neuronal transplantation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a debilitating condition currently lacking treatment. Severe SCI causes the loss of most supraspinal inputs and neuronal activity caudal to the injury, which, coupled with the limited endogenous capacity for spontaneous regeneration, can lead to complete functional loss even in anatomically incomplete lesions. We hypothesized that transplantation of mature dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) genetically modified to express the NaChBac sodium channel could serve as a therapeutic option for functionally complete SCI. We found that NaChBac expression increased the intrinsic excitability of DRG neurons and promoted cell survival and neurotrophic factor secretion in vitro. Transplantation of NaChBac-expressing dissociated DRGs improved voluntary locomotion 7 weeks after injury compared to control groups. Animals transplanted with NaChBac-expressing DRGs also possessed higher tubulin-positive neuronal fiber and myelin preservation, although serotonergic descending fibers remained unaffected. We observed early preservation of the corticospinal tract 14 days after injury and transplantation, which was lost 7 weeks after injury. Nevertheless, transplantation of NaChBac-expressing DRGs increased the neuronal excitatory input by an increased number of VGLUT2 contacts immediately caudal to the injury. Our work suggests that the transplantation of NaChBac-expressing dissociated DRGs can rescue significant motor function, retaining an excitatory neuronal relay activity immediately caudal to injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease with limited therapeutic options. Cellular transplantation of healthy exogenic neurons to replace and restore neuronal cell function has previously been explored in AD animal models, yet most of these transplantation methods have utilized primary cell cultures or donor grafts. Blastocyst complementation offers a novel approach to generate a renewable exogenic source of neurons. These exogenic neurons derived from stem cells would develop with the in vivo context of the inductive cues within a host, thus recapitulating the neuron-specific characteristics and physiology. AD affects many different cell types including hippocampal neurons and limbic projection neurons, cholinergic nucleus basis and medial septal neurons, noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons, serotonergic raphe neurons, and limbic and cortical interneurons. Blastocyst complementation can be adapted to generate these specific neuronal cells afflicted by AD pathology, by ablating important cell type and brain region-specific developmental genes. This review discusses the current state of neuronal transplantation to replace specific neural cell types affected by AD, and the developmental biology to identify candidate genes for knockout in embryos for creating niches to generate exogenic neurons via blastocyst complementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Huntington\'s disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder leading to the loss inter alia of DARPP-32 positive medium spiny projection neurons (\"MSNs\") in the striatum. There is no known cure for HD but the relative specificity of cell loss early in the disease has made cell replacement by neural transplantation an attractive therapeutic possibility. Transplantation of human fetal striatal precursor cells has shown \"proof-of-principle\" in clinical trials; however, the practical and ethical difficulties associated with sourcing fetal tissues have stimulated the need to identify alternative source(s) of donor cells that are more readily available and more suitable for standardization. We now have available the first generation of protocols to generate DARPP-32 positive MSN-like neurons from pluripotent stem cells and these have been successfully grafted into animal models of HD. However, whether these grafts can provide stable functional recovery to the level that can regularly be achieved with primary fetal striatal grafts remains to be demonstrated. Of particular concern, primary fetal striatal grafts are not homogenous; they contain not only the MSN subpopulation of striatal projection neurons but also include all the different cell types that make up the mature striatum, such as the multiple populations of striatal interneurons and striatal glia, and which certainly contribute to normal striatal function. By contrast, present protocols for pluripotent stem cell differentiation are almost entirely targeted at specifying just neurons of an MSN lineage. So far, evidence for the functionality and integration of stem-cell derived grafts is correspondingly limited. Indeed, consideration of the features of full striatal reconstruction that is achieved with primary fetal striatal grafts suggests that optimal success of the next generations of stem cell-derived replacement therapy in HD will require that graft protocols be developed to allow inclusion of multiple striatal cell types, such as interneurons and/or glia. Almost certainly, therefore, more sophisticated differentiation protocols will be necessary, over and above replacement of a specific population of MSNs. A rational solution to this technical challenge requires that we re-address the underlying question-what constitutes a functional striatal graft?






