molecular phylogenetics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Connaraceae is a pantropical family of about 200 species containing lianas and small trees with remarkably diverse floral polymorphisms, including distyly, tristyly, homostyly, and dioecy. To date, relationships within the family have not been investigated using a targeted molecular phylogenetic treatment, severely limiting systematic understanding and reconstruction of trait evolution. Accordingly, their last infrafamilial classification was based only on morphological data. Here, we used phylogenomic data obtained using the Angiosperms353 nuclear target sequence capture probes, sampling all tribes and almost all genera, entirely from herbarium specimens, to revise infrafamilial classification and investigate the evolution of heterostyly. The backbone of the resulting molecular phylogenetic tree is almost entirely resolved. Connaraceae consists of two clades, one containing only the African genus Manotes (4 or 5 species), which we newly recognize at the subfamily level. Vegetative and reproductive synapomorphies are proposed for Manotoideae. Within Connaroideae, Connareae is expanded to include the former Jollydoreae. The backbone of Cnestideae, which contains more than half of the Connaraceae species, remains incompletely resolved. Reconstructions of reproductive system evolution are presented that tentatively support tristyly as the ancestral state for the family, with multiple parallel losses, in agreement with previous hypotheses, plus possible re-gains. However, the great diversity of stylar polymorphisms and their phylogenetic lability preclude a definitive answer. Overall, this study reinforces the usefulness of herbarium phylogenomics, and unlocks the reproductive diversity of Connaraceae as a model system for the evolution of complex biological phenomena.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00606-024-01909-y.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Campanula L. is among the genera with the highest number of endemics in the Caucasus ecoregion. A group of attractive alpine and subalpine perennial rosette plants with short single-flowered stems centred in the Caucasus has been treated as Campanulasubg.Scapiflorae or at other ranks, with considerably varying circumscription and classification. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of three plastid DNA regions (trnK/matK, petD, rpl16) of a strongly extended sampling, comprising 23 of the 27 commonly accepted taxa (85%) with 330 accessions built on and guided by the results of our previous study of the group, confirmed the polyphyly of C.subg.Scapiflorae in any of its circumscriptions. The core clade of the group comprises exclusively endemics and near-endemics of the Caucasus and is treated here as C.sect.Tridentatae in a revised circumscription. The phylogenetic relationships of the disparate other elements of the Scapiflorae group are outlined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The planktonic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum compressum is widespread in warm and temperate seas. A strain identified as P. cf. compressum BEA 0681B isolated from the island of Gran Canaria, NE Atlantic Ocean, showed a divergence in rDNA/ITS phylogenies with respect to P. compressum. The Canarian strain was oval, with an average length-to-width ratio of 1.35, smooth thecal surface with less than 150 thecal pores, including oblique pores, sometimes with a bifurcated opening. In contrast, P. compressum was rounder, with a length-to-width ratio < 1.2, with reticulate-foveate ornamentation and 200-300 pores per valve. We propose Prorocentrum canariense sp. nov. These species clustered as the most early-branching lineage in the clade Prorocentrum sensu stricto. Although this clade mainly contains planktonic species, the closer relatives were the benthic species P. tsawwassenense and P. elegans. Interestingly, P. compressum and P. canariense sp. nov. are widely distributed in temperate and warm seas without an apparent morphological adaptation to planktonic life. The formation of two concentric hyaline mucilaginous walls could contribute to this success. We discuss the use of Prorocentrum bidens to solve the nomenclature issue of P. compressum that was described citing a diatom as basionym.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bivalves constitute an important resource for fisheries and as cultural objects. Bivalve phylogenetics has had a long tradition using both morphological and molecular characters, and genomic resources are available for a good number of commercially important species. However, relationships among bivalve families have been unstable and major conflicting results exist between mitogenomics and results based on Sanger-based amplicon sequencing or phylotranscriptomics. Here we design and test an ultraconserved elements probe set for the class Bivalvia with the aim to use hundreds of loci without the need to sequence full genomes or transcriptomes, which are expensive and complex to analyze, and to open bivalve phylogenetics to museum specimens. Our probe set successfully captured 1,513 UCEs for a total of 263,800 bp with an average length of 174.59 ± 3.44 per UCE (ranging from 28 to 842 bp). Phylogenetic testing of this UCE probe set across Bivalvia and within the family Donacidae using different data matrices and methods for phylogenetic inference shows promising results at multiple taxonomic levels. In addition, our probe set was able to capture large numbers of UCEs for museum specimens collected before 1900 and from DNAs properly stored, of which many museums and laboratories are well stocked. Overall, this constitutes a novel and useful resource for bivalve phylogenetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new family of antipatharian corals, Ameripathidae (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Antipatharia), is established for Ameripathespseudomyriophylla Opresko & Horowitz, gen. et sp. nov. The new family resembles Myriopathidae and Stylopathidae in terms of the morphology of the polyps and tentacles and the pinnulate branching of the corallum. Phylogenetic analysis using a genomic data set of 741 conserved element loci indicates that the new family is sister to a clade containing the