nitrogen limitation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research delved into the effects of nutrient limitation on the level of sporulation and the cadmium adsorption capacity of the bacterium Bacillus sp. isolated from the rhizosphere of endemic soils in the Region of Valparaiso, Chile. The bacteria were subjected to nitrogen limitation in fed-batch mode and were compared to bacteria grown in batch culture without nutrient limitation. The cultures were carried out in a 3 L bioreactor with an external nitrogen supply of ammonium at a flow of 0.123 L h-1. The specific maximum growth rate was 0.42 h-1 in batch and 0.45 h-1 in the exponential phase of the fed-batch. The analysis of sporulation did not show any significant difference between the biomass coming from the fed-batch and batch cultures. It was found that maximum cadmium adsorption capacity varied with culture strategy. The dry biomass grown without nutrient limitation exhibited a maximum adsorption capacity for cadmium of 65.0 mgCd g-1biomass. Conversely, the limited biomass achieved a lower cadmium adsorption capacity of approximately 36.0 mgCd g-1biomass. FTIR analysis showed that nitrogen limitation induced changes in the composition of the outer cell wall, specifically an increase of deacetlylated polysaccharides, reducing the relative amount of secondary amines and proteins from the peptidoglycan matrix. Amino groups from acetylated polysaccharides and proteins have been associated elsewhere with greater cadmium affinity, which could explain the poor results obtained with the nitrogen-restricted biomass. This study shows that new physiological states displaying different adsorption capabilities were effectively obtained by engineering the cell coverage of the bacteria using varying culture strategies. The fed-batch culture proved to be a valuable tool for studying PGPR strains for biosorption and other applications. Exploring diverse nutrient limitations and other pollutants in this bacterium and other members of the PGPR family offer great opportunities to tailor biosorption strategies based on specific conditions, ultimately contributing to sustainable environmental solutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since nitrogen limitation is known to be an important trigger of triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulation in most microorganisms, we first assessed the global lipid content of 21 strains derived from Streptomyces coelicolor M145 deleted for genes involved in nitrogen metabolism. Seven of these strains deleted for genes encoding proteins involved in polyamine (GlnA2/SCO2241, GlnA3/SCO6962, GlnA4/SCO1613), or protein (Pup/SCO1646) degradation, in the regulation of nitrogen metabolism (GlnE/SCO2234 and GlnK/SCO5584), or the global regulator DasR/SCO5231 that controls negatively the degradation of N-acetylglucosamine, a constituent of peptidoglycan, had a higher TAG content than the original strain, whereas five of these strains (except the glnA2 and pup mutants) had a lower cardiolipin (CL) content. The production of the blue polyketide actinorhodin (ACT) was totally abolished in the dasR mutant in both Pi conditions, whereas the deletion of pup, glnA2, glnA3, and glnA4 was correlated with a significant increase in total ACT production, but mainly in Pi limitation. Unexpectedly, ACT production was strongly reduced in the glnA3 mutant in Pi proficiency. Altogether, our data suggest that high TAG and ACT biosynthesis and low CL biosynthesis might all contribute to the lowering of oxidative stress resulting from nitrogen limitation or from other causes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: When subject to stress conditions such as nutrient limitation microalgae accumulate triacylglycerol (TAG). Fatty acid, a substrate for TAG synthesis is derived from de novo synthesis or by membrane remodeling. The model industrial alga Chlorellasorokiniana accumulates TAG and other storage compounds under nitrogen (N)-limited growth. Molecular mechanisms underlying these processes are still to be elucidated.
