molecular pharmacology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are key pharmacological targets, yet many remain underutilized due to unknown activation mechanisms and ligands. Orphan GPCRs, lacking identified natural ligands, are a high priority for research, as identifying their ligands will aid in understanding their functions and potential as drug targets. Most GPCRs, including orphans, couple to Gi/o/z family members, however current assays to detect their activation are limited, hindering ligand identification efforts. We introduce GZESTY, a highly sensitive, cell-based assay developed in an easily deliverable format designed to study the pharmacology of Gi/o/z-coupled GPCRs and assist in deorphanization. We optimized assay conditions and developed an all-in-one vector employing novel cloning methods to ensure the correct expression ratio of GZESTY components. GZESTY successfully assessed activation of a library of ligand-activated GPCRs, detecting both full and partial agonism, as well as responses from endogenous GPCRs. Notably, with GZESTY we established the presence of endogenous ligands for GPR176 and GPR37 in brain extracts, validating its use in deorphanization efforts. This assay enhances the ability to find ligands for orphan GPCRs, expanding the toolkit for GPCR pharmacologists.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the antitumor effects of human placenta hydrolysate (HPH) peptides on three hormone-dependent human cell lines: prostate adenocarcinoma, breast carcinoma, and ovarian cancer by metabolic analysis of cell cultures.
    METHODS: The effect of HPH on tumor and control tumor cell lines was evaluated. Study stages: (A) de novo peptide sequencing by collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry; (B) detection of peptides with anti-tumor properties; (C) expert analysis of the obtained lists of peptides.
    RESULTS: Dose-dependent cytotoxic effects of HPH on three tumor cell lines are shown: PC-3 (human prostate adenocarcinomas), OAW-42 (human ovarian cancer), BT-474 (human breast carcinomas), and IC50 constants (1.3-2.8 mg/ml) were obtained. The analysis of the HPH peptide fraction showed more than 70 peptides with antitumor properties in the composition of this HPH, including kinase inhibitors: mitogen-activated protein kinases, kappa-bi nuclear factor inhibitor kinase, AKT serine/threonine kinase 1, protein kinase C zeta, interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 and cyclin-dependent kinase 1.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study indicate not only the oncological safety of the HPH used in therapy but also the mild antitumor effects of this HPH at high concentrations.
    Цель. Исследовать противоопухолевые эффекты пептидов гидролизата плаценты человека (ГПЧ) на трех гормонозависимых линиях клеток человека: аденокарциномы простаты, карциномы молочной железы и рака яичника посредством метаболического анализа культур клеток. Материалы и методы. Проведены оценки эффектов ГПЧ на опухолевые и контрольные линии опухолевых клеток. Этапы исследования: (А) de novo секвенирование пептидов методом коллизионно-индуцированной диссоциации масс-спектрометрии; (Б) выявление пептидов с противоопухолевыми свойствами; (В) экспертный анализ полученных списков пептидов. Результаты. Показаны дозозависимые цитотоксические эффекты ГПЧ на трех опухолевых клеточных линиях: PC-3 (аденокарциномы простаты человека), OAW-42 (рака яичника человека), BT-474 (карциномы молочной железы человека) и получены значения констант IC50 (1,3–2,8 мг/мл). Представлены результаты анализа пептидной фракции ГПЧ, указывающие на более чем 70 пептидов с противоопухолевыми свойствами в составе данного ГПЧ (ингибиторы киназ: митоген-активируемых протеинкиназ, киназы ингибитора нуклеарного фактора каппа-би, AKT серин/треонинкиназы 1, Z-протеинкиназы C, киназы 4, ассоциированной с рецептором интерлейкина-1, и циклинзависимой киназы 1). Заключение. Результаты исследования позволяют утверждать не только онкобезопасность применения ГПЧ при терапии, но и слабые противоопухолевые эффекты данного ГПЧ, проявляющиеся при высоких концентрациях.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemokine receptors are relevant targets for a multitude of immunological diseases, but drug attrition for these receptors is remarkably high. While many drug discovery programs have been pursued, most prospective drugs failed in the follow-up studies due to clinical inefficacy, and hence there is a clear need for alternative approaches. Allosteric modulators of receptor function represent an excellent opportunity for novel drugs, as they modulate receptor activation in a controlled manner and display increased selectivity, and their pharmacological profile can be insurmountable. Here, we discuss allosteric ligands and their pharmacological characterization for modulation of chemokine receptors. Ligands are included if (1) they show clear signs of allosteric modulation in vitro and (2) display evidence of binding in a topologically distinct manner compared to endogenous chemokines. We discuss how allosteric ligands affect binding of orthosteric (endogenous) ligands in terms of affinity as well as binding kinetics in radioligand binding assays. Moreover, their effects on signaling events in functional assays and how their binding site can be elucidated are specified. We substantiate this with examples of published allosteric ligands targeting chemokine receptors and hypothetical graphs of pharmacological behavior. This review should serve as an effective starting point for setting up assays for characterizing allosteric ligands to develop safer and more efficacious drugs for chemokine receptors and, ultimately, other G protein-coupled receptors.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Calycosin may be a potential candidate regarding chemotherapeutic agent, because already some studies against multivarious cancer have been made with this natural compound.
