
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Riboflavin transporter deficiency type 2 (RTD2) is a rare neurodegenerative autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the SLC52A2 gene encoding the riboflavin transporters, RFVT2. Riboflavin (Rf) is the precursor of FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) and FMN (flavin mononucleotide), which are involved in different redox reactions, including the energetic metabolism processes occurring in mitochondria. To date, human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have given the opportunity to characterize RTD2 motoneurons, which reflect the most affected cell type. Previous works have demonstrated mitochondrial and peroxisomal altered energy metabolism as well as cytoskeletal derangement in RTD2 iPSCs and iPSC-derived motoneurons. So far, no attention has been dedicated to astrocytes.
    UNASSIGNED: Here, we demonstrate that in vitro differentiation of astrocytes, which guarantee trophic and metabolic support to neurons, from RTD2 iPSCs is not compromised. These cells do not exhibit evident morphological differences nor significant changes in the survival rate when compared to astrocytes derived from iPSCs of healthy individuals. These findings indicate that differently from what had previously been documented for neurons, RTD2 does not compromise the morpho-functional features of astrocytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal cord injury (SCI) disrupts coordination between the bladder and the external urinary sphincter (EUS), leading to transient or permanent voiding impairment, which is more severe in males. Male versus female differences in spinal circuits related to the EUS as well as post-SCI rewiring are essential for understanding of sex-/gender-specific impairments and possible recovery mechanisms. To quantitatively assess differences between EUS circuits in males versus females and in spinal intact (SI) versus SCI animals, we retrogradely traced and counted EUS-related neurons. In transgenic ChAT-GFP mice, motoneurons (MNs), interneurons (INs), and propriospinal neurons (PPNs) were retrogradely trans-synaptically traced with PRV614-red fluorescent protein (RFP) injected into EUS. EUS-MNs in dorsolateral nucleus (DLN) were separated from other GFP+ MNs by tracing them with FluoroGold (FG). We found two morphologically distinct cell types in DLN: FG+ spindle-shaped bipolar (SB-MNs) and FG- rounded multipolar (RM-MNs) cholinergic cells. Number of MNs of both types in males was twice as large as in females. SCI caused a partial loss of MNs in all spinal nuclei. After SCI, males showed a fourfold rise in the number of RFP-labeled cells in retro-DLN (RDLN) innervating hind limbs. This suggests (a) an existence of direct synaptic interactions between spinal nuclei and (b) a post-SCI increase of non-specific inputs to EUS-MNs from other motor nuclei. Number of INs and PPNs deferred between males and females: In SI males, the numbers of INs and PPNs were ∼10 times larger than in SI females. SCI caused a twofold decrease of INs and PPNs in males but not in females.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transspinal (or transcutaneous spinal cord) stimulation is a noninvasive, cost-effective, easily applied method with great potential as a therapeutic modality for recovering somatic and nonsomatic functions in upper motor neuron disorders. However, how transspinal stimulation affects motor neuron depolarization is poorly understood, limiting the development of effective transspinal stimulation protocols for rehabilitation. In this study, we characterized the responses of soleus α motor neurons to single-pulse transspinal stimulation using single-motor unit (SMU) discharges as a proxy given the 1:1 discharge activation between the motor neuron and the motor unit. Peristimulus time histogram, peristimulus frequencygram, and surface electromyography (sEMG) were used to characterize the postsynaptic potentials of soleus motor neurons. Transspinal stimulation produced short-latency excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) followed by two distinct phases of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in most soleus motor neurons and only IPSPs in others. Transspinal stimulation generated double discharges at short interspike intervals in a few motor units. The short-latency EPSPs were likely mediated by muscle spindle group Ia and II afferents, and the IPSPs via excitation of group Ib afferents and recurrent collaterals of motor neurons leading to activation of diverse spinal inhibitory interneuronal circuits. Further studies are warranted to understand better how transspinal stimulation affects depolarization of α motor neurons over multiple spinal segments. This knowledge will be seminal for developing effective transspinal stimulation protocols in upper motor neuron lesions.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Transspinal stimulation produces distinct actions on soleus motor neurons: an early short-latency excitation followed by two inhibitions or only inhibition and doublets. These results show how transspinal stimulation affects depolarization of soleus α motor neurons in healthy humans.