
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PINK1, mutated in familial forms of Parkinson\'s disease, initiates mitophagy following mitochondrial depolarization. However, it is difficult to monitor this pathway physiologically in mice as loss of PINK1 does not alter basal mitophagy levels in most tissues. To further characterize this pathway in vivo, we used mito-QC mice in which loss of PINK1 was combined with the mitochondrial-associated POLGD257A mutation. We focused on skeletal muscle as gene expression data indicates that this tissue has the highest PINK1 levels. We found that loss of PINK1 in oxidative hindlimb muscle significantly reduced mitophagy. Of interest, the presence of the POLGD257A mutation, while having a minor effect in most tissues, restored levels of muscle mitophagy caused by the loss of PINK1. Although our observations highlight that multiple mitophagy pathways operate within a single tissue, we identify skeletal muscle as a tissue of choice for the study of PINK1-dependant mitophagy under basal conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ChinaMu is the largest sequence-indexed Mutator (Mu) transposon insertional library in maize (Zea mays). In this study, we made significant improvements to the size and quality of the ChinaMu library. We developed a new Mu-tag isolation method Mu-Tn5-seq (MuT-seq). Compared to the previous method used by ChinaMu, MuT-seq recovered 1/3 more germinal insertions, while requiring only about 1/14 of the sequencing volume and 1/5 of the experimental time. Using MuT-seq, we identified 113,879 germinal insertions from 3,168 Mu-active F1 families. We also assembled a high-quality genome for the Mu-active line Mu-starter, which harbors the initial active MuDR element and was used as the pollen donor for the mutation population. Using the Mu-starter genome, we recovered 33,662 (15.6%) additional germinal insertions in 3,244 (7.4%) genes in the Mu-starter line. The Mu-starter genome also improved the assignment of 117,689 (54.5%) germinal insertions. The newly upgraded ChinaMu dataset currently contains 215,889 high-quality germinal insertions. These insertions cover 32,224 pan-genes in the Mu-starter and B73Ref5 genomes, including 23,006 (80.4%) core genes shared by the two genomes. As a test model, we investigated Mu insertions in the pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily, discovering insertions for 92% (449/487) of PPR genes in ChinaMu, demonstrating the usefulness of ChinaMu as a functional genomics resource for maize.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mortality rates of invasive fungal infections remain high because of the limited number of antifungal drugs available and antifungal drug resistance, which can rapidly evolve during treatment. Mutations in key resistance genes such as ERG11 were postulated to be the predominant cause of antifungal drug resistance in the clinic. However, recent advances in whole genome sequencing have revealed that there are multiple mechanisms leading to the microevolution of resistance. In many fungal species, resistance can emerge through ERG11-independent mechanisms and through the accumulation of mutations in many genes to generate a polygenic resistance phenotype. In addition, genome sequencing has revealed that full or partial aneuploidy commonly occurs in clinical or microevolved in vitro isolates to confer antifungal resistance. This review will provide an overview of the mutations known to be selected during the adaptive microevolution of antifungal drug resistance and focus on how recent advances in genome sequencing technology have enhanced our understanding of this process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial deficiencies in the DNA repair system can produce mutator strains that promote adaptive microevolution. However, the role of mutator strains in marine Pseudoalteromonas, capable of generating various gain-of-function genetic variants within biofilms, remains largely unknown. In this study, inactivation of mutS in Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica conferred an approximately 100-fold increased resistance to various antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin, rifampicin and aminoglycoside. Furthermore, the mutator of P. lipolytica generated variants that displayed enhanced biofilm formation but reduced swimming motility, indicating a high phenotypic diversity within the ΔmutS population. Additionally, we observed a significant production rate of approximately 50 % for the translucent variants, which play important roles in biofilm formation, when the ΔmutS strain was cultured on agar plates or under shaking conditions. Using whole-genome deep-sequencing combined with genetic manipulation, we demonstrated that point mutations in AT00_17115 within the capsular biosynthesis cluster were responsible for the generation of translucent variants in the ΔmutS subpopulation, while mutations in flagellar genes fliI and flgP led to a decrease in swimming motility. Collectively, this study reveals a specific