nitrogen monoxide

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We studied the effect of an NO donor, nitrosyl iron complex with N-ethylthiourea, on Nrf2-dependent antioxidant system activation of tumor cells in vitro. The complex increased intracellular accumulation of Nrf2 transcription factor and induced its nuclear translocation. It was shown that both heme oxygenase-1 gene and protein expression increased significantly under the influence of the complex. Nrf2 activation was accompanied by a decrease in the intracellular accumulation of proinflammatory transcription factor NF-κB p65 subunit and expression of its target genes. The cytotoxic effect of N-ethylthiourea leads to induction of Nrf2/HO-1 antioxidant response and suppression of NF-κB-dependent processes in tumor cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Uncommon metal oxidation states in porphyrinoid cofactors are responsible for the activity of many enzymes. The F430 and P450nor co-factors, with their reduced NiI- and FeIII-containing tetrapyrrolic cores, are prototypical examples of biological systems involved in methane formation and in the reduction of nitric oxide, respectively. Herein, using a comprehensive range of experimental and theoretical methods, we raise evidence that nickel tetraphenyl porphyrins deposited in vacuo on a copper surface are reactive towards nitric oxide disproportionation at room temperature. The interpretation of the measurements is far from being straightforward due to the high reactivity of the different nitrogen oxides species (eventually present in the residual gas background) and of the possible reaction intermediates. The picture is detailed in order to disentangle the challenging complexity of the system, where even a small fraction of contamination can change the scenario.
    Nickel tetraphenyl porphyrins deposited in vacuo on a copper surface are reactive towards nitric oxide disproportionation already at room temperature. The high chemical reactivity of nitrogen oxides species, eventually present in the residual gas background, and of the possible reaction intermediates yields a challenging complexity, where even a small fraction of contamination can change the scenario.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The root of Aconitum carmichaelii Debx. (Fuzi) is an herbal medicine used in China that exerts significant efficacy in rescuing patients from severe diseases. A key toxic compound in Fuzi, aconitine (AC), could trigger unpredictable cardiotoxicities with high-individualization, thus hinders safe application of Fuzi. In this study we investigated the individual differences of AC-induced cardiotoxicities, the biomarkers and underlying mechanisms. Diversity Outbred (DO) mice were used as a genetically heterogeneous model for mimicking individualization clinically. The mice were orally administered AC (0.3, 0.6, 0.9 mg· kg-1 ·d-1) for 7 d. We found that AC-triggered cardiotoxicities in DO mice shared similar characteristics to those observed in clinic patients. Most importantly, significant individual differences were found in DO mice (variation coefficients: 34.08%-53.17%). RNA-sequencing in AC-tolerant and AC-sensitive mice revealed that hemoglobin subunit beta (HBB), a toxic-responsive protein in blood with 89% homology to human, was specifically enriched in AC-sensitive mice. Moreover, we found that HBB overexpression could significantly exacerbate AC-induced cardiotoxicity while HBB knockdown markedly attenuated cell death of cardiomyocytes. We revealed that AC could trigger hemolysis, and specifically bind to HBB in cell-free hemoglobin (cf-Hb), which could excessively promote NO scavenge and decrease cardioprotective S-nitrosylation. Meanwhile, AC bound to HBB enhanced the binding of HBB to ABHD5 and AMPK, which correspondingly decreased HDAC-NT generation and led to cardiomyocytes death. This study not only demonstrates HBB achievement a novel target of AC in blood, but provides the first clue for HBB as a novel biomarker in determining the individual differences of Fuzi-triggered cardiotoxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) has been shown to improve tissue resilience against ischemia. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of RIC and its key factor, nitrogen monoxide (NO), on angiogenesis in a burn wound.
    A unilateral burn injury on the ear of hairless mice (n = 48) was generated via a hot air jet in a contact-free manner. In four randomized groups, including the control (NoRIC group), RIC alone (RIConly group), RIC plus NO donor (ISDN group), and RIC plus NO synthase inhibitor (L-NAME group), the impact on angiogenesis, vessel diameter, blood flow, edema formation, and leukocyte-endothelial-cell interaction was evaluated over a 12-d period using intravital fluorescence microscopy.
