neuron classification

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recognizing that diverse morphologies of neurons are reminiscent of structures of branched polymers, we put forward a principled and systematic way of classifying neurons that employs the ideas of polymer physics. In particular, we use 3D coordinates of individual neurons, which are accessible in recent neuron reconstruction datasets from electron microscope images. We numerically calculate the form factor, F(q), a Fourier transform of the distance distribution of particles comprising an object of interest, which is routinely measured in scattering experiments to quantitatively characterize the structure of materials. For a polymer-like object consisting of n monomers spanning over a length scale of r, F(q) scales with the wavenumber [Formula: see text] as [Formula: see text] at an intermediate range of q, where [Formula: see text] is the fractal dimension or the inverse scaling exponent ([Formula: see text]) characterizing the geometrical feature ([Formula: see text]) of the object. F(q) can be used to describe a neuron morphology in terms of its size ([Formula: see text]) and the extent of branching quantified by [Formula: see text]. By defining the distance between F(q)s as a measure of similarity between two neuronal morphologies, we tackle the neuron classification problem. In comparison with other existing classification methods for neuronal morphologies, our F(q)-based classification rests solely on 3D coordinates of neurons with no prior knowledge of morphological features. When applied to publicly available neuron datasets from three different organisms, our method not only complements other methods but also offers a physical picture of how the dendritic and axonal branches of an individual neuron fill the space of dense neural networks inside the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although many details remain unknown, several positive statements can be made about the laminar distribution of primate frontal eye field (FEF) neurons with different physiological properties. Most certainly, pyramidal neurons in the deep layer of FEF that project to the brainstem carry movement and fixation signals but clear evidence also support that at least some deep-layer pyramidal neurons projecting to the superior colliculus carry visual responses. Thus, deep-layer neurons in FEF are functionally heterogeneous. Despite the useful functional distinctions between neuronal responses in vivo, the underlying existence of distinct cell types remain uncertain, mostly due to methodological limitations of extracellular recordings in awake behaving primates. To substantiate the functionally defined cell types encountered in the deep layer of FEF, we measured the biophysical properties of pyramidal neurons recorded intracellularly in brain slices issued from macaque monkey biopsies. Here, we found that biophysical properties recorded in vitro permit us to distinguish two main subtypes of regular-spiking neurons, with, respectively, low-resistance and low excitability vs. high-resistance and strong excitability. These results provide useful constraints for cognitive models of visual attention and saccade production by indicating that at least two distinct populations of deep-layer neurons exist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We employed electrophysiological and fluorescence imaging techniques to describe the characteristics of a novel type of neuron discovered in the mouse dorsal striatum. Transgenic mice that express YFP-tagged channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in neurons driven by the promoter for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) were used and the intrinsic electrical properties of YFP-positive neurons in the dorsal striatum of these mice were characterized using whole-cell patch clamping in acute brain slices. Passive membrane properties - such as membrane capacitance, resting membrane potential and input resistance -and action potential properties- such as amplitude, kinetics and adaptation - were extracted from raw data files. Filling these neurons with neurobiotin enabled visualization of neuronal morphology via immunohistochemical labeling with streptavidin-conjugated fluorophore. Subsequent two-photon imaging allowed analyses of morphological properties such as somaticsize, dendritic branching (Sholl analysis) and density of dendritic spines. Unbiased analyses and hierarchical clustering of both morphological and functional data allowed us to identify a previously undescribed type of striatal neuron with unique properties. To facilitate identification of this new cell type, an end-to-end automated electrophysiology pipeline was developed that extracts relevant parameters and determines striatal neuron identity using neural-network based classifiers. These data and the software tool will permit other investigators to identify this novel type of neuron in their studiesand thereby better understand theroles thatthese neuronsplay in dorsal striatum circuitry.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The superficial dorsal horn (SDH, LI-II) of the spinal cord receives and processes multimodal sensory information from skin, muscle, joints, and viscera then relay it to the brain. Neurons within the SDH fall into two broad categories, projection neurons and interneurons. The later can be further subdivided into excitatory and inhibitory types. Traditionally, interneurons within the SDH have been divided into overlapping groups according to their neurochemical, morphological and electrophysiological properties. Recent clustering analyses, based on molecular transcript profiles of cells and nuclei, have predicted many more functional groups of interneurons than expected using traditional approaches. In this study, we used electrophysiological and morphological data obtained from genetically-identified excitatory (vGLUT2) and inhibitory (vGAT) interneurons in transgenic mice to cluster cells into groups sharing common characteristics and subsequently determined how many clusters can be assigned by combinations of these properties. Consistent with previous reports, we show differences exist between excitatory and inhibitory interneurons in terms of their excitability, nature of the ongoing excitatory drive, action potential (AP) properties, sub-threshold current kinetics, and morphology. The resulting clusters based on statistical and unbiased assortment of these data fell well short of the numbers of molecularly predicted clusters. There was no clear characteristic that in isolation defined a population, rather multiple variables were needed to predict cluster membership. Importantly though, our analysis highlighted the appropriateness of using transgenic lines as tools to functionally subdivide both excitatory and inhibitory interneuron populations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The striatum is predominantly composed of medium spiny projection neurons, with the remaining neurons consisting of several types of interneurons. Among the interneurons are a group of cells that express tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Although the intrinsic electrical properties of these TH-expressing interneurons have been characterized, there is no agreement on the number of TH-expressing cell types and their electrical properties. Here, we have used transgenic mice in which YFP-tagged channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) was expressed in potential TH-expressing cells in a Cre-dependent manner. We found that the YFP+ neurons in the striatum were heterogeneous in their intrinsic electrical properties; unbiased clustering indicated that there are three main neuronal subtypes. One population of neurons had aspiny dendrites with high-frequency action potential (AP) firing and plateau potentials, resembling the TH interneurons (THIN) described previously. A second, very small population of labeled neurons resembled medium-sized spiny neurons (MSN). The third population of neurons had dendrites with an intermediate density of spines, showed substantial AP adaptation and generated prolonged spikes. This type of striatal neuron has not been previously identified in the adult mouse and we have named it the Frequency-Adapting Neuron with Spines (FANS). Because of their distinctive properties, FANS may play a unique role in striatal information processing.