
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The study aimed to investigate the potential link between a history of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and the experience of technology-facilitated sexual violence on dating apps (TFSV), considering distinct motivations for app usage among CSA survivors.
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the association between CSA and TFSV on dating apps, while also examining the potential moderating role of motivations for app usage and differences based on sexual orientation.
    METHODS: The study utilized an online survey among 534 dating app users in Israel.
    METHODS: Participants completed an online survey assessing history of CSA, experiences of TFSV on dating apps, and motivations for app usage.
    RESULTS: The study found that individuals with a history of CSA experienced more TFSV on dating apps. Survivors of CSA showed lower motivation for love and higher motivation for self-worth validation, ease of communication, and thrill of excitement. Differences between heterosexual and LGBTQ+ participants were observed, with LGBTQ+ individuals reporting higher levels of CSA prevalence and TFSV on dating apps. Motivations for app usage and sexual orientation were found to moderate the association between CSA history and TFSV on dating apps. Among LGBTQ+ participants, those who experienced CSA had a higher likelihood of encountering TFSV on dating apps, regardless of their motivations. Heterosexual individuals with a history of CSA were more prone to TFSV on dating apps if they had a strong motivation for love.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study shed light on unique vulnerabilities among individuals with a history of CSA, including increased susceptibility to TFSV on dating apps.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Turkey has faced a notable escalation in earthquake disasters in the last two decades. Despite initiating a health and disaster management system, nurses\' pivotal roles and experiences in handling such crises have been disregarded.
    OBJECTIVE: This qualitative study analyzed nurses\' experiences before, during, and after deployment in response to the 2023 Turkey earthquakes to enhance disaster-response efforts.
    METHODS: This descriptive qualitative study was conducted between March and May 2023 using semistructured interviews with 15 nurses purposively  sampled among those who volunteered to work in the earthquake zone. The MIRACLE and COREQ guidelines were followed for reporting qualitative research.
    RESULTS: The analysis exposed five main themes for pre-tasking: moral obligation, motivation, insufficient experience, balancing responsibilities, and preparation challenges. The peri-task themes include responsibilities, skills, bravery and characteristics, workload management, teamwork, and outcomes. Post-tasking has three themes: competence assessment, career goals and aspirations, and support. Training and coping with anxiety and stress are common themes for all phases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Disaster relief requires a comprehensive and coordinated response from healthcare organizations, government agencies, and support systems. Providing adequate training, ensuring safety protocols, offering mental health support, and fostering a fair and supportive work environment are crucial steps in mitigating the adverse effects on nurses and, by extension, the patient care process in earthquake-affected areas.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurse training in disaster preparedness should cover various response methods and involve multiple disciplines. Managers can help by arranging drills, simulations, online courses, and workshops and promoting partnerships for improved collaboration. Psychological support should be included to address emotional challenges. Regularly updating response policies based on past experiences is crucial for preparedness and efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Exercise is a recommended component of type 1 diabetes (T1D) treatment because high physical activity levels improve health outcomes. However, many people with T1D do not meet physical activity recommendations. Our aim in this study was to identify factors influencing physical activity levels in people with T1D.
    METHODS: This questionnaire-based study included adults with T1D from 1 outpatient clinic in the United Kingdom and 2 clinics in Denmark. Exercise characteristics, motivators, and barriers were assessed. Physical activity level was measured using the Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale. Respondents were categorized into 3 activity groups: inactive, light active, and moderate-to-vigourous active.
    RESULTS: Of the 332 respondents, 8.4% rated themselves as inactive, 48% as light active, and 43% as moderate-to-vigourous active. Seventy-eight percent of inactive and light active repondents expressed a desire to become more physically active. Fifty-three percent of respondents had received guidance concerning exercise/physical activity from their diabetes team. Being male and having received guidance were associated with a higher physical activity level. The major motivators for exercising/being physically active were improved mental and physical health and glycemic control, whereas the most frequent barriers were busyness with work/private life and lack of motivation. Worries about glucose excursions, costs, lack of knowledge, and health-related reasons were more prevalent barriers in the least active groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that 78% of inactive and light active respondents reported wishing to become more physically active. Receiving guidance about exercise/physical activity was associated with a higher physical activity level, but only 53% of respondents had received support from their diabetes team.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Elective genomic testing (EGT) is increasingly available clinically. Limited real-world evidence exists about attitudes and knowledge of EGT recipients.
    METHODS: After web-based education, patients who enrolled in an EGT program at a rural nonprofit health care system completed a survey that assessed attitudes, knowledge, and risk perceptions.
