neuronal fate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Notch signaling is an evolutionarily conserved pathway for specifying binary neuronal fates, yet how it specifies different fates in different contexts remains elusive. In our accompanying paper, using the Drosophila lamina neuron types (L1-L5) as a model, we show that the primary homeodomain transcription factor (HDTF) Bsh activates secondary HDTFs Ap (L4) and Pdm3 (L5) and specifies L4/L5 neuronal fates. Here we test the hypothesis that Notch signaling enables Bsh to differentially specify L4 and L5 fates. We show asymmetric Notch signaling between newborn L4 and L5 neurons, but they are not siblings; rather, Notch signaling in L4 is due to Delta expression in adjacent L1 neurons. While Notch signaling and Bsh expression are mutually independent, Notch is necessary and sufficient for Bsh to specify L4 fate over L5. The NotchON L4, compared to NotchOFF L5, has a distinct open chromatin landscape which allows Bsh to bind distinct genomic loci, leading to L4-specific identity gene transcription. We propose a novel model in which Notch signaling is integrated with the primary HDTF activity to diversify neuron types by directly or indirectly generating a distinct open chromatin landscape that constrains the pool of genes that a primary HDTF can activate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metabolites such as crotonyl-CoA and lactyl-CoA influence gene expression by covalently modifying histones, known as histone lysine crotonylation (Kcr) and lysine lactylation (Kla). However, the existence patterns, dynamic changes, biological functions and associations of these modifications with histone lysine acetylation and gene expression during mammalian development remain largely unknown. Here, we find that histone Kcr and Kla are widely distributed in the brain and undergo global changes during neural development. By profiling the genome-wide dynamics of H3K9ac, H3K9cr and H3K18la in combination with ATAC and RNA sequencing, we reveal that these marks are tightly correlated with chromatin state and gene expression, and extensively involved in transcriptome remodeling to promote cell-fate transitions in the developing telencephalon. Importantly, we demonstrate that global Kcr and Kla levels are not the consequence of transcription and identify the histone deacetylases (HDACs) 1-3 as novel \'erasers\' of H3K18la. Using P19 cells as an induced neural differentiation system, we find that HDAC1-3 inhibition by MS-275 pre-activates neuronal transcriptional programs by stimulating multiple histone lysine acylations simultaneously. These findings suggest that histone Kcr and Kla play crucial roles in the epigenetic regulation of neural development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Overarching themes in the terminal differentiation of the enteric nervous system, an autonomously acting unit of animal nervous systems, have so far eluded discovery. We describe here the overall regulatory logic of enteric nervous system differentiation of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans that resides within the foregut (pharynx) of the worm. A C. elegans homolog of the Drosophila Sine oculis homeobox gene, ceh-34, is expressed in all 14 classes of interconnected pharyngeal neurons from their birth throughout their life time, but in no other neuron type of the entire animal. Constitutive and temporally controlled ceh-34 removal shows that ceh-34 is required to initiate and maintain the neuron type-specific terminal differentiation program of all pharyngeal neuron classes, including their circuit assembly. Through additional genetic loss of function analysis, we show that within each pharyngeal neuron class, ceh-34 cooperates with different homeodomain transcription factors to individuate distinct pharyngeal neuron classes. Our analysis underscores the critical role of homeobox genes in neuronal identity specification and links them to the control of neuronal circuit assembly of the enteric nervous system. Together with the pharyngeal nervous system simplicity as well as its specification by a Sine oculis homolog, our findings invite speculations about the early evolution of nervous systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons in the hypothalamus function to regulate the state of the animal during both learned and innate behaviors, and alterations in hypothalamic development may contribute to pathological conditions such as anxiety, depression or obesity. Despite many studies of hypothalamic development and function, the link between embryonic development and innate behaviors remains unexplored. Here, focusing on the embryonically expressed homeodomain-containing gene Developing Brain Homeobox 1 (Dbx1), we explored the relationship between embryonic lineage, post-natal neuronal identity and lineage-specific responses to innate cues. We found that Dbx1 is widely expressed across multiple developing hypothalamic subdomains. Using standard and inducible fate-mapping to trace the Dbx1-derived neurons, we identified their contribution to specific neuronal subtypes across hypothalamic nuclei and further mapped their activation patterns in response to a series of well-defined innate behaviors.
