
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While it has been over half a century since primary cross-facial nerve grafting was first described for facial reanimation, the outcome of this procedure, remains inconsistent and provide lesser smile excursion when compared to the likes of the masseteric nerve. However, the latter itself has limitations in terms of the lack of spontaneity and resting tone. While combinations have been attempted more proximally, we ask the question as to whether more distal nerve transfers with vascularized nerve grafts are a better option. In a retrospective review of clinical practice at our institute, 16 consecutive patients had single, double, and finally triple distal nerve transfers, close to the target facial muscle to reinnervate the motor endplates directly, over a 6-year period (2018-23). All patients had the onset of facial palsy within 18 months. Statistical analysis of the comparison between three sub-cohorts was performed using student\'s t-test and one-way ANOVA, respectively. Qualitatively, masseteric neurotization of a single facial nerve branch translated into smile improvement in 50% of cases, as opposed to all cases of double- and triple-neurotization of the smile muscles. In terms of upper lip elevation, single neurotization showed improvement in 25% of cases, double-neurotization in 40% of cases and triple-neurotization in 100% of cases. Upper lip elevation was also significantly better in those who had a vascularized cross-facial nerve graft (Student\'s t-test <0.05). In summary, increasing neural input to the motor endplates of smile muscles can significantly improve smile activation, in acute flaccid facial palsies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breast sensation plays a significant role in the safety and quality of life of women who undergo mastectomy and reconstruction. In 1992, Slezak et al. introduced the concept of abdominal flap neurotization to improve sensation of the reconstructed breast. Over the next 30 years, numerous studies iterated on Slezak\'s technique, suggesting technical modifications and new methodologies for assessing sensory recovery. Despite evidence that reinnervation increases patient satisfaction following autologous breast reconstruction, abdominal flap neurotization remains a rarely performed procedure. In this article, we review the evolution of flap neurotization in breast reconstruction and describe our approach to facilitating sensory recovery of the breast while limiting donor site morbidity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The article introduces neurotrophic keratopathy (NK), a condition resulting from corneal denervation due to various causes of trigeminal nerve dysfunctions. Surgical techniques for corneal neurotization (CN) have evolved, aiming to restore corneal sensitivity. Initially proposed in 1972, modern approaches offer less invasive options. CN can be performed through a direct approach (DCN) directly suturing a sensitive nerve to the affected cornea or indirectly (ICN) through a nerve auto/allograft. Surgical success relies on meticulous donor nerve selection and preparation, often involving multidisciplinary teams. A PubMed research and review of the relevant literature was conducted regarding the surgical approach, emphasizing surgical techniques and the choice of the donor nerve. The latter considers factors like sensory integrity and proximity to the cornea. The most used are the contralateral or ipsilateral supratrochlear (STN), and the supraorbital (SON) and great auricular (GAN) nerves. Regarding the choice of grafts, the most used in the literature are the sural (SN), the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (LABCN), and the GAN nerves. Another promising option is represented by allografts (acellularized nerves from cadavers). The significance of sensory recovery and factors influencing surgical outcomes, including nerve caliber matching and axonal regeneration, are discussed. Future directions emphasize less invasive techniques and the potential of acellular nerve allografts. In conclusion, CN represents a promising avenue in the treatment of NK, offering tailored approaches based on patient history and surgical expertise, with new emerging techniques warranting further exploration through basic science refinements and clinical trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of our minireview is to provide a brief overview of the diagnosis, clinical aspects, treatment options, management, and current literature available regarding herpes simplex keratitis (HSK). This type of corneal viral infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which can affect several tissues, including the cornea. One significant aspect of HSK is its potential to cause recurrent episodes of inflammation and damage to the cornea. After the initial infection, the HSV can establish a latent infection in the trigeminal ganglion, a nerve cluster near the eye. The virus may remain dormant for extended periods. Periodic reactivation of the virus can occur, leading to recurrent episodes of HSK. Factors triggering reactivation include stress, illness, immunosuppression, or trauma. Recurrent episodes can manifest in different clinical patterns, ranging from mild epithelial involvement to more severe stromal or endothelial disease. The severity and frequency of recurrences vary among individuals. Severe cases of HSK, especially those involving the stroma and leading to scarring, can result in vision impairment or even blindness in extreme cases. The cornea\'s clarity is crucial for good vision, and scarring can compromise this, potentially leading to visual impairment. The management of HSK involves not only treating acute episodes but also implementing long-term strategies to prevent recurrences and attempt repairs of corneal nerve endings via neurotization. Antiviral medications, such as oral Acyclovir or topical Ganciclovir, may be prescribed for prophylaxis. The immune response to the virus can contribute to corneal damage. Inflammation, caused by the body\'s attempt to control the infection, may inadvertently harm the corneal tissues. Clinicians should be informed about triggers and advised on measures to minimize the risk of reactivation. In summary, the recurrent nature of HSK underscores the importance of both acute and long-term management strategies to preserve corneal health and maintain optimal visual function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Skin-grafted free gracilis muscle flaps are commonly used for lower extremity reconstruction. However, the loss of sensory function may lead to increased patient morbidity. This study prospectively analyzed the sensory and neuropathic pain outcomes of neurotized skin-grafted free gracilis muscle flaps used for the reconstruction of lower extremity defects.
