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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This Total Diet Study (TDS) provides representative data on substance levels in foods, prepared as typically consumed by the population in Germany for future dietary exposure assessment. Vitamin A is essential and must be obtained from the diet, either as preformed vitamin A or as provitamin A carotenoids. Levels of retinol and β-carotene were analysed in 333 and 271 foods, respectively. Highest mean retinol levels were found in cod liver (25,000 µg∙100 g-1), followed by other animal livers, liver-based products, butter, eel and fortified margarine. In contrast, highest mean β-carotene levels were found in carrots (4,650 µg∙100 g-1), followed by other yellow-orange fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables and fortified fruit nectars. Sampling by production type and seasonality revealed differences in retinol and β-carotene levels in individual foods. This TDS expands the existing data for β-carotene and vitamin A extensively by providing representative data on most consumed foods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Keratoconus is a non-inflammatory, chronic, idiopathic, corneal disease characterized by thinning of the core or paracentral part of the cornea. In this study, we demonstrate the prevalence of keratoconus among patients seeking refractive surgery using laser vision correction (LVC) at the Department of Ophthalmology, Private Eye Center, Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective cross-sectional study was undertaken with the data from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 in the ophthalmology department of Jazan city. This study included 1068 eyes of 534 patients of which 56.8% were men. The mean patient age was 28.5 (SD = 8.3) years. The analyst performed chi-square tests for the report. Prevalence was calculated at a 95% confidence interval at specified times in the year (CI).
    UNASSIGNED: The prevalence of manifest unilateral keratoconus was 3% and that of bilateral keratoconus was 18.72%; on the other hand prevalence rates of suspected unilateral KC was 16.48% and of bilateral KC 9.36%. Significant differences between eyes were noted and recorded.
    UNASSIGNED: The occurrence and spread of this condition are on the rise in the city of Jazan and on the outskirts.
    UNASSIGNED: eyeball disorder (keratoconus), prevalence, risk factors, treatment of the disorder (vision).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The BfR MEAL Study aims to provide representative levels of chemical substances in foods consumed by the population in Germany for dietary exposure assessment. Calcium, potassium and phosphorus (Ca, K, P) are essential to obtain physiological functions in humans. Levels were investigated in 356 foods. Foods were purchased representatively, prepared as typically consumed and pooled before analysis. High mean levels were found in milk, dairy products, legumes, nuts, oilseeds and spices as well as chia seeds (Ca, K, P), chewing gum (Ca) and cocoa powder (K). Different levels comparing organically and conventionally produced foods were determined among others in cereal cracker (puffed), olives and tofu. Higher K levels were found in fried compared to boiled potatoes. Similar P levels were mainly found in regionally and seasonally sampled foods. These data provide a substantially improved basis to address dietary exposure assessment of the population in Germany for Ca, K and P.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental DNA metabarcoding is a powerful approach for use in biomonitoring and impact assessments. Amplicon-based eDNA sequence data are characteristically highly divergent in sequencing depth (total reads per sample) as influenced inter alia by the number of samples simultaneously analyzed per sequencing run. The random forest (RF) machine learning algorithm has been successfully employed to accurately classify unknown samples into monitoring categories. To employ RF to eDNA data, and avoid sequencing-depth artifacts, sequence data across samples are normalized using rarefaction, a process that inherently loses information. The aim of this study was to inform future sampling designs in terms of the relationship between sampling depth and RF accuracy. We analyzed three published and one new bacterial amplicon datasets, using a RF, based initially on the maximal rarefied data available (minimum mean of > 30,000 reads across all datasets) to give our baseline performance. We then evaluated the RF classification success based on increasingly rarefied datasets. We found that extreme to moderate rarefaction (50-5000 sequences per sample) was sufficient to achieve prediction performance commensurate to the full data, depending on the classification task. We did not find that the number of classification classes, data balance across classes, or the total number of sequences or samples, were associated with predictive accuracy. We identified the ability of the training data to adequately characterize the classes being mapped as the most important criterion and discuss how this finding can inform future sampling design for eDNA based biomonitoring to reduce costs and computation time.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of choline and DHA or exposure to environmental enrichment in obese adult and aging rats on alterations in body mass index, serum lipid profile and arterial wall changes, despite stopping high fat diet consumption and interventions during adulthood.
