mutant swarm

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virus-encoded replicases often generate aberrant RNA genomes, known as defective viral genomes (DVGs). When co-infected with a helper virus providing necessary proteins, DVGs can multiply and spread. While DVGs depend on the helper virus for propagation, they can in some cases disrupt infectious virus replication, impact immune responses, and affect viral persistence or evolution. Understanding the dynamics of DVGs alongside standard viral genomes during infection remains unclear. To address this, we conducted a long-term experimental evolution of two betacoronaviruses, the human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43) and the murine hepatitis virus (MHV), in cell culture at both high and low multiplicities of infection (MOI). We then performed RNA-seq at regular time intervals, reconstructed DVGs, and analyzed their accumulation dynamics. Our findings indicate that DVGs evolved to exhibit greater diversity and abundance, with deletions and insertions being the most common types. Notably, some high MOI deletions showed very limited temporary existence, while others became prevalent over time. We observed differences in DVG abundance between high and low MOI conditions in HCoV-OC43 samples. The size distribution of HCoV-OC43 genomes with deletions differed between high and low MOI passages. In low MOI lineages, short and long DVGs were the most common, with an additional cluster in high MOI lineages which became more prevalent along evolutionary time. MHV also showed variations in DVG size distribution at different MOI conditions, though they were less pronounced compared to HCoV-OC43, suggesting a more random distribution of DVG sizes. We identified hotspot regions for deletions that evolved at a high MOI, primarily within cistrons encoding structural and accessory proteins. In conclusion, our study illustrates the widespread formation of DVGs during betacoronavirus evolution, influenced by MOI and cell- and virus-specific factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) are transmitted by hematophagous insects, primarily mosquitoes. The geographic range and prevalence of mosquito-borne viruses and their vectors has dramatically increased over the last 50 years. As a result, the most medically important arboviurses now co-exist in many regions, resulting in an increased frequency of co-infections in hosts and vectors. In addition to concurrent infections with human pathogens, mosquito-only viruses and/or enzootic viruses not associated with human disease are ubiquitous in mosquito populations. Moreover, mosquito-borne viruses are largely RNA viruses that exist within individual hosts as a diverse and dynamic swarm of closely related genotypes. Interactions among co-infecting viruses and genotypes can have profound effects on virulence, fitness and evolution. Here, we review our understanding of how these complex interactions influence transmission of mosquito-borne viruses, focusing on the often-neglected virus interactions in the mosquito vector, and identify gaps in our knowledge that should guide future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A long-standing observation in evolutionary virology is that RNA virus populations are highly polymorphic, composed by a mixture of genotypes whose abundances in the population depend on complex interaction between fitness differences, mutational coupling and genetic drift. It was shown long ago, though in cell cultures, that most of these genotypes had lower fitness than the population they belong, an observation that explained why single-virion passages turned on Muller\'s ratchet while very large population passages resulted in fitness increases in novel environments. Here we report the results of an experiment specifically designed to evaluate in vivo the fitness differences among the subclonal components of a clonal population of the plant RNA virus tobacco etch potyvirus (TEV). Over 100 individual biological subclones from a TEV clonal population well adapted to the natural tobacco host were obtained by infectivity assays on a local lesion host. The replicative fitness of these subclones was then evaluated during infection of tobacco relative to the fitness of large random samples taken from the starting clonal population. Fitness was evaluated at increasing number of days post-inoculation. We found that at early days, the average fitness of subclones was significantly lower than the fitness of the clonal population, thus confirming previous observations that most subclones contained deleterious mutations. However, as the number of days of viral replication increases, population size expands exponentially, more beneficial and compensatory mutations are produced, and selection becomes more effective in optimizing fitness, the differences between subclones and the population disappeared.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chondrus crispus Stackhouse (Gigartinales) is a red seaweed found on North Atlantic rocky shores. Electrophoresis of RNA extracts showed a prominent band with a size of around 6,000 bp. Sequencing of the band revealed several sequences with similarity to totiviruses, double-stranded RNA viruses that normally infect fungi. This virus-like entity was named C. crispus virus (CcV). It should probably be regarded as an extreme viral quasispecies or a mutant swarm since low identity (<65%) was found between sequences. Totiviruses typically code for two genes: one capsid gene (gag) and one RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene (pol) with a pseudoknot structure between the genes. Both the genes and the intergenic structures were found in the CcV sequences. A nonidentical gag gene was also found in the nuclear genome of C. crispus, with associated expressed sequence tags (EST) and upstream regulatory features. The gene was presumably horizontally transferred from the virus to the alga. Similar dsRNA bands were seen in extracts from different life cycle stages of C. crispus and from all geographic locations tested. In addition, similar bands were also observed in RNA extractions from other red algae; however, the significance of this apparently widespread phenomenon is unknown. Neither phenotype caused by the infection nor any virus particles or capsid proteins were identified; thus, the presence of viral particles has not been validated. These findings increase the known host range of totiviruses to include marine red algae.





