
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abdominal and neural angiostrongyliasis caused by Angiostrongylus costaricensis and A. cantonensis, respectively, are zoonotic diseases involving snails as intermediate hosts. Colombia has already reported human cases, and the increasing distribution of Lissachatina fulica and Cornu aspersum raises public health concerns due to the potential risk of disease transmission in areas where parasites and hosts coexist.
    To identify the presence of Angiostrongylus spp. in snail species L. fulica and C. aspersum in Antioquia, Colombia.
    This prospective cross-sectional study had a population of 5,855 L. fulica and C. aspersum snails captured in the ten towns of the Valle de Aburrá (Antioquia, Colombia), 169 samples were collected in 28 sampling points. Lung tissues of the collected snails were dissected and analyzed to detect Angiostrongylus spp. through molecular techniques.
    Angiostrongylus spp. were identified in both L. fulica and C. aspersum. Angiostrongylus costaricensis was detected in 18 pooled prevalence of 30% (95% CI = 19.2-43.3), and Medellín was the municipality with the highest number of positive samples (33.3%). Seventy-two-point-two percent of the positive places reported the presence of rodents. None of the tests were positive for A. cantonensis.
    Our findings provide important insights into the epidemiology and distribution of Angiostrongylus spp. in Antioquia, Colombia. The identification of these parasitic nematodes in L. fulica and C. aspersum highlights the potential role of these snails as intermediate hosts in the transmission of Angiostrongylus spp. infections in the Valle de Aburrá, with implications for human and veterinary health.
    La angiostrongiliasis abdominal y neura –causadas por Angiostrongylus costaricensis y A. cantonensis, respectivamente– son zoonosis que involucran caracoles como huéspedes intermediarios. Colombia ya ha reportado casos en humanos y la ampliación de la distribución de Lissachatina fulica y Cornu aspersum aumenta la preocupación en salud pública debido al riesgo potencial de transmisión en áreas donde los parásitos y sus huéspedes coexisten.
    Identificar la presencia de Angiostrongylus spp. en caracoles de las especies L. fulica y C. aspersum en Antioquia (Colombia).
    Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal prospectivo con una población de 5.855 caracoles de L. fulica o C. aspersum, capturados en diez ciudades del valle de Aburrá; 169 muestras fueron recolectadas en 28 puntos de muestreo. Se disecaron los tejidos pulmonares de los caracoles y se emplearon técnicas moleculares para detectar la presencia de Angiostrongylus spp.
    Angiostrongylus costaricensis fue detectado en 18 muestras agrupadas (30 %; IC95%: 19,2-43,3), tanto en L. fulica como en C. aspersum. Medellín fue el municipio con el mayor número de muestras positivas (33,3 %). El 72,2 % de los lugares positivos reportaron la presencia de roedores. Ninguna de las pruebas fue positiva para A. cantonensis.
    Estos hallazgos brindan información importante sobre la distribución de Angiostrongylus spp. en Antioquia (Colombia). La identificación de estos nemátodos en L. fulica y C. aspersum resalta el papel potencial de estos caracoles como huéspedes intermediarios en la transmisión de infecciones por Angiostrongylus en el valle de Aburrá, con implicaciones para la salud humana y veterinaria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the lack of endogenous synthesis and relevant nuclear receptors, several papers have been published over the decades claiming that the physiology of mollusks is affected by natural and synthetic sex steroids. With scant evidence for the existence of functional steroid nuclear receptors in mollusks, some scientists have speculated that the effects of steroids might be mediated via membrane receptors (i.e. via non-genomic/non-classical actions) - a mechanism that has been well-characterized in vertebrates. However, no study has yet investigated the ligand-binding ability of such receptor candidates in mollusks. The aim of the present study was to further trace the evolution of the endocrine system by investigating the presence of functional membrane sex steroid receptors in a mollusk, the great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis). We detected sequences homologous to the known vertebrate membrane sex steroid receptors in the Lymnaea transcriptome and genome data: G protein-coupled estrogen receptor-1 (GPER1); membrane progestin receptors (mPRs); G protein-coupled receptor family C group 6 member A (GPRC6A); and Zrt- and Irt-like protein 9 (ZIP9). Sequence analyses, including conserved domain analysis, phylogenetics, and transmembrane domain prediction, indicated that the mPR and ZIP9 candidates appeared to be homologs, while the GPER1 and GPRC6A candidates seemed to be non-orthologous receptors. All candidates transiently transfected into HEK293MSR cells were found to be localized at the plasma membrane, confirming that they function as membrane receptors. However, the signaling assays revealed that none of the candidates interacted with the main vertebrate steroid ligands. Our findings strongly suggest that functional membrane sex steroid receptors which would be homologous to the vertebrate ones are not present in Lymnaea. Although further experiments are required on other molluscan model species as well, we propose that both classical and non-classical sex steroid signaling for endocrine responses are specific to chordates, confirming that molluscan and vertebrate endocrine systems are fundamentally different.