    UNASSIGNED: 21 day old male Sprague Dawley rats were assigned as Experiment-1 & 2 - PND rats were divided into 4 groups with interventions for 7 months (n = 8/group). NC- Normal control fed normal chow diet; OB- Obese group, fed high fat diet; OB + CHO + DHA- fed high fat diet and oral supplementation of choline, DHA. OB + EE- fed high fat diet along with exposure to enriched environment .Experiment-2 had similar groups and interventions as experiment 1 but for next 5 months were fed normal chow diet without any interventions. Body mass index was assessed and blood was analyzed for serum lipid profile. Common Carotid Artery (CCA) was processed for Haematoxylin and eosin, Verhoff Vangeison stains. Images of tissue sections were analyzed and quantified using image J and tissue quant software.
    UNASSIGNED: In experiment.1, mean body mass index (p < 0.001), serum lipid profile (p < 0.01), thickness of tunica intima (p < 0.05), tunica media (p < 0.01) and percentage of collagen fibers (p < 0.01) of CCA were significantly increased in OB compared to NC. These were significantly attenuated in OB + CHO + DHA and OB + EE compared to OB. In experiment.2, mean body mass index (p < 0.01), serum lipid profile (p < 0.05) and thickness of tunica media of CCA (p < 0.01) were significantly increased in OB compared to NC. In OB + CHO + DHA and OB + EE, significant attenuation was observed in mean body mass index and mean thickness of tunica media compared to same in OB.
    UNASSIGNED: Adult obesity has negative impact on body mass index, serum lipid profile and arterial wall structure that persists through aging. Supplementation of choline and DHA or exposure to enriched environment during obesity attenuates these negative impacts through aging.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Candidemia incidence has increased in the past few years, with high mortality. Previous studies have reported a variable distribution of Candida spp. among different regions. This study aimed to identify the species found in Candida bloodstream infections, routine antifungal susceptibility testing, and mortality outcomes in an academic medical centre.
    UNASSIGNED: Between January 2012 and December 2018, the positive blood cultures for candidemia infection were retrieved and statistically analysed for species prevalence, susceptibility pattern, and crude mortality at 14, 30, 60 and 90 days.
    UNASSIGNED: Of 156 candidemia cases, a majority (69.2%) was caused by non-albicans Candida spp. After Candida albicans (30.8%), Candida tropicalis and Candida parapsilosis were the second and third most frequeunt isolates spp, each counting for 23.7%. Acquired resistance was detected in 14.8% of candidemia strains. No other antifungal resistance was detected. The overall crude mortality rates of all species were 29.3%, 47.9%, 56.4%, and 58.0% at 14, 30, 60, and 90 days, respectively. A higher mortality rate was noted in cases of Candida krusei infection (crude mortality 71.4-100%, p = 0.002).
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, a considerable shift to non-albicans Candida causing most bloodstream infections was observed. As such infections pose a serious threat to hospitalised patients, microbiology laboratories are urged to adopt rapid diagnostic and minimal inhibitory concentration-based testing for the detection of susceptible dose-dependent phenotypes. Prospective studies are essential to consider the prognosis of bloodstream infections by various Candida species in a multivariate model.
    UNASSIGNED: يحمل وجود المبيضات في الدم معدل وفيات مرتفعا، وقد ازدادت حالاته في السنوات القليلة الماضية. اقترحت الدراسات السابقة توزيع متغير من المبيضات بين المناطق المختلفة. وقد أجريت هذه الدراسة لتحديد الأنواع الموجودة في التهابات مجرى الدم بالمبيضات، وتحديد استجابتها لمضادات الفطريات الروتينية، مع نتائج الوفيات في مركز طبي أكاديمي.
