
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquito-borne diseases pose a significant public health challenge globally. Our study focused on the seasonal diversity of mosquito species in the connecting areas of the Tenasserim (also known as Tanaosri) range forests in Thailand. Additionally, we employed the geometric morphometric technique to assess variations in wing size and shape among five predominant mosquito species. Throughout the study period, we collected a total of 9,522 mosquitoes, encompassing 42 species across eight genera. In these connecting areas of forests, the Simpson index and Shannon species diversity index were recorded at 0.86 and 2.36, respectively, indicating a high level of mosquito diversity. Our analysis using the Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM) test showed significant seasonal differences in mosquito communities, with an R-value of 0.30 (p < 0.05) in the lower connecting areas and 0.37 (p < 0.05) in the upper connecting areas. Additionally, canonical correspondence analyses showed that the abundance of each mosquito species is influenced by various climate factors. Phenotypic analyses of wing size and shape have deepened our understanding of local adaptation and the seasonal pressures impacting these vectors. Notably, most species exhibited larger wing sizes in the dry season compared to other seasons. Additionally, seasonal assessments of wing shape in five major mosquito species revealed significant differences across seasonal populations (p < 0.05). Ongoing monitoring of these populations is crucial to enhancing our understanding of the seasonal effects on mosquito abundance and physiological adaptations. These insights are essential for developing more effective strategies to manage mosquito-borne diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquito-borne diseases are a major global health threat. Traditional morphological or molecular methods for identifying mosquito species often require specialized expertise or expensive laboratory equipment. The use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to identify mosquito species based on images may offer a promising alternative, but their practical implementation often remains limited. This study explores the applicability of CNNs in classifying mosquito species. It compares the efficacy of body and wing depictions across three image collection methods: a smartphone, macro-lens attached to a smartphone and a professional stereomicroscope. The study included 796 specimens of four morphologically similar Aedes species, Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, Ae. koreicus and Ae. japonicus japonicus. The findings of this study indicate that CNN models demonstrate superior performance in wing-based classification 87.6% (95% CI: 84.2-91.0) compared to body-based classification 78.9% (95% CI: 77.7-80.0). Nevertheless, there are notable limitations of CNNs as they perform reliably across multiple devices only when trained specifically on those devices, resulting in an average decline of mean accuracy by 14%, even with extensive image augmentation. Additionally, we also estimate the required training data volume for effective classification, noting a reduced requirement for wing-based classification compared to body-based methods. Our study underscores the viability of both body and wing classification methods for mosquito species identification while emphasizing the need to address practical constraints in developing accessible classification systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wolbachia symbionts introduced into Aedes mosquitoes provide a highly effective dengue virus transmission control strategy, increasingly utilised in many countries in an attempt to reduce disease burden. Whilst highly effective against dengue and other positive-sense RNA viruses, it remains unclear how effective Wolbachia is against negative-sense RNA viruses. Therefore, the effect of Wolbachia on Bunyamwera virus (BUNV) infection in Aedes aegypti was investigated using wMel and wAlbB, two strains currently used in Wolbachia releases for dengue control, as well as wAu, a strain that typically persists at a high density and is an extremely efficient blocker of positive-sense viruses. Wolbachia was found to reduce BUNV infection in vitro but not in vivo. Instead, BUNV caused significant impacts on density of all three Wolbachia strains following infection of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. The ability of Wolbachia to successfully persist within the mosquito and block virus transmission is partially dependent on its intracellular density. However, reduction in Wolbachia density was not observed in offspring of infected mothers. This could be due in part to a lack of transovarial transmission of BUNV observed. The results highlight the importance of understanding the complex interactions between multiple arboviruses, mosquitoes and Wolbachia in natural environments, the impact this can have on maintaining protection against diseases, and the necessity for monitoring Wolbachia prevalence at release sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans have greatly altered earth\'s terrestrial water cycle with the majority of fresh water being used for agriculture. Irrigation changes spatial and temporal water availability and alters mosquito abundance and phenology. Previous studies evaluating the effect of irrigation on mosquito abundance and mosquito-borne disease have shown inconsistent results and little is known about the effect of irrigation on variability in mosquito abundance. We examined the effect of irrigation, climate and land cover on mosquito abundance and human West Nile virus (WNV) disease cases across California. Irrigation made up nearly a third of total water inputs, and exceeded precipitation in some regions. Abundance of two key vectors of several arboviruses, including WNV, Culex tarsalis and the Culex pipiens complex, increased 17-21-fold with irrigation. Irrigation reduced seasonal variability in C. tarsalis abundance by 36.1%. Human WNV incidence increased with irrigation, which explained more than a third (34.2%) of the variation in WNV incidence among California counties. These results suggest that irrigation can increase and decouple mosquito populations from natural precipitation variability, resulting in sustained and increased disease burdens. Shifts in precipitation due to climate change are likely to result in increased irrigation in many arid regions which could increase mosquito populations and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optical sensors have shown significant promise in offering additional data to track insect populations. This article presents a comparative study between abundance measurements obtained from a novel near-infrared optical sensor and physical traps. The optical instrument, named an Entomological Bistatic Optical Sensor System, or eBoss, is a non-destructive sensor operating in the near-infrared spectral range and designed to continuously monitor the population of flying insects. The research compares the mosquito aerial density (#/m3) obtained through the eBoss with trap counts from eight physical traps during an eight-month field study. The eBoss recorded over 302,000 insect sightings and assessed the aerial density of all airborne insects as well as male and female mosquitoes specifically with a resolution of one minute. This capability allows for monitoring population trends throughout the season as well as daily activity peaks. The results affirmed the correlation between the two methods. While optical instruments do not match traps in