    OBJECTIVE: This review elucidated a brief overview of previous studies on calycosin potential effects on various cancers and its potential mechanism of action.
    METHODS: Data retrieved by systematic searches of Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science, and Scopus by using keywords including calycosin, cancer types, anti-cancer mechanism, synergistic, and pharmacokinetic and commonly used tools are BioRender, ChemDraw Professional 16.0, and ADMETlab 2.0.
    RESULTS: Based on our review, calycosin is available in nature and effective against around 15 different types of cancer. Generally, the anti-cancer mechanism of this compound is mediated through a variety of processes, including regulation of apoptotic pathways, cell cycle, angiogenesis and metastasis, oncogenes, enzymatic pathways, and signal transduction process. These study conducted in various study models, including in silico, in vitro, preclinical and clinical models. The molecular framework behind the anti-cancer effect is targeting some oncogenic and therapeutic proteins and multiple signaling cascades. Therapies based on nano-formulated calycosin may make excellent nanocarriers for the delivery of this compound to targeted tissue as well as particular organ. This natural compound becomes very effective when combined with other natural compounds and some standard drugs. Moreover, proper use of this compound can reverse resistance to existing anti-cancer drugs through a variety of strategies. Calycosin showed better pharmacokinetic properties with less toxicity in human bodies.
    CONCLUSIONS: Calycosin exhibits excellent potential as a therapeutic drug against several cancer types and should be consumed until standard chemotherapeutics are available in pharma markets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    83 Structures of human nNOS, 55 structures of human eNOS, 13 structures of iNOS, and about 126 reported NOS-bound compounds are summarized and analyzed. Structural and statistical analysis show that, at least one copy of each analyzed compound binds to the active site (the substrate arginine binding site) of human NOS. And binding features of the three isoforms show differences, but the binding preference of compounds is not in the way helpful for inhibitor design targeting nNOS and iNOS, or for activator design targeting eNOS. This research shows that there is a strong structural and functional similarity between oxygenase domains of human NOS isoforms, especially the architecture, residue composition, size, shape, and distribution profile of hydrophobicity, polarity and charge of the active site. The selectivity and efficacy of inhibitors over the rest of isoforms rely a lot on chance and randomness. Further increase of selectivity via rational improvement is uncertain, unpredictable and unreliable, therefore, to achieve high selectivity through targeting this site is complicated and requires combinative investigation. After analysis on the current two targeting sites in NOS, the highly conserved arginine binding pocket and H4B binding pocket, new potential drug-targeting sites are proposed based on structure and sequence profiling. This comprehensive analysis on the structure and interaction profiles of human NOS and bound compounds provides fresh insights for drug discovery and pharmacological research, and the new discovery here is practically applied to guide protein-structure based drug discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An inherited neurodegenerative ailment called Huntington\'s disease (HD) of gradual physical impairment, cognitive decline, and psychiatric symptoms. It is brought on by a mutation of the HTT gene, which causes aberrant huntingtin protein buildup in neurons. This predominantly affects the striatum and cerebral cortex, where neuronal malfunction and eventual cell death follow. The quality index of life for both patients and their families is significantly impacted when symptoms first appear in mid-adulthood. An overview of the available therapies for HD is given in this article. Although HD has no known treatment options, there are several that try to lessen symptoms and reduce the disease\'s development. By lowering involuntary movements, pharmaceutical treatments like tetrabenazine and deutetrabenazine focus on motor symptoms. Antidepressants and antipsychotic medicines are also used to manage the mental and cognitive symptoms of HD. The investigation of prospective gene-based medicines is a result of research into disease-modifying medications. Reduced synthesis of mutant huntingtin protein is the goal of RNA interference (RNAi) strategies, which may halt the course of illness. Additionally, continuing research into Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats and CRISPR-associated protein 9 (CRISPR-Cas9) and other gene editing methods shows promise for reversing the genetic mutation that causes HD. Individuals with HD can benefit from non-pharmacological therapies such as physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy to increase their functional abilities and general well-being. Supportive treatment, psychiatric therapy, and caregiver support groups are also essential in addressing the difficult problems the illness presents. In