monogenic disorders

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) screening is a valuable tool in clinical practice for detecting chromosomal abnormalities and autosomal dominant (AD) conditions. This study introduces a novel proof-of-concept assay designed for autosomal recessive (AR) cffDNA screening, focusing on cases involving the NPC1 gene. We aim to illustrate the significant benefits of AR cffDNA screening in managing high-risk pregnancies, specifically where biallelic pathogenic variants in NPC1 cause Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 (NPC), a disorder marked by progressive neurodegeneration. Three participants for this study were recruited and gave consent to a hospital in Saudi Arabia. These participants were either carriers of NPC or had a first- or second-degree relative affected by the disorder. No specific criteria were set for the age of the participants. All were between 15 and 18 weeks of gestation. Using amplicon-based next-generation sequencing (NGS), we analyzed the zygosity and variants in cffDNA extracted from maternal peripheral blood. After amplicon NGS, analysis was completed by a custom data analysis pipeline that included in-house-built data processing scripts and commonly used software packages. Importantly, the results were not disclosed to the patients. Our findings showed that in all three cases, AR cffDNA screening results were consistent with standard invasive diagnostic testing. This screening method offers several advantages: it provides critical information to families earlier in the pregnancy compared to invasive diagnostic tests, and it helps to alleviate parental anxiety. Moreover, this non-invasive method can determine pregnancy status in the first trimester for known familial variants. Future research may extend this approach to screen for known disease-causing variants in common AR conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a sporadic disease in most of the cases; in 10-15% of cases genetic forms are recorded. A genetic form of ALS associated with the mutation in the ERBB4 gene (ALS19) has been reported in 2013. A protein encoded by the ERBB4 is probably involved in ubiquitous component of the pathogenesis of ALS. We present a case of ALS associated with a new pathogenic variant of the ERBB4 gene, with early bulbar onset and slow progression of the disease within 10 years.
    Боковой амиотрофический склероз (БАС) в большинстве случаев представляет спорадическое заболевание, в 10—15% случаев регистрируются генетические формы. В 2013 г. был описана генетическая форма БАС, обусловленная мутацией в гене ERBB4 (ALS19). Вероятно, белок, кодируемый геном ERBB4, задействован в универсальном звене патогенеза БАС. Представлено клиническое наблюдение пациентки с БАС с новым патогенным вариантом гена ERBB4, с ранним бульбарным дебютом и медленным прогрессированием заболевания в течение 10 лет.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based gene therapy has brought hope to patients with severe monogenic disorders. However, immune responses to AAV vectors and transgene products present challenges that require effective immunosuppressive strategies. This systematic review focuses on the immunosuppressive protocols used in 38 clinical trials and 35 real-world studies, considering a range of monogenic diseases, AAV serotypes, and administration routes. The review underscores the need for a deeper understanding of immunosuppressive regimens to enhance the safety and effectiveness of AAV-based gene therapy. Characterizing the immunological responses associated with various gene therapy treatments is crucial for optimizing treatment protocols and ensuring the safety and efficacy of forthcoming gene therapy interventions. Further research and understanding of the impact of immunosuppression on disease, therapy, and route of administration will contribute to the development of more effective and safer gene therapy approaches in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Psychotic symptoms frequently occur in idiopathic Parkinson\'s disease (PD) and often require treatment with antipsychotic therapy. Most antipsychotics have the potential to worsen the motor symptoms of PD; quetiapine, clozapine, and pimavanserin are commonly used for the treatment of idiopathic PD because these medications tend to be comparatively well tolerated. Although psychotic symptoms may also occur in monogenic forms of PD, no reviews have focused on the use of antipsychotic medications in this context. The objective of the present systematic review was to characterize the effectiveness and tolerability of quetiapine, clozapine, and pimavanserin in monogenic PD-associated psychosis. A literature search was performed with PubMed, Scopus, and Embase. The search yielded 24 eligible articles describing 30 individuals, although treatment response with respect to psychotic symptoms was described in only 11 cases; of these, six individuals experienced symptomatic improvement or remission (four with clozapine and two with quetiapine), two exhibited a poor