
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Energy homeostasis of mammals during cold exposure involves complicated neural regulation and is affected by gut microbiota. However, the regulatory mechanism remains unclear partially due to a lack of comprehensive knowledge of the signaling molecules involved. Herein, we performed region-resolvable quantitative profiling of the brain peptidome using cold-exposed mouse models and interrogated the interaction between gut microbes and brain peptides in response to cold. Region-specific alterations in the brain peptidome were observed during chronic cold exposure and were correlated with gut microbiome composition. Several proSAAS-derived peptides exhibited a positive correlation with Lactobacillus. The hypothalamus-pituitary axis exhibited a sensitive response to cold exposure. We obtained a candidate pool of bioactive peptides that potentially participate in the regulation of cold-induced energy homeostasis. Intervention with cold-adapted microbiota in mice decreased the abundance of hypothalamic neurokinin B and subsequently contributed to shifting the fuel source for energy consumption from lipids to glucose. Collectively, this study demonstrated that gut microbes modulate brain peptides contributing to energy metabolism, providing a data resource for understanding the regulatory mechanism of energy homeostasis upon cold exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropeptides regulate animal physiology and behavior, making them widely studied targets of functional genetics research. While the field often relies on differential -omics approaches to build hypotheses, no such method exists for neuropeptidomics. It would nonetheless be valuable for studying behaviors suspected to be regulated by neuropeptides, especially when little information is otherwise available. This includes nictation, a phoretic strategy of Caenorhabditis elegans dauers that parallels host-finding strategies of infective juveniles of many pathogenic nematodes. We here developed a targeted peptidomics method for the model organism C. elegans and show that 161 quantified neuropeptides are more abundant in its dauer stage compared with L3 juveniles. Many of these have orthologs in the commercially relevant pathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae, in whose infective juveniles, we identified 126 neuropeptides in total. Through further behavioral genetics experiments, we identify flp-7 and flp-11 as novel regulators of nictation. Our work advances knowledge on the genetics of nictation behavior and adds comparative neuropeptidomics as a tool to functional genetics workflows.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Feeding and growth are two closely related and important physiological processes in living organisms. Studies in mammals have provided us with a series of characterizations of neuropeptides and their receptors as well as their roles in appetite control and growth. The central nervous system, especially the hypothalamus, plays an important role in the regulation of appetite. Based on their role in the regulation of feeding, neuropeptides can be classified as orexigenic peptide and anorexigenic peptide. To date, the regulation mechanism of neuropeptide on feeding and growth has been explored mainly from mammalian models, however, as a lower and diverse vertebrate, little is known in fish regarding the knowledge of regulatory roles of neuropeptides and their receptors. In recent years, the development of omics and gene editing technology has accelerated the speed and depth of research on neuropeptides and their receptors. These powerful techniques and tools allow a more precise and comprehensive perspective to explore the functional mechanisms of neuropeptides. This paper reviews the recent advance of omics and gene editing technologies in neuropeptides and receptors and their progresses in the regulation of feeding and growth of fish. The purpose of this review is to contribute to a comparative understanding of the functional mechanisms of neuropeptides in non-mammalians, especially fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Behavioral flexibility is an important cornerstone for the ecological success of animals. Social Cataglyphis nodus ants with their age-related polyethism characterized by age-related behavioral phenotypes represent a prime example for behavioral flexibility. We propose neuropeptides as powerful candidates for the flexible modulation of age-related behavioral transitions in individual ants. As the neuropeptidome of C. nodus was unknown, we collected a comprehensive peptidomic data set obtained by transcriptome analysis of the ants\' central nervous system combined with brain extract analysis by Q-Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS) and direct tissue profiling of different regions of the brain by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) MS. In total, we identified 71 peptides with likely bioactive function, encoded on 49 neuropeptide-, neuropeptide-like, and protein hormone prepropeptide genes, including a novel neuropeptide-like gene (fliktin). We next characterized the spatial distribution of a subset of peptides encoded on 16 precursor proteins with high resolution by MALDI MS imaging (MALDI MSI) on 14 µm brain sections. The accuracy of our MSI data were confirmed by matching the immunostaining patterns for tachykinins with MSI ion images from consecutive brain sections. Our data provide a solid framework for future research into spatially resolved qualitative and quantitative peptidomic changes associated with stage-specific behavioral transitions and the functional role of neuropeptides in Cataglyphis