myosin XI

肌球蛋白 XI
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants rely on immune receptor complexes at the cell surface to perceive microbial molecules and transduce these signals into the cell to regulate immunity. Various immune receptors and associated proteins are often dynamically distributed in specific nanodomains on the plasma membrane (PM). However, the exact molecular mechanism and functional relevance of this nanodomain targeting in plant immunity regulation remain largely unknown. By utilizing high spatiotemporal resolution imaging and single-particle tracking analysis, we show that myosin XIK interacts with remorin to recruit and stabilize PM-associated kinase BOTRYTIS-INDUCED KINASE 1 (BIK1) within immune receptor FLAGELLIN SENSING 2 (FLS2)-containing nanodomains. This recruitment facilitates FLS2/BIK1 complex formation, leading to the full activation of BIK1-dependent defense responses upon ligand perception. Collectively, our findings provide compelling evidence that myosin XI functions as a molecular scaffold to enable a spatially confined complex assembly within nanodomains. This ensures the presence of a sufficient quantity of preformed immune receptor complex for efficient signaling transduction from the cell surface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In plant vegetative tissues, cell division employs a mitotic microtubule array called the preprophase band (PPB) that marks the cortical division site. This transient cytoskeletal array imprints the spatial information to be read by the cytokinetic phragmoplast at later stages of mitotic cell division. In Arabidopsis thaliana, we discovered that the PPB recruited the Myosin XI motor MYA1/Myo11F to the cortical division site, where it joined microtubule-associated proteins and motors to form a ring of prominent cytoskeletal assemblies that received the expanding phragmoplast. Such a myosin localization pattern at the cortical division site was dependent on the POK1/2 Kinesin-12 motors. This regulatory function of MYA1/Myo11F in phragmoplast guidance was dependent on intact actin filaments. The discovery of these cytoskeletal motor assemblies pinpoints a mechanism underlying how two dynamic cytoskeletal networks work in concert to govern PPB-dependent division plane orientation in flowering plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phase separation has emerged as a fundamental principle for organizing viral and cellular membraneless organelles. Although these subcellular compartments have been recognized for decades, their biogenesis and mechanisms of regulation are poorly understood. Here, we investigate the formation of membraneless inclusion bodies (IBs) induced during the infection of a plant rhabdovirus, tomato yellow mottle-associated virus (TYMaV). We generated recombinant TYMaV encoding a fluorescently labeled IB constituent protein and employed live-cell imaging to characterize the intracellular dynamics and maturation of viral IBs in infected Nicotiana benthamiana cells. We show that TYMaV IBs are phase-separated biomolecular condensates and that viral nucleoprotein and phosphoprotein are minimally required for IB formation in vivo and in vitro. TYMaV IBs move along the microfilaments, likely through the anchoring of viral phosphoprotein to myosin XIs. Furthermore, pharmacological disruption of microfilaments or inhibition of myosin XI functions suppresses IB motility, resulting in arrested IB growth and inefficient virus replication. Our study establishes phase separation as a process driving the formation of liquid viral factories and emphasizes the role of the cytoskeletal system in regulating the dynamics of condensate maturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seed germination is a vital developmental transition for the production of progeny by sexual reproduction in spermatophytes. The seed-to-seedling transition is predominately driven by hypocotyl cell elongation. However, the mechanism that underlies hypocotyl growth remains largely unknown. In this study, we characterized the actin array reorganization in embryonic hypocotyl epidermal cells. Live-cell imaging revealed a basally organized actin array formed during hypocotyl cell elongation. This polarized actin assembly is a barrel-shaped network, which comprises a backbone of longitudinally aligned actin cables and a fine actin cap linking these cables. We provide genetic evidence that the basal actin array formation requires formin-mediated actin polymerization and directional movement of actin filaments powered by myosin XIs. In fh1-1 and xi3ko mutants, actin filaments failed to reorganize into the basal actin array, and the hypocotyl cell elongation was inhibited compared with wild-type plants. Collectively, our work uncovers the molecular mechanisms for basal actin array assembly and demonstrates the connection between actin polarization and hypocotyl elongation during seed-to-seedling transition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Loss-of-function