    METHODS: Patients undergoing lower extremity reconstructions between 2020 and 2022 with neurotized skin-grafted free gracilis muscle flaps were prospectively enrolled. Sensation was assessed at 3, 6 and 12 months postoperatively using monofilaments, two-point discrimination, a vibration device, and cold and warm metal rods. Sensations were tested in the center and periphery of the flaps, as well as in the surrounding skin. The contralateral side served as the control. Patients completed the McGill pain questionnaire to evaluate patient-reported neuropathic pain.
    RESULTS: Ten patients were included. At 12 months postoperatively, monofilament values improved by 44.5% compared to that of the control site, two-point discrimination, cold detection, warmth detection, and vibration detection improved by 36.2%, 48%, 50%, and 88.2%, respectively, at the reconstructed site compared to those at the control site. All sensory tests were significantly better than 3 and 6 months values (p < 0.05), but remained significantly poorer than the control site (p < 0.05). Sensation in the central flap areas were similar to peripheral flap areas throughout the follow-up period (p > 0.05). The surrounding skin reached values similar to the control site at 12 months (p > 0.05). Moreover, 50% of patients reported neuropathic pain at 3 months postoperatively, 40% at 6 months, and 0% at 12 months (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Mechanical detection, vibration detection, temperature detection, and two-point discrimination significantly improved over time but without reaching normal sensory function at 12 months postoperatively. Neuropathic pain resolved at 12 months.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Femoral nerve damage, especially in proximal retroperitoneal space, is rare. Therefore, surgical strategy is still unclear for these patients. Various specialists discuss repair with autografts or neurotization by the obturator nerve or its muscular branch.
    OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the diagnostic algorithm for proximal femoral nerve injury and favorable outcomes after repair with long autografts.
    METHODS: We assessed movements and sensitivity using a five-point scale, as well as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and electroneuromyography data in a patient with extended iatrogenic femoral nerve damage before and after repair with long autografts (10.5 cm).
    CONCLUSIONS: The patient had complete femoral nerve interruption in proximal retroperitoneal space with 10-cm defect that required repair with five autografts from two sural nerves. Postoperative ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging revealed signs of graft survival and no neuroma within the nerve suture lines. The first signs of motor recovery occurred after 10 months. After 14 months, strength of quadriceps femoris muscle comprised 4 points, and electroneuromyography confirmed re-innervation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Femoral nerve repair with autografts for complete proximal anatomical interruption can provide sufficient restoration of movements and sensitivity. Therefore, this surgical option should be preferred instead of neurotization. Ultrasound, MRI and ENMG are valuable to clarify the diagnosis and state of the autografts.
    В связи с редкостью повреждений бедренного нерва с большим его дефектом, особенно в его проксимальном забрюшинном пространстве, вариант операции в данных случаях не определен — обсуждается вопрос об аутопластике, невротизации запирательным нервом или его мышечной ветвью.
    UNASSIGNED: Продемонстрировать алгоритм диагностики при повреждении бедренного нерва в его проксимальном забрюшинном пространстве и возможность благоприятного исхода при аутопластике трансплантатами большой длины.
    UNASSIGNED: Работа основана на оценке движений и чувствительности в зоне бедренного нерва по 5-балльной шкале, данных ультразвукового исследования (УЗИ), магнитно-резонансной томографии (МРТ) и электронейромиографии (ЭНМГ) у пациентки с его ятрогенным повреждением, до и после аутопластики большого дефекта нервного ствола трансплантатами большой длины (10,5 см).
    UNASSIGNED: В приведенном клиническом случае у пациентки был выявлен полный перерыв бедренного нерва в его проксимальном забрюшинном пространстве с дефектом в 10 см, что потребовало аутопластики пятью трансплантатами, сформированными из двух икроножных нервов. После операции при динамическом УЗИ и МРТ были определены признаки «выживания» трансплантатов и отсутствие невромы на линиях шва нерва. Через 10 мес были обнаружены первые признаки восстановления движений, а на 14-м месяце сила четырехглавой мышцы бедра была оценена в 4 балла, ЭНМГ подтвердила ее реиннервацию.