ants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropeptides and peptide hormones are important cell-cell signaling molecules that mediate many physiological processes. Unlike classic neurotransmitters, peptides undergo cell-type-specific post-translational modifications that affect their biological activity. To enable the identification of the peptide repertoire of a genetically defined cell type, we generated mice with a conditional disruption of the gene for carboxypeptidase E (Cpe), an essential neuropeptide-processing enzyme. The loss of Cpe leads to accumulation of neuropeptide precursors containing C-terminal basic residues, which serve as tags for affinity purification. The purified peptides are subsequently identified using quantitative peptidomics, thereby revealing the specific forms of neuropeptides in cells with the disrupted Cpe gene. To validate the method, we used mice expressing Cre recombinase under the proopiomelanocortin (Pomc) promoter and analyzed hypothalamic and pituitary extracts, detecting peptides derived from proopiomelanocortin (as expected) and also proSAAS in POMC neurons. This technique enables the analyses of specific forms of peptides in any Cre-expressing cell type.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drug addiction is a complex disorder driven by dysregulation in molecular signaling across several different brain regions. Limited therapeutic options currently exist for treating drug addiction and related psychiatric disorders in clinical populations, largely due to our incomplete understanding of the molecular pathways that influence addiction pathology. Recent work provides strong evidence that addiction-related behaviors emerge from the convergence of many subtle changes in molecular signaling networks that include neuropeptides (neuropeptidome), protein-protein interactions (interactome) and post-translational modifications such as protein phosphorylation (phosphoproteome). Advancements in mass spectrometry methodology are well positioned to identify these novel molecular underpinnings of addiction and further translate these findings into druggable targets for therapeutic development. In this review, we provide a general perspective of the utility of novel mass spectrometry-based approaches for addressing critical questions in addiction neuroscience, highlighting recent innovative studies that exemplify how functional assessments of the neuroproteome can provide insight into the mechanisms of drug addiction.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Daily oscillations of brain and body states are under complex temporal modulation by environmental light and the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the master circadian clock. To better understand mediators of differential temporal modulation, we characterize neuropeptide releasate profiles by nonselective capture of secreted neuropeptides in an optic nerve horizontal SCN brain slice model. Releasates are collected following electrophysiological stimulation of the optic nerve/retinohypothalamic tract under conditions that alter the phase of the SCN activity state. Secreted neuropeptides are identified by intact mass via matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). We found time-of-day-specific suites of peptides released downstream of optic nerve stimulation. Peptide release was modified differentially with respect to time-of-day by stimulus parameters and by inhibitors of glutamatergic or PACAPergic neurotransmission. The results suggest that SCN physiology is modulated by differential peptide release of both known and unexpected peptides that communicate time-of-day-specific photic signals via previously unreported neuropeptide signatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conserved across vertebrates, the habenular nuclei are a pair of small symmetrical structures in the epithalamus. The nuclei functionally link the forebrain and midbrain by receiving input from and projecting to several brain regions. Each habenular nucleus comprises two major asymmetrical subnuclei, the medial and lateral habenula. These subnuclei are associated with different physiological processes and disorders, such as depression, nicotine addiction, and encoding aversive stimuli or omitting expected rewarding stimuli. Elucidating the functions of the habenular nuclei at the molecular level requires knowledge of their neuropeptide complement. In this work, three mass spectrometry (MS) techniques-liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to Orbitrap tandem MS (MS/MS), LC coupled to Fourier transform (FT)-ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) MS/MS, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) FT-ICR MS-were used to uncover the neuropeptide profiles of the rodent medial and lateral habenula. With the assistance of tissue stabilization and bioinformatics, a total of 262 and 177 neuropeptides produced from 27 and 20 prohormones were detected and identified from the medial and lateral habenula regions, respectively. Among these neuropeptides, 136 were exclusively found in the medial habenula, and 51 were exclusively expressed in the lateral habenula. Additionally, novel sites of sulfation, a rare post-translational modification, on the secretogranin I prohormone are identified. The results demonstrate that these two small brain nuclei have a rich and differentiated peptide repertoire, with this information enabling a range of follow-up studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Characterising the temporal evolution of changes observed in pain functional assessment, spinal neuropeptides and cartilage lesions of the joint after chemical osteoarthritis (OA) induction in rats.
