niche overlap

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global focus on fostering harmonious interactions and promoting rational coexistence among wildlife species to uphold or reinstate biodiversity remains a prominent area of interest. We conducted a study on the sable and yellow-throated marten in Taipinggou National Nature Reserve, Heilongjiang, China, using the line transect method and infrared camera traps from 2022 to 2023. We then analyzed the overlap of their suitable habitats and niches with the aim of gaining insight into the interspecific competition between these two species. We found that the suitable habitat areas for the sable and yellow-throated marten were 55.20 km2 and 23.28 km2, accounting for 24.86% and 10.48% of the total area of this study, respectively. The overlap between the suitable habitats for the sable and yellow-throated marten was 15.73 km2, accounting for 28.5% and 67.6% of their suitable habitat, supporting our Hypothesis 1. The first principal component (Dim1) of the niche explained 35.4% of the overall variability, which is mainly related to the environmental variables \"Distance from Settlements\" and \"Distance from Roads\". Overall, 25.5% of the total variability was explained by the second principal component (Dim2), associated with \"Slope\" and \"Distance from Coniferous and Broadleaved Mixed Forest\". The niches occupied by the sable and yellow-throated marten were both off-center of the environmental background space, with the niches of the sable being larger than those of the yellow-throated marten. Schoener\'s D index was 0.56, indicating a high degree of niche overlap between the sable and yellow-throated marten, supporting our Hypothesis 2. Our study is helpful in terms of formulating conservation and management policies for the sable and yellow-throated marten.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we described and compared the diet, monthly feeding intensity, and condition of west coast steenbras (Lithognathus aureti) and silver kob (Argyrosomus inodorus) caught at a unique habitat in the northern Benguela. Stomach contents of 179 west coast steenbras and 114 silver kob caught from October 2020 to September 2022 were investigated. The peak in feeding intensity of west coast steenbras appeared to be opportunistic during winter and summer periods depending on food availability. The fish condition, however, peaked at the beginning (October) and at the end (April) of the austral summer spawning period, with the hepatosomatic index (HSI) at 1.5% and the condition factor (CF) at 0.022%. Seven prey taxa were found in the diet of west coast steenbras (bivalves, bony fishes, other mollusks, algae, crustaceans, cnidaria, and polychaetas) and six taxa in the diet of silver kob (bivalves, crustaceans, bony fishes, algae, starfish, and zooplankton), indicating generalist feeding behavior in both the species. The bivalves were the most important prey items in the diet of west coast steenbras (95.9% index of relative importance [IRI]). The most important prey items in the diet of silver kob were crustaceans (83.1% IRI) and bony fishes (16.0% IRI). Crustaceans were most important in the diet of small-to-medium-sized silver kob, whereas bony fishes were most important in the diet of larger silver kob (>75 cm), with significant differences of IRI% by size class. Schoener\'s index of niche overlap indicated a relatively low overall niche overlap (0.11) between west coast steenbras and silver kob. This allows them to coexist as their feeding habits allow them to occupy unique niches in the coastal reef and sandy habitat and reduce competition for resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Hybridization is recognized as an important mechanism in fern speciation, with many allopolyploids known among congeners, as well as evidence of ancient genome duplications. Several contemporary instances of deep (intergeneric) hybridization have been noted, invariably resulting in sterile progeny. We chose the christelloid lineage of the family Thelypteridaceae, recognized for its high frequency of both intra- and intergeneric hybrids, to investigate recent hybrid speciation between deeply diverged lineages. We also seek to understand the ecological and evolutionary outcomes of resulting lineages across the landscape.
    METHODS: By phasing captured reads within a phylogenomic data set of GoFlag 408 nuclear loci using HybPhaser, we investigated candidate hybrids to identify parental lineages. We estimated divergence ages by inferring a dated phylogeny using fossil calibrations with treePL. We investigated ecological niche conservatism between one confirmed intergeneric allotetraploid and its diploid progenitors using the centroid, overlap, unfilling, and expansion (COUE) framework.
    RESULTS: We provide evidence for at least six instances of intergeneric hybrid speciation within the christelloid clade and estimate up to 45 million years of divergence between progenitors. The niche quantification analysis showed moderate niche overlap between an allopolyploid species and its progenitors, with significant divergence from the niche of one progenitor and conservatism to the other.