therapeutic response (one to clozapine and one to quetiapine), and the other three responded initially to antipsychotic therapy before experiencing a recurrence of symptoms. The use of quetiapine and clozapine in GBA variant-associated PD is briefly reviewed separately. Notably, no reports of pimavanserin therapy were identified. In keeping with the idiopathic PD literature, relatively low doses of medication were used in most cases. Lastly, side effects were rarely reported. Although quetiapine and particularly clozapine may be effective and well tolerated in the treatment of monogenic PD psychosis, this review highlights the paucity of available evidence to guide clinical decision making in this context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effective implementation of whole-exome sequencing- and whole-genome sequencing-based diagnostics in the management of children affected with genetic diseases and the rapid decrease in the cost of next-generation sequencing (NGS) enables the expansion of this method to newborn genetic screening programs. Such NGS-based screening greatly increases the number of diseases that can be detected compared to conventional newborn screening, as the latter is aimed at early detection of a limited number of inborn diseases. Moreover, genetic testing provides new possibilities for family members of the proband, as many variants responsible for adult-onset conditions are inherited from the parents. However, the idea of NGS-based screening in healthy children raises issues of medical and ethical integrity as well as technical questions, including interpretation of the observed variants. Pilot studies have shown that both parents and medical professionals have moved forward and are enthused about these new possibilities. However, either the number of participants or the number of genes studied in previous investigations thus far has been limited to a few hundred, restricting the scope of potential findings. Our current study (NCT05325749) includes 7,000 apparently healthy infants born at our center between February 2021 and May 2023, who were screened for pathogenic variants in 2,350 genes. Clinically significant variants associated with early-onset diseases that can be treated, prevented, or where symptoms can be alleviated with timely introduced symptomatic therapy, were observed in 0.9% of phenotypically normal infants, 2.1% of the screened newborns were found to carry variants associated with reduced penetrance or monogenic diseases of adult-onset and/or variable expressivity, and 0.3% had chromosomal abnormalities. Here, we report our results and address questions regarding the interpretation of variants in newborns who were presumed to be healthy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the epidemiological characteristics and mutation spectrum of monogenic diseases in Chinese population through a large-scale, multicenter carrier screening.
    METHODS: This study was conducted among a total of 33 104 participants (16 610 females) from 12 clinical centers across China.Carrier status for 223 genes was analyzed using high-throughput sequencing and different PCR methods.
    RESULTS: The overall combined carrier frequency was 55.58% for 197 autosomal genes and 1.84% for 26 X-linked genes in these participants.Among the 16 669 families, 874 at-risk couples (5.24%) were identified.Specifically, 584 couples (3.50%) were at risk for autosomal genes, 306(1.84%) for X-linked genes, and 16 for both autosomal and X-linked genes.The most frequently detected autosomal at-risk genes included GJB2(autosomal recessive deafness type 1A, 393 couples), HBA1/HBA2(α-thalassemia, 36 couples), PAH (phenylketonuria, 14 couples), and SMN1(spinal muscular atrophy, 14 couples).The most frequently detected X-linked at-risk genes were G6PD (G6PD deficiency, 236 couples), DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 23 couples), and FMR1(fragile X syndrome, 17 couples).After excluding GJB2 c.109G>A, the detection rate of at-risk couples was 3.91%(651/16 669), which was lowered to 1.72%(287/16 669) after further excluding G6PD.The theoretical incidence rate of severe monogenic birth defects was approximately 4.35‰(72.5/16 669).Screening for a battery of the top 22 most frequent genes in the at-risk couples could detect over 95% of at-risk couples, while screening for the top 54 genes further increased the detection rate to over 99%.