conclusion, tremendous progress is being made in the domain of HD treatment, with an emphasis on symptom control, disease modification, and prospective gene-based therapeutics. Even though there has been significant improvement, more study is still required to provide better therapies and ultimately discover a solution for this debilitating condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modulation of the human Ether-à-go-go-Related Gene (hERG) channel, a crucial voltage-gated potassium channel in the repolarization of action potentials in ventricular myocytes of the heart, has significant implications on cardiac electrophysiology and can be either antiarrhythmic or proarrhythmic. For example, hERG channel blockade is a leading cause of long QT syndrome and potentially life-threatening arrhythmias, such as torsades de pointes. Conversely, hERG channel blockade is the mechanism of action of Class III antiarrhythmic agents in terminating ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation. In recent years, it has been recognized that less proarrhythmic hERG blockers with clinical potential or Class III antiarrhythmic agents exhibit, in addition to their hERG-blocking activity, a second action that facilitates the voltage-dependent activation of the hERG channel. This facilitation is believed to reduce the proarrhythmic potential by supporting the final repolarizing of action potentials. This review covers the pharmacological characteristics of hERG blockers/facilitators, the molecular mechanisms underlying facilitation, and their clinical significance, as well as unresolved issues and requirements for research in the fields of ion channel pharmacology and drug-induced arrhythmias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypertension is the leading remediable risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the United States. Excess dietary salt consumption, which is a catalyst of hypertension, initiates an inflammatory cascade via activation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). This pro-inflammatory response is driven primarily by sodium ions (Na+) transporting into APCs by the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and subsequent NADPH oxidase activation, leading to high levels of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress, a well-known catalyst for hypertension-related illness development, disturbs redox homeostasis, which ultimately promotes lipid peroxidation, isolevuglandin production and an inflammatory response. Natural medicinal compounds derived from organic materials that are characterized by their anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and anti-mutagenic properties have recently gained traction amongst the pharmacology community due to their therapeutic effects. Flavonoids, a natural phenolic compound, have these therapeutic benefits and can potentially serve as anti-hypertensives. Flavones are a type of flavonoid that have increased anti-inflammatory effects that may allow them to act as therapeutic agents for hypertension, including diosmetin, which is able to induce significant arterial vasodilation in several different animal models. This review will focus on the activity of flavones to illuminate potential preventative and potential therapeutic mechanisms against hypertension.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Positive heterotropic cooperativity, or \"activation,\" results in an instantaneous increase in enzyme activity in the absence of an increase in protein expression. Thus, cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme activation presents as a potential drug-drug interaction mechanism. It has been demonstrated previously that dapsone activates the CYP2C9-catalyzed oxidation of a number of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in vitro. Here, we conducted molecular dynamics simulations (MDS) together with enzyme kinetic investigations and site-directed mutagenesis to elucidate the molecular basis of the activation of CYP2C9-catalyzed S-flurbiprofen 4\'-hydroxylation and S-naproxen O-demethylation by dapsone. Supplementation of incubations of recombinant CYP2C9 with dapsone increased the catalytic efficiency of flurbiprofen and naproxen oxidation by 2.3- and 16.5-fold, respectively. MDS demonstrated that activation arises predominantly from aromatic interactions between the substrate, dapsone, and the phenyl rings of Phe114 and Phe476 within a common binding domain of the CYP2C9 active site, rather than involvement of a distinct effector site. Mutagenesis of Phe114 and Phe476 abrogated flurbiprofen and naproxen oxidation, and MDS and kinetic studies with the CYP2C9 mutants further identified a pivotal role of Phe476 in dapsone activation. MDS additionally showed that aromatic stacking interactions between two molecules of naproxen are necessary for binding in a catalytically favorable orientation. In contrast to flurbiprofen and naproxen, dapsone did not activate the 4\'-hydroxylation of diclofenac, suggesting that the CYP2C9 active site favors cooperative binding of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with a planar or near-planar geometry. More generally, the work confirms the utility of MDS for investigating ligand binding in CYP enzymes.