alleles of plant MLO genes confer broad-spectrum resistance to powdery mildews in many eudicot and monocot species. Although barley (Hordeum vulgare) mlo mutants have been used in agriculture for more than 40 years, understanding of the molecular principles underlying this type of disease resistance remains fragmentary. Forward genetic screens in barley have revealed mutations in two Required for mlo resistance (Ror) genes that partially impair immunity conferred by mlo mutants. While Ror2 encodes a soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor-attached protein receptor (SNARE), the identity of Ror1, located at the pericentromeric region of barley chromosome 1H, remained elusive. We report the identification of Ror1 based on combined barley genomic sequence information and transcriptomic data from ror1 mutant plants. Ror1 encodes the barley class XI myosin Myo11A (HORVU.MOREX.r3.1HG0046420). Single amino acid substitutions of this myosin, deduced from non-functional ror1 mutant alleles, map to the nucleotide-binding region and the interface between the relay-helix and the converter domain of the motor protein. Ror1 myosin accumulates transiently in the course of powdery mildew infection. Functional fluorophore-labeled Ror1 variants associate with mobile intracellular compartments that partially colocalize with peroxisomes. Single-cell expression of the Ror1 tail region causes a dominant-negative effect that phenocopies ror1 loss-of-function mutants. We define a myosin motor for the establishment of mlo-mediated resistance, suggesting that motor protein-driven intracellular transport processes are critical for extracellular immunity, possibly through the targeted transfer of antifungal and/or cell wall cargoes to pathogen contact sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The movement of organelles and vesicles in pollen tubes depends on F-actin. However, the molecular mechanism through which plant myosin XI drives the movement of organelles is still controversial, and the relationship between myosin XI and vesicle movement in pollen tubes is also unclear. In this study, we found that the siliques of the myosin xi-b/e mutant were obviously shorter than those of the wild-type (WT) and that the seed set of the mutant was severely deficient. The pollen tube growth of myosin xi-b/e was significantly inhibited both in vitro and in vivo. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching showed that the velocity of vesicle movement in the pollen tube tip of the myosin xi-b/e mutant was lower than that of the WT. It was also found that peroxisome movement was significantly inhibited in the pollen tubes of the myosin xi-b/e mutant, while the velocities of the Golgi stack and mitochondrial movement decreased relatively less in the pollen tubes of the mutant. The endoplasmic reticulum streaming in the pollen tube shanks was not significantly different between the WT and the myosin xi-b/e mutant. In addition, we found that myosin XI-B-GFP colocalized obviously with vesicles and peroxisomes in the pollen tubes of Arabidopsis. Taken together, these results indicate that myosin XI-B may bind mainly to vesicles and peroxisomes, and drive their movement in pollen tubes. These results also suggest that the mechanism by which myosin XI drives organelle movement in plant cells may be evolutionarily conserved compared with other eukaryotic cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Here we review, from a quantitative point of view, the cell biology of protonemal tip growth in the model moss Physcomitrium patens. We focus on the role of the cytoskeleton, vesicle trafficking, and cell wall mechanics, including reviewing some of the existing mathematical models of tip growth. We provide a primer for existing cell biological tools that can be applied to the future study of tip growth in moss. Polarized cell growth is a ubiquitous process throughout the plant kingdom in which the cell elongates in a self-similar manner. This process is important for nutrient uptake by root hairs, fertilization by pollen, and gametophyte development by the protonemata of bryophytes and ferns. In this review, we will focus on the tip growth of moss cells, emphasizing the role of cytoskeletal organization, cytoplasmic zonation, vesicle trafficking, cell wall composition, and dynamics. We compare some of the existing knowledge on tip growth in protonemata against what is known in pollen tubes and root hairs, which are better-studied tip growing cells. To fully understand how plant cells grow requires that we deepen our knowledge in a variety of forms of plant cell growth. We focus this review on the model plant Physcomitrium patens, which uses tip growth as the dominant form of growth at its protonemal stage. Because mosses and vascular plants shared a common ancestor more than 450 million years ago, we anticipate that both similarities and differences between tip growing plant cells will provide mechanistic information of tip growth as well as of plant cell growth in general. Towards this mechanistic understanding, we will also review some of the existing mathematical models of plant tip growth and their applicability to investigate protonemal morphogenesis. We attempt to integrate the conclusions and data across cell biology and physical modeling to our current state of knowledge of polarized cell growth in P. patens and highlight future directions in the field.