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals the carrier frequencies of 223 monogenic genetic disorders in the Chinese population and provides evidence for carrier screening strategy development and panel design tailored to the Chinese population.In carrier testing, genetic counseling for specific genes or gene variants can be challenging, and the couples need to be informed of these difficulties before testing and provided with options for not screening these genes or gene variants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Noncoding repeat expansions are a well-known cause of genetic disorders mainly affecting the central nervous system. Missed by most standard technologies used in routine diagnosis, pathogenic noncoding repeat expansions have to be searched for using specific techniques such as repeat-primed PCR or specific bioinformatics tools applied to genome data, such as ExpansionHunter. In this review, we focus on GC-rich repeat expansions, which represent at least one third of all noncoding repeat expansions described so far. GC-rich expansions are mainly located in regulatory regions (promoter, 5\' untranslated region, first intron) of genes and can lead to either a toxic gain-of-function mediated by RNA toxicity and/or repeat-associated non-AUG (RAN) translation, or a loss-of-function of the associated gene, depending on their size and their methylation status. We herein review the clinical and molecular characteristics of disorders associated with these difficult-to-detect expansions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germline genome editing of IVF embryos is controversial because it is not directly health or lifesaving but is intended to prevent genetic diseases in yet-unborn future offspring. The following criteria are thus proposed for future clinical trials: (i) Due to medical risks, there should be cautious and judicious application while avoiding any non-essential usage, with rigorous patient counseling. (ii) Genome editing should only be performed on the entire batch of IVF embryos without initial PGT screening if all of them are expected to be affected by genetic disease. (iii) When there is a fair chance that some IVF embryos will not be affected by genetic diseases, initial PGT screening must be performed to identify unaffected embryos for transfer. (iv) IVF embryos with carrier status should not undergo germline genome editing. (v) If patients fail to conceive after the transfer of unaffected embryos, they should undergo another fresh IVF cycle rather than opt for genome editing of their remaining affected embryos. (vi) Only if the patient is unable to produce any more unaffected embryos in a fresh IVF cycle due to advanced maternal age or diminished ovarian reserves, can the genome editing of remaining affected embryos be permitted as a last resort.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurological monogenic loss-of-function diseases are hereditary disorders resulting from gene mutations that decrease or abolish the normal function of the encoded protein. These conditions pose significant therapeutic challenges, which may be resolved through the development of innovative therapeutic strategies. RNA-based technologies, such as mRNA replacement therapy, have emerged as promising and increasingly viable treatments. Notably, mRNA therapy exhibits significant potential as a mutation-agnostic approach that can address virtually any monogenic loss-of-function disease. Therapeutic mRNA carries the information for a healthy copy of the defective protein, bypassing the problem of targeting specific genetic variants. Moreover, unlike conventional gene therapy, mRNA-based drugs are delivered through a simplified process that requires only transfer to the cytoplasm, thereby reducing the mutagenic risks related to DNA integration. Additionally, mRNA therapy exerts a transient effect on target cells, minimizing the risk of long-term unintended consequences. The remarkable success of mRNA technology for developing coronavirus disease 2019 vaccines has rekindled interest in mRNA as a cost-effective method for delivering therapeutic proteins. However, further optimization is required to enhance mRNA delivery, particularly to the CNS, while minimizing adverse drug reactions and toxicity. In this comprehensive review, we delve into past, present and ongoing applications of mRNA therapy for neurological monogenic loss-of-function diseases. We also discuss the promises and potential challenges presented by mRNA therapeutics in this rapidly advancing field. Ultimately, we underscore the full potential of mRNA therapy as a game-changing therapeutic approach for neurological disorders.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, a shift in prenatal screening methods has been observed, moving away from traditional approaches such as ultrasound and maternal serologic markers towards the utilization of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) based on cfDNA extracted from peripheral blood. This cutting-edge technology has established itself as the primary screening method, attributed to its superior detection rate and reduced false-positive rate. Although NIPT predominantly focuses on screening for chromosomal abnormalities, it currently does not encompass the identification of single-gene disorders. Considering that single-gene disorders contribute significantly to birth defects, accounting for 7.5% to 12% of cases, it becomes imperative to integrate screening for single-gene disorders into the birth defect prevention and control system. This study aims to provide a succinct overview of the recent advancements in NIPT specifically tailored for monogenic disorders.





