molecular investigations

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Investigating the causes of Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is always difficult; in fact, genetic cardiac conditions associated with SCD could be \"silent\" even during autopsy investigation. In these cases, it is important to exclude other aetiology and assist to ask for genetic investigations. Herein, the purpose of this review is to collect the most-implicated genes in SCD and generate a panel with indications for first line and second line investigations. A systematic review of genetic disorders that may cause SCD in the general population was carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Review (PRISMA) standards. We subsequently listed the genes that may be tested in the case of sudden cardiac death when the autopsy results are negative or with no evidence of acquired cardiac conditions. To make genetic tests more specific and efficient, it is useful and demanded to corroborate autopsy findings with the molecular investigation as evident in the panel proposed. The genes for first line investigations are HCM, MYBPC3, MYH7, TNNT2, TNNI3, while in case of DCM, the most implicated genes are LMNA and TTN, and in second line for these CDM, ACTN2, TPM1, C1QPB could be investigated. In cases of ACM/ARVC, the molecular investigation includes DSP, DSG2, DSC2, RYR2, PKP2. The channelopathies are associated with the following genes: SCN5A, KCNQ1, KCNH2, KCNE1, RYR2. Our work underlines the importance of genetic tests in forensic medicine and clinical pathology; moreover, it could be helpful not only to assist the pathologists to reach a diagnosis, but also to prevent other cases of SCD in the family of the descendant and to standardise the type of analysis performed in similar cases worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tear film forms a protective barrier between the ocular surface and the external environment. Despite its small volume, recent advancements in preanalytical and analytical procedures have enabled its in-depth analysis using multiple approaches. However, the diversity of tear film collection methods and the lack of standardization in pre-analytical methods represent the main obstacles to reproducible results and comparison among different studies. In this study, we first improved the pre-analytical procedures for the extraction of various molecular entities from Schirmer strips (ScS). Subsequently, our investigation focused on analyzing the molecular variances that might occur between two primary tear collection methods: capillary tube (CT) and ScS. Additionally, we examined different parts of the ScS to underscore these variations, which could serve as crucial factors for developing a standardized, optimized protocol for sample processing. Our results show that the inclusion of surfactants in the extraction process enhanced both the yield of protein extraction and the number of proteins identified in ScS, by effectively lysing the cells and improving the solubility of several intracellular proteins. In addition to proteins, nucleic acids could also be recovered for gene expression analyses, particularly from the bulb region of the ScS which is placed in the cul-de-sac. Despite their diluted nature, extracts from ScS remain a suitable material for retrieving tear proteins such as IL-17A at levels as low as the fg/mL range, thanks to highly sensitive immunoassays. Collection methods can affect measured tear protein levels. Lactoferrin is found in higher percentages in capillary electrophoresis analysis of tears collected using ScS compared to tears collected by CT (39.6 ± 4.8% versus 31 ± 4.4%).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus caused coronavirus infection termed as COVID-19, an illness that has spread devastation all over the world. It was developed first in China and had swiftly spread throughout the world. COVID has created imposed burden on health in the lives of all individuals around the globe. This article provides a number of unprecedented detection technologies used in the detection of infection. COVID has created a large number of symptoms in the young, adolescent as well as elderly population. Old age people are susceptible to fatal serious symptoms because of low immunity. With these goals in mind, this article includes substantial condemning descriptions of the majority of initiatives in order to create diagnostic tools for easy diagnosis. It also provides the reader with a multidisciplinary viewpoint on how traditional approaches such as serology and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) along with the frontline techniques such as clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas and artificial intelligence/machine learning have been utilized to gather information. The story will inspire creative new ways for successful detection therapy and to prevent this pandemic among a wide audience of operating and aspiring biomedical scientists and engineers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new monoraphid diatom species Achnanthidium tinea Tseplik, Kulikovskiy, Kociolek & Maltsev, sp. nov. is described from Indonesia. The species is described on the basis of molecular and morphological analyses. According to molecular data the new species belongs to the clade that includes strains of Achnanthidium minutissimum, Achnanthidium saprophilum and Achnanthidium digitatum. Morphologically, the new species differs quite significantly from other species of the same genus because of linear-elliptic valves with almost parallel sides and strongly radiate striae and a butterfly-shaped fascia on the raphe valve. The morphology and phylogeny of the new species are discussed, and thoughts on the current state of the taxonomy of the genus Achnanthidium are expressed. Our work shows the importance of using molecular data in diatom systematics and also demonstrates the need to investigate rarely studied regions of our planet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Automated methodologies allowing for rapid detection of Factor V Leiden and Factor II G20210A variants are desirable, due to a high number of tested patients. Here, we report a preliminary validation of a CE-marked in vitro diagnostic (IVD) certified method for simultaneous detection of Factor V Leiden and Factor II G20210A variants on whole blood samples. The novel method is based on Loop-mediated isothermal AMPlification (LAMP) applied for a duplex detection of Factor V Leiden and Factor II G20210A variants without requiring prior DNA extraction, whereas the routine one is a TaqMan SNP genotyping targeting genomic DNA. We tested routine patients for both variants using novel and current methods and estimated concordance rate. Patients were tested under similar laboratory procedures. One hundred and eight patients referred for the thrombophilia testing in the period between 9th December 2019 to 27th February 2020 represented the study population. We routinely identified for the Factor V Leiden variant 163 wild-type, 17 heterozygotes and no homozygote. Concerning the Factor II G20210A variant, we identified 170 wild-type, nine heterozygotes and one homozygous carrier. Two heterozygotes carried both variants (double heterozygotes). The LAMP method showed a 100% concordance rate, detecting rightly all genotypes. The LAMP for a duplex detection of common thrombophilia variants shows analytic performances as good as those of the standard method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial mummification has been used since antiquity and is best known from ancient Egypt. Despite ancient Egyptian mummies being studied for several decades, the mummification techniques of that time are not well understood. Modern mummification experiments involving animal and human tissues have contributed additional insights relevant to a broad field of research. In the current study, we present follow-up results of an experiment on artificial mummification, which began in 2009. A human leg was artificially mummified and monitored for almost a year with histological, molecular, and radiological techniques. Since then, it has remained in a dry, natron salt blend for 9 years. The current analyses show further progression of dehydration and tissue alterations, as well as DNA degradation, suggesting an ongoing process. Our results add new insights into the mechanisms of tissue mummification. Taking into account that the process is still ongoing, further research is required, including a re-evaluation of the human leg in the future.





