL was 192 dB re 1 μPa2s @ 1 m (SPL0-p of 213 dB re 1 μPa @ 1 m). Propagation of piling noise was strongly influenced by harbour bathymetry and a rock breakwater near the piling operation. We calculated range estimates at which Hector\'s dolphins may suffer temporary hearing threshold shift and behavioural change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shipping noise is a widespread and relatively loud sound source among human-induced underwater sounds. The impacts of shipping noise are of special concern for Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis), as they inhabit shallow and nearshore habitats and are highly dependent on sound for survival. This study synthesizes our current understanding of the potential impacts of shipping noise on Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins combined with knowledge on sound production and hearing of these animals and the impacts of noise on other whales and dolphins. For further protection and management of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and their habitats, shipping noise should be regulated and mitigated to modify sound from ships, to reduce overall noise levels, and to set more marine protected areas (MPAs) covering most Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin habitats with seasonal and geographical restrictions to avoid ensonification of shipping noise. The emphasis for future research should be on obtaining more baseline information about the population distribution, sound production, hearing capabilities at the population level, behavior, and stress hormones of the humpback dolphins under different noise conditions or under different noise-producing activities, and/or in high-noise areas compared with relatively quiet areas, and the noise characteristics of ships of different types, sizes and speeds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine seismic surveys are an important tool to map geology beneath the seafloor and manage petroleum resources, but they are also a source of underwater noise pollution. A mass mortality of scallops in the Bass Strait, Australia occurred a few months after a marine seismic survey in 2010, and fishing groups were concerned about the potential relationship between the two events. The current study used three field-based methods to investigate the potential impact of marine seismic surveys on scallops in the region: 1) dredging and 2) deployment of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) were undertaken to examine the potential response of two species of scallops (Pecten fumatus, Mimachlamys asperrima) before, two months after, and ten months after a 2015 marine seismic survey; and 3) MODIS satellite data revealed patterns of sea surface temperatures from 2006-2016. Results from the dredging and AUV components show no evidence of scallop mortality attributable to the seismic survey, although sub-lethal effects cannot be excluded. The remote sensing revealed a pronounced thermal spike in the eastern Bass Strait between February and May 2010, overlapping the scallop beds that suffered extensive mortality and coinciding almost exactly with dates of operation for the 2010 seismic survey. The acquisition of in situ data coupled with consideration of commercial seismic arrays meant that results were ecologically realistic, while the paired field-based components (dredging, AUV imagery) provided a failsafe against challenges associated with working wholly in the field. This study expands our knowledge of the potential environmental impacts of marine seismic survey and will inform future applications for marine seismic surveys, as well as the assessment of such applications by regulatory authorities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropogenic noise is a by-product from human activity that impacts protected species and is increasingly being considered in environmental management decisions. Offshore energy development presents a navigational hazard to existing shipping, making the locations of these two sources of noise mutually exclusive. This fact means that licensing decisions are stepping into the realm of coastal and marine spatial planning (CMSP). To be effective, conservation measures must also be considered in the CMSP process to mitigate potential cumulative adverse effects associated with resource development, particularly with multiuse conflicts. Thus managers should consider shipping lane relocation to make environmentally optimal decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Noise is a serious stressor affecting the health of millions of citizens. It has been suggested that disturbance by noise is responsible for a substantial part of the damage to human health. However, no recommended approach to address noise impacts was proposed by the handbook for life cycle assessment (LCA) of the European Commission, nor are characterisation factors (CFs) and appropriate inventory data available in commonly used databases. This contribution provides CFs to allow for the quantification of noise impacts on human health in the LCA framework. Noise propagation standards and international reports on acoustics and noise impacts were used to define the model parameters. Spatial data was used to calculate spatially-defined CFs in the form of 10-by-10-km maps. The results of this analysis were combined with data from the literature to select input data for representative archetypal situations of emission (e.g. urban day with a frequency of 63 Hz, rural night at 8000 Hz, etc.). A total of 32 spatial and 216 archetypal CFs were produced to evaluate noise impacts at a European level (i.e. EU27). The possibility of a user-defined characterisation factor was added to support the possibility of portraying the situation of full availability of information, as well as a highly-localised impact analysis. A Monte Carlo-based quantitative global sensitivity analysis method was applied to evaluate the importance of the input factors in determining the variance of the output. The factors produced are ready to be implemented in the available LCA databases and software. The spatial approach and archetypal approach may be combined and selected according to the amount of information available and the life cycle under study. The framework proposed and used for calculations is flexible enough to be expanded to account for impacts on target subjects other than humans and to continents other than Europe.