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    In neurological conditions affecting the brain, early-stage neural circuit adaption is key for long-term preservation of normal behaviour. We tested if motoneurons and respective microcircuits also adapt in the initial stages of disease progression in a mouse model of progressive motoneuron degeneration. Using a combination of in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology and super-resolution microscopy, we found that, preceding muscle denervation and motoneuron death, recurrent inhibition mediated by Renshaw cells is reduced in half due to impaired quantal size associated with decreased glycine receptor density. Additionally, higher probability of release from proprioceptive Ia terminals leads to increased monosynaptic excitation to motoneurons. Surprisingly, the initial impairment in recurrent inhibition is not a widespread feature of inhibitory spinal circuits, such as group I inhibitory afferents, and is compensated at later stages of disease progression. We reveal that in disease conditions, spinal microcircuits undergo specific multiphasic homeostatic compensations to preserve force output.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Key developmental pathways and gene networks underlie the formation of sensory cell types and structures involved in chemosensation, vision and mechanosensation, and of the efferents these sensory inputs can activate. We describe similarities and differences in these pathways and gene networks in selected species of the three main chordate groups, lancelets, tunicates, and vertebrates, leading to divergent development of olfactory receptors, eyes, hair cells and motoneurons. The lack of appropriately posited expression of certain transcription factors in lancelets and tunicates prevents them from developing vertebrate-like olfactory receptors and eyes, although they generate alternative structures for chemosensation and vision. Lancelets and tunicates lack mechanosensory cells associated with the sensation of acoustic stimuli, but have gravisensitive organs and ciliated epidermal sensory cells that may (and in some cases clearly do) provide mechanosensation and thus the capacity to respond to movement relative to surrounding water. Although functionally analogous to the vertebrate vestibular apparatus and lateral line, homology is questionable due to differences in the expression of the key transcription factors Neurog and Atoh1/7, on which development of vertebrate hair cells depends. The vertebrate hair cell-bearing inner ear and lateral line thus likely represent major evolutionary advances specific to vertebrates. Motoneurons develop in vertebrates under the control of the ventral signaling molecule hedgehog/sonic hedgehog (Hh,Shh), against an opposing inhibitory effect mediated by dorsal signaling molecules. Many elements of Shh-signaling and downstream genes involved in specifying and differentiating motoneurons are also exhibited by lancelets and tunicates, but the repertoire of MNs in vertebrates is broader, indicating greater diversity in motoneuron differentiation programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The trapezius muscle (TRAP) belongs to the scapulothoracic group of muscles, which play a crucial role in the integrity and strength of the upper limb, trunk, head, and neck movements and, thus, in maintaining balance. Combined retrograde tracing (using fluorescent tracer Fast Blue, FB) and double-labelling immunohistochemistry were applied to investigate the chemical coding of motoneurons projecting to the porcine TRAP. FB-positive (FB+) motoneurons supplying the cervical (c-TRAP) and thoracic part (th-TRAP) of the right (injected with the tracer) TRAP were located within the IX-th Rexed lamina in the ipsilateral ventral horn of the grey matter of the spinal medulla. Immunohistochemistry revealed that nearly all the neurons were cholinergic in nature [choline acetyltransferase (CHAT)- or vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VACHT)-positive]. Many retrogradelly labelled neurons displayed also immunoreactivity to calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP; approximately 68% of FB+ neurons). The smaller number of nerve cells (5%, 3%, 2% or 1%, respectively) stained for nitric oxide synthase (n-NOS), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and substance P (SP). The retrogradely labelled neurons were closely apposed by nerve fibres expressing immunoreactivity to CHAT, VACHT, CGRP, SP, DβH, VIP, n-NOS, NPY, GAL, Leu-Enk and Met-Enk. Taking into account the clinical relevance of TRAP, the present results may be useful in designing further research aimed at the management of various dysfunctions of the muscle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Spinal ventral root avulsion results in massive motoneuron degeneration with poor prognosis and high costs. In this study, we compared different isoforms of basic fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), overexpressed in stably transfected Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), following motor root avulsion and repair with a heterologous fibrin biopolymer (HFB).
    METHODS: In the present work, hESCs bioengineered to overexpress 18, 23, and 31 kD isoforms of FGF2, were used in combination with reimplantation of the avulsed roots using HFB. Statistical analysis was conducted using GraphPad Prism software with one-way or two-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey\'s or Dunnett\'s multiple comparison tests. Significance was set at *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001.