    RESULTS: Previously we used transcriptomics to explore the regulation of TAG synthesis in C. sorokiniana. Surprisingly, our analysis showed that the expression of several key genes encoding enzymes involved in plastidic fatty acid synthesis are significantly repressed. Metabolic labeling with radiolabeled acetate showed that de novo fatty acid synthesis is indeed downregulated under N-limitation. Likewise, inhibition of the Target of Rapamycin kinase (TOR), a key regulator of metabolism and growth, decreased fatty acid synthesis. We compared the changes in proteins and phosphoprotein abundance using a proteomics and phosphoproteomics approach in C. sorokiniana cells under N-limitation or TOR inhibition and found extensive overlap between the N-limited and TOR-inhibited conditions. We also identified changes in the phosphorylation status of TOR complex proteins, TOR-kinase, and RAPTOR, under N-limitation. This indicates that TOR signaling is altered in a nitrogen-dependent manner. We find that TOR-mediated metabolic remodeling of fatty acid synthesis under N-limitation is conserved in the chlorophyte algae Chlorella sorokiniana and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that under N-limitation there is significant metabolic remodeling, including fatty acid synthesis, mediated by TOR signaling. This process is conserved across chlorophyte algae. Using proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis, we show that N-limitation affects TOR signaling and this in-turn affects the metabolic status of the cells. This study presents a link between N-limitation, TOR signaling and fatty acid synthesis in green-lineage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phenomenon of nitrogen deposition resulting in species loss in terrestrial ecosystems has been demonstrated in several experiments. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), as major nutrients required for plant growth, exhibit ecological stoichiometric coupling in many ecosystems. The increased availability of nitrogen can exacerbate the ecological effects of phosphorus. To reveal the ecological effects of phosphorus under nitrogen-limiting and non-limiting conditions, we conducted a controlled N-P interaction experiment over 5 years in the Hulunbuir meadow steppe, where two nitrogen addition levels were implemented: 0 g N·m-2·a-1 (nitrogen-limiting condition) and 10 g N·m-2·a-1 (nitrogen-non-limiting condition), together with six levels of phosphorus addition (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 g P·m-2·a-1). The results showed that nitrogen addition (under nitrogen-non-limiting conditions) significantly decreased species diversity in the steppe community, which was exacerbated under phosphorus addition. Under nitrogen-limiting conditions, phosphorus addition had no marked impact on species diversity compared to the control; however, there were substantial differences between different levels of phosphorus addition, exhibiting a unimodal change. Under both experimental nitrogen conditions, the addition of 6 g P·m-2·a-1 was the threshold for affecting the community species diversity. Nitrogen addition reduced the relative biomass of legumes, bunch grasses, and forbs, but substantially increased the relative biomass of rhizomatous grasses. In contrast, phosphorus addition only markedly affected the relative biomass of forbs and rhizomatous grasses, with the former showing a unimodal pattern of first increasing and then decreasing with increasing phosphorus addition level, and the latter exhibiting the opposite pattern. The different responses of rhizomatous grasses and other functional groups to nitrogen and phosphorus addition were observed to have a regulatory effect on the changes in grassland community structure. Phosphorus addition may increase the risk of nitrogen deposition-induced species loss. Both nitrogen and phosphorus addition lead to soil acidification and an increase in the dominance of the already-dominant species, and the consequent species loss in the forb functional group represents the main mechanism for the reduction in community species diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many microbes accumulate energy storage molecules such as triglycerides (TAG) and starch during nutrient limitation. In eukaryotic green algae grown under nitrogen-limiting conditions, triglyceride accumulation is coupled with chlorosis and growth arrest. In this study, we show that reactive oxygen species (ROS) actively accumulate during nitrogen limitation in the microalga Chlorella sorokiniana. Accumulation of ROS is mediated by the downregulation of genes encoding ROS-quenching enzymes, such as superoxide dismutases, catalase, peroxiredoxin, and glutathione peroxidase-like, and by the upregulation of enzymes involved in generating ROS, such as NADPH oxidase, xanthine oxidase, and amine oxidases. The expression of genes involved in ascorbate and glutathione metabolism is also affected under this condition. ROS accumulation contributes to the degradation of monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG) and thylakoid membrane remodeling, leading to chlorosis. Quenching ROS under nitrogen limitation reduces the degradation of MGDG and the accumulation of TAG. This work shows that ROS accumulation, membrane remodeling, and TAG accumulation under nitrogen limitation are intricately linked in the microalga C. sorokiniana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyhydroxyalkanes (PHA) is a biodegradable biopolyester. In this study, we introduced the biological effects of magnetic field into a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for PHA production to evaluate the effect of different strength of magnetic field on the efficacy of PHA synthesis by activated sludge and used the magnetic field to enhance the PHA synthesis capacity of nitrogen-limited activated sludge and to optimise the percentage of the content of the two monomers in PHA. The results showed that the magnetic field of appropriate strength was favourable to increase the production of PHA and to increase the percentage of PHV. In addition, microbial community analysis showed that there was an obvious succession of key functional bacteria under different strength of magnetic field. The highest PHA accumulation was achieved after the magnetic field of 16 mT, which reached 57.65% of the dry weight of sludge. In addition, the PHV monomers were more sensitive to the response of the magnetic field, and the magnetic field of 8mT and 16mT positively promoted the synthesis of PHV. It is worth noting that too high a magnetic field would have an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of