    RESULTS: From August 2020 to April 2022, 5920 patients completed the survey and received testing. Patients most frequently cited interest in learning their personal disease risks as their primary motivation. Patients most often expected results to guide medication management (74.0%), prevent future disease (70.4%), and provide information about risks to offspring (65.4%). Patients were \"very concerned\" most frequently about the privacy of genetic information (19.8%) and how well testing predicted disease risks (18.0%). On average, patients answered 6.7 of 11 knowledge items correctly (61.3%). They more often rated their risks for colon and breast cancers as lower rather than higher than the average person but more often rated their risk for a heart attack as higher rather than lower than the average person (all P < .001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients pursued EGT because of the utility expectations but often misunderstood the test\'s capabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined young Japanese adults\' values regarding the consumption of balanced meals consisting of staples, main dishes, and side dishes and how these values relate to demographics, socioeconomic status, nutrition knowledge, attitudes, skills, behaviors, and diet-related quality of life. Data were obtained from the \"Survey on Dietary Habits of the Younger Generation\" (2000 responses, ages 18-39), of which 1888 valid responses were analyzed. The principal component analysis identified three value patterns: PC1-valuable yet burdensome; PC2-environment-reliant, weak initiative; and PC3-low value due to hassle. Both PC1 and PC3 were associated with prioritizing prices in food choices and knowledge of a balanced meal. However, PC1 participants valued balanced meals and possessed meal preparation skills, whereas PC3 participants valued balanced meals less and had negative attitudes toward eating them. PC1 was positively associated with the frequency of eating balanced meals while PC3 was negatively associated. PC2 individuals had positive attitudes toward eating balanced meals but were less concerned about nutritional balance when choosing foods themselves. This study highlights the importance of adopting an approach that aligns with the value patterns of the target population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an unprecedented effort to engage people in clinical vaccine research. Most of the French volunteers registered in the first weeks after the launch in October 2020 of COVIREIVAC, an electronic platform dedicated to COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials (VCT). In the context of pandemic preparedness, identifying factors associated with eagerness or hesitancy to participate in VCT may help to increase recruitment of volunteers from diverse backgrounds.
    METHODS: We used a mixed-method survey offered to the volunteers registered on the COVIREIVAC platform, and semi-directed interviews in participants to COVID-19 VCTs. Volunteers were divided into three categories: early volunteers (EV), registered before the launch of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, middle volunteers (MV) registered between the first of January 2021 and the generalization of the COVID-19 vaccination to the entire population in May 2021, and late volunteers (LV) registered afterward.
    RESULTS: Among the 56,101 COVIREIVAC registered volunteers, 2,741 (4.9 %) completed the survey, 1,915 (69.6%) were EV, 301 (11.0%) were MV and 525 (19.2 %) were LV. Sixteen were face-to-face interviewed. Age, educational level, attitudes toward vaccination evaluated with the 5C-model did not differ between EV and MV. Women gender and the possibility to choose the vaccine platform was associated with being a MV. LV were significantly younger, had a lower educational level and had less positive attitudes toward vaccines than EV and MV. The main motivations for participation in VCTs were altruistic notably in EV and MV. For LV, they registered in the hope to choice the vaccine technology. Among the respondents, 2,041 (74.5 %) would consider to participate in a non-COVID-19 VCT.
    CONCLUSIONS: LV on the COVIREIVAC platform had a distinct profile from EV and MV, and were less confident in vaccines. Restoring confidence in vaccines and clinical may help to engage more diverse populations in VCTs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are increasingly used to educate health care workers during public health emergencies. In early 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed a series of MOOCs for COVID-19, introducing the disease and strategies to control its outbreak, with 6 courses specifically targeting health care workers as learners. In 2020, Stanford University also launched a MOOC designed to deliver accurate and timely education on COVID-19, equipping health care workers across the globe to provide health care safely and effectively to patients with the novel infectious disease. Although the use of MOOCs for just-in-time training has expanded during the pandemic, evidence is limited regarding the factors motivating health care workers to enroll in and complete courses, particularly in low-income countries (LICs) and lower-middle-income countries (LMICs).
    UNASSIGNED: This study seeks to gain insights on the characteristics and motivations of learners turning to MOOCs for just-in-time training, to provide evidence that can better inform MOOC design to meet the needs of health care workers. We examine data from learners in 1 Stanford University and 6 WHO COVID-19 courses to identify (1) the characteristics of health care workers completing the courses and (2) the factors motivating them to enroll.
    UNASSIGNED: We analyze (1) course registration data of the 49,098 health care workers who completed the 7 focal courses and (2) survey responses from 6272 course completers. The survey asked respondents to rank their motivations for enrollment and share feedback about their learning experience. We use descriptive statistics to compare responses by health care profession and by World Bank country income classification.