terms of taxonomic accuracy, the eBoss offered greater temporal resolution (one minute versus roughly three days) and statistical significance owing to its much larger sample size. These outcomes further indicate that entomological optical sensors can provide valuable complementary data to more common methods to monitor flying insect populations, such as mosquitoes or pollinators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquitoes visit flowers to obtain sugar or other nutrients and therefore possibly serve as major or minor pollinators of some plant species. They also often derive plant nutrients from other sources, such as extrafloral nectaries and honeydew. In a few cases, the plant-mosquito relationship is close, and mosquito pollination has been confirmed. Most plant species visited by mosquitoes, however, appear to depend on multiple means of pollination, particularly other flower-feeding insects. In addition, most mosquito species visit the flowers of many kinds of plants, possibly dispersing pollen in both biologically meaningful and irrelevant ways. This apparent lack of selectivity by both plants and mosquitoes liberates each of them from dependence on an unreliable pollen vehicle or nutrient source. A hypothetical pollinating role for the two top vectors of devastating human-disease pathogens, Anopheles gambiae or Aedes aegypti, relies on indirect evidence. So far, this evidence suggests that their participation in pollen transfer of native, introduced, or beneficial plants is negligible. The few plant species likely to be pollinated by these vectors are mostly invasive, harmful weeds associated with humans. That conclusion draws support from four characteristics of these vectors: (1) the numerous alternative potential pollinators of the flowers they visit; (2) their common use of diverse non-floral sources of nutrients; (3) the females\' infrequent sugar feeding and heavy reliance on human blood for energy; and (4) their relatively low population densities. From these traits it follows that focused suppression or elimination of these two vectors, by whatever means, is highly unlikely to have adverse effects on pollination in endemic biotic communities or on ornamental plants or food crops.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquitoes and sandflies exhibit a wide range of blood feeding patterns, targeting a wide range of vertebrate species, including birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, for proteins vital for egg development. This broad host range increases the opportunity for them to acquire pathogens of numerous debilitating-and-fatal diseases from various animal reservoirs, playing a significant role in disease crossover between animals and humans, also known as zoonotic transmission. This review focuses on the intricate blood-feeding habits of these dipteran vectors, their sensory systems and the complex dance between host and pathogen during disease transmission. We delve into the influence of blood sources on pathogen spread by examining the insect immune response and its intricate interplay with pathogens. The remarkable sense of smell guiding them towards food sources and hosts is explored, highlighting the interplay of multiple sensory cues in their navigation. Finally, we examine the challenges in mosquito control strategies and explore innovations in this field, emphasizing the need for sustainable solutions to combat this global health threat. By understanding the biology and behaviour of these insects, we can develop more effective strategies to protect ourselves and mitigate the burden of vector-borne diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti must consume a blood meal for the nutrients necessary for egg production. Several transcriptome and proteome changes occur post-blood meal that likely corresponds with codon usage alterations. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is the adapter molecule that reads messenger RNA codons to add the appropriate amino acid during protein synthesis. Chemical modifications to tRNA enhance codon decoding, improving the accuracy and efficiency of protein synthesis. Here, we examined tRNA modifications and transcripts associated with the blood meal and subsequent periods of vitellogenesis in A. aegypti. More specifically, we assessed tRNA transcript abundance and modification levels in the fat body at critical times post blood-feeding. Based on a combination of alternative codon usage and identification of particular modifications, we discovered that increased transcription of tyrosine tRNAs is likely critical during the synthesis of egg yolk proteins in the fat body following a blood meal. Altogether, changes in both the abundance and modification of tRNA are essential factors in the process of vitellogenin production after blood-feeding in mosquitoes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are one of the most studied groups of arthropods worldwide due to their high transmission capacity for pathogens, including viruses and parasites. During June to October 2022, the prevalence of mosquito species in 12 intensive pig farms from 12 representative administrative regions in Hunan province of China was investigated using traps with ultraviolet light. All collected mosquitoes were counted and identified to species according to morphological and molecular methods. A total of 4,443 mosquito specimens were collected in the pig farms, and they represented one family, four genera and nine species. Culex pipiens pipiens (24%) was the most common mosquito species, followed by Armigeres subalbatus (23.4%) and Culex tritaeniorhynchus (20.6%). Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial cox1 sequences revealed all mosquito species from present study grouping into distinct monophyletic groups corresponding to nine known mosquito species with strongly supported. The results of the present investigation have implications for the ongoing control of mosquito infestation in pig farms in Hunan province, China. This is the first report of mosquito populations in intensive pig farms in Hunan province, China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquito-borne arboviruses include several pathogens that are responsible for many diseases of significant public health burden. Mosquitoes also host many insect-specific viruses that cannot replicate in vertebrate cells. These insect-specific viruses persist in nature predominantly via vertical transmission (VT), and they exhibit high VT rates (VTRs). Cell-fusing agent virus (CFAV), an insect-specific orthoflavivirus, shows high VTRs in naturally infected mosquitoes but not in artificially infected mosquitoes. To determine whether the high VTRs are due to transovarial transmission, we investigated VT and ovary infection patterns in naturally CFAV-infected Aedes aegypti (Bangkok) mosquitoes. VT was monitored by detecting CFAV among the progeny by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and ovary infection was determined by in situ hybridization using a virus-specific probe. We showed that in CFAV-positive mosquitoes, ovarian follicles were infected, suggesting that VT occurs by transovarial transmission in naturally infected mosquitoes. Additionally, mosquitoes harbored dormant, non-replicative CFAV that remained below the detection level. These results suggested that CFAV persists via VT in nature and has the potential to remain dormant in diapausing mosquitoes during unfavorable conditions. Understanding this VT mechanism is crucial for comprehending the persistence of insect-specific viruses (and potentially dual-host arboviruses) in their natural environment.