mutator-driven evolution in P. lipolytica, characterized by substantial genetic and phenotypic diversification, thereby offering a reservoir of genetic attributes associated with microbial fitness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The highly active family of Mutator (Mu) DNA transposons has been widely used for forward and reverse genetics in maize. There are examples of Mu-suppressible alleles that result in conditional phenotypic effects based on the activity of Mu. Phenotypes from these Mu-suppressible mutations are observed in Mu-active genetic backgrounds, but absent when Mu activity is lost. For some Mu-suppressible alleles, phenotypic suppression likely results from an outward-reading promoter within Mu that is only active when the autonomous Mu element is silenced or lost. We isolated 35 Mu alleles from the UniformMu population that represent insertions in 24 different genes. Most of these mutant alleles are due to insertions within gene coding sequences, but several 5\' UTR and intron insertions were included. RNA-seq and de novo transcript assembly were utilized to document the transcripts produced from 33 of these Mu insertion alleles. For 20 of the 33 alleles, there was evidence of transcripts initiating within the Mu sequence reading through the gene. This outward-reading promoter activity was detected in multiple types of Mu elements and does not depend on the orientation of Mu. Expression analyses of Mu-initiated transcripts revealed the Mu promoter often provides gene expression levels and patterns that are similar to the wild-type gene. These results suggest the Mu promoter may represent a minimal promoter that can respond to gene cis-regulatory elements. Findings from this study have implications for maize researchers using the UniformMu population, and more broadly highlight a strategy for transposons to co-exist with their host.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractRecent experimental evidence demonstrates that shifts in mutational biases-for example, increases in transversion frequency-can change the distribution of fitness effects of mutations (DFE). In particular, reducing or reversing a prevailing bias can increase the probability that a de novo mutation is beneficial. It has also been shown that mutator bacteria are more likely to emerge if the beneficial mutations they generate have a larger effect size than observed in the wild type. Here, we connect these two results, demonstrating that mutator strains that reduce or reverse a prevailing bias have a positively shifted DFE, which in turn can dramatically increase their emergence probability. Since changes in mutation rate and bias are often coupled through the gain and loss of DNA repair enzymes, our results predict that the invasion of mutator strains will be facilitated by shifts in mutation bias that offer improved access to previously undersampled beneficial mutations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malarial parasites exhibit extensive genomic plasticity, which induces the antigen diversification and the development of antimalarial drug resistance. Only a few studies have examined the genome maintenance mechanisms of parasites. The study aimed at elucidating the impact of a mutation in a DNA mismatch repair gene on genome stability by maintaining the mutant and wild-type parasites through serial in vitro cultures for approximately 400 days and analysing the subsequent spontaneous mutations. A P513T mutant of the DNA mismatch repair protein PfMSH2-1 from Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 was created. The mutation did not influence the base substitution rate but significantly increased the insertion/deletion (indel) mutation rate in short tandem repeats (STRs) and minisatellite loci. STR mutability was affected by allele size, genomic category and certain repeat motifs. In the mutants, significant telomere healing and homologous recombination at chromosomal ends caused extensive gene loss and generation of chimeric genes, resulting in large-scale chromosomal alteration. Additionally, the mutant showed increased tolerance to N-methyl-N\'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, suggesting that PfMSH2-1 was involved in recognizing DNA methylation damage. This work provides valuable insights into the role of PfMSH2-1 in genome stability and demonstrates that the genomic destabilization caused by its dysfunction may lead to antigen diversification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fitness and mutability are the primary traits of living organisms for adaptation and evolution. However, their quantitative linkage remained largely deficient. Whether there is any general relationship between the two features and how genetic and environmental variables influence them remained unclear and were addressed here. The mutation and growth rates of an assortment of Escherichia coli strain collections, including the wild-type strains and the genetically disturbed strains of either reduced genomes or deletion of the genes involved in the