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fundamental process of polarised exocytosis requires the interconnected activity of molecular motors trafficking vesicular cargo within a dynamic cytoskeletal network. In plants, few mechanistic details are known about how molecular motors, such as myosin XI, associate with their secretory cargo to support the ubiquitous processes of polarised growth and cell division. Live-cell imaging coupled with targeted gene knockouts and a high-throughput RNAi assay enabled the first characterisation of the loss of Rab-E function. Yeast two-hybrid and subsequent in silico structural prediction uncovered a specific interaction between Rab-E and myosin XI that is conserved between P. patens and A. thaliana. Rab-E co-localises with myosin XI at sites of active exocytosis, and at the growing tip both proteins are spatiotemporally coupled. Rab-E is required for normal plant growth in P. patens and the rab-E and myosin XI phenotypes are rescued by A. thaliana\'s Rab-E1c and myosin XI-K/E, respectively. Both PpMyoXI and AtMyoXI-K interact with PpRabE14, and the interaction is specifically mediated by PpMyoXI residue V1422. This interaction is required for polarised growth. Our results suggest that the interaction of Rab-E and myosin XI is a conserved feature of polarised growth in plants.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    F-actin and myosin XI play important roles in plant organelle movement. A few myosin XI genes in the genome of Arabidopsis are mainly expressed in mature pollen, which suggests that they may play a crucial role in pollen germination and pollen tube tip growth. In this study, a genetic complementation assay was conducted in a myosin xi-c (myo11c1) myosin xi-e (myo11c2) double mutant, and fluorescence labeling combined with microscopic observation was applied. We found that myosin XI-E (Myo11C2)-green fluorescent protein (GFP) restored the slow pollen tube growth and seed deficiency phenotypes of the myo11c1 myo11c2 double mutant and Myo11C2-GFP partially colocalized with mitochondria, peroxisomes and Golgi stacks. Furthermore, decreased mitochondrial movement and subapical accumulation were detected in myo11c1 myo11c2 double mutant pollen tubes. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments showed that the fluorescence recoveries of GFP-RabA4d and AtPRK1-GFP at the pollen tube tip of the myo11c1 myo11c2 double mutant were lower than those of the wild type were after photobleaching. These results suggest that Myo11C2 may be associated with mitochondria, peroxisomes and Golgi stacks, and play a crucial role in organelle movement and apical accumulation of secretory vesicles in pollen tubes of Arabidopsis thaliana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have revealed duplications and diversification of myosin XI genes between angiosperms and bryophytes; however, the functional differentiation and conservation of myosin XI between them remain unclear. Here, we identified a single myosin XI gene from the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha (Mp). The molecular properties of Mp myosin XI are similar to those of Arabidopsis myosin XIs responsible for cytoplasmic streaming, suggesting that the motor function of myosin XI is able to generate cytoplasmic streaming. In cultured Arabidopsis cells, transiently expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fused Mp myosin XI was observed as some intracellular structures moving along the F-actin. These intracellular structures were co-localized with motile endoplasmic reticulum (ER) strands, suggesting that Mp myosin XI binds to the ER and generates intracellular transport in Arabidopsis cells. The tail domain of Mp myosin XI was co-localized with that of Arabidopsis myosin XI-2 and XI-K, suggesting that all these myosin XIs bind to common cargoes. Furthermore, expression of GFP-fused Mp myosin XI rescued the defects of growth, cytoplasmic streaming and actin organization in Arabidopsis multiple myosin XI knockout mutants. The heterologous expression experiments demonstrated the cellular and physiological competence of Mp myosin XI in Arabidopsis. However, the average velocity of organelle transport in Marchantia rhizoids was 0.04 ± 0.01 μm s-1 , which is approximately one-hundredth of that in Arabidopsis cells. Taken together, our results suggest that the molecular properties of myosin XI are conserved, but myosin XI-driven intracellular transport in vivo would be differentiated from bryophytes to angiosperms.






