monocular deprivation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monocular deprivation (MD) causes an initial decrease in synaptic responses to the deprived eye in juvenile mouse primary visual cortex (V1) through Hebbian long-term depression (LTD). This is followed by a homeostatic increase, which has been attributed either to synaptic scaling or to a slide threshold for Hebbian long-term potentiation (LTP) rather than scaling. We therefore asked in mice of all sexes whether the homeostatic increase during MD requires GluN2B-containing NMDA receptor activity, which is required to slide the plasticity threshold but not for synaptic scaling. Selective GluN2B blockade from 2-6 d after monocular lid suture prevented the homeostatic increase in miniature excitatory postsynaptic current (mEPSC) amplitude in monocular V1 of acute slices and prevented the increase in visually evoked responses in binocular V1 in vivo. The decrease in mEPSC amplitude and visually evoked responses during the first 2 d of MD also required GluN2B activity. Together, these results support the idea that GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors first play a role in LTD immediately following eye closure and then promote homeostasis during prolonged MD by sliding the plasticity threshold in favor of LTP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A classic example of experience-dependent plasticity is ocular dominance (OD) shift, in which the responsiveness of neurons in the visual cortex is profoundly altered following monocular deprivation (MD). It has been postulated that OD shifts also modify global neural networks, but such effects have never been demonstrated. Here, we use wide-field fluorescence optical imaging (WFOI) to characterize calcium-based resting-state functional connectivity during acute (3 d) MD in female and male mice with genetically encoded calcium indicators (Thy1-GCaMP6f). We first establish the fundamental performance of WFOI by computing signal to noise properties throughout our data processing pipeline. Following MD, we found that Δ band (0.4-4 Hz) GCaMP6 activity in the deprived visual cortex decreased, suggesting that excitatory activity in this region was reduced by MD. In addition, interhemispheric visual homotopic functional connectivity decreased following MD, which was accompanied by a reduction in parietal and motor homotopic connectivity. Finally, we observed enhanced internetwork connectivity between the visual and parietal cortex that peaked 2 d after MD. Together, these findings support the hypothesis that early MD induces dynamic reorganization of disparate functional networks including the association cortices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short-term monocular deprivation (MD) shifts sensory eye balance in favour of the previously deprived eye. The effect of MD on eye balance is significant but brief in adult humans. Recently, researchers and clinicians have attempted to implement MD in clinical settings for adults with impaired binocular vision. Although the effect of MD has been studied in detail in single-session protocols, what is not known is whether the effect of MD on eye balance deteriorates after repeated periods of MD (termed \'perceptual deterioration\'). An answer to this question is relevant for two reasons. Firstly, the effect of MD (i.e., dose-response) should not decrease with repeated use if MD is to be used therapeutically (e.g., daily for weeks). Second, it bears upon the question of whether the neural basis of the effects of MD and contrast adaptation, a closely related phenomenon, is the same. The sensory change from contrast adaptation depends on recent experience. If the observer has recently experienced the same adaptation multiple times for consecutive days, then the adaptation effect will be smaller because contrast adaptation exhibits perceptual deterioration, so it is of interest to know if the effects of MD follow suit. This study measured the effect of 2-h MD for seven consecutive days on binocular balance of 15 normally sighted adults. We found that the shift in eye balance from MD stayed consistent, showing no signs of deterioration after subjects experienced multiple periods of MD. This finding shows no loss of effectiveness of repeated daily doses of MD if used therapeutically to rebalance binocular vision in otherwise normal individuals. Furthermore, ocular dominance plasticity, which is the basis of the effects of short-term MD, does not seem to share the property of \'perceptual deterioration\' with contrast adaptation, suggesting different neural bases for these two related phenomena.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amblyopia is a common visual impairment that develops during the early years of postnatal life. It emerges as a sequela to eye misalignment, an imbalanced refractive state, or obstruction to form vision. All of these conditions prevent normal vision and derail the typical development of neural connections within the visual system. Among the subtypes of amblyopia, the most debilitating and recalcitrant to treatment is deprivation amblyopia. Nevertheless, human studies focused on advancing the standard of care for amblyopia have largely avoided recruitment of patients with this rare but severe impairment subtype. In this review, we delineate characteristics of deprivation amblyopia and underscore the critical need for new and more effective therapy. Animal models offer a unique opportunity to address this unmet need by enabling the development of unconventional and potent amblyopia therapies that cannot be pioneered in humans. Insights derived from studies using animal models are discussed as potential therapeutic innovations for the remediation of deprivation amblyopia. Retinal inactivation is highlighted as an emerging therapy that exhibits efficacy against the effects of monocular deprivation at ages when conventional therapy is ineffective, and recovery occurs without apparent detriment to the treated eye.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the impact of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling on reactivating visual cortical plasticity in adult amblyopic mice.
    Reverse suture (RS), environment enrichment (EE), and combined with left intracerebroventricular injection of p38 MAPK inhibitor (SB203580, SB) or p38 MAPK agonist (dehydrocorydaline hydrochloride, DHC) were utilized to treat adult amblyopic mice with monocular deprivation (MD). The visual water task, visual cliff test, and Flash visual-evoked potential were used to measure the visual function. Then, Golgi staining and transmission electron microscopy were used to assess the reactivation of structural plasticity in adult amblyopic mice. Western blot and immunohistochemistry detected the expression of ATF2, PSD-95, p38 MAPK, and phospho-p38 MAPK in the left visual cortex.