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    The Pleurotomarioidea, commonly referred to as slit shells, constitute one of the most ancient and enduring lineages within the phylum Mollusca, with its fossil record tracing back to the Upper Cambrian epoch. Its rareness and evolutionary antiquity surpass even that of the nautilus. In this study, we conducted the first transcriptome sequencing and analyses of Entemnotrochus rumphii (Schepman, 1879), a representative species of Pleurotomarioidea. Full-length transcriptome sequencing of E. rumphii was performed using the PacBio Sequel II platform with SMRT technology. A total of 64.38 gigabytes of data and 964,550 polymerase reads were generated, resulting in 28,068,998 subreads after data filtering. After de-duplication, correction, and clustering, we identified 19,273 genes. Additionally, next-generation sequencing was performed on 11 tissues of E. rumphii. This investigation provides a detailed portrayal and analytical scrutiny of its transcriptomic landscape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Discoveries of new species often depend on one or a few specimens, leading to delays as researchers wait for additional context, sometimes for decades. There is currently little professional incentive for a single expert to publish a stand-alone species description. Additionally, while many journals accept taxonomic descriptions, even specialist journals expect insights beyond the descriptive work itself. The combination of these factors exacerbates the issue that only a small fraction of marine species are known and new discoveries are described at a slow pace, while they face increasing threats from accelerating global change. To tackle this challenge, this first compilation of Ocean Species Discoveries (OSD) presents a new collaborative framework to accelerate the description and naming of marine invertebrate taxa that can be extended across all phyla. Through a mode of publication that can be speedy, taxonomy-focused and generate higher citation rates, OSD aims to create an attractive home for single species descriptions. This Senckenberg Ocean Species Alliance (SOSA) approach emphasises thorough, but compact species descriptions and diagnoses, with supporting illustrations and with molecular data when available. Even basic species descriptions carry key data for distributions and ecological interactions (e.g., host-parasite relationships) besides universally valid species names; these are essential for downstream uses, such as conservation assessments and communicating biodiversity to the broader public.
    UNASSIGNED: This paper presents thirteen marine invertebrate taxa, comprising one new genus, eleven new species and one re-description and reinstatement, covering wide taxonomic, geographic, bathymetric and ecological ranges. The taxa addressed herein span three phyla (Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata), five classes, eight orders and twelve families. Apart from the new genus, an updated generic diagnosis is provided for four other genera. The newly-described species of the phylum Mollusca are Placiphorellamethanophila Vončina, sp. nov. (Polyplacophora, Mopaliidae), Lepetodrilusmarianae Chen, Watanabe & Tsuda, sp. nov. (Gastropoda, Lepetodrilidae), Shinkailepasgigas Chen, Watanabe & Tsuda, sp. nov. (Gastropoda, Phenacolepadidae) and Lyonsiellaillaesa Machado & Sigwart, sp. nov. (Bivalvia, Lyonsiellidae). The new taxa of the phylum Arthropoda are all members of the subphylum Crustacea: Lepechinellanaces Lörz & Engel, sp. nov. (Amphipoda, Lepechinellidae), Cuniculomaeragrata Tandberg & Jażdżewska, gen. et sp. nov. (Amphipoda, Maeridae), Pseudionellapumulaensis Williams & Landschoff, sp. nov. (Isopoda, Bopyridae), Mastigoniscusminimus Wenz, Knauber & Riehl, sp. nov. (Isopoda, Haploniscidae), Macrostylispapandreas Jonannsen, Riehl & Brandt, sp. nov. (Isopoda, Macrostylidae), Austroniscusindobathyasellus Kaiser, Kniesz & Kihara, sp. nov. (Isopoda, Nannoniscidae) and Apseudopsisdaria Esquete & Tato, sp. nov. (Tanaidacea, Apseudidae). In the phylum Echinodermata, the reinstated species is Psychropotesbuglossa E. Perrier, 1886 (Holothuroidea, Psychropotidae).The study areas span the North and Central Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the North, East and West Pacific Ocean and depths from 5.2 m to 7081 m. Specimens of eleven free-living and one parasite species were collected from habitats ranging from an estuary to deep-sea trenches. The species were illustrated with photographs, line drawings, micro-computed tomography, confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy images. Molecular data are included for nine species and four species include a molecular diagnosis in addition to their morphological diagnosis.The five new geographic and bathymetric distribution records comprise Lepechinellanaces Lörz & Engel, sp. nov., Cuniculomaeragrata Tandberg & Jażdżewska, sp. nov., Pseudionellapumulaensis Williams & Landschoff, sp. nov., Austroniscusindobathyasellus Kaiser, Kniesz & Kihara, sp. nov. and Psychropotesbuglossa E. Perrier, 1886, with the novelty spanning from the species to the family level. The new parasite record is Pseudionellapumulaensis Williams & Landschoff, sp. nov., found in association with the hermit crab Pagurusfraserorum Landschoff & Komai, 2018.