    UNASSIGNED: بين يناير ٢٠١٢ وديسمبر ٢٠١٨، تمت دراسة نتائج مزارع الدم الإيجابية لعدوى مجرى الدم المبيضية، وتحليلها إحصائيا لانتشار الأنواع ونمط القابلية للحساسية، ومعدل الوفيات بعد ١٤ و٣٠ و٦٠ و٩٠ يوما.
    UNASSIGNED: من بين ١٥٦ حالة من حالات وجود المبيضات في الدم، كان سبب أغلبية الحالات (٦٩.٢٪) غير مجموعة المبيضات البيضاء. بعد مجموعة المبيضات البيضاء (٣٠.٨٪) كانت مجموعتا المبيضات الاستوائية والمبيضات المرطية، ثاني أكثر معزولة في كثير من الأحيان (٢٣.٧٪). واكتشفت المقاومة المكتسبة من الفلوكونازول في ١٤.٨٪ من سلالات المبيضات. ولم يتم الكشف عن أي مقاومة أخرى لمضادات الفطريات. وكانت المعدلات الإجمالية للوفيات لجميع الأنواع ٢٩.٣٪ و٤٧.٩٪ و٥٦.٤٪ و٥٨ في ١٤ و٣٠ و٦٠ و٩٠ يوما على التوالي. ولوحظ ارتفاع معدل الوفيات في حالات العدوى بالمبيضة الكروزية (الوفيات الخام ٧١.٤-١٠٠٪).
    UNASSIGNED: لوحظ تحول كبير من المبيضات غير البيضاء للتسبب بعدوى مجرى الدم. ولكونها تهديدا خطيرا للمرضى في المستشفيات، يجب حث مختبرات علم الأحياء المجهرية على اعتماد التشخيص السريع واستعمال الحد الأدنى من الاختبارات على أساس التراكيز المثبطة للكشف عن الأنماط الظاهرية المعتمدة على الجرعة. الدراسات المستقبلية ضرورية للنظر في تشخيص عدوى مجرى الدم من قبل أنواع المبيضات المختلفة في نموذج متعدد المتغيرات.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The relationship between lung function decline and eosinophils and neutrophils has important therapeutic implications among asthmatics, but it has rarely been studied in large cohort studies.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim is to study the relationship between blood eosinophils and neutrophils and FEV1 decline in a long-term follow-up of a population-based adult asthma cohort.
    METHODS: In 2012-2014, an adult asthma cohort was invited to a follow-up including spirometry, blood sampling, and structured interviews, and n = 892 participated (55% women, mean age 59 y, 32-92 y). Blood eosinophils, neutrophils and FEV 1 decline were analyzed both as continuous variables and divided into categories with different cut-offs. Regression models adjusted for smoking, exposure to vapors, gas, dust, or fumes (VGDF), use of inhaled and oral corticosteroids, and other possible confounders were utilized to analyze the relationship between eosinophils and neutrophils at follow-up and FEV1 decline.
    RESULTS: The mean follow-up time was 18 years, and the mean FEV 1 decline was 27 ml/year. The annual FEV1 decline was related to higher levels of both blood eosinophils and neutrophils at follow-up, but only the association with eosinophils remained when adjusted for confounders. Further, the association between FEV1 decline and eosinophils was stronger among those using ICS. With EOS <0.3 × 109/L as reference, a more rapid decline in FEV1 was independently related to EOS ≥0.4 × 109/L in adjusted analyses.
    CONCLUSIONS: Besides emphasizing the importance of smoking cessation and reduction of other harmful exposures, our real-world results indicate that there is an independent relationship between blood eosinophils and FEV1 decline among adults with asthma.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study compared a rapid home-based up-dosing schedule for sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) drops containing tree pollen allergens with two previously established schedules. Furthermore, the clinical effect of the SLIT was investigated with respect to patients\' first pollen season under treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: In this open-label, prospective, patient-preference, non-interventional study, local and systemic reactions were compared between three up-dosing groups using a SLIT formulation containing birch, alder, and hazel pollen extracts (ORALVAC® Compact Bäume). Clinical improvement after patients\' first season under treatment was analysed using symptom scores, ARIA classification, symptom control, and the use of symptomatic medication and was compared with data from the previous, pre-treatment pollen season. As the real-life study design allowed no placebo group, the late-treated patients (co-seasonal) served as a control, and crowd-sourced symptom data from persons with hay fever were used from a free web-based online diary.