    Tissue perfusion was significantly improved by RIC (Day 3: ISDN group showed 182% and RIConly group showed 200% of baseline [BL], P < 0.001), while angiogenesis was not improved by RIC (nonperfused area on Day 12: mean 52% of BL in all groups, P >0.05). The application of ISDN did not further enhance the positive effect of RIC, whereas the application of L-NAME neutralized the effect of RIC. The most pronounced edema formation was observed in the RIConly group (mean 145% of BL, P ≤0.001), while the NoRIC group showed the least edema formation (Day 12: 117% of BL).
    RIC led to increased tissue perfusion, which did not result in improved angiogenesis, which may have been due to increased edema formation after RIC performance. The results of the present study do not support the establishment of a causal therapy strategy for burn wounds, including RIC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The oxygen-binding properties of blood were studied in male patients with insulin resistance (IR) with different levels of asprosin. The content of asprosin, parameters of blood oxygen transport function, as well as gas transmitters, nitrogen monoxide and hydrogen sulfide, were determined in the venous blood plasma. In the studied IR patients with increased blood asprosin content, impaired blood oxygenation was noted; IR patients with normal body weight had increased hemoglobin affinity for oxygen, while in IR patients with overweight and the 1st degree obesity, this parameter decreased. The detected increase in the concentration of nitrogen monoxide and the decrease in hydrogen sulfide may be important for the oxygen-binding properties of the blood and the development of metabolic imbalance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The generation of ozone and nitrogen oxides by laser-induced dielectric breakdown (LIDB) in mixtures of air with noble gases Ar, He, Kr, and Xe is investigated using OES and IR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and absorption spectrophotometry. It is shown that the formation of NO and NO2 noticeably depends on the type of inert gas; the more complex electronic configuration and the lower ionization potential of the inert gas led to increased production of NO and NO2. The formation of ozone occurs mainly due to the photolytic reaction outside the gas discharge zone. Equilibrium thermodynamic analysis showed that the formation of NO in mixtures of air with inert gases does not depend on the choice of an inert gas, while the equilibrium concentration of the NO+ ion decreases with increasing complexity of the electronic configuration of an inert gas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitrogen oxides (NOx), including nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), are among the most important global atmospheric pollutants because they have a negative impact on human respiratory health, animals, and the environment through the greenhouse effect and ozone layer destruction. NOx compounds are predominantly generated by anthropogenic activities, which involve combustion processes such as energy production, transportation, and industrial activities. The most widely used alternatives for NOx abatement on an industrial scale are selective catalytic and non-catalytic reductions; however, these alternatives have high costs when treating large air flows with low pollutant concentrations, and most of these methods generate residues that require further treatment. Therefore, biotechnologies that are normally used for wastewater treatment (based on nitrification, denitrification, anammox, microalgae, and combinations of these) are being investigated for flue gas treatment. Most of such investigations have focused on chemical absorption and biological reduction (CABR) systems using different equipment configurations, such as biofilters, rotating reactors, or membrane reactors. This review summarizes the current state of these biotechnologies available for NOx treatment, discusses and compares the use of different microorganisms, and analyzes the experimental performance of bioreactors used for NOx emission control, both at the laboratory scale and in industrial settings, to provide an overview of proven technical solutions and biotechnologies for NOx treatment. Additionally, a comparative assessment of the advantages and disadvantages is performed, and special challenges for biological technologies for NO abatement are presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, the monitoring of air pollution by means of low-cost sensors has become