PHA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lignocellulosic biomass is currently underutilized, but it offers promise as a resource for the generation of commercial end-products, such as biofuels, detergents, and other oleochemicals. Rhodococcus opacus PD630 is an oleaginous, Gram-positive bacterium with an exceptional ability to utilize recalcitrant aromatic lignin breakdown products to produce lipid molecules such as triacylglycerols (TAGs), which are an important biofuel precursor. Lipid carbon storage molecules accumulate only under growth-limiting low nitrogen conditions, representing a significant challenge toward using bacterial biorefineries for fuel precursor production. In this work, we screened overexpression of 27 native transcriptional regulators for their abilities to improve lipid accumulation under nitrogen-rich conditions, resulting in three strains that accumulate increased lipids, unconstrained by nitrogen availability when grown in phenol or glucose. Transcriptomic analyses revealed that the best strain (#13) enhanced FA production via activation of the β-ketoadipate pathway. Gene deletion experiments confirm that lipid accumulation in nitrogen-replete conditions requires reprogramming of phenylalanine metabolism. By generating mutants decoupling carbon storage from low nitrogen environments, we move closer toward optimizing R. opacus for efficient bioproduction on lignocellulosic biomass.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Net nitrogen mineralization (Nmin) and nitrification regulate soil N availability and loss after severe wildfires in boreal forests experiencing slow vegetation recovery. Yet, how microorganisms respond to postfire phosphorus (P) enrichment to alter soil N transformations remains unclear in N-limited boreal forests. Here, we investigated postfire N-P interactions using an intensive regional-scale sampling of 17 boreal forests in the Greater Khingan Mountains (Inner Mongolia-China), a laboratory P-addition incubation, and a continental-scale meta-analysis. We found that postfire soils had an increased risk of N loss by accelerated Nmin and nitrification along with low plant N demand, especially during the early vegetation recovery period. The postfire N/P imbalance created by P enrichment acts as a \"N retention\" strategy by inhibiting Nmin but not nitrification in boreal forests. This strategy is attributed to enhanced microbial N-use efficiency and N immobilization. Importantly, our meta-analysis found that there was a greater risk of N loss in boreal forest soils after fires than in other climatic zones, which was consistent with our results from the 17 soils in the Greater Khingan Mountains. These findings demonstrate that postfire N-P interactions play an essential role in mitigating N limitation and maintaining nutrient balance in boreal forests.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Determination of tipping points in nitrogen (N) isotope (δ15N) natural abundance, especially soil δ15N, with increasing aridity, is critical for estimating N-cycling dynamics and N limitation in terrestrial ecosystems. However, whether there are linear or nonlinear responses of soil δ15N to increases in aridity and if these responses correspond well with soil N cycling remains largely unknown. In this study, we investigated soil δ15N and soil N-cycling characteristics in both topsoil and subsoil layers along a drought gradient across a 3000-km transect of drylands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. We found that the effect of increasing aridity on soil δ15N values shifted from negative to positive with thresholds at aridity index (AI) = 0.27 and 0.29 for the topsoil and subsoil, respectively, although soil N pools and N transformation rates linearly decreased with increasing aridity in both soil layers. Furthermore, we identified markedly different correlations between soil δ15N and soil N-cycling traits above and below the AI thresholds (0.27 and 0.29 for topsoil and subsoil, respectively). Specifically, in wetter regions, soil δ15N positively correlated with most soil N-cycling traits, suggesting that high soil δ15N may result from the \"openness\" of soil N cycling. Conversely, in drier regions, soil δ15N showed insignificant relationships with soil N-cycling traits and correlated well with factors, such as soil-available phosphorus and foliage δ15N, demonstrating that pathways other than typical soil N cycling may dominate soil δ15N under drier conditions. Overall, these results highlight that different ecosystem N-cycling processes may drive soil δ15N along the aridity gradient, broadening our understanding of N cycling as indicated by soil δ15N under changing drought regimes. The aridity threshold of soil δ15N should be considered in terrestrial N-cycling models when incorporating 15N isotope signals to predict N cycling and availability under climatic dryness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitrogen (N) immobilization (Nim, including microbial N assimilation) and plant N uptake (PNU) are the two most important pathways of N retention in soils. The ratio of Nim to PNU (hereafter Nim:PNU ratio) generally reflects the degree of N limitation for plant growth in terrestrial ecosystems. However, the key factors driving the pattern of Nim:PNU ratio across global ecosystems remain unclear. Here, using a global data set of 1018 observations from 184 studies, we examined the relative importance of mycorrhizal associations, climate, plant, and soil properties on the Nim:PNU ratio across terrestrial ecosystems. Our results show that mycorrhizal fungi type (arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) or ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi) in combination with soil inorganic N mainly explain the global variation in the Nim:PNU ratio in terrestrial ecosystems. In AM fungi-associated ecosystems, the relationship between Nim and PNU displays a weaker negative correlation (r = -.06, p < .001), whereas there is a stronger positive correlation (r = .25, p < .001) in EM fungi-associated ecosystems. Our meta-analysis thus suggests that the AM-associated plants display a weak interaction with soil microorganisms for N absorption, while EM-associated plants cooperate with soil microorganisms. Furthermore, we find that the Nim:PNU ratio for both AM- and EM-associated ecosystems gradually converge around a stable value (13.8 ± 0.5 for AM- and 12.1 ± 1.2 for EM-associated ecosystems) under high soil inorganic N conditions. Our findings highlight the dependence of plant-microbial interaction for N absorption on both plant mycorrhizal association and soil inorganic N, with the stable convergence of the Nim:PNU ratio under high soil N conditions.





