monosynaptic tracing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell therapy has proven to be a promising treatment for a range of neurological disorders, including Parkinson Disease, drug-resistant epilepsy, and stroke, by restoring function after brain damage. Nevertheless, evaluating the true effectiveness of these therapeutic interventions requires a deep understanding of the functional integration of grafted cells into existing neural networks. This review explores a powerful arsenal of molecular techniques revolutionizing our ability to unveil functional integration of grafted cells within the host brain. From precise manipulation of neuronal activity to pinpoint the functional contribution of transplanted cells by using opto- and chemo-genetics, to real-time monitoring of neuronal dynamics shedding light on functional connectivity within the reconstructed circuits by using genetically encoded (calcium) indicators in vivo. Finally, structural reconstruction and mapping communication pathways between grafted and host neurons can be achieved by monosynaptic tracing with viral vectors. The cutting-edge toolbox presented here holds immense promise for elucidating the impact of cell therapy on neural circuitry and guiding the development of more effective treatments for neurological disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The symptoms associated with depression are believed to arise from disruptions in information processing across brain networks. The ventral tegmental area (VTA) influences reward-based behavior, motivation, addiction, and psychiatric disorders, including depression. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the medial forebrain bundle (MFB), is an emerging therapy for treatment-resistant depression. Understanding the depression associated anatomical networks crucial for comprehending its antidepressant effects.
    Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL), a rodent model of depression and Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 10 each) were used in this study. We used monosynaptic tracing to map inputs of VTA efferent neurons: VTA-to-NAc nucleus accumbens (NAc) (both core and shell) and VTA-to-prefrontal cortex (PFC). Quantitative analysis explored afferent diversity and strengths.
    VTA efferent neurons receive a variety of afferents with varying input weights and predominant neuromodulatory representation. Notably, NAc-core projecting VTA neurons showed stronger afferents from dorsal raphe, while NAc shell-projecting VTA neurons displayed lower input strengths from cortex, thalamus, zona incerta and pretectal area in FSL rats. NAc shell-projecting VTA neurons showed the most difference in connectivity across the experimental groups.
    Lack of functional properties of the anatomical connections is the major limitation of this study. Incomplete labeling and the cytotoxicity of the rabies virus should be made aware of.
    These findings provide the first characterization of inputs to different VTA ascending projection neurons, shedding light on critical differences in the connectome of the midbrain-forebrain system. Moreover, these differences support potential network effects of these circuits in the context of MFB DBS neuromodulation for depression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previously, we demonstrated the efficacy of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived GABAergic cortical interneuron (cIN) grafts in ameliorating seizures. However, a safe and reliable clinical translation requires a mechanistic understanding of graft function, as well as the assurance of long-term efficacy and safety. By employing hPSC-derived chemically matured migratory cINs in two models of epilepsy, we demonstrate lasting efficacy in treating seizures and comorbid deficits, as well as safety without uncontrolled growth. Host inhibition does not increase with increasing grafted cIN densities, assuring their safety without the risk of over-inhibition. Furthermore, their closed-loop optogenetic activation aborted seizure activity, revealing mechanisms of graft-mediated seizure control and allowing graft modulation for optimal translation. Monosynaptic tracing shows their extensive and specific synaptic connections with host neurons, resembling developmental connection specificity. These results offer confidence in stem cell-based therapy for epilepsy as a safe and reliable treatment for patients suffering from intractable epilepsy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal firing patterns are the result of inputs converging onto single cells. Identifying these inputs, anatomically and functionally, is essential to understand how neurons integrate information. Single-cell electroporation of helper genes and subsequent local injection of recombinant rabies viruses enable precise mapping of inputs to individual cells in superficial layers of the intact cortex. However, access to neurons in deeper structures requires more invasive procedures, including removal of overlying tissue. We developed a method that, through a combination of virus injections, allows us to target 4 or fewer hippocampal cells 48% of the time and a single cell 16% of the time in wild-type mice without use of electroporation or tissue aspiration. We identify local and distant monosynaptic inputs that can be functionally characterized in vivo. By expanding the toolbox for monosynaptic circuit tracing, this method will help further our understanding of neuronal integration at the level of single cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dopamine cells in the ventral tegmental area (VTADA) are critical for a variety of motivated behaviors. These cells receive synaptic inputs from over 100 anatomically defined brain regions, which enables control from a distributed set of inputs across the brain. Extensive efforts have been made to map inputs to VTA cells based on neurochemical phenotype and output site. However, all of these studies have the same fundamental limitation that inputs local to the VTA cannot be properly assessed due to non-Cre-dependent uptake of EnvA-pseudotyped virus. Therefore, the quantitative contribution of local inputs to the VTA, including GABAergic, DAergic, and serotonergic, is not known. Here, I used a modified viral-genetic strategy that enables examination of both local and long-range inputs to VTADA cells in mice. I found that nearly half of the total inputs to VTADA cells are located locally, revealing a substantial portion of inputs that have been missed by previous analyses. The majority of inhibition to VTADA cells arises from the substantia nigra pars reticulata, with large contributions from the VTA and the substantia nigra pars compacta. In addition to receiving inputs from VTAGABA neurons, DA neurons are connected with other DA neurons within the VTA as well as the nearby retrorubal field. Lastly, I show that VTADA neurons receive inputs from distributed serotonergic neurons throughout the midbrain and hindbrain, with the majority arising from the dorsal raphe. My study highlights the importance of using the appropriate combination of viral-genetic reagents to unmask the complexity of connectivity relationships to defined cells in the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transplantation in Parkinson\'s