a growing research field due to the study of techniques based on machine learning to improve the sensors\' data quality. For this purpose, sensors undergo a calibration process, where these are placed in-situ nearby a regulatory reference station. The data set explained in this paper contains data from two self-built low-cost air pollution nodes deployed for four months, from January 16, 2021 to May 15, 2021, at an official air quality reference station in Barcelona, Spain. The goal of the deployment was to have five electrochemical sensors at a high sampling rate of 0.5 Hz; two NO 2 sensors, two O 3 sensors, and one NO sensor. It should be noted that the reference stations publish air pollution data every hour, thus at a rate of 2.7 × 10 - 4  Hz. In addition, the nodes have also captured temperature and relative humidity data, which are typically used as correctors in the calibration of low-cost sensors. The availability of the sensors\' time series at this high resolution is important in order to be able to carry out analysis from the signal processing perspective, allowing the study of sensor sampling strategies, sensor signal filtering, and the calibration of low-cost sensors among others.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The aim of this work is to study of ozone effect on blood oxygen-dependent processes under hypercapnia conditions. The studied blood samples are pretreated with a hypercapnic gas mixture followed by the addition of ozonized isotonic sodium chloride solution (with an ozone concentration of 6 mg/l), as well as gaseous transmitters donors, nitroglycerin and sodium hydrosulfide. It has been established that hypercapnia enhanced the ozone effect on the blood oxygen transport function and was characterized by the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve shift to the right, also increased hydrogen sulfide synthesis and absence of changes in the nitrates/nitrites concentration. Under these conditions nitroglycerin and sodium hydrosulfide did not change the parameters of the blood gas transport function, but increased the level of nitrate/nitrite and hydrogen sulfide. Preliminary hypercapnia does not eliminate the activating effect of ozone on the free radical oxidation processes, and the addition of the applied gaseous transmitter donors does not contribute to the regulation of the studied parameters.
    V poslednee vremia v meditsinskoĭ praktike vse chashche ispol\'zuiutsia nemedikamentoznye metody lecheniia, takie kak ozonoterapiia. Tsel\'iu dannogo issledovaniia bylo izuchenie osobennosteĭ deĭstviia ozona na kislorodzavisimye protsessy krovi v usloviiakh giperkapnii. Issleduemye obraztsy krovi podvergali predvaritel\'noĭ obrabotke giperkapnicheskoĭ gazovoĭ smes\'iu c posleduiushchim dobavleniem ozonirovannogo izotonicheskogo rastvora khlorida natriia (s kontsentratsieĭ ozona 6 mg/l), a takzhe donorov gazotransmitterov: nitroglitserina i gidrosul\'fida natriia. V étikh usloviiakh giperkapniia usilivala éffekt ozona na kislorodtransportnuiu funktsiiu krovi i vyzyvala sdvig krivoĭ dissotsiatsii oksigemoglobina vpravo i uvelichivala sintez serovodoroda pri otsutstvii izmeneniĭ kontsentratsii nitratov/nitritov. Nitroglitserin i gidrosul\'fid natriia v étikh usloviiakh ne izmeniali parametry gazotransportnoĭ funktsii krovi, no povyshali uroven\' nitratov/nitritov i serovodoroda. Predvaritel\'naia giperkapniia ne ustraniala aktiviruiushchego deĭstviia ozona na protsessy svobodnoradikal\'nogo okisleniia, takzhe kak i primenenie donorov gazotransmitterov.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Uncommon metal oxidation states in porphyrinoid cofactors are responsible for the activity of many enzymes. The F430 and P450nor co-factors, with their reduced NiI - and FeIII -containing tetrapyrrolic cores, are prototypical examples of biological systems involved in methane formation and in the reduction of nitric oxide, respectively. Herein, using a comprehensive range of experimental and theoretical methods, we raise evidence that nickel tetraphenyl porphyrins deposited in vacuo on a copper surface are reactive towards nitric oxide disproportionation at room temperature. The interpretation of the measurements is far from being straightforward due to the high reactivity of the different nitrogen oxides species (eventually present in the residual gas background) and of the possible reaction intermediates. The picture is detailed in order to disentangle the challenging complexity of the system, where even a small fraction of contamination can change the scenario.