    UNASSIGNED: Health care workers completed the focal courses from all regions of the world, with nearly one-third (14,159/49,098, 28.84%) practicing in LICs and LMICs. Survey data revealed a diverse range of professional roles among the learners, including physicians (2171/6272, 34.61%); nurses (1599/6272, 25.49%); and other health care professionals such as allied health professionals, community health workers, paramedics, and pharmacists (2502/6272, 39.89%). Across all health care professions, the primary motivation to enroll was for personal learning to improve clinical practice. Continuing education credit was also an important motivator, particularly for nonphysicians and learners in LICs and LMICs. Course cost (3423/6272, 54.58%) and certification (4238/6272, 67.57%) were also important to a majority of learners.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results demonstrate that a diverse range of health care professionals accessed MOOCs for just-in-time training during a public health emergency. Although all health care workers were motivated to improve their clinical practice, different factors were influential across professions and locations. These factors should be considered in MOOC design to meet the needs of health care workers, particularly those in lower-resource settings where alternative avenues for training may be limited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Culture and eating habits, which vary greatly across different ethnic groups, have a substantial impact on drinking behavior. This study aimed to examine whether the drinking patterns and reasons differ by ethnic groups, and provide useful insights for multi-ethnic areas that seek to cut down alcohol intake.
    UNASSIGNED: We recruited excessive drinkers and collected the drinking patterns and motivations by questionnaire in a multi-ethnic society. Multiple linear regressions were used to evaluate the variations in drinking characteristics among different ethnic groups.
    UNASSIGNED: We recruited 1287 participants through convenience sampling (a non-probability sampling technique used in research where the researcher selects participants or units for a study based on their accessibility and proximity), among whom 439 excessive drinkers were eligible. The mean age was 38 years for the 439 participants, 92.9% were men, 36.0% were Han, and 64.0% were minorities mainly composed of the Yi. The majority of the participants were married (75.9%) and did physical work (58.1%). Ethnic minorities consumed more alcohol on a single occasion than Han people did (47.3 vs 41.8g/session) while drinking less frequently. For the minority and Han participants, 67% and 42% were not used to drinking with food, respectively. Peer pressure and fostering a good atmosphere were the most common drinking reasons for the minority and Han, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: We found substantial differences in drinking patterns and reasons between ethnic minorities and Han ethnicity, attributable to their culture and customs. Findings highlight the importance of drinking habits and motivations in exploring alcohol control education strategies in the context of ethnic integration and population immigration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The development of the scientific potential linked with biobanking and research on human biological material is highly dependent on the willingness of potential donors to cooperate with entities that collect the material. For this reason, it is crucial to identify the circumstances and factors that may encourage potential participants to donate their biological material. In particular, knowledge of the motivational factors that can be modified by the persons managing a biobank may prove notably important for shaping the organizational and communication policy of the biobank and other scientific institutions.
    UNASSIGNED: The research was carried out on a group of 1,100 people over 18 years of age representing the adult population of Poland in 2021.
    UNASSIGNED: More than half of the respondents declared their willingness to donate a blood sample for research purposes to a biobank (57.8%). The most often indicated incentives among the factors supporting the donation of biological material were offers of: obtaining the results of genetic tests predicting the risk of diseases (77.1%), blood tests (71.3%), the possibility of obtaining a small remuneration (64.6%) and the carrying out of genetic ancestry tests (60.4%).
    UNASSIGNED: Offering the possibility of performing additional diagnostic tests, especially genetic tests, may significantly increase the willingness of potential donors to cooperate with biobanks and other entities collecting human biological material for the purpose of scientific research. However, attention should also be paid to the challenges and risks linked with respecting the privacy and autonomy of research participants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we analyzed 989 Brazilian individuals identified as flexitarians to explore the relationship between gender, sexual orientation, and meat consumption reduction behavior, while evaluating the impact of motivations driving individuals towards this dietary model. To achieve this goal, we tested the following hypotheses: women consume less meat than men; LGBT women consume less meat than heterosexual women; LGBT men consume less meat than heterosexual men; and women are more motivated by the environmental impact of meat. Our findings revealed that although gender significantly influences motivations, with women showing a greater influence from animal ethics, flexitarians of both genders exhibit similar meat consumption patterns. Neither sexual orientation nor gender influence meat reduction patterns among flexitarians. However, the race/ethnicity of white individuals is a predominant factor among those who reduce meat consumption the most. Consequently, we conclude that (i) the social theories applied to explain gender differences in meat exclusion behavior may not be the most suitable for explaining meat reduction behavior, and (ii) intersectional approaches are needed to investigate flexitarianism.