disease using human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived dopaminergic (DA) neurons is a promising future treatment option. However, many of the mechanisms that govern their differentiation, maturation, and integration into the host circuitry remain elusive. Here, we engrafted hESCs differentiated toward a ventral midbrain DA phenotype into the midbrain of a preclinical rodent model of Parkinson\'s disease. We then injected a novel DA-neurotropic retrograde MNM008 adeno-associated virus vector capsid, into specific DA target regions to generate starter cells based on their axonal projections. Using monosynaptic rabies-based tracing, we demonstrated for the first time that grafted hESC-derived DA neurons receive distinctly different afferent inputs depending on their projections. The similarities to the host DA system suggest a previously unknown directed circuit integration. By evaluating the differential host-to-graft connectivity based on projection patterns, this novel approach offers a tool to answer outstanding questions regarding the integration of grafted hESC-derived DA neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the most important organ in our bodies, the brain plays a critical role in deciding sex-related differential features; however, the underlying neural circuitry basis remains unclear. Here, we used a cell-type-specific rabies virus-mediated monosynaptic tracing system to generate a sex differences-related whole-brain input atlas of locus coeruleus noradrenaline (LC-NE) neurons. We developed custom pipelines for brain-wide comparisons of input sources in both sexes with the registration of the whole-brain data set to the Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas. Among 257 distinct anatomical regions, we demonstrated the differential proportions of inputs to LC-NE neurons in male and female mice at different levels. Locus coeruleus noradrenaline neurons of two sexes showed general similarity in the input patterns, but with differentiated input proportions quantitatively from major brain regions and diverse sub-regions. For instance, inputs to male LC-NE neurons were found mainly in the cerebrum, interbrain, and cerebellum, whereas inputs to female LC-NE neurons were found in the midbrain and hindbrain. We further found that specific subsets of nuclei nested within sub-regions contributed to overall sex-related differences in the input circuitry. Furthermore, among the totaled 123 anatomical regions with proportion of inputs >0.1%, we also identified 11 sub-regions with significant statistical differences of total inputs between male and female mice, and seven of them also showed such differences in ipsilateral hemispheres. Our study not only provides a structural basis to facilitate our understanding of sex differences at a circuitry level but also provides clues for future sexually differentiated functional studies related to LC-NE neurons.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of genetic tools has provided new means of mapping functionality in central amygdala (CeA) neuron populations based on their molecular profiles, response properties, and importantly, connectivity patterns. While abundant evidence indicates that neuronal signals arrive in the CeA eliciting both aversive and appetitive behaviors, our understanding of the anatomy of the underlying long-range CeA network remains fragmentary. In this study, we combine viral tracings, electrophysiological, and optogenetic approaches to establish in male mice, a wiring chart between the insula cortex (IC), a major sensory input region of the lateral and capsular part of the CeA (CeL/C), and four principal output streams of this nucleus. We found that retrogradely labeled output neurons occupy discrete and likely strategic locations in the CeL/C, and that they are disproportionally controlled by the IC. We identified a direct line of connection between the IC and the lateral hypothalamus (LH), which engages numerous LH-projecting CeL/C cells whose activity can be strongly upregulated on firing of IC neurons. In comparison, CeL/C neurons projecting to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) are also frequently contacted by incoming IC axons, but the strength of this connection is weak. Our results provide a link between long-range inputs and outputs of the CeA and pave the way to a better understanding of how internal, external, and experience dependent information may impinge on action selection by the CeA.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Our current knowledge of the circuit organization within the central amygdala (CeA), a critical regulator of emotional states, includes independent information about its long-range efferents and afferents. We do not know how incoming sensory information is appraised and routed through the CeA to the different output channels. We address this issue by using three different techniques to investigate how a sensory region, the insula cortex (IC), connects with the motor, physiological and autonomic output centers of the CeA. We uncover a strong connection between the IC and the lateral hypothalamus (LH) with a monosynaptic relay in the CeA and shed new light on the previously described functions of IC and CeA through direct projections to the LH.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monosynaptically-restricted transsynaptic tracing using deletion-mutant rabies virus (RV) has become a widely used technique in neuroscience, allowing identification, imaging, and manipulation of neurons directly presynaptic to a starting neuronal population. Its most common implementation is to use Cre mouse lines in combination with Cre-dependent \"helper\" adeno-associated viral vectors (AAVs) to supply the required genes to the targeted population before subsequent injection of a first-generation (ΔG) rabies viral vector. Here we show that the efficiency of transsynaptic spread and the degree of nonspecific labeling in wild-type control animals depend strongly on the concentrations of these helper AAVs. Our results suggest practical guidelines for achieving good results.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell replacement is currently being explored as a therapeutic approach for neurodegenerative disease. Using stem cells as a source, transplantable progenitors can now be generated under conditions compliant with clinical application in patients. In this study, we elucidate factors controlling target-appropriate innervation and circuitry integration of human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived grafts after transplantation to the adult brain. We show that cell-intrinsic factors determine graft-derived axonal innervation, whereas synaptic inputs from host neurons primarily reflect the graft location. Furthermore, we provide evidence that hESC-derived dopaminergic grafts transplanted in a long-term preclinical rat model of Parkinson\'s disease (PD) receive synaptic input from subtypes of host cortical, striatal, and pallidal neurons that are known to regulate the function of endogenous nigral dopamine neurons. This refined understanding of how graft neurons integrate with host circuitry will be important for the design of clinical stem-cell-based replacement therapies for PD, as well as for other neurodegenerative diseases.