    RESULTS: For the first set of experiments, rats underwent avulsion of the ventral roots with local administration of HFB and engraftment of hESCs expressing the above-mentioned FGF2 isoforms. Analysis of motoneuron survival, glial reaction, and synaptic coverage, two weeks after the lesion, indicated that therapy with hESCs overexpressing 31 kD FGF2 was the most effective. Consequently, the second set of experiments was performed with that isoform, so that ventral root avulsion was followed by direct spinal cord reimplantation. Motoneuron survival, glial reaction, synaptic coverage, and gene expression were analyzed 2 weeks post-lesion; while the functional recovery was evaluated by the walking track test and von Frey test for 12 weeks. We showed that engraftment of hESCs led to significant neuroprotection, coupled with immunomodulation, attenuation of astrogliosis, and preservation of inputs to the rescued motoneurons. Behaviorally, the 31 kD FGF2 - hESC therapy enhanced both motor and sensory recovery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Transgenic hESCs were an effective delivery platform for neurotrophic factors, rescuing axotomized motoneurons and modulating glial response after proximal spinal cord root injury, while the 31 kD isoform of FGF2 showed superior regenerative properties over other isoforms in addition to the significant functional recovery.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is a simple, negatively charged biopolymer with chain lengths ranging from just a few to over a thousand ortho-phosphate (Pi) residues. polyP is detected in every cell type across all organisms in nature thus far analyzed. Despite its structural simplicity, polyP has been shown to play important roles in a remarkably broad spectrum of biological processes, including blood coagulation, bone mineralization and inflammation. Furthermore, polyP has been implicated in brain function and the neurodegenerative diseases amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Alzheimer\'s disease and Parkinson\'s disease. In this review, we first address the challenges associated with identifying mammalian polyP metabolizing enzymes, such as Nudt3, and quantifying polyP levels in brain tissue, cultured neural cells and cerebrospinal fluid. Subsequently, we focus on recent studies that unveil how the excessive release of polyP by human and mouse ALS/FTD astrocytes contributes to these devastating diseases by inducing hyperexcitability, leading to motoneuron death. Potential implications of elevated polyP levels in ALS/FTD patients for innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches are explored. It is emphasized, however, that caution is required in targeting polyP in the brain due to its diverse physiological functions, serving as an energy source, a chelator for divalent cations and a scaffold for amyloidogenic proteins. Reducing polyP levels, especially in neurons, might thus have adverse effects in brain functioning. Finally, we discuss how activated mast cells and platelets also can significantly contribute to ALS progression, as they can massively release polyP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the axotomized facial nucleus (axotFN), the levels of choline acetyltransferase, vesicular acetylcholine transporter, and gamma amino butyric acid A receptor α1 are decreased, after which the microglia begin to proliferate around injured motoneuron cell bodies. We conjectured that an injury signal released from the injured motoneurons triggers the microglial proliferation in the axotFN. However, it is unclear whether the level of microglial proliferation is dependent on the degree of motoneuronal insult. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the extents of motoneuronal injury and microglial proliferation in a rat axotFN model. Administration of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, N-acetyl L-cysteine, or salubrinal at the transection site ameliorated the increase in c-Jun and the reductions in levels of phosphorylated cAMP response element binding protein (p-CREB) and functional molecules in the injured motoneurons. Concurrently, the levels of the microglial marker ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 and of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (cFms), proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and p-p38/p38 were significantly downregulated in microglia. These results demonstrate that the recovery of motoneuron function resulted in the reduction in microglial proliferation. We conclude that the degree of neuronal injury regulates the levels of microglial proliferation in the axotFN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interaction of the activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), a key effector of the unfolded protein response (UPR) in the endoplasmic reticulum, with the neuronal calcium sensor Downstream Regulatory Element Antagonist Modulator (DREAM) is a potential therapeutic target in neurodegeneration. Modulation of the ATF6-DREAM interaction with repaglinide (RP) induced neuroprotection in a model of Huntington\'s disease. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder with no cure, characterized by the progressive loss of motoneurons resulting in muscle denervation, atrophy, paralysis, and death. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential therapeutic significance of DREAM as a target for intervention in ALS. We found that the expression of the DREAM protein was reduced in the spinal cord of SOD1G93A mice compared to wild-type littermates. RP treatment improved motor strength and reduced the expression of the ALS progression marker collagen type XIXα1 (Col19α1 mRNA) in the quadriceps muscle in SOD1G93A mice. Moreover, treated SOD1G93A mice showed reduced motoneuron loss and glial activation and increased ATF6 processing in the spinal cord. These results indicate that the modulation of the DREAM-ATF6 interaction ameliorates ALS symptoms in SOD1G93A mice.