    CONCLUSIONS: The examples provided here highlight the overlooked role that allopolyploidization following intergeneric hybridization may play in fern diversification and range and niche expansions. Applying this approach to other fern taxa may reveal a similar pattern of deep hybridization resulting in highly successful novel lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wild ungulates play crucial roles in maintaining the structure and function of local ecosystems. The alpine musk deer (Moschus chrysogaste), white-lipped deer (Przewalskium albirostris), and red serow (Capricornis rubidus) are widely distributed throughout the Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains of Tibet. However, research on the mechanisms underlying their coexistence in the same habitat remains lacking. This study aimed to investigate the mechanisms underlying the coexistence of these species based on their dietary preferences through DNA barcoding using the fecal samples of these animals collected from the study area. These species consume a wide variety of food types. Alpine musk deer, white-lipped deer, and red serow consume plants belonging to 74 families and 114 genera, 62 families and 122 genera, and 63 families and 113 genera, respectively. Furthermore, significant differences were observed in the nutritional ecological niche among these species, primarily manifested in the differentiation of food types and selection of food at the genus level. Owing to differences in social behavior, body size, and habitat selection, these three species further expand their differentiation in resource selection, thereby making more efficient use of environmental resources. Our findings indicate these factors are the primary reasons for the stable coexistence of these species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bumblebees are important pollinators for many natural and agricultural systems in temperate regions. Interspecific and intraspecific variation in floral resource preferences have been proposed to influence bumblebee community structure. In particular, sexual dimorphism is a major source of intraspecific niche variation. Although interspecific resource partitioning is well studied, few studies have explored the intraspecific dynamics between workers and males. Here, we report a study on a total of 11 528 workers and 2220 males of 14 bumblebee species recorded over 5 years in the Hengduan Mountains of Southwest China. We first compared the potential for interspecific and intraspecific competition between workers and males using visitation records and resource partitioning indices (overlap index). We then evaluated the influence of nectar traits on flower preference, including nectar volume and the levels of hexose, sucrose and 10 essential amino acids (EAAs). We found that the niche overlap between intraspecific workers and males was higher than that between different species, and temporal overlap alone did not strongly determine diet overlap. Males of most species preferred flowers with high levels of EAAs and hexose, whereas workers of some species preferred flowers with high nectar volume and sucrose levels. This study suggests that there is floral resource partitioning among bumblebee species, and between workers and males, which may play a key role in alleviating interspecific and intraspecific competition. These findings also provide a useful guide for which kinds of plants might be most valuable for bumblebees, especially the understudied males, in this biodiversity hotspot.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Local adaptation is common in plant species, and knowing whether a population is locally adapted has fundamental and applied relevance. However, local adaptation in tropical plants remains largely less studied, and covering this gap is not simple since reciprocal transplantation - the gold standard for detecting local adaptation - is not feasible for most species. Here, we combined genetic, climatic and phenotypic data to investigate ecotypic differentiation, an important aspect of local adaptation, in coastal and inland populations of the orchid Epidendrum fulgens Brongn., a long-lived tropical plant for which reciprocal transplantation would not be feasible. We used nine microsatellite markers to estimate genetic divergence between inland and coastal populations. Moreover, occurrence data and climate data were used to test for differences in the realized niche of those populations. Finally, we assessed saturated water content, leaf specific area, height, and stomatal density in common garden and in situ to investigate the effects of ecotypic differentiation and plasticity on the phenotype. Coastal and inland groups\' niches do not overlap, the former occupying a wetter and warmer area. However, this differentiation does not seem to be driven by ecotypic differentiation since there was no positive correlation between genetic structure and climate dissimilarity. Moreover, specific leaf area and leaf saturated water content, which are important phenotypic traits related to soil fertility and drought stress, were rather plastic. We conclude that ecotypic differentiation is absent, since phenotypic plasticity is an important mechanism explaining the niche broadness of this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study delves into the concept of niche conservatism (NC) and its implications for how hornets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) and honeybees respond to climate change. Our primary objectives are threefold: firstly, to assess whether distinct environmental niche spaces (E-space) exist between 12 hornets and honeybees like Apis cerana and Apis mellifera in Asia; Secondly, to explore the degree to which Asian hornets have attained geographic equilibrium alongside honeybee species. Lastly, is to investigate how the geographic niche overlap (G-space) between hornets and honeybees could potentially change under climate change scenarios. To accomplish these goals, we employed ordination and ecological niche modeling techniques to analyze 91 pairs of hornets and honeybees in both geographic (G-space) and environmental (E-space) contexts. Then, we projected the potential impacts of climate change on the future geographic overlap between hornets and honeybees, specifically under the SSP585 climate scenario for the year 2070. Our results demonstrated that the environmental niches (E-space) of hornets and honeybees can be treated as interchangeable, indicating they have similar environmental preferences despite being unrelated taxa. We found that Vespa velutina currently exhibits a moderate geographic niche overlap (G-space) of 0.63 with both honeybee species. Meanwhile, Vespa mandarinia demonstrates an overlap of 0.46 with Apis cerana and 0.63 with Apis mellifera. The overlap of Vespa velutina with Apis cerana might potentially decrease to 0.51 and 0.56 with Apis mellifera. For Vespa mandarinia, the overlap could reach 0.41 with Apis cerana and 0.6 with Apis mellifera under a climate change scenario. This study indicates that the limited