    RESULTS: On day (D) 0, OA was induced by an IA injection of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA). Rats receiving 2mg MIA were temporally assessed at D3, D7, D14 and D21 for the total spinal cord concentration of substance P (SP), calcitonin gene related-peptide (CGRP), bradykinin (BK) and somatostatin (STT), and for severity of cartilage lesions. At D21, the same outcomes were compared with the IA 1mg MIA, IA 2mg MIA associated with punctual IA injection of lidocaine at D7, D14 and D21, sham (sterile saline) and naïve groups. Tactile allodynia was sequentially assessed using a von Frey anaesthesiometer. Non-parametric and mixed models were applied for statistical analysis. Tactile allodynia developed in the 2mg MIA group as soon as D3 and was maintained up to D21. Punctual IA treatment with lidocaine counteracted it at D7 and D14. Compared to naïve, [STT], [BK] and [CGRP] reached a maximum as early as D7, which plateaued up to D21. For [SP], the increase was delayed up to D14 and maintained at D21. No difference in levels of neuropeptides was observed between MIA doses, except for higher [STT] in the 2mg MIA group (P=0.029). Neuropeptides SP and BK were responsive to lidocaine treatment. The increase in severity of cartilage lesions was significant only in the 2mg MIA groups (P=0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: In the MIA OA pain model, neuropeptide modulation appears early, and confirms the central nervous system to be an attractive target for OA pain quantification. The relationship of neuropeptide release with severity of cartilage lesions and functional assessment are promising and need further validation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropeptides regulate intercellular signaling as neurotransmitters of the central and peripheral nervous systems, and as peptide hormones in the endocrine system. Diverse neuropeptides of distinct primary sequences of various lengths, often with post-translational modifications, coordinate and integrate regulation of physiological functions. Mass spectrometry-based analysis of the diverse neuropeptide structures in neuropeptidomics research is necessary to define the full complement of neuropeptide signaling molecules. Human neuropeptidomics has notable importance in defining normal and dysfunctional neuropeptide signaling in human health and disease. Neuropeptidomics has great potential for expansion in translational research opportunities for defining neuropeptide mechanisms of human diseases, providing novel neuropeptide drug targets for drug discovery, and monitoring neuropeptides as biomarkers of drug responses. In consideration of the high impact of human neuropeptidomics for health, an observed gap in this discipline is the few published articles in human neuropeptidomics compared with, for example, human proteomics and related mass spectrometry disciplines. Focus on human neuropeptidomics will advance new knowledge of the complex neuropeptide signaling networks participating in the fine control of neuroendocrine systems. This commentary review article discusses several human neuropeptidomics accomplishments that illustrate the rapidly expanding diversity of neuropeptides generated by protease processing of pro-neuropeptide precursors occurring within the secretory vesicle proteome. Of particular interest is the finding that human-specific cathepsin V participates in producing enkephalin and likely other neuropeptides, indicating unique proteolytic mechanisms for generating human neuropeptides. The field of human neuropeptidomics has great promise to solve new mechanisms in disease conditions, leading to new drug targets and therapeutic agents for human diseases. Graphical Abstract ᅟ.





