mouse retina

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synuclein family members (Snca, Sncb, and Scng) are expressed in the retina, but their precise locations and roles are poorly understood. We performed an extensive analysis of the single-cell transcriptome in healthy and injured retinas to investigate their expression patterns and roles. We observed the expression of all synuclein family members in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which remained consistent across species (human, mouse, and chicken). We unveiled differential expression of Snca across distinct clusters (highly expressed in most), while Sncb and Sncg displayed uniform expression across all clusters. Further, we observed a decreased expression in RGCs following traumatic axonal injury. However, the proportion of α-Syn-positive RGCs in all RGCs and α-Syn-positive intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) in all ipRGCs remained unaltered. Lastly, we identified changes in communication patterns preceding cell death, with particular significance in the pleiotrophin-nucleolin (Ptn-Ncl) and neural cell adhesion molecule signaling pathways, where communication differences were pronounced between cells with varying expression levels of Snca. Our study employs an innovative approach using scRNA-seq to characterize synuclein expression in health retinal cells, specifically focusing on RGC subtypes, advances our knowledge of retinal physiology and pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rodent models, such as mice and rats, are commonly used to examine retinal ganglion cell damage in eye diseases. However, as nocturnal animals, rodent retinal structures differ from primates, imposing significant limitations in studying retinal pathology. Tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) are small, diurnal paraprimates that exhibit superior visual acuity and color vision compared with mice. Like humans, tree shrews have a dense retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and a thick ganglion cell layer (GCL), making them a valuable model for investigating optic neuropathies. In this study, we applied high-resolution visible-light optical coherence tomography to characterize the tree shrew retinal structure in vivo and compare it with that of humans and mice. We quantitatively characterize the tree shrew\'s retinal layer structure in vivo, specifically examining the sublayer structures within the inner plexiform layer (IPL) for the first time. Next, we conducted a comparative analysis of retinal layer structures among tree shrews, mice, and humans. We then validated our in vivo findings in the tree shrew inner retina using ex vivo confocal microscopy. The in vivo and ex vivo analyses of the shrew retina build the foundation for future work to accurately track and quantify the retinal structural changes in the IPL, GCL, and RNFL during the development and progression of human optic diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptation of photoreceptor sensitivity to varying light intensities is a fundamental requirement for retinal function and vision. Adaptive mechanisms in signal transduction are well described, but little is known about the mechanisms that adapt the photoreceptor synapse to changing light intensities. The SNARE complex regulators Complexin 3 and Complexin 4 have been proposed to be involved in synaptic light adaptation by limiting synaptic vesicle recruitment and fusion. How this Complexin effect is exerted is unknown. Focusing on rod photoreceptors, we established Complexin 4 as the predominant Complexin in the light-dependent regulation of neurotransmitter release. The number of readily releasable synaptic vesicles is significantly smaller in light than in dark at wildtype compared to Complexin 4 deficient rod photoreceptor ribbon synapses. Electrophysiology indicates that Complexin 4 reduces or clamps Ca2+-dependent sustained synaptic vesicle release, thereby enhancing light signaling at the synapse. Complexin 4 deficiency increased synaptic vesicle release and desensitized light signaling. In a quantitative proteomic screen, we identified Transducin as an interactor of the Complexin 4-SNARE complex. Our results provide evidence for a presynaptic interplay of both Complexin 4 and Transducin with the SNARE complex, an interplay that may facilitate the adaptation of synaptic transmission to light at rod photoreceptor ribbon synapses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myeloid cells, specifically microglia and macrophages, are activated in retinal diseases and can improve or worsen retinopathy outcomes based on their inflammatory phenotype. However, assessing the myeloid cell response after retinal injury in mice remains challenging due to the small tissue size and the challenges of distinguishing microglia from infiltrating macrophages. In this protocol paper, we describe a flow cytometry-based protocol to assess retinal microglia/macrophage and their inflammatory phenotype after injury. The protocol is amenable to the incorporation of other markers of interest to other researchers. Key features This protocol describes a flow cytometry-based method to analyze the myeloid cell response in retinopathy mouse models. The protocol can distinguish between microglia- and monocyte-derived macrophages. It can be modified to incorporate markers of interest. We show representative results from three different retinopathy models, namely ischemia-reperfusion injury, endotoxin-induced uveitis, and oxygen-induced retinopathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Electroretinograms elicited by photopigment isolating white noise stimuli (wnERGs) in mice were measured. The dependency of rod- and cone-opsin-driven wnERGs on mean luminance was studied.