    Dbx1-derived neurons occupy multiple postnatal hypothalamic nuclei including the lateral hypothalamus (LH), arcuate nucleus (Arc) and the ventral medial hypothalamus (VMH). Within these nuclei, Dbx1 (+) progenitors generate a large proportion of the Pmch-, Nesfatin-, Cart-, Hcrt-, Agrp- and ERα-expressing neuronal populations, and to a lesser extent the Pomc-, TH- and Aromatase-expressing populations. Inducible fate-mapping reveals distinct temporal windows for development of the Dbx1-derived LH and Arc populations, with Agrp(+) and Cart(+) populations in the Arc arising early (E7.5-E9.5), while Pmch(+) and Hcrt(+) populations in the LH derived from progenitors expressing Dbx1 later (E9.5-E11.5). Moreover, as revealed by c-Fos labeling, Dbx1-derived cells in male and female LH, Arc and VMH are responsive during mating and aggression. In contrast, Dbx1-lineage cells in the Arc and LH have a broader behavioral tuning, which includes responding to fasting and predator odor cues.
    We define a novel fate map of the hypothalamus with respect to Dbx1 expression in hypothalamic progenitor zones. We demonstrate that in a temporally regulated manner, Dbx1-derived neurons contribute to molecularly distinct neuronal populations in the LH, Arc and VMH that have been implicated in a variety of hypothalamic-driven behaviors. Consistent with this, Dbx1-derived neurons in the LH, Arc and VMH are activated during stress and other innate behavioral responses, implicating their involvement in these diverse behaviors.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inner ear is a complex organ comprised of various specialized sensory organs for detecting sound and head movements. The timing of specification for these sensory organs, however, is not clear. Previous fate mapping results of the inner ear indicate that vestibular and auditory ganglia and two of the vestibular sensory organs, the utricular macula (UM) and saccular macula (SM), are lineage related. Based on the medial-lateral relationship where respective auditory and vestibular neuroblasts exit from the otic epithelium and the subsequent formation of the medial SM and lateral UM in these regions, we hypothesized that specification of the two lateral structures, the vestibular ganglion and the UM are coupled and likewise for the two medial structures, the auditory ganglion and the SM. We tested this hypothesis by surgically inverting the primary axes of the otic cup in ovo and investigating the fate of the vestibular neurogenic region, which had been spotted with a lipophilic dye. Our results showed that the laterally-positioned, dye-associated, vestibular ganglion and UM were largely normal in transplanted ears, whereas both auditory ganglion and SM showed abnormalities suggesting the lateral but not the medial-derived structures were mostly specified at the time of transplantation. Both of these results are consistent with a temporal coupling between neuronal and macular fate specifications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current knowledge suggests that cortical sensory area identity is controlled by transcription factors (TFs) that specify area features in progenitor cells and subsequently their progeny in a one-step process. However, how neurons acquire and maintain these features is unclear. We have used conditional inactivation restricted to postmitotic cortical neurons in mice to investigate the role of the TF LIM homeobox 2 (Lhx2) in this process and report that in conditional mutant cortices area patterning is normal in progenitors but strongly affected in cortical plate (CP) neurons. We show that Lhx2 controls neocortical area patterning by regulating downstream genetic and epigenetic regulators that drive the acquisition of molecular properties in CP neurons. Our results question a strict hierarchy in which progenitors dominate area identity, suggesting a novel and more comprehensive two-step model of area patterning: In progenitors, patterning TFs prespecify sensory area blueprints. Sequentially, sustained function of alignment TFs, including Lhx2, is essential to maintain and to translate the blueprints into functional sensory area properties in cortical neurons postmitotically. Our results reemphasize critical roles for Lhx2 that acts as one of the terminal selector genes in controlling principal properties of neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding brain development remains a major challenge at the heart of understanding what makes us human. The neocortex, in evolutionary terms the newest part of the cerebral cortex, is the seat of higher cognitive functions. Its normal development requires the production, positioning, and appropriate interconnection of very large numbers of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Pax6 is one of a relatively small group of transcription factors that exert high-level control of cortical development, and whose mutation or deletion from developing embryos causes major brain defects and a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders. Pax6 is very highly conserved between primate and non-primate species, is expressed in a gradient throughout the developing cortex and is essential for normal corticogenesis. Our understanding of Pax6\'s functions and the cellular processes that it regulates during mammalian cortical development has significantly advanced in the last decade, owing to the combined application of genetic and biochemical analyses. Here, we review the functional importance of Pax6 in regulating cortical progenitor proliferation, neurogenesis, and formation of cortical layers and highlight important differences between rodents and primates. We also review the pathological effects of PAX6 mutations in human neurodevelopmental disorders. We discuss some aspects of Pax6\'s molecular actions including its own complex transcriptional regulation, the distinct molecular functions of its splice variants and some of Pax6\'s known direct targets which mediate its actions during cortical development.