DNA replication fidelity, were evaluated in various media. The contribution of media to the mutation and growth rates was differentiated depending on the types of genetic disturbance. Nevertheless, the negative correlation between the mutation and growth rates was observed across the genotypes and was common in all media. It indicated the comprehensive association of the correlated mutation and growth rates with the genetic and medium variation. Multiple linear regression and support vector machine successfully predicted the mutation and growth rates and the categories of genotypes and media, respectively. Taken together, the study provided a quantitative dataset linking the mutation and growth rates, genotype, and medium and presented a simple and successful example of predicting bacterial growth and mutability by data-driven approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutator-like transposable elements (MULEs) represent a unique superfamily of DNA transposons as they can capture host genes and cause higher frequency of mutations in some eukaryotes. Despite their essential roles in plant evolution and functional genomics, MULEs are not fully understood yet in many important crops including barley (Hordeum vulgare). In this study, we analyzed the barley genome and identified a new mutator transposon Hvu_Abermu. This transposon is present at extremely high copy number in barley and shows unusual structure as it contains three open reading frames (ORFs) including one ORF (ORF1) encoding mutator transposase protein and one ORF (ORFR) showing opposite transcriptional orientation. We identified homologous sequences of Hvu_Abermu in both monocots and dicots and grouped them into a large mutator family named Abermu. Abermu transposons from different species share significant sequence identity, but they exhibit distinct sequence structures. Unlike the transposase proteins which are highly conserved between Abermu transposons from different organisms, the ORFR-encoded proteins are quite different from distant species. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that Abermu transposons shared closer evolutionary relationships with the maize MuDR transposon than other reported MULEs. We also found phylogenetic incongruence for the Abermu transposons identified in rice and its wild species implying the possibility of horizontal transfer of transposon. Further comparison indicated that over 200 barley genes contain Abermu-related sequences. We analyzed the barley pan genomes and detected polymorphic Hvu_Abermu transposons between the sequenced 23 wild and cultivated barley genomes. Our efforts identified a novel mutator transposon and revealed its recent transposition activity, which may help to develop genetic tools for barley and other crops.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To understand how organisms evolve, it is fundamental to study how mutations emerge and establish. Here, we estimated the rate of mutation accumulation of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and investigated the repeatability of its evolution when facing a new cell type but no immune or drug pressures.
    UNASSIGNED: We performed experimental evolution with two strains of SARS-CoV-2, one carrying the originally described spike protein (CoV-2-D) and another carrying the D614G mutation that has spread worldwide (CoV-2-G). After 15 passages in Vero cells and whole genome sequencing, we characterized the spectrum and rate of the emerging mutations and looked for evidences of selection across the genomes of both strains.
    UNASSIGNED: From the frequencies of the mutations accumulated, and excluding the genes with signals of selection, we estimate a spontaneous mutation rate of 1.3 × 10 -6 ± 0.2 × 10-6 per-base per-infection cycle (mean across both lineages of SARS-CoV-2 ± 2SEM). We further show that mutation accumulation is larger in the CoV-2-D lineage and heterogeneous along the genome, consistent with the action of positive selection on the spike protein, which accumulated five times more mutations than the corresponding genomic average. We also observe the emergence of mutators in the CoV-2-G background, likely linked to mutations in the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and/or in the error-correcting exonuclease protein.
    UNASSIGNED: These results provide valuable information on how spontaneous mutations emerge in SARS-CoV-2 and on how selection can shape its genome toward adaptation to new environments. Lay Summary: Each time a virus replicates inside a cell, errors (mutations) occur. Here, via laboratory propagation in cells originally isolated from the kidney epithelium of African green monkeys, we estimated the rate at which the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutates-an important parameter for understanding how it can evolve within and across humans. We also confirm the potential of its Spike protein to adapt to a new environment and report the emergence of mutators-viral populations where mutations occur at a significantly faster rate.