    UNASSIGNED: Temporal white noise stimuli (containing all frequencies up to 20 Hz, equal amplitudes, random phases) that modulated either rhodopsin, S-opsin or L*-opsin, using the double silent substitution technique, were used to record wnERGs in mice expressing a human L*-opsin instead of the native murine M-opsin. Responses were recorded at 4 mean luminances (MLs).Impulse response functions (IRFs) were obtained by cross-correlating the wnERG recordings with the corresponding modulation of the photopigment excitation elicited by the stimulus. So-called modulation transfer functions (MTFs) were obtained by performing a Fourier transform on the IRFs.Potentials of two repeated wnERG recordings at corresponding time points were plotted against each other. The correlation coefficient (r2repr) of the linear regression through these data was used to quantify reproducibility. Another correlation coefficient (r2ML) was used to quantify the correlations of the wnERGs obtained at different MLs with those at the highest (for cone isolating stimuli) or lowest (for rod isolating stimuli) ML.
    UNASSIGNED: IRFs showed an initial negative (a-wave like) trough N1 and a subsequent positive (b-wave like) peak P1. No oscillatory potential-like components were observed. At 0.4 and 1.0 log cd/m2 ML robust L*- and S-opsin-driven IRFs were obtained that displayed similar latencies and dependencies on ML. L*-opsin-driven IRFs were 2.5-3 times larger than S-opsin-driven IRFs. Rhodopsin-driven IRFs were observed at -0.8 and - 0.2 log cd/m2 and decreased in amplitude with increasing ML. They displayed an additional pronounced late negativity (N2), which may be a correlate of retinal ganglion cell activity.R2repr and r2ML values increased for cones with increasing ML whereas they decreased for rods. For rhodopsin-driven MTFs at low MLs and L*-opsin-driven MTFs at high MLs amplitudes decreased with increasing frequency, with much faster decreasing amplitudes for rhodopsin. A delay was calculated from MTF phases showing larger delays for rhodopsin- vs. low delays for L*-opsin-driven responses.
    UNASSIGNED: Opsin-isolating wnERGs in mice show characteristics of different retinal cell types and their connected pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optoretinogram, a technique in which optical coherence tomography (OCT) is used to measure retinal functions in response to a visible light stimulus, can be a potentially useful tool to quantify retinal health alterations. Existing experimental studies on animals have focused on measuring the global retinal response by transversally averaging 3D data across the retina, which minimizes the spatial resolution of the signals, and limits the signal-to-noise ratio because only central B-scans are collected and analyzed. These problems were addressed in this study by collecting volumetric data to probe functional signals and developing an improved 3D registration approach to align such series-acquired OCT volumes. These data were then divided into small blocks and subject to a spatiotemporal analysis, whose results confirmed the spatial-dependence of functional signals. By further averaging, the overall measurement accuracies for the position and the scattering signals were estimated to be approximately 30 nm and 1.1 %, respectively. With improved accuracy, this method revealed certain novel functional signals that have not been previously reported. In conclusion, this work provides a powerful tool to monitor retinal local and global functional changes in aging, diseased, or treated rodent eyes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: The rearranged during transfection (RET) receptor tyrosine kinase plays a key role in transducing signals related to cell growth and differentiation. Ret mutant mice show abnormal retinal activity and abnormal levels and morphology of bipolar cells, yet die on the 21st day after birth as a result of renal underdevelopment. To extend the observation period, we generated the Ret conditional knockout Chx10-Cre;C-Ret lx/lx mouse model and analyzed the retinal function and morphological changes in mature and aging Chx10-Cre;C-Ret lx/lx mice. Methods: Retina-specific depletion of Ret was achieved using mice with floxed alleles of the Ret gene with CHX10-driven Cre recombinase; floxed mice without Cre expression were used as controls. Retinal function was examined using electroretinography (ERG), and 2-, 4-, 12-, and 24-month-old mice were analyzed by hematoxylin staining and immunohistochemistry to evaluate retinal morphological alterations. The ultrastructure of photoreceptor synapses was evaluated using electron microscopy. Results: The results of the ERG testing showed that b-wave amplitudes were reduced in Chx10-Cre;C-Ret lx/lx mice, whereas a-waves were not affected. A histopathological analysis revealed a thinner and disorganized outer plexiform layer at the ages of 12 and 24 months in Chx10-Cre;C-Ret lx/lx mice. Moreover, the data provided by immunohistochemistry showed defects in the synapses of photoreceptor cells. This result was confirmed at the ultrastructural level, thus supporting the participation of Ret in the morphological changes of the synaptic ribbon. Conclusion: Our results provide evidence of the role of Ret in maintaining the function of the retina, which was essential for preserving the structure of the synaptic ribbon and supporting the integrity of the outer plexiform layer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to better differentiate ante-mortem lesions from post-mortem retinal autolysis, the temporal sequence of