    UNASSIGNED: In 33 study centres in Germany and Austria, 164 patients were included. The treatment was well tolerated, without difference between the groups during the up-dosing phase. At the end of the assessment, 96.1% rated the tolerability of the treatment as good or very good. Local reactions were mostly mild in severity and no serious adverse events occurred. Symptom scores decreased from the 2016 pollen season to the 2017 pollen season. As for the ARIA classification, 79.0% of patients had persistent, moderate-to-severe rhinitis before treatment, but only 18.6% had the same classification after treatment. In all, 62.4% of patients achieved symptom control, and 34.3% of patients required no symptomatic medication after treatment. The rhinoconjunctivitis score was 34.4% lower for pre-seasonal treatment initiation than for the control group. Crowd-sourced symptom load indices showed that the 2016 season caused slightly more symptoms; however, it is assumed that this difference of 0.3-0.5 (score range 0-10) was of less clinical relevance.
    UNASSIGNED: The treatment administered using the rapid home-based up-dosing schedule was safe and well tolerated. Symptom relief and reduction in medication use were observed during the first pollen season with SLIT.
    UNASSIGNED: NCT03097432 (clinicaltrials.gov).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Systemic to pulmonary shunt (commonly known as Modified Blalock-Taussig shunt) is a palliative procedure in cyanotic heart diseases to overcome inadequate blood flow to the lungs. Based on the most recent risk stratification score, the mortality and morbidity of this procedure is still high especially in neonates and over-shunting patients. We developed and implemented protocol-based management in March 2013 to better standardize the management of these patients. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of applying this protocol-based management in our center.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study through chart review analysis.We included all children who underwent MBTS from January 2000 till December 2015. We compared the early postoperative outcome of patients operated after the protocol-based management implementation (March 2013 till December 2015) (protocol group) with patients operated before implementing the MBTS protocoled management (control group).
    RESULTS: 197 patients underwent MBTS from January 2000 till December 2015. Of the 197 patients, 25 patients were in the protocol group and 172 patients were in the control group. There was a significant improvement in the postoperative course and less morbidity after protocoled management implementation as reflected in ventilation time, reintubation rate, inotropic support duration, intensive care unit ICU stay and significantly lower postoperative complications in the protocol group. Mortality of the control group versus protocol group (19.3% VS 8%) with Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) dropped from 2.27 before protocoled management to 0.94 after protocoled management (protocol group).
    CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests that protocoled management of patients with MBTS can improve the postoperative course and early outcome.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In DSM-5, pain-related fear during anticipation of vaginal penetration is a diagnostic criterion of Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder (GPPPD). We aimed to investigate subjective and brain responses during anticipatory fear and subsequent induction of vestibular pain in women with GPPPD.
    METHODS: Women with GPPPD (n = 18) and age-matched healthy controls (HC) (n = 15) underwent fMRI scanning during vestibular pain induction at individually titrated pain threshold after a cued anticipation period. (Pain-related) fear and anxiety traits were measured with questionnaires prior to scanning, and anticipatory fear and pain intensity were rated during scanning using visual analog scales.
    RESULTS: Women with GPPPD reported significantly higher levels of anticipatory fear and pain intensity. During anticipation and pain induction they had stronger and more extensive brain responses in regions involved in cognitive and affective aspects of pain perception, but the group difference did not reach significance for the anticipation condition. Pain-related fear and anxiety traits as well as anticipatory fear ratings were positively associated with pain ratings in GPPPD, but not in HC. Further, in HC, a negative association was found between anticipatory fear ratings and brain responses in regions involved in cognitive and affective aspects of pain perception, but not in women with GPPPD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Women with GPPPD are characterized by increased subjective and brain responses to vestibular pain and, to a lesser extent, its anticipation, with fear and anxiety associated with responses to pain, supporting the introduction of anticipatory fear as a criterion of GPPPD in DSM-5.