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dakhla Bay, situated on the African Atlantic coast, has witnessed sporadic harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by toxic dinoflagellate species over the past two decades. In this study, we investigated the distribution, abundance, and diversity of dinoflagellate cysts, with a focus on potentially toxic species that develop in this ecosystem where such data are lacking. Sediment samples were collected in April 2018 through coring at 49 stations distributed across the bay. The highest abundance of dinoflagellate cysts was recorded at 304 cysts/g dry sediment, observed at the inner part of the bay, indicating that this area is the preferential zone for cyst accumulation. Pearson\'s tests revealed significant positive correlations (P < 0.05) between cyst abundance and the water content, organic matter, and fine fraction (< 63 μm) of the sediment. Cyst morphotypes of potentially toxic dinoflagellate species known to produce saxitoxins, such as Alexandrium minutum, Alexandrium tamarense species complex, Gymnodinium catenatum, and yessotoxins, such as Lingulodinium polyedrum and Gonyaulax cf. spinifera, were identified in the sediment of Dakhla Bay. These findings were further supported by our long-term monitoring period (2005-2018), underscoring the presence of these HAB species in Dakhla Bay. During our survey, sporadic mollusk intoxication events were recorded at station PK25 for the grooved razor shell Solen marginatus and at station Boutelha for the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Paralytic shellfish toxin concentrations exceeded the sanitary threshold (80 μg STX di-HCl eq/100 g of shellfish meat) only twice, in December 2006 and January 2007 at station PK25. Contamination by amnesic shellfish toxins occurred sporadically but never reached the sanitary threshold of 20 µg/g of shellfish meat. Lipophilic shellfish intoxication occurred multiple times in the two investigated areas. These observations suggest that the cysts of the identified HAB species germinated and inoculated the water column, resulting in the observed intoxication events. Relatively low levels of intoxication could be attributed to the moderate abundances of cysts, which may reduce the seeding capacity. This could be explained by the significant interaction of Dakhla Bay with the Atlantic Ocean, characterized by hydrological dynamics that impede the deposition and accumulation of cysts in the bay\'s sediments. This study reaffirms the importance of investigating dinoflagellate cysts in assessing the diversity of HAB species and evaluating associated sanitary risks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mollusks encompass enormous disparity, including familiar clams and snails alongside less familiar aculiferans (chitons and vermiform aplacophorans) with complex multicomponent skeletons. Paleozoic fossils trace crown mollusks to forms exhibiting a combination of biomineralized shells and sclerites (e.g., scales, spines, and spicules). We describe a shell-less, Cambrian stem mollusk, Shishania aculeata gen. et sp. nov., with conical, hollow chitinous sclerites and a smooth girdle, broad foot, and mantle cavity. The sclerites have a microstructure of narrow canals consistent with the impressions of chaetal microvilli found in annelids and brachiopods. Shishania sclerites provide a morphological stepping stone between typical chaetae (chitinous bristles) and the external organic part of aculiferan sclerites that encloses a mineralized body. This discovery reinforces a common origin of lophotrochozoan chaetae and the biomineralized aculiferan sclerites, suggesting that the mollusk ancestor was densely covered with hollow chitinous chaetae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated long-term changes in the megabenthic community in Tokyo Bay, Japan, using data from fisheries-independent trawl surveys conducted from 1977 to 2023. In addition, we examined the potential relationship between changes in biotic communities and environmental conditions. The total abundance and biomass exhibited an increasing trend until 1987, followed by a substantial decline from the late 1980s to the 1990s due to a decrease in small to medium-sized fish and crustacean species. Meanwhile, a marked increase in the number of large fish (including elasmobranchs), mollusks, and echinoids, was observed in the 2000s. These shifts in the megabenthic community structure were correlated with an increase in water temperature and a decrease in nutrient concentrations and copepod densities. Cumulative evidence suggests that a remarkable shift in the megabenthic community structure occurred between the 1970s and the 2020s, which was possibly associated with variations in the environmental conditions in Tokyo Bay.