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Precision in neuron names is increasingly needed. We are entering a new era in which classical anatomical criteria are only the beginning toward defining the identity of a neuron as carried in its name. New criteria include patterns of gene expression, membrane properties of channels and receptors, pharmacology of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, physiological properties of impulse firing, and state-dependent variations in expression of characteristic genes and proteins. These gene and functional properties are increasingly defining neuron types and subtypes. Clarity will therefore be enhanced by conveying as much as possible the genes and properties in the neuron name. Using a tested format of parent-child relations for the region and subregion for naming a neuron, we show how the format can be extended so that these additional properties can become an explicit part of a neuron\'s identity and name, or archived in a linked properties database. Based on the mouse, examples are provided for neurons in several brain regions as proof of principle, with extension to the complexities of neuron names in the cerebral cortex. The format has dual advantages, of ensuring order in archiving the hundreds of neuron types across all brain regions, as well as facilitating investigation of a given neuron type or given gene or property in the context of all its properties. In particular, we show how the format is extensible to the variety of neuron types and subtypes being revealed by RNA-seq and optogenetics. As current research reveals increasingly complex properties, the proposed approach can facilitate a consensus that goes beyond traditional neuron types.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper addresses the problem of obtaining new neuron features capable of improving results of neuron classification. Most studies on neuron classification using morphological features have been based on Euclidean geometry. Here three one-dimensional (1D) time series are derived from the three-dimensional (3D) structure of neuron instead, and afterwards a spatial time series is finally constructed from which the features are calculated. Digitally reconstructed neurons were separated into control and pathological sets, which are related to three categories of alterations caused by epilepsy, Alzheimer\'s disease (long and local projections), and ischemia. These neuron sets were then subjected to supervised classification and the results were compared considering three sets of features: morphological, features obtained from the time series and a combination of both. The best results were obtained using features from the time series, which outperformed the classification using only morphological features, showing higher correct classification rates with differences of 5.15, 3.75, 5.33% for epilepsy and Alzheimer\'s disease (long and local projections) respectively. The morphological features were better for the ischemia set with a difference of 3.05%. Features like variance, Spearman auto-correlation, partial auto-correlation, mutual information, local minima and maxima, all related to the time series, exhibited the best performance. Also we compared different evaluators, among which ReliefF was the best ranked.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study focuses on the important question whether brain activity recorded from anesthetized, paralyzed animals is comparable to that recorded from awake, behaving ones. We compared neuronal activity recorded from the caudate nucleus (CN) of two halothane-anesthetized, paralyzed and two awake, behaving cats. In both models, extracellular recordings were made from the CN during static and dynamic visual stimulation. The anesthesia was maintained during the recordings by a gaseous mixture of air and halothane (1.0%). The behaving animals were trained to perform a visual fixation task. Based on their electrophysiological properties, the recorded CN neurons were separated into three different classes: phasically active (PANs), high firing (HFNs), and tonically active (TANs) neurons. Halothane anesthesia significantly decreased the background activity of the CN neurons in all three classes. The anesthesia had the most remarkable suppressive effect on PANs, where the background activity was consistently under 1 spike/s. The analysis of these responses was almost impossible due to the extremely low activity. The evoked responses during both static and dynamic visual stimulation were obvious in the behaving cats. On the other hand, only weak visual responses were found in some neurons of halothane anesthetized cats. These results show that halothane gas anesthesia has a marked suppressive effect on the feline CN. We suggest that for the purposes of the visual and related multisensory/sensorimotor electrophysiological exploration of the CN, behaving animal models are preferable over anesthetized ones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal microcircuits are formed of a myriad of spatially and functionally specific cell classes. Despite the importance of the spatial component in the characterisation of neural circuits, it has not received the attention it deserves. While multi-electrodes are widely used in the study of microcircuits, the spatial information available from them remains largely unexploited for analysis beyond spike sorting. Here we show how the spatial pattern of the extracellular signal is determined by both the electrophysiology and morphology of neurons. Starting from known current source models for the generation of the extracellular potential, we use the spatial pattern observed across a multi-electrode array to localise and classify neurons into putative morphological classes. We evaluated the localisation and classification models with low fitting errors in simulated data. When applying them to recorded data we found correspondence between localisation statistics and expected recording radius and found evidence to support the separation into putative morphological classes. While existing localisation methods do not hold for the recording distances expected on multi-electrode recordings (under 60μm), classification methods have been limited to the temporal component by either characterising spike shape or firing patterns. We show here how the information available from extracellular recordings can be used to localise and classify neurons based on the spatial pattern seen by multi-electrode arrays. Together they can improve current characterisation and classification of neurons based on complementary criteria such us firing pattern and functional characterisation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We describe in this paper the structure and main features of a domain specific ontology for neuroscience, the BAMS Neuroanatomical Ontology. The ontology includes a complete set of concepts that describe the parts of the rat nervous system, a growing set of concepts that describe neuron populations identified in different brain regions, and relationships between concepts. The ontology is linked with a complex representation of structural and physiological variables used to classify neurons, which is encoded in BAMS. BAMS Neuroanatomical Ontology is accessible on the web and includes an interface that allows browsing terms, viewing criteria for classification, and accessing associated information.