Myriopathidae, Stylopathidae, Antipathidae, and Aphanipathidae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report a new land snail species representing a new genus from the mountainous area of Zhejiang, China. The snail has a depressed shell with granules all over the surface. The soft part of the new taxon is characterized by the presence of a mantle lobe whose form is reviewed herein across a wide range of helicoid snails, the presence of a developed epiphallic papilla, and the absence of a penial sheath, a dart sac apparatus and a flagellum. As indicated by a molecular-based phylogeny (16S + ITS2), the new taxon is deeply nested in the eastern Asian camaenid genera and shows a close relationship with the camaenids distributed in Central China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite being the most widespread blister beetle subfamily, Nemognathinae is unfairly understudied in China. In this study, a new genus and species, Sinostenoria yangi Pan, from northern China is described and illustrated. The antennae, elytra, hind wings, and claws of the new genus form a truly unique set of characteristics never observed in other genera of Nemognathini Laporte de Castelnau, 1840. Three species from China are newly recorded and illustrated: Megatrachelus sibiricus (Tauscher, 1812), Zonitomorpha dollei (Fairmaire 1889), and Stenodera djakonovi Aksentjev, 1978. The genus Oreomeloe Tan, 1981, is transferred from the tribe Meloini Gyllenhal, 1910, to Nemognathini based on an examination of the types. Aiming to test the morphology-based placement of the new genus, we conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses using two mitochondrial (COI, 16S) and three nuclear markers (28S, CAD, ITS2). The results confirm our tribal assignment of the new genus and support a clade that consists of Sinostenoriagen. n., Longizonitis Pan and Bologna, 2018, Stenoria cf. grandiceps, and Ctenopus cf. persicus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kgaria is described as a new porphyrellus-like genus of Boletaceae to accommodate Tylopilus cyanogranulifer, a dark brown to dull lilac/violet, or rarely, nearly black bolete with a series of oxidation reactions progressing from blue to red then nearly black and a dark brown spore deposit. Idiosyncratic blue-green pigment encrustations (cyanogranules) and a similarly colored reaction of the hyphae located on pileus and stipe surfaces are also diagnostic. Phylogenetic analyses of nuclear large-subunit rDNA (nrLSU), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef-1), and the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (rpb2) infer Kgaria as a unique generic lineage with two species, one of which is newly described (K. similis). Tylopilus olivaceoporus, originally described at the same time and as distinct from T. cyanogranulifer, appears to be conspecific with the latter. Some darkly pigmented taxa with similar oxidation reactions that were recently described from Brazil, Guyana, and China are further supported by morphology and molecular data as discrete lineages in separate genera in subfamily Boletoideae. Citation: Halling RE, Fechner NA, Holmes G, Davoodian N (2023). Kgaria (Boletaceae, Boletoideae) gen. nov. in Australia: Neither a Tylopilus nor a Porphyrellus. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 12: 31-45. doi: 10.3114/fuse.2023.12.02.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolution of several orthopteran groups, especially within the grasshopper family Acrididae, remains poorly understood. This is particularly true for the subfamily Gomphocerinae, which comprises cryptic sympatric and syntopic species. Previous mitochondrial studies have highlighted major discrepancies between taxonomic and phylogenetic hypotheses, thereby emphasizing the necessity of genome-wide approaches. In this study, we employ double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) to reconstruct the evolution of Central European Chorthippus and Pseudochorthippus species, especially C.smardai, P.tatrae and the C.biguttulus group. Our phylogenomic analyses recovered deep discordance with mitochondrial DNA barcoding, emphasizing its unreliability in Gomphocerinae grasshoppers. Specifically, our data robustly distinguished the C.biguttulus group and confirmed the distinctiveness of C.eisentrauti, also shedding light on its presence in the Berchtesgaden Alps. Moreover, our results support the reclassification of C.smardai to the genus Pseudochorthippus and of P.tatrae to the genus Chorthippus. Our study demonstrates the efficiency of high-throughput genomic methods such as RADseq without prior optimization to elucidate the complex evolution of grasshopper radiations with direct taxonomic implications. While RADseq has predominantly been utilized for population genomics and within-genus phylogenomics, its application extends to resolve relationships between deeply-diverged clades representative of distinct genera.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the microscopy realm, a large body of dark biodiversity still awaits to be uncovered. Unarmoured dinophytes are particularly neglected here, as they only present inconspicuous traits. In a remote German locality, we collected cells, from which a monoclonal strain was established, to study morphology using light and electron microscopy and to gain DNA sequences from the rRNA operon. In parallel, we detected unicellular eukaryotes in ponds of the Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg by DNA-metabarcoding (V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene), weekly sampled over the course of a year. Strain GeoK*077 turned out to be a new species of Borghiella with a distinct position in molecular phylogenetics and characteristic coccoid cells of ovoid shape as the most important diagnostic trait. Borghiella ovum, sp. nov., was also present in artificial ponds of the Botanical Garden and was the second most abundant dinophyte detected in the samples. More specifically, Borghiella ovum, sp. nov., shows a clear seasonality, with high frequency during winter months and complete absence during summer months. The study underlines the necessity to assess the biodiversity, particularly of the microscopy realm more ambitiously, if even common species such as formerly Borghiella ovum are yet unknown to science.