post-mortem changes was studied in a well-controlled mouse model. Mice were of the same strain, age and sex, and were held at a constant ambient temperature. Eyes were collected at various times up to 72 h after death and immersion-fixed in either Davidson\'s fixative or 10% neutral buffered formalin, paraffin-embedded and sections cut and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The most prominent, and early, autolytic change was retinal detachment, and subsequent folding, which occurred immediately after death in formalin-fixed eyes, but not until 2 h post mortem with Davidson\'s fixative. Retinal separation was complete at 16 h, or almost complete by 2 h, in formalin, but in Davidson\'s fixative, was only partial and segmental, the latter not becoming total until much later. Retinal detachment was attended by progressively more severe disruption and dissolution of photoreceptors and, particularly in Davidson\'s-fixed retinas, the rod outer segment often showed marked homogenization from 30 min to 4 h after death. The other major early change was nuclear pyknosis in the inner nuclear layer. Ganglion cells initially had cytoplasmic swelling, followed by shrinkage and basophilia (at 4 h with formalin and 16 h with Davidson\'s), with nuclear pyknosis becoming increasingly common over time. While the three retinal neuronal layers eventually became more attenuated and depleted of cells, the thickness of these layers was augmented by severe swelling. These findings show that the post-mortem interval at which histological interpretation of retinal changes becomes potentially compromised is dependent on the duration of this interval and the fixative used.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are serious concerns about possible late radiation damage to ocular tissue from prolonged space radiation exposure, and occupational and medical procedures. This study aimed to investigate the effects of whole-body high-energy proton exposure at a single dose on apoptosis, oxidative stress, and blood-retina barrier (BRB) integrity in the retina and optic nerve head (ONH) region and to compare these radiation-induced effects with those produced by fractionated dose. Six-month-old C57BL/6 male mice were either sham irradiated or received whole-body high energy proton irradiation at an acute single dose of 0.5 Gy or 12 equal dose fractions for a total dose of 0.5 Gy over twenty-five days. At four months following irradiation, mice were euthanized and ocular tissues were collected for histochemical analysis. Significant increases in the number of apoptotic cells were documented in the mouse retinas and ONHs that received proton radiation with a single or fractionated dose (p < 0.05). Immunochemical analysis revealed enhanced immunoreactivity for oxidative biomarker, 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) in the retina and ONH following single or fractionated protons with more pronounced changes observed with a single dose of 0.5 Gy. BRB integrity was also evaluated with biomarkers of aquaporin-4 (AQP-4), a water channel protein, a tight junction (TJ) protein, Zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), and an adhesion molecule, the platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1). A significantly increased expression of AQP-4 was observed in the retina following a single dose exposure compared to controls. There was also a significant increase in the expression of PECAM-1 and a decrease in the expression of ZO-1 in the retina. These changes give a strong indication of disturbance to BRB integrity in the retina. Interestingly, there was very limited immunoreactivity of AQP-4 and ZO-1 seen in the ONH region, pointing to possible lack of BRB properties as previously reported. Our data demonstrated that exposure to proton radiation of 0.5 Gy induced oxidative stress-associated apoptosis in the retina and ONH, and changes in BRB integrity in the retina. Our study also revealed the differences in BRB biomarker distribution between these two regions. In response to radiation insults, the cellular response in the retina and ONH may be differentially regulated in acute or hyperfractionated dose schedules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Immunohistochemistry (IHC) using mouse retinal cryosections is widely used to study the expression and intracellular localization of proteins in mouse retinas. Conventionally, the preparation of retinal cryosections from mice involves tissue fixation, cryoprotection, the removal of the cornea and lens, embedding and sectioning. The procedure takes 1-2 days to complete. Recently, we developed a new technique for the preparation of murine retinal cryosections by coating the sclera with a layer of Super Glue. This enables us to remove the cornea and extract the lens from the unfixed murine eye without causing the eyecup to collapse. In the present study, based on this new technique, we move a step forward to modify the conventional protocol. Unlike in the conventional protocol, in this method, we first coat the unfixed mouse eyeball on the sclera with Super Glue and then remove the cornea and lens. The eyecup is then fixed, cryoprotected and sectioned. This new protocol for the preparation of retinal cryosections reduces the time for the procedure to as little as 2 h. Importantly, the new protocol consistently improves the morphology of retinal sections as well as the image quality of IHC. Thus, this new quick protocol will be greatly beneficial to the community of visual sciences by expediting research progress and improving the results of IHC.