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD) was initially identified as a crucial adaptor protein in the apoptotic pathway mediated by death receptor (DR). Subsequently, many studies have confirmed that FADD plays a vital role in innate immunity and inflammatory responses in animals. However, the function of this pleiotropic molecule in mollusk species has not been well explored. In this study, we successfully verified the gene sequence of FADD in the Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) and designated it as CfFADD. The CfFADD protein contains a conserved death effector and death domains. Phylogenetic analysis showed that CfFADD is a novel addition to the molluscan FADD family with a close evolutionary relationship with molluscan FADD subfamily proteins. CfFADD mRNA expression in various scallop tissues was significantly induced by challenge with pathogen-associated molecular patterns (lipopolysaccharide, peptidoglycan, and poly(I:C)), suggesting its role in innate immunity in scallops. Co-immunoprecipitation showed that CfFADD interacted with the scallop DR (tumor necrosis factor receptor) and a signaling molecule involved in the Toll-like receptor pathway (interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase), confirming that CfFADD may be involved in DR-mediated apoptosis and innate immune signaling pathways. Further studies showed that CfFADD interacted with CfCaspase-8 and activated caspase-3. HEK293T cells exhibited distinct apoptotic features after transfection with a CfFADD-expression plasmid, suggesting a functional DR-FADD-caspase apoptotic pathway in scallops. Overexpression of CfFADD led to a significant dose-dependent activation of interferon β and nuclear factor-κB reporter genes, demonstrating the key role of CfFADD in innate immunity. In summary, our research has confirmed the critical roles of CfFADD in innate immunity and apoptosis and provides valuable information for developing comparative immunology theories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Juan Fernández and Desventuradas are two oceanic archipelagos located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean far off the Chilean coast that received protected status as marine parks in 2016. Remoteness and access difficulty contributed to historically poor biodiversity sampling and limited associated research. This is particularly noticeable for bivalves, with most prior regional publications focused on single taxa or un-illustrated checklists. This study investigates marine bivalves collected between the intertidal and 415 m depth during (1) the 1997 IOC97 expedition aboard the M/V Carlos Porter, with special focus on scuba-collected micro-mollusks of both archipelagos, (2) two expeditions by the R/V Anton Bruun (Cruise 12/1965 and Cruise 17/1966), and (3) Cruise 21 of USNS Eltanin under the United States Antarctic Program, which sampled at Juan Fernández in 1965. Also, relevant historical material of the British H.M.S. Challenger Expedition (1873-1876), the Swedish Pacific Expedition (1916-1917), and by German zoologist Ludwig H. Plate (1893-1895) is critically revised. A total of 48 species are recognized and illustrated, including 19 new species (described herein) and six other potentially new species. The presence of two species mentioned in the literature for the region (Aulacomya atra and Saccella cuneata) could not be confirmed. The genera Verticipronus and Halonympha are reported for the first time from the Eastern Pacific, as are Anadara and Condylocardia from Chilean waters. Lectotypes are designated for Arca (Barbatia) platei and Mytilus algosus. These findings double the number of extant bivalve species known from the Juan Fernández and Desventuradas archipelagos, highlighting the lack of attention these islands groups have received in the past. A high percentage of species endemic to one or both archipelagos are recognized herein, accounting for almost 78% of the total. The newly recognized level of bivalve endemism supports the consideration of Juan Fernández and Desventuradas as two different biogeographic units (Provinces or Ecoregions) of the Eastern Pacific Ocean.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, microplastics (MPs) have attracted extensive attention to their wide distribution and potential toxicity in ecosystems. However, there was a lack of research focused on MPs in seaweed bed ecosystems. This study investigated the distribution and toxicity of MPs in macrobenthos in Sargassum ecosystem. According to the in-situ investigation results, the abundance of MPs in the sediment was 0.9-2.3 items/g, the indoor microcosmic experiment was constructed. After exposure to MPs (0, 2, and 20 items/g) for 30 days, the abundance of MPs in macrobenthos exhibits a concentration-dependent increase. However, there was no significant bioaccumulation of MPs at the trophic level. The indoor toxicity test revealed that MPs induced oxidative stress and altered intestinal microflora composition in macrobenthos, even at actual environmental concentrations (2 items/g). It may result in a perturbation of the organism\'s homeostatic equilibrium. High-concentration (20 items/g) MPs had a greater impact on alkaline phosphatase (AKP) in Mollusks. The increase in AKP activity could be indicative of an adaptive mechanism in some macrobenthos while the decline in AKP activity might signal a decrease in their survival. These results elucidated the fate of MPs in ecosystem and the ecological risks of MPs to large benthic animals on model environmental conditions.