    No statistically significant difference was observed in the visual function in each pre-intervention group. Compared to pre-intervention, the visual acuity of deprived eyes was improved significantly, the impairment of visual depth perception was alleviated, and the P wave amplitude and C/I ratio were increased in the EE + RS, the EE + RS + SB, and the EE + RS + DMSO groups, but no significant difference was detected in the EE + RS + DHC group. Compared to EE + RS + DHC group, the density of dendritic spines was significantly higher, the synaptic density of the left visual cortex increased significantly, the length of the active synaptic zone increased, and the thickness of post-synaptic density (PSD) thickened in the left visual cortex of EE + RS, EE + RS + SB, and EE + RS + DMSO groups. And that, the protein expression of p-p38 MAPK increased while that of PSD-95 and ATF2 decreased significantly in the left visual cortex of the EE + RS + DHC group mice.
    RS and EE intervention improved the visual function and synaptic plasticity of the visual cortex in adult amblyopic mice. However, activating p38 MAPK hinders the recovery of visual function by upregulating the phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and decreasing the ATF2 protein expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obstruction of vision to one eye during early postnatal development elicits neural modifications in the visual system that can last a lifetime. Research in rodents has revealed that an early and transient monocular deprivation (MD) can produce an enduring alteration to the framework of neural connections within visual cortex. This lasting trace of early MD enables an enhanced effect of a second MD imposed on the same eye in adulthood. In the current study, we examined whether the modification of plasticity potential was bidirectional by assessing whether the effect of early and brief MD attenuated the impact of a subsequent MD when applied to the fellow eye. Results were clear in showing that animals with an early MD exhibited a smaller response to later visual deprivation of the fellow eye. Compared to controls, animals with a history of MD exhibited less atrophy of neurons, and a smaller loss of neurofilament labeling within the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. The shift in cortical ocular dominance elicited by MD was also smaller in animals with a prior MD. These results indicate that early MD elicits abiding and eye-specific neural modifications that can selectively alter plasticity potential in the visual system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuroplasticity is maximal during development and declines in adulthood, especially for sensory cortices. On the other hand, the motor and prefrontal cortices retain plasticity throughout the lifespan. This difference has led to a modular view of plasticity in which different brain regions have their own plasticity mechanisms that do not depend or translate on others. Recent evidence shows that visual and motor plasticity share common neural mechanisms (e.g., GABAergic inhibition), indicating a possible link between these different forms of plasticity, however, the interaction between visual and motor plasticity has never been tested directly. Here, we show that when visual and motor plasticity are elicited at the same time in adult humans, visual plasticity is impaired, while motor plasticity is spared. Moreover, simultaneous activation of working memory and visual plasticity also leads to impairment in visual plasticity. These unilateral interactions between visual, working memory, and motor plasticity demonstrate a clear link between these three forms of plasticity. We conclude that local neuroplasticity in separate systems might be regulated globally, to preserve overall homeostasis in the brain.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    A classic example of experience-dependent plasticity is ocular dominance (OD) shift, in which the responsiveness of neurons in the visual cortex is profoundly altered following monocular deprivation (MD). It has been postulated that OD shifts also modify global neural networks, but such effects have never been demonstrated. Here, we used longitudinal wide-field optical calcium imaging to measure resting-state functional connectivity during acute (3-day) MD in mice. First, delta GCaMP6 power in the deprived visual cortex decreased, suggesting that excitatory activity was reduced in the region. In parallel, interhemispheric visual homotopic functional connectivity was rapidly reduced by the disruption of visual drive through MD and was sustained significantly below baseline state. This reduction of visual homotopic connectivity was accompanied by a reduction in parietal and motor homotopic connectivity. Finally, we observed enhanced internetwork connectivity between visual and parietal cortex that peaked at MD2. Together, these findings support the hypothesis that early MD induces dynamic reorganization of disparate functional networks including association cortices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ocular dominance shift observed after short-term monocular deprivation is a widely used measure of visual homeostatic plasticity in adult humans. Binocular rivalry and binocular combination techniques are used interchangeably to characterize homeostatic plasticity, sometimes leading to contradictory results. Here we directly compare the effect of short-term monocular deprivation on ocular dominance measured by either binocular rivalry or binocular combination and its dependence on the duration of deprivation (15 or 120 min) in the same group of participants. Our results show that both binocular rivalry and binocular combination provide reliable estimates of ocular dominance, which are strongly correlated across techniques both before and after deprivation. Moreover, while 15 min of monocular deprivation induce a larger shift of ocular dominance when measured using binocular combination compared to binocular rivalry, for both techniques, the shift in ocular dominance exhibits a strong dependence on the duration of monocular deprivation, with longer deprivation inducing a larger and longer-lasting shift in ocular dominance. Taken together, our results indicate that both binocular rivalry and binocular combination offer very consistent and reliable measurements of both ocular dominance and the effect short-term monocular deprivation.