    UNASSIGNED: Аутопластика бедренного нерва при полном анатомическом перерыве в его проксимальном забрюшинном пространстве трансплантатами большой длины может обеспечить клинически достаточную степень восстановления движений и чувствительности, в связи с чем этому варианту оперативного лечения следует отдавать предпочтение перед операцией невротизации. Уточнить диагноз, состояние имплантированных аутотрансплантатов помогают УЗИ, МРТ и ЭНМГ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Perineuriomatous melanocytic nevi are rare and this may indicate the similar embryological source of melanocytes and peripheral nerves in the neural crest. Neurotized melanocytic nevi may resemble nerve sheath tumors histologically, and show schwannian differentiation. However, literature on whether neurotized nevi differentiate into perineural cells is controversial. We examined our cases of neurotized nevi for evidence of perineural differentiation.
    METHODS: A total of 100 benign nevi with large neurotized component (microscopically involved a low power field 4.2 mm in diameter) were prospectively evaluated in excisional biopsy samples. Immunohistochemical stainings for EMA, Claudin1, Glut1 and neurofilament were performed.
    RESULTS: Perineural differentiation was immunohistochemically detected in the neurotized component of the nevi in 61% of the cases with EMA and in all the cases with Glut1 and Claudin1. Axonal differentiation was not detected with neurofilament. The expression pattern, especially with Glut1, was usually in form of partial or complete staining surrounding the Meissner\'s corpuscle-like structure (MCLS). Also, a linear/curvilinear staining pattern was observed particularly with Claudin1. A diffuse staining pattern with EMA, Glut1 and Claudin1 was detected in a case with a microscopically distinct whorl structure, and in which spindle cells are separated from the superficial epithelioid melanocytes with an abrupt transition histologically. These findings of the case are compatible with previous reports of perineuromatous nevus.
    CONCLUSIONS: Perineural differentiation is not uncommon and immunohistochemically observed in all nevi with a relatively large component of neurotization. To prevent misdiagnosing desmoplastic melanoma and overtreating patients, it is crucial to be aware of perineuromatous nevi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brachial plexus injuries (BPI) contribute not only to physical dysfunction but also to socioeconomic aspects and psychological disability. Patients with total arm-type BPI will lose not only the shoulder and elbow function but also the hand function, making reconstruction particularly challenging. Reconstructive procedures commonly include nerve repair, grafting, neurotization (nerve transfer), tendon transfer and free functional muscle transfer (FFMT). Although it is difficult to achieve prehensile hand function, most of patients with total arm-type BPI can be treated with satisfied outcomes. In addition to surgical techniques, comprehensive rehabilitation is another important factor for successful outcomes, and efficient communication can help to boost patient morale and eliminate uncertainty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Facial synkinesis can result in facial tightness, smile dysfunction, and eyelid aperture narrowing due to overactive and uncoordinated muscle activity. We hypothesized that the outcome of a selective neurectomy could rely on the patient\'s chief complaints.
    METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 122 patients who underwent selective neurectomy at our hospital. Preoperatively, the patients were asked nine questionnaires to identify their two major chief complaints (treatment priorities). Postoperatively, facial tightness, limited mouth movement, and eyelid aperture narrowing were measured.
    RESULTS: The most common chief complaints in our series were facial tightness (n=38), eyelid narrowing (n=32), and limited mouth movement (n=28); the second most common chief complaints (second priority) were limited mouth movement (n=47), facial tightness (n=21), and eyelid narrowing (n=20). The mean score for facial tightness significantly improved from 4.3 to 1.1 in the first priority group. Among the 28 patients whose corners of the mouth constituted the top priority of surgical correction, the vertical inclination on the affected side significantly improved from 74.1 ± 7.6° to 55.5 ± 6.0°, and the horizontal angles were changed from 4.2 ± 2.7° to 2.0 ± 1.3° after selective neurectomy without statistically significant. Among the 32 patients for whom eyelid narrowing constituted the top priority, the mean eyelid narrowing score improved from 4.5 ± 1.1 to 1.5 ± 1.2.
    CONCLUSIONS: Selective neurectomy can provide a significantly satisfactory outcome regarding facial tightness and eyelid aperture narrowing. The vertical inclination of the mouth corner can be significantly improved, while the improvement of horizontal angles can be suboptimal.
    METHODS: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Passive shoulder exercises from birth and ultrasound screening from 3 to 12 months. Botox is given to shoulder internal rotators and a bracing commenced, if alpha-angle exceeds 30°, or passive shoulder external rotation is below 70 degrees. Plexus reconstruction is recommended to children with root avulsion(s) on magnetic resonance imaging or 3-month Toronto Test Score < 3.5. Specific neurotization is recommended to children without avulsions, but lack of progress in healing. Shoulder dysplasia was diagnosed in 49% of 270 patients with permanent brachial plexus birth injury in our catchment area from 1995 to 2021. The age at detection of shoulder dysplasia dropped from mean 5.4 years in children born before 2000 to mean 3.9 months in children born after 2009. Botox was given to 57% of the patients born after 2009. Rate of shoulder relocation decreased from 28 to 7% while mean active shoulder external rotation in adduction increased from 2 to 46°.