spatial overlap between honeybees and hornets across certain areas in Asia is more likely influenced by geographical barriers rather than solely environmental unsuitability for hornets. In this study, we delve into the concept of niche conservatism (NC) and its implications for how hornets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) and honeybees respond to climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we estimate the niche overlap between native and invaded ranges of 36 Lessepsian fish, focusing on how this estimate might vary in relation to the temporal resolution of sea surface temperature and salinity, which are the main niche axes determining their distribution. Specifically, we wanted to address the following questions: (i) Does the choice of temporal averaging method of variables influence the estimation of niche overlap for individual variables? (ii) Does this temporal resolution effect persist when conducting bivariate niche estimations? Niches overlap was estimated by calculating two indices and these analyses were repeated at two temporal resolutions, matching observations to the classic \'multidecadal\' average of environmental conditions and to the corresponding annual average of records. Results are compared with verify whether differences can be detected in the magnitude of niche commonality measured at annual or multidecadal temporal resolution. The findings show that the temporal resolution of the data significantly influences estimates of overlap in the thermal niche. Specifically, our analysis indicates a considerable disparity between native and invasive niche regions for most species, particularly when evaluated over multidecadal periods compared with matching occurrence data to the annual mean values of years the occurrence was observed, that is matching occurrence data to a common average of \'present\' conditions or to the annual mean values of years of observation. In particular, the largest overlaps between native and invaded niches occur along the salinity axis, regardless of temporal resolution. When considering both temperature and salinity together, the results remain unaffected by the temporal resolution of the environmental data. Almost 30% of the species show a different niche in their introduced range, and for the other species, the overlap between native and invaded ranges was reduced with respect to the univariate analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alpine wetland degradation threatens riparian biodiversity and ecological balance. Our study, conducted in July 2020 along the northern and eastern shores of Qinghai Lake, seeks to unravel the impacts of such degradation on plant species dominance and ecological niches, using advanced network analysis methods to explore the dynamics and survival strategies of plant species. We applied a space-to-time method to delineate three wetland degradation stage: a healthy swamp wetland, a slightly degraded wet meadow, and a degraded dry meadow. Six representative sampling points were chosen. At each point, three sample lines were randomly established, radiating outward from the center of the lake wetland, with each stage of degradation meticulously examined through three replicates to assess the plant communities in terms of species composition, plant height, coverage, and abundance. The results indicated: Species such as Kobresia tibetica and Leymus secalinus exhibit remarkable abundance across various stages of wetland degradation, indicating a robust tolerance to these conditions. This observation, coupled with the complexity of plant community structures in degrading wetlands, suggests that such intricacy cannot be solely attributed to the dominance of particular species. Instead, it is the result of a diverse array of species adapting to fluctuating water levels, which promotes increased species richness. Despite the prominence of species that exhibit rapid growth and reproduction, the ecological significance of less abundant species in contributing to the community\'s complexity is also notable. Changes in habitat conditions due to wetland degradation facilitate both competitive and cooperative interactions among species, highlighting the dynamic nature of these ecosystems. Our analysis shows no significant linear relationship between the ecological niche overlap values and niche widths of plant species. However, the strategies employed by dominant species for competition and resource acquisition, as observed in the ecological niche overlap networks, underscore the adaptive capacity of plant communities. These insights underscore the need for tailored restoration strategies to conserve the biodiversity of alpine lake riparian ecosystems. This research not only sheds light on the resilience and adaptability of ecosystems in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau but also offers valuable lessons for the conservation of similar habitats worldwide. Our findings underscore the need for tailored restoration strategies to conserve the biodiversity of alpine lake riparian ecosystems. This research not only sheds light on the resilience and adaptability of ecosystems in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau but also offers valuable lessons for the conservation of similar habitats worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Competition is a prominent mechanism driving population dynamics and structuring community assemblage, which can be investigated by linking shifts in species\' ecological niche and the densities of sympatric species because the ecological release from competitive constraints is a density-dependent process. In this work we determine how a steppe passerine community segregates their ecological niches and evaluate the role of competition in inducing changes in the ecological niche of species. We built multidimensional ecological niches (with Gaussian kernel density estimators) using data on the habitat features used by 10 bird species collected from seven sites in the natural steppes of Central Spain over 2 consecutive years. We computed distance and niche similarity metrics to explore the ecological niche partitioning of the bird community. Next, we ran multivariate linear regression models to evaluate the effects of conspecific and heterospecific density (as proxies of intraspecific and interspecific competition, respectively) on niche breadth and/or position of the three most abundant species. We found low niche overlap in the community assemblage but varying levels of niche similarity among pairs of species, which could increase the likelihood of current competition operating in the community. However, we found no effect of heterospecific density on niche breadth or position, although conspecific density was negatively related to niche breadth. Contrary to predictions of competition theory, increased density of conspecifics caused niche contraction. Our results from a multispecies system contribute to advanced knowledge of the biotic mechanisms structuring wildlife communities within the framework of ecological niche theory.





